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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jul 19, 2022 1:40:50 GMT
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She was more than familiar with trainers and rangers alike coming to school with their Pokémon partners. It seemed like a very long time – a lifetime ago, even, but she was still in her early twenties. Even in her college courses back home, veterans of the field had come to give specific lectures with their Pokémon. Now here she was, rifling through notecards (pretty and pink, complete with little strawberries printed on them) out in the hallway.

(Not that children at this age would need this much information, but fortune favored the prepared.)

Nanette could hear the chatter of children through the door. No doubt they were expecting someone exciting…but it was just her and someone else. Hopefully her partner for the day would make up for her lack of flair. Style, at least, she had. In her own way. One couldn’t go wrong with pink and white. And if her privileged upbringing had taught Nanette anything, it was to dress for success.

D'artagnan was watching her dryly. Clearly, her Gallade did not see the value of her notecards.

Don’t give me that look,” Nanette huffed. “It’s not advanced physiology, if that’s what you’re thinking.

A snort this time. Nanette waved her notecards in front of the Gallade’s face.

These are fun facts. Fun facts! Don’t you want the children to know you’re fun?

There was a gentle swat at her cards and Nanette laughed. “Clearly not.

The demographic for today’s audience was an entire room of six-year-olds. Impressing that bracket wasn’t difficult in the least, but still. These were the trainers of tomorrow, and Nanette Sanguine wasn’t going to be pinpointed as the negative memory that impacted a child’s potential hatred for Pokémon.

There were footsteps drawing closer. Nanette rose to her feet, smoothing her skirt before offering a hand.

You must be the other presenter today. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Nanette, but, please. Call me Nettie.

@ none | mission
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POSTED ON Jul 19, 2022 2:02:33 GMT
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How in the ever loving fuck did he manage to get shit jobs like this one?

Kids. Literal kids. He was helping teach kids. Something about making a positive scratch on the surface of his usual jobs?

Oh, and as he approaches, she’s holding out her hand and giving him a nickname to call her already. At least she had the decency to do that. He had so many names he wasn’t sure which one to give her other then;

“Thaddeus Kane.” He is all too quickly pulling out a moon ball from his belt, letting out a zoroark who quickly rubbed up under his arm and curled against his side, letting out a low growl. “And this is Zo. She’ll be the star of the presentation today.”

And boy was she excited about it.
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December 23
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POSTED ON Jul 19, 2022 2:32:35 GMT
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She’s beautiful,” said Nanette, smiling. “This is d’Artagnan. Mila will make an appearance outside. I’m sure the children would get too hyper if they see a Rapidash this early.

Nanette had gotten just as hyper at their age, after all. It wasn’t a stretch to say that pivotal moment had not only kickstarted her dream of having a Rapidash, but also all her princess-centric daydreams. Did she still love stories of gallant knights cantering atop a blazing Rapidash for their lady loves? Yes. Were they now mostly shirtless in these endeavors? Also yes.

The door opened, and Nanette caught the dizzying scent of white glue. It was a great waft of nostalgia. The teacher was a slender man, baby-faced and cheerful with coke-bottle glasses. His clothing was smeared with globs of paint.

“Hello! Please, come in. The kids are so excited to have you here.”

There was an excited hush beyond the door’s threshold. They were bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Nanette reached in her pocket for her notecards…and found them gone. Nanette glanced over her shoulder; d’Artagnan was tossing her little strawberry notecards in the bin. Cheeky little… Well, they were ages five to six. Not hard to entertain. And no one could say she had come ill-prepared.

Hello! My name’s Nettie Sanguine. I’m a ranger and student! I’m learning how to help both humans and Pokémon when they feel sick or need help. This my partner, d’Artagnan – a gallade!

Graceful as ever, d’Artagnan bowed deeply. He could be charming when he wanted to. Apparently, it was reserved for everyone but her. Nanette smiled fondly, laughing as little as she followed with a curtsy of her own. It was apparently well received judging by the smiles and the great big eyes. Their excitement was palpable, and Nanette found herself charmed.

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POSTED ON Jul 19, 2022 5:49:59 GMT
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And Thaddeus found himself completely stumped. What use did a zoroark have in helping people and pokémon get along like a ranger? He pointedly was not there as a ranger in disguise. No, he was there as an average joe with an average life working average jobs.

Nothing about rocket, they’d told him. Say nothing about rocket.

Well don’t mind him he won’t be saying shit about rocket. He’d been to jail enough times that he was getting tired of seeing the ugly mugs there.

”My name is Thaddeus Kane,” the silence that fell over the room was telling enough. He had, in fact, clearly killed the mood. He glanced back at Zo, the zoroark, and sighed, nodding. ”This is Zo.”

Suddenly, her illusions came into play and she looked just like Nettie, bowing and then laughing like Nettie just had before shifting back into a zoroark.

”A lot of times, pokémon will only respond to their own kind. I usually use Zo here to get in close enough to understand the pokémon, then act on the situation from there.”
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December 23
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POSTED ON Jul 19, 2022 6:16:53 GMT
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The illusion was enough to get everyone back on track. There was a litany of can she turn into mes and more than a dozen oohs and a smattering of whoas. Nanette focused manfully on the children, and not the perfect imitation that Zo had done of her. (Because, really? Was her own face that punchable? Did she look that ridiculous? So stupid and ungainly? It was mortifying.) When some of the questions rounded back to her and d’Artagnan, she was glad for the segue. The way she jumped to answer might have been a touch too quick – so obviously eager – but she was sure these little ones wouldn’t notice.

He helps me when we need to do search-and-rescue. D’Artagnan can get to places I can’t reach, and he can even cut through things like big rocks and trees. So if someone is stuck, we can go and help them much quicker.

There was another wave of noise and d’Artagnan looked pleased as punch. The homeroom teacher was leading them outside for the next part of this little venture, and for recess. Nanette had been that age once, however long ago it felt like. She knew how restless they would be after seeing guests and bearing witness to Zo’s illusions.

You’re doing well with them,” Nanette said.

The children were in a single file line with their teacher, marching obediently – if not a little impatiently – behind him. D’Artagnan had moved on to walk beside them, marching military style to their delight. If there had been that kind of silence after she spoke, Nanette was sure she would have fumbled the ball completely. Disliked by kindergartners? Tragic.

Just be prepared for them to rush you and Zo. I think they’ll want to request a lot of superhero illusions.

@kane | mission
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POSTED ON Jul 19, 2022 13:21:24 GMT
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They were, in fact, children. Easily amused as he had assumed they would be. His eyes slid to the one who was helping in entertaining them for the day as he thought on why he even took the job in the first place.

Easy money, or so he had thought anyway…

Zo walked with the children, shifting into different students, then turning into the gallade and marching along with him on their way outside. Snickering once she’d turned back into a zoroark and sniffing at some of the kids because they smelled of sweets.

But when she side-eyed Thaddeus, she knew better, and went back to messing around. The side-eye was given just as he turned to listen to Nanette say he was a hit with the kids. Was he?

”As long as none of them ask me to pull a illusion.” Because uh, it wasn’t necessarily an accurate illusion. It was usually used to mock him depending on whose company he was in and he assumed in the current company, it wouldn’t go over so well.
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December 23
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POSTED ON Jul 19, 2022 15:03:26 GMT
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Nanette stifled a chuckle. “He definitely looks like a superhero if he ever wanted to do film instead, but I don’t think they would ask for a CEO.

This was just personal, but if she was given the power to ask for any illusion? Obviously, at age five, she would ask for a prince. Complete with poofy pants and long eyelashes. Now? She was only a little embarrassed to say some sort of idol or rugged actor. Not that Fernando Silph wasn’t good looking, but if there was the whole gamut of her celebrity crush list then the choice was easy. The actor for A Streetcar Named Desire was definitely top tier, but who could forget the sultry lead vocalist from her favorite boy band?

Luckily, it seemed Zo would not give her that power. Thank god.

The school playground was as brightly colored as she expected. There was even an added bonus of a raised garden. Half-faded chalk drawings were scrawled on concrete. Nanette hung back for a moment as the homeroom teacher rallied his students again. They had immediately began to ricochet about, their attention diverted by sunshine and slides.

Nothing like the appearance of her trusty steed to have them oohing and ahhing again. Mila knickered, tossing back her mane.

This is Mila. She’s much faster than I am, so she’s always helping me when I’m outside working. Being a ranger is hard work, but working with my friends makes it easier.

The hubbub would likely be uncontrollable if she had Mila tacked for a ride. But the children seemed more than happy to pet her, and Mila seemed pleased with the attention. It seemed her notecards had truly been useless, but Nanette still stood by the principle of preparedness.

It’s a good thing I decided against the riding. I think it would have sent them into a frenzy,” Nanette observed, amused. There was no attempt to manhandle Mila yet, but she was keeping a close eye out. Once children grabbed onto something, they seemed to gain some truly monstrous strength.

Instead, it seemed quite tame. D’Artagnan and Mila were playing, the children were exuberant but gentle, and Nanette was watching with a fond smile.

Looks like we survived their terror,” Nanette said gravely, but she was smiling as she said it. “Your efforts today were valiant.

@kane | mission
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POSTED ON Jul 19, 2022 20:37:20 GMT
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as they headed out, thaddeus pulled his other moon ball from his waistband and tossed out a mightyena. the snort that came after release was priceless but the mightyena immediately recognized zo’s ability as she shifted into the rapidash and took off toward her to play.

the two were gentle with the children. zo entertained them by turning into anything they showed her and pooch, the mightyena. laid upon his back with his paws in the air while they rubbed at his stomach after letting him chase them about, playing hide and seek and even playing with the other pokémon of nettie’s.

being told he did a good job has thaddeus looking curiously to nettie, a cigarette between his lips about half gone. he had been puffing anxiously as he watched his pokémon, snapping or giving a click to which both immediately and expertly responded to.

”well, i’ve been known to be a pretty rad babysitter.” it was the truth. sometimes trainer missions were done with children. other times he took up literal babysitting because it was good money depending on how you made your resume look— and with zo, he could make it look however the fuck he wanted.

”you’re not bad with them yourself. and your pokémon take well to them.”
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December 23
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POSTED ON Jul 19, 2022 22:06:28 GMT
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Nanette laughed outright at that.

I’m sure you’re the raddest,” she agreed.

It was a good thing they were in such an open space. The smell of tobacco wouldn’t carry too far. And while she couldn’t fathom ever smoking herself, there was something oddly comforting about the smell of cigarettes. Dyeda Yuriy had smoked quite a bit himself, and he had still been a hale and hearty man until his last few months – still formidable enough to strike some fear into the hearts of lesser delinquents with nothing but a disapproving gaze. If he hadn’t been smoking cigarettes, he had rolled his own cigars.

Nostalgic or not, it probably wasn’t ideal to smoke in front of children. She didn’t want the homeroom teacher to round on Thaddeus (though the teacher looked as threatening as cotton candy).

I’m glad. I was nervous that they wouldn’t like me,” Nanette admitted, smiling ruefully. “Here – may I take that? I’ll buy you a new pack later. I don’t want anyone scolding you for smoking on school property.

Nanette held her hand out, waiting for the cigarette to be passed to her fingers so she could quash the ember herself. Her cousin smoked frequently, too, and she would just snatch them from his mouth when she had a mind to. That was Antoni, though, and she didn’t think Thaddeus would take to that as kindly.

A breeze lifted at her hair. This was…nice. It had gone much better than she had thought.

And then there were a gaggle of children bounding over. Tugging at her skirt impatiently and crowding around Thaddeus.

“Come play with us!”

I think you’re forgetting a word.


Good. Will you be joining us? We’re playing…what are we playing?” Nanette turned towards the apparent leader with a warm smile.


Hide-and-seek,” said Nanette, nodding seriously. "I think they really want you to play with them, Thaddeus."

@kane | mission
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POSTED ON Jul 20, 2022 22:20:34 GMT
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when she asked for his cigarette, he had half a mind to give her his middle finger instead. but he also wanted paid for all this, so he just passed her the cigarette. mostly annoyed that she had expected him to obey. which had only caused a trembling in his chest to rebel.

still, he just let her take it, reminding himself that this was almost over, he’d get paid, and he could go home and smoke a whole pack if he damn well pleased.

but he wouldn’t be going home, he’d be going to the club, most likely—

he’s asked about hide-and-seek and he really wants to say no. once again, her tone, she’s implying that she expects him to say yes because they are children.

”fuck no.” haaaaa, the cigaerttes are the least of her worries, honestly. ”but, the mutt ‘n’ fox’ll play.”

he means his pokémon.
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POSTED ON Jul 21, 2022 19:21:38 GMT
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