Vislov, Aspen

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Vislov, Aspen
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2022 17:04:44 GMT
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[attr="class","freiwanttop1"]- □ x



nameaspen vislov
played byoverlordie

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]CHARACTER FACTION team rocket

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]CHARACTER RANK grunt

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]FACE CLAIM ren hazuki, love live

[attr="class","freiwanttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER




Aspen is not a nice person. It's something the darling eyed girl tells herself each day, which is awfully harsh considering how much her sister idealises her, but no. With golden eyes that tie her to her twin sister with such intensity, silky black hair and a pale complexion that's litered in the remnants of teen frustration and sleep-deprivation, Aspen doesn't look disordinary. She stands at a stature of around 5'4", though more often than not she's wearing boots to pretend she's anything but that height. It's not her looks, that the kind-faced girl believes, makes her a terrible person, of course, they play a part in it.[break][break]

They play a part in telling a lie, in selling a story to the unfortunate passerbys who cross her path. Before people even get to know her, they've formed a strong opinion on who she is, what she stands for. She's a nice looking girl, a lovely girl, a girl who would make the perfect bride one day. Perhaps they would think she would be easy to walk over, to use, to manipulate.[break][break]

But where she is now, the girl who’s shadow falls onto the versions of her who came before, is somebody who’s fate decided otherwise. Befriending the wrong people, manipulating and twisting the faces who believed her with such sincerity.[break][break]

Aspen believes herself a horrible person. A gorgeous liar.[break][break]

But the truth is that the only person she’s ever lied to is the girl who’s eyes she meets in the mirror each morning. The girl who believed all the harsh words thrown aimlessly towards her, the girl who though she was in an inescapable sinkhole of lies when she hadn't even set foot into the unforgiving deep.[break][break]

And perhaps, by extension, she had lied to the sibling who naively thought her splitting image could carry everything the world threw at them both without any care.[break][break]

Team rocket was the only option for her, for a girl who didn't agree with the leagues morals and who's self-image perfectly slotted into the ideal 'team rocket' archeotype. Lying evolved to stealing, involving herself with the wrong people and ending up in some unfortunate trouble, which evolved to fights and nights spent staring at herself in the mirror, reminding herself that this was her path, this was her story, before she prepared her lies and her bullshit. There was no other option for somebody like her, the liar reflected in her parents chatising gazes, the overachiever who burned herself watching the world around her crumble while simply trying to get by. She tells herself she enjoys it. She tells herself that the goal will be worth it all.[break][break]

Leigh would understand someday.[break][break]

Aspen knew that was a lie too.[break][break]


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Vislov, Aspen
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2022 8:24:19 GMT
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[attr="class","leaguecardname"]Aspen Vislov











[attr="class","leaguecardsliptextright"]Aspen Vislov







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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vehicula quam nibh, eu tristique tellus dignissim quis. Integer condimentum ultrices elit ut mattis. Praesent rhoncus tortor metus, nec pellentesque enim mattis nec. Nulla vitae turpis ut dui consectetur pellentesque quis vel est. Curabitur rutrum, mauris ut mollis lobortis, sem est congue lectus, ut sodales nunc leo a libero. Cras quis sapien in mi fringilla tempus condimentum quis velit. Aliquam id aliquam arcu. Morbi tristique aliquam rutrum. Duis tincidunt, orci suscipit cursus molestie, purus nisi pharetra dui, tempor dignissim felis turpis in mi. Vivamus ullamcorper arcu sit amet mauris egestas egestas. Vestibulum turpis neque, condimentum a tincidunt quis, molestie vel justo. Sed molestie nunc dapibus arcu feugiat, ut sollicitudin metus sagittis.


Aliquam a volutpat sem. Quisque id magna ultrices, lobortis dui eget, pretium libero. Curabitur aliquam in ante eu ultricies. Quisque vitae tincidunt purus. Vivamus feugiat bibendum erat, nec interdum urna porta sed. Nunc lobortis neque orci, ut suscipit nisl congue feugiat. Vivamus feugiat tellus quis cursus sollicitudin. Curabitur dolor massa, dictum ut ipsum in, porttitor pellentesque ante. Aenean egestas cursus tempor. Maecenas semper tortor sit amet egestas cursus. Mauris porttitor quis nisi ut tincidunt. Curabitur adipiscing eleifend nibh. Praesent mauris leo, consequat vitae orci eget, vestibulum bibendum nisi. Aliquam tempus diam ut tortor cursus, eget sodales augue adipiscing. Nulla at dignissim libero.



[attr="class","leaguecardbigname"]Aspen Vislov

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Vislov, Aspen
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2022 8:42:10 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]WELCOME TO HOENN!


congratulations on being accepted! ensure that you have read the site rules and view the getting started page should you require some guidance for the beginning of your journey. we hope you enjoy your stay in hoenn![break][break]

your character will begin with 50 pokedollars & 5 pokeballs,[break]which you can add to your personal computer (PC).


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