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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 14, 2022 4:29:16 GMT
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granite cave was public property, but that didn't bother pippa. in an attempt to surprise flynt with her more 'feminine' and 'gentle' side, she had started a communal garden of sorts which grew all kinds of miscellaneous things such as tomatoes and peppers of all kinds. these items were put into sandwiches and she would sit about the cave sometimes, using the rocky walls as means of hardening her fists which she insisted were means of 'defending her love' - as if anyone would dare square up to someone as kind and lovable as flynt.[break]
"i thought you'd like this," pippa said as she was toasting some herb bread over a portable stove she had brought. this was her idea of a simpler date - something casual and laidback, even rustic in the sense of not having anything overly flashy like she usually pampered flynt with. he could look upon her garden and criticize her work while she treated him to a vegetarian sandwich while their pokemon played around them happily. the glamour crew were already forming small trinkets out of leaves of the plants - rings and earrings adorning their small figures. pippa was simply happy to have flynt and his big, fat, meaty [REDACTED] with her.[break]
"do you like food as spicy as you or no?"
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POSTED ON Dec 17, 2022 21:34:36 GMT
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"Well, I prefer sweet, like you," he offered as he reached out and gently tapped her nose with the tip of his finger.

The gesture of a day out together was sweet. He knew just how busy Pippa's work kept her, so he felt selfish when he asked for her time. But she seemed more than willing to drop everything when it came to him -- he did his best not to take advantage of such grand gestures. Once Pippa finished his sandwich, Flynt happily accepted and bit right into it. Perhaps he was a bit more famished than he realized. But he did stop to put the finishing touches on Pippa's own sandwich. Given her more rough exterior, he knew protein was necessary for her. The mix of meats he piled on the bread consisted of a cracked pepper chicken, cajun turkey, and a honey ham to add some sweetness to the spiced meats. Cheese, tomatoes, and lettuce were carefully stacked on with it to help give the sandwich some bulk and make it a bit more filling.

"You're making me feel a little domestic here, maybe I should start packing you lunches for work."

He loved the idea of going the extra mile for Pippa because in hindsight, he felt he didn't do enough for her. It seemed their pokemon knew enough to let them have their peace together, so he took the opportunity to wrap an arm around the pink haired coordinator's waist and pull her in to lean against him while they enjoyed their food together. (It was moments like this he appreciated from Pippa the most; her work and typical interests seldom made room for quaint outings, but he didn't complain one bit -- he wouldn't have her any other way.) Perhaps it felt appropriate to state the idea, given they finally had some quiet time alone on their date. Though it felt like a hard topic to really bring up.

"Considering, well, everything...," he stopped as he glanced at the ring he wore on his left ring finger and brushed the pad of his thumb over it in a way to calm his nerves. "The proposal, our eventual wedding, things like that. I know you talk about kids and all but is the idea something you want? Like... Really want? It's something you should consider both with your career path and with your nature in itself."

He felt it appropriate to be the voice of reason in the situation, because he never knew whether or not to take his fiancée seriously in the matter. Flynt loved the idea of a future together with her, and if she wanted an addition to the family they already had among them and their pokemon, he'd follow her every step of the way -- he loved dealing with kids personally. But he didn't want it to be something that set her businesses behind or put a strain on their relationship.

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POSTED ON Dec 18, 2022 20:30:55 GMT
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"wha --"[break]
cue choking.[break]
after a less-than-graceful choking session due to her forcefully shoving half of the sandwich down her throat already, pippa reeled back into a normal position and breathed in deeply to let her lungs, you know, not collapse. while the two of them indeed found themselves acting like an engaged couple already, pippa couldn't recall if flynt ever accepted her proposal. last she had really remembered was him looking at her in his usual shy fashion and murmuring that he'd come back to her later with a proper answer. had she remembered wrong? truthfully, she was always swept up in her 'lovey-dovey' cycle of groping and pampering her lovely other that she might have just overlooked his confirmation altogether. [break]
this would not do.[break]
"oh flynty boy!" pippa declared loudly and happily, her tongue forming a love heart in the back of her throat as she dropped to her knees to hug his legs tightly to her chest. the pinkette beamed up at flynt happily, as if she couldn't have put two and two together already and assumed he accepted her proposal, even if she did forget he accepted to begin with (truthfully, she lacked the attention span to do much of anything so god help her). guilt was heavy on her mind, but not so much to let the happiness of having flynt captured by her in the throes of marriage dissipate. readily, pippa lifted up the man as if he weighed nothing and elevated him to a fraction of the pedestal she put him on daily.[break]
"you make me the happiest gal around, you know that?"[break]
this was unabashedly true. pippa couldn't recall the last time someone kept her interest - let alone helped her feel more giddy than she already naturally was. "as for children - fuck no. excuse my language, but i would only have children if we truly wanted that for ourselves. it's up to you, my darking minecraft flynt that ignites and gets my rocks off daily." putting the ball on his end of the park, she gave him full control of such. "i'm merely into the breeding of it all," she admitted bluntly, putting him down gently and twirling a pink strand of hair around an index finger almost coyly. "if they inherited any bit of their father's beauty, however, i couldn't stop at just one, two, five, or ten!" gushing now due to flynt basically popping the stopper off of her mind, pippa started to spiral out of control with her imagination - imagining children surrounding flynt like a maushold with 9000 children would seem. "it'd be unfair to you to have one, or many, however ..." in a rare moment of clarity, pippa looked aside to introspect. of course, this wasn't in her nature so she snapped back quickly with a sly: "but you giving me that potent dad nut could easily change my mind, daddy."
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POSTED ON Dec 19, 2022 4:07:18 GMT
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His question fell innocent, but somehow Pippa managed to put fear into him -- consider it a nightmare before christmas, if one would. His eyes remained wide in pure shock when she stated that if he wanted kids, they wouldn't be able to stop at simply one. That idea alone admittedly terrified him. Sure, he was great with kids and could handle dealing with multiple at a time, but he couldn't imagine himself buried in caring for ten or more kids at a time. (Perhaps it was selfish of him to think that way, but he knew such would become too overwhelming for the two.)

"N-no, that's fine! Haha! Really!"

It almost seemed he was embarrassed he even brought the topic up. Flynt exhaled sharply and went back to his sandwich, too flustered to even make eye contact with his fiancée. But in a sense, it seemed they were both in the same boat -- it depended on what the other wanted. Flynt simply left the idea up in the air, meaning he didn't seem to care either way as to whether or not they expanded their family.

"But if you want my opinion, I think we're perfect as we are. We don't need kids when we have all of our pokemon."

This was geared more towards how her Eevee had really taken to his Leafeon. The thought made him chuckle as he kept an arm around Pippa. She had swept him off his feet on more than one occasion, and today was no exception. It wasn't long before he leaned in and pressed his lips against her ear in a sweet gesture, but also to whisper a promise among the two of them.

"Perhaps as a thank you for thinking of me with all of this, and to celebrate our engagement, we can try some of those moves you were talking about on the way here once we get home."

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POSTED ON Dec 22, 2022 20:01:17 GMT
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not flynt baring his metaphorical fabio chest hair at her and making pippa turn into a puddle before his very eyes.[break]
"all you have to do is drop trou if you really want," pippa stated as bluntly as ever, her gaze focused on the 'trou' in question. one hand immediately rose itself to flynt's waistband assertively, all the more eager since he seemed to be sinking his teeth further and further into the pomegranate she had readily extended to him upon first meeting. the more time they spent together, the more he was giving in to her and this was making pippa very happy, though she could also admit that she was adopting some of his qualities as well. patience and gentle touches were something she learned from him, now putting that into practice as she dropped her hand to simply hug his side in return and smile happily off at the eevee and leafeon that seemed to be running amok while the other pokemon watched them with jaded glares.[break]
"i don't think i'd be able to share you anyway," she declared towards the notion of having children, already waving it off of her plans for the future. flynt was the only one allowed to claim 'i'm baby' and she wouldn't have it any other way. of course, that didn't mean they would be giving up on what led up to having children, right? hell no. "what made you think about that, though? did you want siblings growing up? some kind of ara ara older sister or a brother to share me with?" as per usual, she found a good way to ruin a genuine, solid question while expecting an answer nonetheless.[break]
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POSTED ON Dec 29, 2022 4:03:31 GMT
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Flynt couldn't help but laugh and give Pippa a nudge in the side the moment her hand went towards his waistband. They were there to enjoy the day together, not act inappropriately in public. As she wrapped her arm around his waist, the coordinator couldn't help but lean his head against her shoulder in an act of affection. For a moment, he pondered her own question before he ultimately just gave a shrug. He tilted his head at an angle so that he could simply mumble against the skin of her neck.

"I just figured it's a good question to ask since we just made our engagement official," he admitted. "Plan for our future and all."

After the thought of the future, he went quiet. Maybe the thought that he wasn't enough for Pippa once more bubbled to the surface. It was an anxiety of his that had come from the fact he'd seen some of the men that Pippa had a preference to. They were admittedly attractive, confident, and had a lot going for them. Flynt was just a humble gardener when it boiled down to it. But despite the way he felt Pippa deserved better, he did indeed love her to pieces, and perhaps that's why he always catered to her every whim. To be wanted so much by someone made him feel loved. He couldn't repay that even if he tried. It wasn't long until he mumbled into her neck once more and gave it a light kiss. It was then he took his hand with his engagement ring on and intertwined his fingers with Pippa's that held onto his side.

"I can't say I'd want to share your attention, either. It's bad enough I have to share it with your Eevee," he teased. "Plus I think I'm starting to get the swing of Thor's Hammer Over Easy."

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POSTED ON Jan 7, 2023 7:30:16 GMT
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"to be honest, i hate sharing your attention too." [break]
this much was obvious, given her constant battles with the druid-type man's tsareena. it wasn't long before pippa would start swinging on people just for laying eyes on flynt, but she supposed she did have some semblance of a reputation to upkeep if she wanted to properly inherit her family's long chain of businesses. with her lascivious nature, it was a miracle she wasn't already disowned and thrown to the side eons ago. perhaps flynt had saved her from such a fate or perhaps he had simply subdued her wishes, seeing as he sponged her desires unlike any other and mopped her with them.[break]
even now, as the pinkette found herself red aflush with a shyness only he could bring out of her.[break]
"i love you," she admitted softly, her fingers tightening in his grip. the heiress wore her own ring proudly and she wasn't ashamed to admit who it was with. while some may question the union of a humble gardener and the heiress of a massive corporation, it was nothing short of the fairytales many would likely come to covet being a part of. no throuples would be in their future, though, as they seemed to share the same trouble with having to already divide their attention between each other and some outside source. even if the issue was approached from different angles, they shared the same devotion to one another and adored each other to death.[break]
"i'm just sorry sometimes."[break]
a moment of vulnerability? in my pippa? [break]
"it feels like i rushed you into things, a lot of the time." seeing as her nature was to be bold and forward, honesty came easily. looking flynt in the eyes, she held his gaze steadily - unafraid of confrontation or talking out what she felt. this was necessary for them to continue forward ... [break]
even if it was new for her, seeing as nobody took her as seriously as flynt did or seemed to care more than for her money, status, or fresh, wet [REDACTED].[break]
"i'm still surprised you said 'yes.' i want to thank you for that. maybe sex is the best way i can show it, that's why i always love trying out new things with you. it feels natural and fun - always like the first time. maybe for you, too," a soft laugh came at this idea, knowing flynt was a newbie in comparison to her previously promiscuous nature, "but you do need to learn when to take it slow." pippa cared for flynt, deeply. while she was a barrel of monkeys and always trying to be a fun time, she knew when to speak up for the shyer half. "if you ever are unhappy with anything - with me, even - just let me know and we can take a step back." holding their joined hands under her chin, she propped her head up on his fingers with a wide smile.[break]
"i want to make you the happiest hubby with the fattest dumpy out there, flynty."
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POSTED ON Jan 15, 2023 22:53:37 GMT
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He couldn't help but give a sweet laugh as he pressed a kiss to Pippa's temple. She had a way that was so sweet and innocent, and it was moments like this where it shined through. Pippa was right though, he did need to take things slower and assert when the best time would be to do so. He had moved quickly along with her, following with what he assumed made her happy. But in reality, given their current status, he needed to voice when he was unhappy or just not ready for something. But that was when it became hard. He was so used to pleasing others that he'd forgotten to ever worry about what pleased him.

"Of course I said yes. Pippa, you make me so happy. I'll do my best to figure out when I'm not ready for things, it's just... Well, it's not something I'm used to. So it'll be a learning process for us both, I suppose."

If he wanted to be able to properly help her with her business, he needed to learn when and where to speak up, whether it be for himself or for others. Sure, he had the ability to speak for others, but when it came to himself, he adjusted to what others wanted and watered himself down. But with Pippa's words, he felt a proverbial push forward to actually do something for himself for once.

With his own interests in mind, he felt himself pull his fiancée closer and shifted so she could sit comfortably in his lap. For now, he just wanted to hold her and enjoy the silence together. He may have seemed cliché, but he loved the way their bodies fit so perfectly together. His chin rested on top of her head as he took a deep inhale and caught a stronger scent of her shampoo. She always managed to smell nice, but something about strawberry on her seemed so fitting.

"First and foremost, I want to make it a point to do a simple date like this at least once a month. Let's focus on just us, keep business out of things. We deserve to have some peace and quiet and enjoy each other's company."

With his own offer stated, he shifted their positions so he could tilt Pippa's head up and he could share a more chaste kiss with her. He enjoyed the innocent parts of their relationship and felt it necessary to indulge in them a bit more -- balance out their intimacy in all aspects. As he finally brought himself to look away from Pippa, he caught the way the sunlight had begun to disperse. It seemed it had gotten late without them noticing. Perhaps it was better for them to head home while they still had some light out.

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POSTED ON Jan 16, 2023 4:55:05 GMT
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"i appreciate that, darling." flynt was obviously a people pleaser and it was detrimental to his own wellbeing. not only did pippa bend him into a human pretzel more than once, but he allowed it to happen and even pressed her to do it more often so he could 'learn' to do so himself. it was strange to her to have someone so willing to work themselves into the image of what she wanted. it was charming at first - and hell, even now she was flattered - but she wanted what was best for her fiance. she wanted him happy and comfortable, not simply living in the forefront of her mind, taking notes about what she would like, want, or need at the moment.[break]
"i love you, flynt. i love you for you, not for what you can do for me." there were plenty of people who could do anything she would particularly need, but she could never find anyone who could provide what flynt could give her when he was just at ease - soaking up the sun and smiling like a sunflower tilted towards the light. in his natural state, he was perfect. he didn't need to try to do anything special or be anything he didn't want to be. [break]
he was already hers and that was already too much for pippa to believe to be true.[break]
"let's go home." offering a hand to him, she took his own gently and pulled him up to his feet to lead them away. "we can talk more about it later, if you'd like. as we both say - we are here to work through things together and talk through anything that may need it."
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POSTED ON Jan 16, 2023 5:12:46 GMT
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With hardly any effort, Pippa had managed to pull the lanky gardener to his feet. It wouldn't hurt for him to tone himself up with enough bulk to return the favor for Pippa. She was brawn in all its glory, but surely she'd enjoy to be carried around like a princess as well at times. It's what she deserved in his mind. He could only hold onto her hand and lean into her as they made their trek home.

"Of course, it's not a topic I want to drop," he insisted. "So we can talk about what I can do to be a bit more assertive in my approach. And I have a great teacher, really."

He shot Pippa a sweet smile. It wasn't meant as an insult in the slightest. In fact, he admired how assertive she could be, especially in business mode. So to have her as his assertiveness trainer was a godsend in itself.

[thread end]

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POSTED ON Jan 17, 2023 3:32:03 GMT
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