quiet evening [s][c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Guillermo Marceliño
quiet evening [s][c]
POSTED ON Dec 7, 2022 0:08:31 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
Memo was relieved this sudden desire to switch roles came from a place of fairness and not an unhappiness with his performance.

“Well, I thought that was what you liked?" he says, relaxing a bit. He laughs a little, quiet under the hum of the AC.

“No, I haven’t, but it… it doesn’t work that way, honey. I would never get tired of making you happy.”

And he kissed him, just to prove it.


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Alexei Ivanov
quiet evening [s][c]
POSTED ON Dec 7, 2022 17:55:03 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

He frowned a little after his boyfriend’s last statement.

“You know I believe in equality,” he hummed quietly as he matched his boyfriend’s gaze. “It can’t be an unevenly-balanced scale. While I like being on the receiving end, well…”

The blush on his face gave him away.

“I’d want… I’d want for you to experience the same that I do. You know? Give and take?”

He wondered if the other would see what he wanted to say.

“I like it when you’re in charge, but… you know? I’d want to at least keep things even between us two, if that’s alright with you?”

As if to prove a point, he gently pulled the other man down into a soft, gentle kiss.

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Guillermo Marceliño
quiet evening [s][c]
POSTED ON Dec 7, 2022 18:03:08 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
He went when directed, softening into the kiss-- as much as he could, given. Things.

After a few moments, he broke off with a little laugh.

“Baby, it’s really fine. The way things are. Better than fine.” Now he just felt like he was arguing. “But. Um. If you really want to. We can try. I’m just… not… the best at… I’ve never. Ah.”

How to explain this in a way that didn’t break Proboards TOS made sense?

“Never… well. It’s hard to explain.” Because he’d obviously… received, before. But it had never… been enjoyable.


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Alexei Ivanov
quiet evening [s][c]
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2022 12:05:37 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar


Was this where the ‘lost years’ came into play?

He remembered what his boyfriend had told him about… trading ‘favors’ in exchange for a roof over his head.

“Oh…” he hummed, pulling him down so that they were lying down next to each other again.

“You were coerced into it previously, right?” he continued, prodding and attempting to broach the subject as gently as he could.

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August 26
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Guillermo Marceliño
quiet evening [s][c]
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2022 17:42:08 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
He sits back on his heels, still astride Alex’s thighs-- no less intimate but definitely less pointed.

“Not ‘coerced’, really,” he said, rubbing at one bicep, suddenly nervous, “but, um. There were. Conditions. Terms.”

What else would you call, essentially, prostitution?

“It wasn’t… unwilling. Most of the time.” He winces. “But there’s… generally speaking, a limited amount of actions I was expected to… perform.”

He laughs. To diffuse the tension.


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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
quiet evening [s][c]
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2022 15:59:21 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“You were forced to doing just a few specific things, right?” he continued gently.

He didn’t want to blow the hatch wide open, to send the other panicking and scampering away from where he was, receding back into that miasma of self-loathing.

“And nothing else?” he confirmed.

He hoped that what he was doing wasn’t going to upset the other.

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August 26
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Guillermo Marceliño
quiet evening [s][c]
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2022 21:04:22 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
God, he hates this. why could ‘t they just do their normal stuff? so when they died tomorrow it was without this huge lump of awkward hanging over their heads?

oh, yeah, they could die tomorrow. why was he wasting precious time?

“i usually bottomed. or gave oral. it wasn’t pleasant. i never enjoyed it. but it got me money and food and shelter when i needed it, so. necessary evils.”

his eyes fall half lidded and he stares at a spot just over Alex’s shoulder, unfocused.

“you become accustomed to… rising above it.”

at least, he had.


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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
quiet evening [s][c]
POSTED ON Dec 16, 2022 12:14:52 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“Well… you don’t have to worry about any of that now, you know,” he went on, bringing the other hopefully out of the miasmic cloud of negativity that was swirling around him.

“Because, well, you’re here with me now. And… I would never force you to do anything that you don’t want to do. I believe in consent, you know. Everything. Has to have consent. Between us. How… how does that make you feel?”

He wondered what the other would think of him now, because of what he said. Would he be taken seriously?

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August 26
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Guillermo Marceliño
quiet evening [s][c]
POSTED ON Dec 16, 2022 23:47:26 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
You don’t have to worry about any of that.

It’s true, he supposes. There are, obviously, steps that were skipped along the way, integral ones, that weren’t going to be skipped now. There was the warmth and safety of his own home. Nothing relied on this.

“It’s not…”

His eyes flick back to Alex’s face, and he softens his own expression, struggling to find the words.

“... that I don’t want to. I just don’t think I--,”

He squints, licks his dry lips.

“--I’m a bit broken, Alex.”

It comes out on a laugh.


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Alexei Ivanov
quiet evening [s][c]
POSTED ON Dec 17, 2022 15:25:39 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“Broken?” he inquired quietly, wondering what was up; how and why did he term it that way?

“What kind of… broken, do you mean?” he prodded on gently, wanting clarification about this. If he was going to tackle this and ‘fix’ the ‘brokenness’, he needed at least some context on what the other meant by ‘broken’.

Just so he could start planning how to unbreak, or repair, whatever damage this had caused his boyfriend so much grief.

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Guillermo Marceliño
quiet evening [s][c]
POSTED ON Dec 17, 2022 17:49:43 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
Of course, Alex would continue to poke, to prod. Of course he would want to know.

“I don’t… so, you know how you don’t… feel the same kind of physical attraction as other people? There has to be an emotional connection there first, right?”

That’s what he’s gleaned of their relationship so far, at least.

“I don’t… I don’t think I can--,” he amended, after a beat, “feel pleasure the-- the same as. Other people. I’m broken.”

Reprogrammed. Misused. Denatured.


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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
quiet evening [s][c]
POSTED ON Dec 25, 2022 19:10:09 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Ah, so he was wise to pick up on that after all.

“Yeah… that’s right,” he hummed quietly. “Fact of the matter is, I know you’re a highly physical creature, whereas I’m on the more emotional side of things. Emotional connections, and all that,” he nodded.

And then the bombshell had been dropped.

“You—what. Wait, what? How—how, and what makes you say that? Is it… is it something you’re willing to talk about?

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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
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Guillermo Marceliño
quiet evening [s][c]
POSTED ON Jan 9, 2023 0:02:36 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
“You’re right, I am,” he says, and, as though to illustrate, he presses a warm hand to Alex’s cheek, brushes his thumb across the softness of his face; draws the fingers of his other hand over the ridges of his collarbones.

It’s a reminder that jars him out of his negative headspace, and pushes him back into the heat of his body.

He wants.

He wants Alex with an almost uncontrollable need.


He doesn’t know if he’s willing to talk about it. He never has, before. His brain is hot and his hips want to move of their own accord.

“It’s hard to explain. I am-- I am good at giving. I am not so good at receiving. And I’ve never… enjoyed it. Not once. Not really.” He tilts his head, licks his lips. “I don’t know how else to… say it.”


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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
quiet evening [s][c]
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2023 14:00:19 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

The moment he’d explained just what was really wrong, well…

“Oh, Memo.”

None of the silly nicknames now. This was dead-on serious.

“Was this… was this where whoever… used you, forced you to do things… and didn’t even ask you if you… if you wanted to be… you know,” he trailed off, yet the look in his eyes conveyed what words couldn’t.

About how the other had been abused, dehumanized…

“That’s… that’ll never happen. Not ever. Never again. Not while… not while I’m here.”

Of that he was absolutely certain.

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August 26
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Guillermo Marceliño
quiet evening [s][c]
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2023 21:37:35 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
His breath is measured and hot as his eyes go unfocused and he leans in to press warm kisses to the column of Alex’s neck.

“It doesn’t matter,”
he says, finding the pulse at his throat and dragging his tongue across it. “It doesn’t matter anymore.”

And it doesn’t.

“Please. Just tell me what to do.”


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