quiet evening [s][c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Alexei Ivanov
quiet evening [s][c]
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2022 17:51:06 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Tick, tock.

It was… well, it was less than twenty-four hours before either they were going to save the world or they were going to fight until the very last second before the meteor that loomed ridiculously close in the sky would come down and end them all.

Send them to another reality. Break the world. Warp them all out of existence.

If he was being honest… he was scared. Absolutely, fucking frightened about this.

But what else could they do?

He was pretty sure his boyfriend wasn’t going to be catching some shut-eye either, so on socked feet he made his way out of his bedroom, shuffled past the several white clouds (and two black—well, one black and the other not-so-black) before knocking quietly on the door of the other room in the flat.

He hoped Memo was awake…

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Guillermo Marceliño
quiet evening [s][c]
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2022 1:17:03 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
Of course he was awake. When did he ever sleep?

He was, at that very moment, sitting and staring up at the ceiling, overthinking things to pieces, stewing about was he really going to spend possibly his last night on earth apart from the love of his life?

But he didn’t want to be a bother. Didn’t want to impose. This was Alex’s space, after all, and he was already taking up enough of it.

The knock on his door was a huge weight off his shoulders. Oh, thank god, he mouthed, quickly sitting up.

“It’s open,” he said, rubbing one hand down the back of his neck, “c’mon in.”

Like the apartment before it, ‘his’ bedroom is sparse. Most of it is leftover furniture Alex had managed to wrangle-- bed, bedside table, chest of drawers. All of his good clothes are hanging in the closet. The walls and floor are bare.

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Alexei Ivanov
quiet evening [s][c]
POSTED ON Nov 10, 2022 19:51:55 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

He was hoping the other was awake, because what the hell was he thinking, spending what could possibly be the last night they had before everything went to shit, alone?

Thankfully, a familiar voice answered from inside, and he jiggled the door knob before opening the door as quietly as he could and hovering around the doorway.

“Hey, F-frog,” he began quietly as he stood partially outside the room (and also somewhat inside) before his gaze glanced around the room.

“I… I was expecting more… more personality to this room, you know. Now that… now that we live together,” he continued, quiet little smile on his face.

“May I?”

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Guillermo Marceliño
quiet evening [s][c]
POSTED ON Nov 11, 2022 20:27:30 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
Memo smiled up at Alex, who seemed nervous to enter a room in his own house. He tried to fight down the feeling of imposing.

“I just don’t have a lot of stuff, is all,” he said, waving away Alex’s concerns. “Besides, most of my material wealth is in my closet.”

Everything that matters to me is you.

He patted a palm against the bed next to him, hurrying to redistribute pillows and blankets to make a little nest.

“Absolutely. I’ve kind of been waiting.”


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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
quiet evening [s][c]
POSTED ON Nov 13, 2022 20:06:31 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“Oh, right, you and your thing with clothes,” he chuckled from the doorway as he watched the other man hurriedly rearrange what was on the bed.

“Wait, lemme get some of my shit from my room,” he hummed, momentarily disappearing from the doorway and returning with a haul of his own—his own pillows and a rarely-used blanket in his arms as he entered the room.

“Here, fluff up the nest more,” he added as he dropped his own contributions onto the bed, chuckling as he let his boyfriend deal with fixing the sudden additions to literally make the barebones nest more an ‘actual’ nest.

“Can’t sleep either?” he inquired once the other was done making the little bed-nest as comfortable as possible.

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August 26
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Guillermo Marceliño
quiet evening [s][c]
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2022 0:23:07 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
“It’s called fashion,” he quietly calls in Alex’s wake as the man disappears from his doorway and returns with more pillows and blankets than six people needed.

Memo took the proffered comfort items and arranged them in a neat, overlapping pattern.

“For someone who likes it chilly you sure sleep with a lot of stuff.”

The blanket went last, splayed out over top to cover them. He peeled back the covers and then flipped them up when Alex was comfortably inside.

“If anyone is sleeping tonight, they’re either crazy, or oblivious,” he said with a quiet laugh, snuggling down into the softness surrounding them, cheek on Alex’s chest.


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Alexei Ivanov
quiet evening [s][c]
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2022 20:09:00 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“Either that, or they just don’t care,” he mused once the nest was properly fluffed up and ready to go. He then remembered to lock the door behind him before joining the other inside the little fluffy ‘nest’.

Maybe there was a reason why there was also an air conditioning unit in this room too.

“You mind?” he asked. When there was no context provided, he added on.

“If I turn on the AC at least in here,” he hummed quietly.

And then he realized what his boyfriend had said.

“Hey. I’m… you know I’m a sociable creature. But even I get lonely too.”

There went his hands again, tracing nonsensical patterns across the other man’s shoulders and down his back.

“Are… are you scared?”

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August 26
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Guillermo Marceliño
quiet evening [s][c]
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2022 22:12:54 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
“Go ahead,” he said, amazed at how much more relaxed he felt in Alex’s presence. Like a puzzle that had finally found its missing piece.

"Well. Neither of us has to be lonely anymore."

He shivered at Alex’s touch, sighing peaceably into the dark.

“Yeah. I’m terrified, actually.”
It was an odd thing, being honest about what he felt. Especially when it was a negative emotion. "What about you?"


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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
quiet evening [s][c]
POSTED ON Nov 25, 2022 20:13:58 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“Shitting myself, if I’m being honest too,” he hummed quietly as the cool air hummed around the outside of the little ‘nest’ (which would eventually seep into the little nest they had).

“Just that I haven’t properly vocalized my terror. I just. Face it and let it be.”

Since it was probably the last twenty-four or so hours before the world came to a (figurative) end, what better way to spend that time than together?

“You know… about those fucking dramatic reels? About asking what you’d do if you had twenty-four hours left to live?”

He let the question hang in the air.

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August 26
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Guillermo Marceliño
quiet evening [s][c]
POSTED ON Nov 26, 2022 16:15:20 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
Alex’s frankness startled a laugh out of him, and he turned his head and hid his face in his boyfriend’s chest as the giggles drew to a stop.

“There’s not much else we can do,”
he said, exhaling measuredly, “except face it. It’s not really something we can change, at present.”

Alex’s question made him him a thoughtful note, thumb tracing along the line of the other man’s collarbone.

“There’s no one I would rather spend it with,”
he said, quiet and full of meaning. “And if we do die tomorrow I… thank you, for making me so happy.”

He was a bleeding heart at his core, so sue him.


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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
quiet evening [s][c]
POSTED ON Dec 2, 2022 20:04:58 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“Don’t say that,” he chastised the other as his fingers continued the errant tracing, nonsensical patterns on his boyfriend’s skin.

“We’re going to go out with a fucking bang. Kicking and screaming if we have to.”

He shuddered quietly at the thought of the entire world being evaporated in a single strike.

“Go down fighting. With you by my side, if at all possible.”

He hummed quietly after that.

“Is there… is there something you’d want to do now? Asides from endlessly cuddle with me?”

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August 26
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Guillermo Marceliño
quiet evening [s][c]
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2022 19:50:16 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
His eyes half-close and he lays there, content to exist in the warmth and the cadence of Alex’s breathing and the hum of the AC unit.

“Just once,” he says, “I’d like to… not have to kick and scream. To survive. You know?”

With you at my side.

“Of course.”

He tilts his head up, spark of mischief in his gaze.

“Did you have something in mind?” he asks, one eyebrow raised, tone turning flirtatious as his body washes with electricity. Like Alex was the piece that finished his circuit.


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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
quiet evening [s][c]
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2022 12:55:05 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“Well… I did,” he hummed as he realized he had his boyfriend’s attention.

“Actually, with us snuggled into this nest, I’m not sure if… if we could wreck it, since… since well, it would involve a lot of moving around.”

Then the blush started to spread across his cheeks, down his neck, through his shoulders… everywhere.

“You… you know… with the obvious ‘end of the world’… I’m pretty sure a lot of people want to go out with more than just… more than just a bang,” he chuckled as the implication hung in the air.

“Only… only this time… would… would you let me… be in charge?”

Ah, shit, the blush was really thick on his cheeks now, wasn’t it?!

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August 26
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Guillermo Marceliño
quiet evening [s][c]
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2022 22:33:29 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
He would live and die by the blush on Alex’s cheeks. The way his whole face turned red, and it spread down his neck, across his collarbones-- even dusted his shoulders rosy.

Memo decides the blanket nest is a worthy sacrifice as he disrupts it for the purpose of sitting astride his boyfriend, knees on the mattress, resting on Alex’s thighs. He puts one palm on the pillows next to Alex’s head, about to lean in and kiss the rambling off his lips when--


He doesn’t frown, but it sure does catch him off guard. He blinks, tensing a little.

“Y--yeah, sure.”

It wasn’t the Alex Leading part that put him on edge (a soft edge, but definitely an edge). Generally, they balanced each other well: Alex wasn't overtly pliant and knew what he was about enough to direct.

There were just… stipulations. To these things. Given his past history, you understand.

Memo was the performer, not the performee, if you would.

“What, um. What… were you thinking?”


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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
quiet evening [s][c]
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2022 16:09:48 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

That damned-ass blush was going to be the death of him, he fucking swore.

“Well…” he blinked, looking up as (unsurprisingly) his boyfriend had already gotten into position but froze at the notion of the suggestion he’d brought up.

“Since I’m always, you know,” he coughed a little, before whispering the next words, “…always on the bottom I thought why not switch it up every now and then?”

Well, tonight was the first time he would ask of this.

(And maybe there would be more. Although it really depended on how the other would handle it.)

“I just… y’know, find it unfair that I’m the only one who receives, and you keep on giving. What… what if you run out of… you know, that to give? Haven’t you thought about it that way?”

The implications were there.

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