
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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caden, dr. maher
september 14th
medicine intern
leave the money on the table.
317 posts
caden maher DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @caden
caden maher
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2022 16:28:04 GMT
caden maher Avatar

he's never liked missions.

[break][break] in fact, he detested them with every fiber of his being. well — maybe not more than . but he had always found them an annoyance, something that he had to do just because he was his father's son, and had never been all that excited about them. but ever since he was trapped on the sub for "supervision" purposes, somehow, he found these little opportunities to get out more thrilling than he should have.

[break][break] but this was fucking stupid.

[break][break] caden stares down at the shivering pair of pichu who were glaring at him. all he had to do was shove them into a bag and get them back to the lab. he would've thrown a pokeball at them, but he'd ran out after the tenth pokeball they kicked away. annoying little buggers.

[break][break] he sighs.

[break][break] "c'mon. just get in. you know it's cold, it'll be warm in here."

[break][break] crouched in the snow in slateport's lower district, caden hoped that the open bag looked as convincing as he hoped it was. unfortunately, despite how shivering the twin pichu were, they didn't seem as convinced.

[break][break] "ow!"

[attr="class","ooc"] [break]
cold caravan [break]

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-munna"]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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played by


June 3
viridian city, kanto
hopeless romantic
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
68 posts
Kieran Roth DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kieran
Kieran Roth
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2022 17:31:01 GMT
Kieran Roth Avatar
Hibernation was Kieran's only means of handling the frost. Usually, he'd make a good nest of blankets, a heater, and a nearby source of food and he was set for the rest of the year. might not have understood, but he could tell she was always jealous of his master nesting ability. This year felt different — it happened so fast that he felt nearly as discombobulated as the pokemon likely did, but that didn't mean he could just avoid his job. It wouldn't be right, especially with them freezing as they were. That was at least something he could understand and tolerate for their sakes.

He'd managed to recover a frozen oddish and a shivering minun so far, which wasn't an easy effort. Most of the pokemon out here were frightened, despite their sluggishness under the sudden frost. He didn't enjoy the idea of rushing them, but there wasn't a lot of time if he wanted to get to as many as possible.

"There we go," He said, sighing as he finally managed to safely contain the last in his area. Yet, within a matter of minutes into the next searchable zone, he found another person. A rescuer, maybe? He wasn't a Slateport ranger, at least. Even civilians were volunteering to assist, which was beyond kind of them.

The poor guy looked like he was having some trouble. "Hey there," He said, slipping a little on a frosty patch. Now was not the time for his clumsiness to kick in. "Having some trouble?" He looked down to see the pichu, who weren't looking too trustful of the man. That didn't really say a lot though, considering all of this was probably a bit overwhelming for them.

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played by


caden, dr. maher
september 14th
medicine intern
leave the money on the table.
317 posts
caden maher DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @caden
caden maher
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2022 17:51:46 GMT
caden maher Avatar

there was a reason he decided to be a surgeon.

[break][break] caden didn't like most people, and he liked pokemon even less. the main reason that he were fond of pokemon like hypno or munna was because he never had to guess with them. a lot of psychic types spoke to him pretty clearly. most of all, none were actually pets.

[break][break] like this rodent over here.

[break][break] "you little —!" he curses, as he pulls his finger back as it's bit. he winces, glancing at the wound — it just barely broke skin.

[break][break] however, a voice calls to him and immediately caden's expression shifts. his shoulders tense, and he pauses, before he turns.

[break][break] "oh," he says, smoothing his expression over into a smile. "yes, actually. can you help?"

[break][break] better them than him, after all.

[attr="class","ooc"] [break]
cold caravan [break]

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-munna"]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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played by


June 3
viridian city, kanto
hopeless romantic
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
68 posts
Kieran Roth DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kieran
Kieran Roth
POSTED ON Dec 19, 2022 19:15:35 GMT
Kieran Roth Avatar

Pokemon weren't always easy to understand, even for Kieran. Admittedly, that had always been trying for him, but at the same it was also kind of a fun puzzle to work out. Maybe it was reliant on patience, which Kieran had in bountiful supply thankfully.

"Yeah sure, ouch... looks like one got you pretty good. Be thankful it's just a nip and not electrocution or something. Been there, done that." He laughed, realizing he was maybe talking a bit too much. He approached a little slower, offering the man a friendly smile before squatting down. Despite himself, he didn't ask if the sack was necessary. Not everyone had the same means as him and any help was better than none at all, even if it was a little... questionable.

"Hey, little guys. We're not gonna hurt you, we just wanna help you get to safety. That's all." He fished through his pocket for the treats. He also had some of his jam sandwich that he could offer over. If worse came to worse. The pichu were skittish at first, but as to be expected, empty stomachs went a long way. The braver of the two ran towards him and began munching. "There we go." He wasn't in a rush to trap them though, that'd ruin the experience. He looked up at the man, "Wanna try?"

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played by


caden, dr. maher
september 14th
medicine intern
leave the money on the table.
317 posts
caden maher DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @caden
caden maher
POSTED ON Jan 31, 2023 22:02:56 GMT
caden maher Avatar

a flicker of something passes by caden's face, nearly breaking his smooth facade, at the comment. but caden cares more about this situation's resolve than falling prey to his base emotions.

[break][break] "i can imagine," he says, only a bit dryly.

[break][break] he does watch with a bit more curiosity as the other man gives a shot. he is - for the record - much more successful than him. it is only further evidence to caden that he shouldn't have been sent on this mission at all.

[break][break] he wasn't a vet.

[break][break] "no," he says, with a shake of his head. "i think you got it."

[break][break] plus, it allowed him to look at them. which was even more fun.

[break][break] "what's your name?"

[attr="class","ooc"] [break]
cold caravan [break]

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-munna"]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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it's a long life full of long nights