Garden Guardian [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Garden Guardian [M]
POSTED ON May 25, 2022 0:49:10 GMT
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Oscar scratched his head, looking upon a lone berry tree with confusion. He looked to the portly farmer next to him, "This is it? That's all that's left?" The farmer nodded, resting his hands on the straps of his overalls. "Yepper. The other trees were ripped to shreds. Real shame, this was the runt of the crop." Oscar sighed, rubbing his chin as he pondered what to do. He believed that he could outsource his berry farming, allowing for twice the normal crop and thus twice the benefit. However, his efforts were met with nothing but misfortune as every one of the berry trees that grew were raided by presumably wild pokemon.

Oscar scoffed, "You know, this doesn't look very good for you. In fact I have half a mind to believe you took the berries yourself." The farmer's nonchalance faded immediately, replaced with a frantic anxiety. "I-I-I assure you sir, I had old Scruffy watching the garden the entire time! Yep yep ain't that right Scruffy?" The farmer motioned to a sleeping Stoutland, who seemed down right ancient as far as pokemon go. Oscar rolled his eyes, flipping open a pair of sunglasses and donning them as he turned away. "These berries will be ripe tomorrow yeah?" The farmer opened his mouth to speak, only to be interrupted as a large creature flew past him.

A mighty bird landed next to Oscar, staring forward as they awaited orders. "Babayaga." Oscar stated plainly, prompting the Decidueye to look toward his master. "This garden is your territory now. Guard it with your life. I'll be back in the morning." Oscar walked off, leaving Babayaga alone to contemplate his new task. He suddenly jerked his head toward the farmer, who promptly seized up before running off. Babayaga sneered, flying off as he began his watch from the shadows. This tree may be his only charge, but he shall protect it with everything he has.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Garden Guardian [M]
POSTED ON May 27, 2022 15:38:50 GMT
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The following day.

Caspian wasn't quite sure what prompted him to come to this farm in Mauville City. Probably because there was a little bird that told him that there were some berries ripe for the picking out there. They would be easy to take, easy to grab and use for his own wellbeing.

Hell, maybe he could give some of these berries to the gang members for their own Pokemon for evolution, enhancement, and otherwise. If there were plenty, he could sell them for triple or quadruple the price depending on the types of berries and if they were in demand.

Seemed like a reasonable explanation for him to raid this farm.

Caspian ensured that he'd be the only one around before making his move. Everything was quiet, and he believed he was alone as he stalked out into the field. The sounds that could be hear were those of nature and his feet rattling the grass as he strode forward.

Until a DECIDUEYE swooped down, talons out to reach for his hair and yanking him away as Cas's hands came near the berries.

"Ah! Fuck! What the fuck!"
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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Garden Guardian [M]
POSTED ON May 29, 2022 2:00:09 GMT
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The night before...

A Skwovet approached the berry tree in the middle of the night, its cheeks already stuffed with berries. As it saw the nearly ripe berries hanging from the tree, it could not overcome its greedy stomach. After all, it had a rough day and deserved some extra sweets. It bounded toward the foot of the trunk, but its paw barely touched the bark before it disappeared. The last thing it saw before having its neck snapped by ravenous talons was the tree growing smaller and smaller, its body being lifted high into the sky.

Babayaga was the ultimate bodyguard. He never slept, he needed very little to eat, and he was completely psychotic. He defended his charges without mercy, executing anything that came too close. If it was too big to kill in one slash, he did his best to maim it. His bloodlust was insatiable, and Oscar could always rely on him to keep garden-based assets safe.

The next day came, and in a few hours Oscar would be arriving to collect the berries. Babayaga did not relent just because his task was nearly finished; he patrolled from high above incessant devotion. Thus when appeared to perform a little harmless skullduggery, Babayaga would strike at him like any other intruder.

When Babayaga swooped down to attack, he was aiming for Caspian's eyes. He planned to skewered them, rendering the would-be thief blind and full of regret. However he aimed too high and ended up pulling him by his hair instead. A foolish mistake, he vowed to not make another. A flew in a wide arc, landing within the shadow of the tree. He glared toward Caspian, slowly raising one of his wings in a threatening manner. Babayaga was allowing the human one chance, if he continued his pursuit of delicious berries the faithful decidueye would not hesitate to rip him to shreds.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Garden Guardian [M]
POSTED ON Jun 5, 2022 5:03:08 GMT
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Talons tangle in his white and red-streaked hair, pulling back sharply and causing his scalp to burn. Caspian felt the tips of the DECIDUEYE'S claws brush his forehead, enough to cut it shallowly.

However, miraculously, it let go, relieving the tension as he raised his hands to his head. Swatting at the air, he turned, looking around to spot the bird in the tree.

It stood proudly in the branches, wings spread in a warning.

"The hell! I thought this place was supposed to be empty," Caspian muttered with a scowl, swiping a tinge of blood away with his fingers.

Did that stop Caspian from pursuing the berries? Not one bit.

Though he kept his body forward, facing the bird, he snuck closer to the berries, attempting to swipe a couple before the bird could attack again.
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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Garden Guardian [M]
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2022 2:09:02 GMT
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The human did not heed Babayaga's warning, and insisted on approaching the tree. Surely Babayaga could spare just a few berries for this persistent trainer. Right?


Babayaga would sooner die then let a single berry escape the tree's branches, at least not without retribution! His wing was already outstretched, so unbeknownst to the interloper Babayaga was already prepared to strike. With his other wing he pulled backward, emulating the form of an archer priming their bow. A shadowy arrow would appear at the tip of his outstretched wing, and Babayaga would loose it toward the intruder.

It would miss, likely to the intruder's relief. Ah but this was a trap! If the trainer was not careful, he would fail to notice the Spirit Shackle emerging from the arrow. Perhaps he would further fail to notice these ghostly chains attempting to wrap around his legs and hold him in place. Babayaga shrieked with a vengeful rage, his eyes manic with bloodlust. This human would pay for his insolence, if his snare was successful Babayaga planned to torment this whelp until he begged for mercy! 

---20 Minutes Earlier---

Oscar was spending the morning at a Mauville cafe, sipping a latte while aimlessly looking over his social media. He was rather groggy, and really wished he could ditch work today to sleep in. Alas, that was just wishful longing. At the very least though, he could unwind a bit before heading to the office. Suddenly his mindless scrolling was interrupted by an alarm. It was a reminder to pick up his berries, which he had entirely forgotten about.

Oscar nearly choked on his beverage as the memory came flooding back to him. "Fuck shit I need to hurry!" He leapt from the table and hurried out the door. He pulled out a pokeball, releasing his Salamence onto the Mauville sidewalk. He jumped onto its back, ignoring the bewildered cries of angry pedestrians. As they took to the skies, Oscar could not help but wonder how Babayaga faired during his watch. Hopefully he did not get into any trouble...

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Garden Guardian [M]
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2022 3:33:25 GMT
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Caspian was just in reach of the berries. He was so close, he could practically feel money in his hands. Just a few from each plant, and he'd be good to go-


A rush of air blew past his face, over his shoulder, and whistled past his ear, the arrow landing not too far in front of him. He was frozen in place before slowly turning to look at the DECIDUEYE.

"What the fuck, dude!" he said, as though the Pokemon would understand and feel sympathy for him.

It was a distraction enough, since he wasn't aware of the shackles crawling forth. With his back turned, Caspian was vulnerable.

And when he tried to take a step forward, to perhaps shoo away the bird, he was stuck in place. Looking down, he noticed that he was ensnared, unable to stride ahead at the bird.

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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Garden Guardian [M]
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2022 2:08:08 GMT
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Babayaga leered down at his prey, waiting patiently for him to realize his predicament. As the human discovered the shackle, the look on his face made Babayaga soar. Hypothetically, he was not currently flying. With the human realizing how doomed he was, Babayaga resolved to finish this foolishness here and now.

He screamed, his face contorting into an expression of pure rage and bloodlust. There would be no mercy in his attack, Babayaga intended to rip this robber limb from limb--and he wanted the human to know it. The hunter's screech was unceasing as he leapt from the tree toward his target. With his talons outstretched, his aim would be to wretch the human's neck.

He would never connect. There was a flash of light, and suddenly Babayaga was gone. With his disappearance the Spirit Shackle would fade, and the human would be free to move once more. If Caspian looked around he would quickly find Oscar, holding a pokeball and looking annoyed. "I thought vermin were taking my berries, I never considered a fuckin' trainer would go for it. Would not have left this little psychopath here if I did."

Oscar did not feel bad per say, after all this guy totally looked like he was gonna swipe his berries. However not even a thief deserved to be put up with Babayaga. Oscar tilted his head, sighing heavily as he pondered what to do. Eventually he shrugged, there was no use holding a grudge. Pissing off Babayaga was punishment enough. Oscar tilted his head, "Are you alright? You look hungry----maybe you should take a few berries."

Oscar's eyes were blank, looking between the thief and the tree to help indicate what the thief should do.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Garden Guardian [M]
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2022 15:26:24 GMT
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Caspian tried once, twice, three times, to tug the chain that connected him to the ground. And to no avail, he couldn't move. He wasn't able to run, and his only way to avoid being killed immediately would be to duck.

And only that would delay the inevitable.

"Merde. Arceus sauve-moi," he spoke, his Kalosian tongue slipping from his lips as he accepted his death.

That never came. For a moment, he thought Arceus really was real, watching from some spot above. The chain that was tight on his ankle disappeared, and Caspian could move his leg again. He fell to the ground, beginning to worship the earth with Kalosian praises and whispers.

But he heard another voice that pulled him back to reality. Shit, he wasn't alone?

Standing up and dusting dirt off of him, he turned, looking and meeting the gaze of . He blinked, looking at the Poke ball in his hand and back to his face.

"That demon... was your Pokemon?" he asked, instead of responding to his question.
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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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Garden Guardian [M]
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2022 17:12:11 GMT
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Baba Yaga's would-be victim seemed rattled, causing Oscar to grimace. This could take more than just some free berries to sweep under the rug. Oscar sighed, rubbing the back of his head. "Um--yeah Baba's mine. I kinda trained him to be my garden guard. Pure killer instinct, distinct lack of empathy, and an unshakable sense of loyalty. Makes for the perfect watch...owl. He's not supposed to attack humans though, you must have really pissed him off."

Oscar looked past the stranger to the tree, thanks to Baba Yaga it was in pristine condition. Just his luck that this rando got in the way then, how was Oscar going to keep him quiet. Oscar's mind first went to money, but then again this guy could be a thief--so perhaps he had more negotiation power than he thought.

Oscar decided to play toward that, shrugging before folding his arms. "Alright here's my deal. I'll let you get outta here with some berries, no questions asked. You don't talk about nearly getting ripped apart by a bird, I won't say nothing about you intruding on private property, we all go back to our lives happy. Sound good?"

Oscar put his hand out to seal the deal with a shake, should the stranger accept.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Garden Guardian [M]
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 1:30:59 GMT
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"Dude, I was just picking berries!" Caspian exclaimed, practically throwing his hands up in the air.

How could a Pokemon get mad at him for picking berries? Well, he supposed he looked a but suspicious in doing so. If he was a watchdog... well, owl, it made sense.

But the man gave him a compromise. Give him some of the berries, no word about the bird... seemed like a done deal for him!

He was an idiot, after all.

"Alright, then. I'll take it."

After swiping a few berries, Caspian gave a salute and took off.

"See ya!"
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POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 8:40:16 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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