There Is Nothing They Can Do To Protect A King And His Fool

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Matt Vice
There Is Nothing They Can Do To Protect A King And His Fool
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2022 14:44:42 GMT
Matt Vice Avatar
Sun rays beat down within the rusty rock city. Maybe it was a crisp 80 degrees, with a slight breeze. So it was not making the day totally unbearable. The crowds were not bustling today. People meandering and enjoying their simple lives in this summer day. Though Matt was looking forward towards Autumn; when things got crisper. When leaves would change and give him an excuse to cuddle his boyfriend... Speaking of Nico.

Nico was off doing, well, Nico things. They had a good relationship like that; they could go off and handle their own things while the other was content. Which was what Matt was right now. Currently sipping on a a blue powerade, the sunny weather above beat against his dark skin. Hot weather never bothered him, it was just kind of something one got used too when living with a giant heater of a Arcanine that thought you were her pup. Plus he did enjoy jogging in the weather. Wasn't that what Nico was doing? Maybe he should take Kazzy out on a run, then perhaps the puppy would chill.

What was he kidding, that dog had absolutely no chill.

Speaking of that canine, he was already about to be in trouble. Trying to sneak up on some poor ladies skitty. "You even think about it and I'm bathing you." That made the dog freeze, looking up with the saddest pair of puppy eyes. "Don't even, and Nico isn't here to save you from the dreaded water." He teased, sticking his tongue out at the pup, who kept pouting. He just wanted to have fun and dad was being mean! 

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The Liberator
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Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo
There Is Nothing They Can Do To Protect A King And His Fool
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2022 15:19:28 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]What a beautiful, tranquil moment. How could anything ruin such a peaceful day?[break][break]

Perhaps the distant roar of a motorcycle would do the trick. It snarled through the peaceful daytime air like Tyranizilla rising from the ocean. Who the hell was causing such a disturbance at such an hour? Sure, some people got loud with their driving at the oddest times of day. But this didn't just sound like road rage. There was intent behind this rev.[break][break]

The sound loomed in the background of this otherwise idyllic day. It wasn't coming from in front of Matt's eyes. Instead, like the cautious, probing paw of a hungering predator, it seemed to stretch out from one of the city's nearby alleyways. Was it even the original sound anymore? Or merely an echo, bounced from wall to wall before slipping out to meet his ears?[break][break]

Sometimes, life gave a man a choice. He could enjoy the peaceful, lovely day he had before him; breezy days, sparse crowds, the tranquility ever rarer to come by in Hoenn. Or he could turn to the maze of shady alleys that tugged at the edge of his vision and follow the almost literal call to adventure.[break][break]

Or maybe, just maybe, the Rockruff would notice the smell drifting along the same breeze as the echoing rev. Was that . . . dog treats?


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Matt Vice
There Is Nothing They Can Do To Protect A King And His Fool
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2022 15:44:53 GMT
Matt Vice Avatar

Truth to be told, as much as he enjoyed peace and quiet, Matt always yearned for more excitement. It was one of the reasons he was glad he and Nico were going to be doing the gym challenges, escape from the mundane college life they lived. Even if it was a little scary to be homeless. But it was a challenge and he liked those.

Soon his thoughts were interrupted by someone being obnoxious on a bike. It made him roll his eyes. "Seriously? Twatwaffle." Grumbling, he turned to try and find where the source of the noise was coming from. A low growl-grumble came from his throat, crossing his arms. "Stupid." Came the mutter, now discarding the noise as some teenager trying to show off to his girlfriend to score some head.


Kazzy sniffed the air. Ears went alert, that tail up. Those large eyes sparkled with naïve wonderment. Before Matt could even react, the dog was taking off full speed towards the dark alleyways that snuck into the city. Matt spun on his heel, going to dive for the dog and try to catch him. Failing as he bashed his chin into the ground. A snarl of pain emitted, as he shoved himself up.

"I'm going to skin you!" Scrambling after the canine. "Get back here! Kazzy!" The two were running blind, Kazzy for the smell of dog treats, and Matt for that fluffy tail to snatch him up like a ragdoll.

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The Liberator
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Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo
There Is Nothing They Can Do To Protect A King And His Fool
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2022 16:33:52 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]The closer Kazzy came to the smell of the treats, the closer the revving got as well. What a baffling combo. Who the hell rode around on a motorcycle slinging around dog treats? It was like someone had put the idea of Santa Claus through Google Translate a few thousand times and ended up with something incomprehensible.[break][break]

Yet that would be exactly what Kazzy and Matt would find as they approached. A masked Rocket grunt rode through the alley atop a motorcycle, keeping one hand balanced on the handlebars while fishing in his pockets with another. He threw out a fistful of dog treats, the delicious little distractions clattering down the leftward bend of a side street.[break][break]

One would assume the grunt would just ride off after this. However, he clearly had different plans. Instead he leaped right off of the motorcycle, throwing a Pokeball down into the driver's seat that he had just vacated. A Bisharp sprang to life in the saddle, giving a few more revs of the bike before speeding off. Isaac landed somewhat unsteadily on his feet after this, but hd didn't have time to shake off the impact. Instead, he just hit the ground running, ducking down the corner of a rightward side street.[break][break]

It was a perfect lesson in the five senses. Dog treats distracted via taste and smell. The fake motorcycle rider was a decoy of sight and smell. And that meant the cops wouldn't be able to touch him![break][break]

Just one flaw in his little scheme. He didn't count on an outside party getting such a clear glimpse at him. Did he even realize Matt was there?


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Matt Vice
There Is Nothing They Can Do To Protect A King And His Fool
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2022 16:54:27 GMT
Matt Vice Avatar

This was not what Matt planned to do today. Not chase this hoodlum of a rockruff and most definitely not come across a Rocket Grunt. The louder the revving got, caused Matt to pause and look up. Seeing a... pokemon driving a motorcycle. That made him double take, turning to see the grunt disappearing off around a corner. Brows furrowed, a deep-seeded resentment of the Rockets came bubbling up under the surface. A hand slipped into his pocket, gripping the pokeball that held his Arcanine- remembering how he saved her from rocket poachers. Teeth grit, glancing down towards Kazzy, who was busy stuffing his face with the treats laying around.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, he snapped his fingers to get the dogs attention. Luckily, it worked for once. Kazzy's ears shot up, going to look up at him with wide eyes. Thinking he was in trouble for eating food off the ground- Nico would yell at him for that- but Matt shook his head. "You better hope that's not poisoned." He hissed to the dog, before looking to where the grunt ran off too. "Come on, we got a rat to catch."

Kazzy saw how serious his trainer looked, nodding his head in a sagely matter. Ears pinned back, quickly stalking with his master towards the alleyway Isaac had hidden himself behind. But Matt was never one to be sneaky. "Hey! The hell are you doing skulking around here?!"

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The Liberator
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Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo
There Is Nothing They Can Do To Protect A King And His Fool
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2022 17:08:04 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]The good news was that the dog treats were not, in fact, poisoned. They were also peanut butter flavored! This was a big win for Kazzy, and by extension the rest of the world.[break][break]

Isaac hadn't caught such a lucky break. The guy was resting against a wall when Matt had approached him out of the blue. Oh, uh, shit. That was a new person. Quickly, Isaac tried his best to pivot his tired slouch into a too-cool-for-school, chillin-like-a-villain lean. Crossed arms, a cocky smirk, and a touch better posture did wonders for his presentation![break][break]

"Oh, you know. Enjoying the breeze. Checking out the sights. Usual summer day stuff," he said, matching the seriousness and hostility and tension in the air with his usual levity. These serious types always got worked up when you greeted them like an old friend. It was classic Bugs Bunnelby stuff.[break][break]

As he spoke, he tossed a small crystal of amber up and down in the palm of his hand. "They say Oreburgh's the go-to spot for rock collecting, you know," he added. "Lemme tell you, they weren't kidding. This place lives up to the hype. If you ever get the chance, you should totally see if the miners are taking anyone for tours. Bet it's way more fun getting your hands on these the old fashioned way."[break][break]

Alas, Isaac did not have the cash or time to fight for a mining tour spot. And with how many of these Ambers Rocket Command was on the lookout for, the one from a legit tour would've been a drop in the bucket. So, alas, he had to do things the dramatic say instead. Too bad! So sad!


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[newclass=.skullbody b]color:#d9b800;[/newclass]

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Matt Vice
There Is Nothing They Can Do To Protect A King And His Fool
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2022 17:51:41 GMT
Matt Vice Avatar

The more the man talked, the angrier Matt became. To say those red eyes of his saw red, was an understatement. The level of anger that came from the man was felt also by his dog. Who looked up in confusion at his trainer, reading his expression and soon snarling towards the rocket member. Baring those little fangs, buckling down, ready to battle! Matt would send him to attack, right? Not put himself in danger... right?



Instead, Matt watched the man. His expression had fallen almost into a weird stoic-yet-filled-with-rage expression. Those red eyes narrowed dangerously onto the man. His leg adjusted, as he suddenly broke into a sprint towards him. Fist raised like it was muscle memory, going to attempt to connect his fist to the others jaw. Matt was already pissed off before from falling on his face due to Kazzy chasing this mans damned treats, so why not take that anger plus the fact he is acting scummy all out on his face?

Perfectly reasonable.

No talk, only punch.

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The Liberator
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Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo
There Is Nothing They Can Do To Protect A King And His Fool
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2022 19:07:05 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Well. This was taking a turn for the interesting.[break][break]

With how long the other man had been glowering at him for, Isaac could've retrieved one of his Pokeballs. In fact, he probably should have. Between the ever-reliable Duster, the quick cheat sheet option Adrenaline, and the literal sword he called Pluck and Luck, he had at least three ways of diffusing this situation before it even started.[break][break]

But did he even want to? had been teaching him a thing or two about handling himself in hand to hand lately. The training was still in its earliest goings, but it was already starting to refine the edge of his street scrapping into something a little more practical. Some actual field experience would be the perfect way of kicking that training up a notch, right? And if the situation really took a turn, it wasn't like his Pokeballs would just evaporate or anything like that. He could always worm his way out of this mess, one way or another.[break][break]

Might as well see how this goes![break][break]

Isaac feigned fear as the other man began his approach. Larger than him. Clearly stronger than him. And glaring a hole through his head hard enough to start chipping the wall behind him. Wall! That was it! Shock and horror on his face, Isaac stumbled back towards the wall. The closer he could get, the better. "H-hey, hey, c'mon. We're all friends here," he said. Look weak. Look scared. He was 5'4" and lean, and if this guy thought he could snap him in half like a toothpick it'd work wonders.[break][break]

He watched as his foe's eyes narrowed, his heel turned. And then the sprint began. Isaac waited in an approximation of wide eyed fear. He had maybe one . . . two . . . now![break][break]

Just as the other man drew his fist back for a punch, Isaac shot to the side of his lifted arm. In this case, his goal was simple. Get around the man and use his own momentum against him, aiming to shove him right into the wall. It was far more crude than most of the techniques had demonstrated on him (directly and painfully), but when you were just learning simple was king.


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[newclass=.skullbody b]color:#d9b800;[/newclass]

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Matt Vice
There Is Nothing They Can Do To Protect A King And His Fool
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2022 20:22:56 GMT
Matt Vice Avatar

Matt really should have thought this through. Somewhere in the back of his head, he heard Nico's nagging. To stop and think when he got mad. Matt never was good at that, though. Charging blindly forward; fist swinging as it missed. Trying to catch himself on his heel, with his back now to the wall as he was shoved forward. Teeth gritted, though eyes looked like burning embers. If Matt could have actually seen this guy, he may have relaxed. Hell maybe even made friends, as Matt had some weird thing about being drawn towards blondes.

The yipping and barking that was coming from Kazzy stopped. Soon turning into a snarl as his hackles raised, eyes glued right onto the man in front of them. He was hurting his dad! His trainer! That would make his other dad sad. Nico would be very upset! That wasn't good at all! It made him angry. With a snort through his nose, those Keen Eyes focused right for his ankle- charging forward to try and chomp right down on it!

Perhaps if he managed, it could let Matt wiggle himself free from being cornered to the wall and slide away!

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The Liberator
April 10
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Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo
There Is Nothing They Can Do To Protect A King And His Fool
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2022 4:18:03 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]He had the fight sense to at least turn around, instead of meeting the wall fist or face first. This guy wasn't just some random brute, it seemed. Honestly, with how blind his charge seemed, the ability to fight his own momentum was impressive! Isaac made a mental note not to let this get too out of hand. Luckily, keeping him pinned against the wall was doing the trick for the time being. Having way bigger, stronger limbs did nothing for you if you couldn't do anything with them![break][break]

Unfortunately, Isaac was so busy focusing on how the game had changed that he forgot to consider how it hadn't. Really, he should have caught on when Kazzy's barking stopped. But it was hard enough to focus on himself, his opponent, and his own thoughts in a fight, let alone what looked to be such a harmless, domestic Pokemon.[break][break]

The Rockruff's teeth sunk into Isaac's ankle, teeth lining up with old scars near perfectly. And then Isaac was right back there again.[break][break]

The pain of the Mightyena's fangs shot right through his ankle, traveling up every nerve in his leg until burying itself into his brain. The shadowy trees of Oldale at night stretched around Isaac in every direction, those hollow, empty faces staring back at him through the gaps in the treeline. He could taste the stale tobacco and smell the stench of decay.[break][break]

His eyes widened. His face paled. He jolted away from his opponent as if he had been shot. And then he practically tore his remaining Pokeballs off of his belt, each sounding like a gunshot as they slammed down onto the ground. Did he even notice they were there? Or was he just desperately trying to get away from something Matt couldn't see?[break][break]

The team snapped into attention as soon as they landed. Watson the Totodile let out an alarmed squawk, running over to the Rockruff and trying to pry it off of Isaac's leg as quickly as possible. Upon noticing this, Halberd the Rookidee perched onto his head, pointing a single wing down at the Rockruff and chirruping a challenge. He could only hope that the Taunt would help Watson in getting Isaac unbitten. Luck and Pluck, his Honedge, hovered by his side and settled into his trembling hand, while his ever-loyal Cubone Duster pointed a bone threateningly in Matt's direction.[break][break]

It was Adrenaline, Isaac's Amoonguss, who may have made the biggest difference. He fired a cloud of Pollen Puff at Isaac's leg, mending his flesh and easing his tensions simultaneously. Slowly, Isaac's shallow, ragged breathing started to ease. The forests of Oldale began to blend in with the alleys of Rustboro once more. The tremble in his hand started to die down, and color returned to his face.[break][break]

And instead of being surrounded, there was just a single angry man in front of him. "You don't want it to go down like this," he said. Was he talking to Matt, or to himself? It was hard to tell. "Trust me."


[attr="class","skullinfo"]506 WORDS /


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[newclass=.skullbody b]color:#d9b800;[/newclass]

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Matt Vice
There Is Nothing They Can Do To Protect A King And His Fool
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2022 4:37:41 GMT
Matt Vice Avatar

Matt thanked the Legends above for Kazzy- the dog saved him from being pinned. However, seeing his pup ganged up out brought out even more anger. Fists clenched, eyeing Kazzy, then the brute. Honestly, those eyes read like they were going to charge him this instant. Snatching the two pokeballs out of his pockets, throwing them forward. Out of the red light erupted a hulking canine figure; the Arcanine coming to view as she shook out her fur. Peering what was going on before her, eyes landing on the rockruff. The pup she adopted. A snarl emitted instantly from her muzzle, threatening to burn everything in front of her.

Matt snapped his finger to get her attention, she flicked a ear towards him, but her face was still forward. Next to her appeared a Riolu, whose red eyes stared stoically at the scene. Observing if this fight, was, well worth it. It was a challenge... but the mission was most likely the rockruff, yes? So they needed to focus on that.

Kazzy was not expecting to be taken for a ride on Isaac's leg. But he kept his teeth latched, going to protect his master! But then everything was on it, making the canine flinch and step back. Realizing he was surrounded, eyes wide as panic started to flood the canines senses. Looking towards Matt for some direction, seeing Nana read to set things ablaze.

"Release my dog." Matt commanded, he looked like he would even fight the pokemon themselves if it meant he would get Kazzy back over here.

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The Liberator
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Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo
There Is Nothing They Can Do To Protect A King And His Fool
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2022 4:59:02 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Release his-! Oh, did he say that? Did he seriously just say that!? Watson was a Donald Duck esque ball of rage as he let go of the Rockruff and instead ran right up to Matt, squabbling up a storm of raspy barks and snarls. Interestingly enough, there wasn't any malice behind its vocal tone and body language. Instead, it was almost . . . offense?[break][break]

Frankly, Isaac could get it. His blood was boiling as this man had the gall to act like he was the victim here. He clenched fist hard enough to feel the bones of his fingers grinding against one another. "You charge me out of nowhere like a raging Tauros. Then your Rockruff attacks me. And when my team does what you fail to and calls it off, you have the fucking balls to act like you're the victims here?"[break][break]

There were five of his to three of them. And that was without considering Kurze waiting in the wings. This was a total mismatch. Isaac knew that, if his team wanted to, they could end things explosively. Hell, the idea had Isaac oh so tempted. Nothing got him more worked up than a raging jackass, and the idea of wiping that "I'm constipated and I'm making it your problem" look on his face . . .[break][break]

But that wasn't the Rockruff's fault, now was it? And the poor thing looked a lot more worried now that it was surrounded by tons of other Pokemon. Sure, it attacked him. But loyalty was a hell of a thing. When you didn't have context, and your trainer was being attacked, right and wrong kind of fell by the wayside. After all, Isaac's own team snapped into action the second they saw his distress.[break][break]

"It's okay. None of us are here to hurt you," he said to the Rockruff, his tone far gentler and softer than the bile he reserved for Matt. Duster kept his bone trained on the human, because he trusted him as far as he could Fling him, but the rest of Team Isaac started winding down at their trainer's words. Halberd's glare softened, Adrenaline hopped aside, and Pluck and Luck sheathed itself against Isaac's hip. "Go back to your trainer. He's worried about you."[break][break]

"Now." There was that bile again. "Wanna tell me what your problem is? Or are we done here?"


[attr="class","skullinfo"]397 WORDS /


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[newclass=.skullbody b]color:#d9b800;[/newclass]

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Nicodemus Unken
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Homie better put your pride aside I’m a Benz and you’re more like a Volvo
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Matt Vice
There Is Nothing They Can Do To Protect A King And His Fool
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2022 5:09:13 GMT
Matt Vice Avatar

The whimpers Kazzy gave were soft, he wanted Nico- and Nana- and Matt- but he snapped his head up to the man. Staring at him in confusion. Head slowly tilting to the side, blinking other innocently. Ears shot up, tongue came out the side of his muzzle, trotting happily to to Isaac to nudge against his leg. Then looking at his ankle, lowering his ears. Aww, it looked like he felt bad about hurting him. It was kind of cute.

Except Matt had his hand to his face, almost looking embarrassed his dog was about as smart as a sack of slowpokes. Nana however did not stop, her eyes were locked on Isaac. Barking at Kazzy to get back here, and the puppy fled to her side. Hiding behind her paws, looking up at her with a whine- speaking something between the two of them before she snarled and snapped at his face in a warning.

Glancing down to Kazzy, he knelt down to make sure he was okay and not actually hurt. Petting his head, he then shook a finger at him. "Be more careful." He muttered. With his pokemon out of harms way, he looked far calmer... but a inch. Turning his head back to Isaac, his eyes narrowed at him.

"Yeah, we're done."


Besides the fact Matt knew he was outnumbered. Kazzy or Dagger might be able to take the Cubone, but that Totodile would be the biggest pain in the ass. Nana could torch the fungus but.. that left the ghost. Which again, he had the type advantage over; but he knew they'd probably gang up on Nana first. Nico's yelling at him to not just blindly attack things ringing loud in his ears. Damn his battler boyfriend for being right.

But also... Kazzy might not be the smartest, but for him to acknowledge the man made him second guess.

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The Liberator
April 10
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Figuring it Out
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo
There Is Nothing They Can Do To Protect A King And His Fool
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2022 5:28:49 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Isaac couldn't help but smile slightly as the Rockruff nuzzled against his leg. "Hey, hey, it's okay, it isn't your fault," he said, voice gentle.[break][break]

It seemed the Rockruff had worked down both men's anger. A little. Frankly, were the Rockruff not there - and all of the other Pokemon, for that matter, because a sharpened blade and a guardian shisa were major buzzkills when it came to good old fisticuffs - they probably would have started throwing hands again.[break][break]

But it was here. And they didn't. "So we're done," Isaac repeated, nodding. "Good."[break][break]

With that, he turned on his heel, ready to leave this alley behind. The dog treats took care of smell and taste. Kurze was handling sight and sound. And now he had just gotten himself away from some very rough touching. Untethered by any of the five senses, walking away would be trivial. His team followed on his heels, Duster dragging the slower-moving Adrenaline along for the ride and Watson gently resting his head on Isaac's wounded leg.[break][break]

However, before they left, Isaac stopped. "You raised a good Rockruff," he said, not even looking back at Matt as he acknowledged him. "He deserves better than getting tangled up in all this region's messes. So you treat him well and keep him safe, okay?"[break][break]

With a flick of his wrist, he slid three last dog treats toward Matt's feet. And then he was on his way.


[attr="class","skullinfo"]239 WORDS /


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[newclass=.skullbody b]color:#d9b800;[/newclass]

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Homie better put your pride aside I’m a Benz and you’re more like a Volvo
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Matt Vice
There Is Nothing They Can Do To Protect A King And His Fool
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2022 5:40:35 GMT
Matt Vice Avatar

Watching them leave carefully, Matt went back to checking over Kazzy. "Kazzy... sorry buddy." He whispered, scratching behind his ear. Turning his head up to hear Isaac one last time, he tensed up. That was a bitter taste in his mouth to get a compliment from this guy. Wanting to spit the vinegar out of his mouth. But he looked at the treats, it had him confused.

Why would he... this left a lot of questions.

But it was done, for now.