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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jun 16, 2022 20:02:59 GMT
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The attendant-- some lowly ranking PC cadet stuck on desk duty-- sat him down in the interview suite and asked if he wanted tea, pegged probably by his accent. Memo declined, and asked for a water, instead. It was rather Un-Galarian of him, but he couldn’t stand tea.

His fingers tapped against the pressboard table as he looked around the room, downplaying his nerves. It certainly wasn’t an ABR-- that’s Achieving Best Results, to those of you who haven’t found yourself on the wrong side of Galarian law enforcement before-- suite, which usually had a couch or something at least hinting towards comfort, with nicely painted walls, tiled floors, and a one-way window dressed up to look like anything but. ABR suites came out when they had soft-spoken gentry on the lead. It also wasn’t one of the slummy, piss-stained cells they used for the tried-and-true criminals.

He was probably in a middling one because, he had to guess, he wasn’t really a criminal, even if he was way overdue for this debriefing. With no super concrete power structure, and being rephrensively underfunded, there was no real Long Arm of the Law the rangers could use to pin him down and drag him in for this interview. They relied, instead, on the metaphysical gnawing on his conscience until it got too sore and he came in, himself.

The floor was a laminate in a mid-grade wood design, and the walls were that gray sound-paneling, except for one that was, in its entirety, a black window. There were three measly potlights in a line recessed into the ceiling, one of which was directly above Memo and the rectangular pressboard table he was seated at.

He wasn’t on trial. That said, he’d seen… things. Things he didn’t understand. Things he really, really wanted to ask the commander about-- if he was given a chance to get a word in edgewise, that was. Lars may have been all about ‘Hey, we’re one big family,’ but Memo wondered really how far that extended.

The attendant brought back a bottle of water-- cold, probably from a vending machine-- and asked him to state his name and rank for the record. Then they left, and Memo could do little but wait for the Head Ranger to come in and read him the riot act.

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POSTED ON Jun 16, 2022 22:14:35 GMT
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Meanwhile, up in his office…

“You… did… what?!”

Pinching the bridge of his nose, he then emerged from his office, before heading down to the mentioned debriefing room—holding a cup of coffee for himself.

“Oh, fuck, I’m sorry if they brought you in here,” he apologized as he stood in the doorway. “Come with me. We’re going for a walk,” he added.

Why was it that every single fucking time, whenever someone came by and asked for him—they always ended up being sent to one of the debriefing rooms?

Well, in ’s case she was sent to a holding room and he’d really blown his top over that. Weather Trio be damned, the poor shmuck who was on duty at the time got a good talking-to.

“Ain’t going to stay in there, I’m sure that the place isn’t going to do you any favors,” he added with an apologetic expression on his face.

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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
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POSTED ON Jun 18, 2022 16:41:37 GMT
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He wasn’t necessarily expecting to be in trouble. He also wasn’t expecting Lars to burst through the door with a weary look on his face and free him from his shadowy, beige prison. He grinned at his commanding officer and was up and at ‘em with no further prompting.

“It’s fine,” he said. It’s not the first interview room I’ve been in was what was next on his lips, but he swallowed that part, deciding his Head Boss In Charge didn’t really need to know that part.

“How you holding up?” he asked, once they were clear of the polyester and air-conditioned smell of the debriefing suite. “You took a hell of a hit for me. Sir.” There was awe and appreciation woven into his voice but he didn't want to lay it on too thick less he come off as a brown-noser. But it was true, Lars had saved if, not his life, then at least his handsome good looks, from impending doom.

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POSTED ON Jun 19, 2022 21:07:56 GMT
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The first thing he did was take a deep breath, before taking an equally-long drink from the coffee cup.

Ah, the good ol’ plain black espresso. No sugar, no creamer, just something as black as the saltiest regions of his—

“What a mess, wouldn’t you say,” he finally said at last, knowing what the other was talking about and getting a pretty good clue about it. “Funny thing is, I’m not sure you noticed if… was I seeing things or did the thing that summoned the brambles not have… horns? Or was I seeing things because of adrenaline?”

Oh, how he disliked digging up old, buried, crusty memories. However they were unfortunately classified as ‘important’, and so they remained there, festering.

“And then there’s smack talk about sending that meteor elsewhere… I’m not a fan of it.”

(Looks like someone was way more stressed than they really looked!)

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August 26
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Guillermo Marceliño
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POSTED ON Jun 25, 2022 16:37:58 GMT
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Memo didn’t really know if it was in his jurisdiction to comment on how out of control things seemed to be spiraling. From his point of view, the only good thing to come out of the Littleroot Fire was that the body count was kept low-- which, granted, was a pretty damn big x in the ‘win’ column. But it did seem a little bit like jumping head first out of the proverbial frying pan.

“Yes,” he said, immediate and direct, “yes, it was all a mess. And--,” he hesitated, already having received the third degree from Sénon for this, “it didn’t have horns.” His cousin had been all freaked out about that bit, for reasons Memo didn’t really understand.

Don’t take your survival as a fluke.

“With all due respect, sir, it’s a bullshit idea.”

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POSTED ON Jul 3, 2022 16:55:18 GMT
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He would—

Definitely have to pay an old friend a visit again, after this.

After what they’d seen at Littleroot, albeit without horns as the other had confirmed, he wanted to know something. Wanted to know more about what the hell was coming, and who the fuck that was.

Conjuring up black thorns and trapping them inside a cage, powerless to—


“I’m going to have to contact a friend of mine from Kalos about this,” he hummed. “Because honestly, since you mentioned it didn’t have horns, that begs the question of—where did the horns go?

At the other’s remark about the meteor fiasco, he nodded.

“Damn straight you are. It’s just. Crazy. I don’t know when the next meeting’s going to be… if there’s going to be one, however I want to put a word or two down about it. There’s got to be another way to stop the damned thing.”

Because of course there had to be other options available. That was the crux of it all. It was impossible that there were no other options—because everything always had more than one choice.

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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
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Guillermo Marceliño
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POSTED ON Jul 4, 2022 17:57:58 GMT
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He shrugged, not really understanding why everyone was so up in arms about the whole horns thing. First Senon, now Lars. Why did it matter? He supposed it was apropos for someone from a region where the majority of the legendaries were just Kanto recolors.

Lars mentioned the next meeting and having to put a word in and wondered if it would make a difference. Everything seemed very weighted against them, right now, and while it felt good to know that Lars was decidedly in his corner-- the not-genocide corner, which was ridiculous that it had to be a corner at all-- he wondered if any of it would matter.

He felt very tired, and very, very small, in that moment.

He hated feeling small.

“Is there anything we can do to-- change it?” he asked. If there was a-- a dangerous mission or even a stupidly self-sacrificial option, he’d do it. Take it. It was worth it to avoid a genocide, even of an antagonistic people.

Save the worlds. All of them.

High hopes, indeed.

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POSTED ON Jul 9, 2022 16:10:18 GMT
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“If there was an option right now, you bet your ass I’d definitely get to it and try that option first before diverting a space rock to another reality and kill off another world’s population,” he said with a slight snarl in his tone.

Clearly, he wasn’t going to take the meteor-warping as the only ironclad option available.

Because there were always, always, always other options available to everyone! Not just one singular finality!

“If I only had a way to open up a portal to where they want to throw the damned thing… I’d… I’d warn whoever else was living in that world about it. Help them prepare for it—if only I wasn’t so tied up with my work. How… how about you? What would you do?”

He then made a mental note to try contacting again, because he really needed to check what would happen if a certain legendary from the Kalosian’s home region didn’t have horns? Was that an inauspicious omen?

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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
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POSTED ON Jul 10, 2022 0:10:25 GMT
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Well, of course he would, because Lars was a good guy and a good leader. Memo felt silly for asking. “I figured as much,” Memo said, slightly sheepish, “but I also know how politics are. Sometimes you--,” meaning people like Lars, in influential positions, positions of power,-- “have to pretend.”

Lars asking him what he’d do made him pause.

Blowing it up would be his first option, but…

“If we can make a portal to another world, why can’t we make a portal to-- you know, our world, just… a little to the left?” He grinned a little at his own joke, like a ding-dong.

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POSTED ON Jul 17, 2022 16:54:50 GMT
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“You have no idea,” he began at the first statement. Ugh, it was so tiring having to go along with other people’s whims. Extremely fucking tiring.

(Maybe this was why he was so fucking done with how most of the Council handled shit.)

And then—

The other’s comment made him bark out loud in laughter.

Because sometimes, really—

There really had to be those kinds of jokes thrown around.

“Man, shit, I really needed that laugh,” he continued at the joke as the other had dropped it like a mic. “Honestly—sometimes I just want to take one of the idiotic solutions, and give it a fucking try. See how it works!”

They really needed some humor in these strange times, after all.

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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
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POSTED ON Jul 27, 2022 21:49:12 GMT
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His smile was a lot proud and a little sheepish. As a master of using humor as a weapon of defense or deflection, Memo instinctively felt better after he made anyone laugh, especially someone as pulled taut as Lars. He imagined the Ranger Captain didn’t get a lot of chances to relax.

Oof, idiotic? That one hurt, a bit. “I think it’s more realistic than warping it to another dimension,” Memo said, unable to beat back the heat that laced in his voice. “But it’s still too close to home. People are more comfortable with the body count of genocide in a realm that most of the population will never have to see or deal with. It’s like a grisly security blanket.” He swallowed, starting to get passionate again. “It’s-- bullshit.”

He ran a hand through his hair, trying to calm himself down.

“I’ve taken up enough of your time, sir,” he said, after a beat. “I’m sure you’ve heard this all a million times before. Is there anything else you want to ask or need to know?” He was speaking about the Littleroot incident, which he doubted Lars would need any clarification on, as he’d been there. “If not, I should get back to work.”

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POSTED ON Aug 3, 2022 19:26:08 GMT
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“One last thing,” he remarked as he remembered something.

“For the love of the Weather Trio, don’t call me ‘sir’,” he added. “I’m not that old,” he went on with this smirk on his face.

“Although I don’t know what Red would say about that,” he hummed as an afterthought. “Sorry, force of habit—I call ‘im ‘Red’ because of his hair. Can’t miss him because of that.”

And for some reason…

“…Fortree hasn’t had a steady Ranger Captain for a while. Maybe you could consider this place. I dunno… I’m sure it’d help my friend here a lot considering I know he only goes between here and Lilycove, and I’m busy enough with Lilycove as it is.”

Just an afterthought, you know…

For plans. Future plans? Who knows.

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POSTED ON Aug 4, 2022 5:58:32 GMT
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