❄ snowboy showdown ❄

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
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mint frost
❄ snowboy showdown ❄
POSTED ON Jan 1, 2023 1:42:41 GMT
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mint frost Avatar




He's glad the tension drops and he's in the clear. He leaves his partner with , letting her take the brunt of whatever the other girls might do. If anything at all. He'd gotten away pretty quickly in the end. He eventually find's his way back to , all in all with a fresh cup of cider, now that his snowboy is completed. "Heeeey~!" he said carefully palming a fresh hot cup into his friend's hands. "Let me help!" he announced as he carefully hid next to Jayden's snowboy. He began to pull at packed snow before asking him, "So any holiday plans this year? Gonna spend Christmas alone?" He waits a beat before adding. "Anything in particular you want for Christmas? Or your rbitdhay??? Any specific holiday wishes you want granted?"


tagged ▸ ooc [break][break]

Snowboy parts: [break]

Bottom: 1-25 (x1) [break]
Middle: 26-50 (x1) [break]
Top: 51-75 (x1) [break]
Decoration: 76-100 (x2) [break]


Prompts: [break]

Sabotage a snowboy. [break]
Dress your Pokemon in a holiday costume. [break]
Use an ice-type move/ability to keep the snow falling [break]
Interact with/reference the Darmanitan [break]
Reference a seasonal food/drink [break]
Express a holiday wish/gift idea [break]
Compliment another character's snowboy [break]
Reference a holiday song [break]




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