Late Night Snackin' and Security

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Twenty Five
March Eighth
Littleroot Town
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @olliver
olliver samovar
Late Night Snackin' and Security
POSTED ON Mar 3, 2023 17:58:20 GMT
olliver samovar Avatar
Having still been relatively new to Team Rocket as a whole, Olliver had currently been assigned to some basic grunt work. Himself, and a few others, would be tasked with patrolling the ship to investigate the strange sounds that have been emitting throughout the ship in the dead of night. Each of the individuals assigned to this task had been split into groups and as far as he was aware, his partner was supposedly some woman that had gone by the name of Calpurnia?? Or Kelpie. Supposedly it depends on who you ask.
Regardless of what her name actually was, Olliver had decided to head to the rendezvous point that they were assigned to: The Cafeteria. As he had headed off in that direction, he would be sure call forth a singular Pokemon. His caretaker, Indeedee, would be summoned forth from her pokeball and would proceed to walk beside him. She might not have been all that effective in combat but she was surely a good partner to have around.

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June 18
Snowbelle City
Rocket Scientist
Fill Me Up Buttercup
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This vessel is a lie, a shapeshifting beast, a lesson in fluidity
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TAG WITH @calpurnia
Calpurnia Kubrick
Late Night Snackin' and Security
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2023 1:23:55 GMT
Calpurnia Kubrick Avatar
For scientists, her coworkers seemed oddly susceptible to folk and ghost tales. When she walked in each morning, a sense of unease underran the office. People whispered about ghots and moaning. However, the stories sounded more like someone’s sordid quickie than anything paranormal. Then again, it was to be expected. She doubted half of her associates had gotten past first base. While their puppy dog research struck Kelpie as adorable, significant others were rarely entranced by the effect of bacterium on Pokemon reproduction.

All the talk of specters made the night shift reluctant to venture to specific labs at night. This left her and her team with more to do in the morning. It led to shortened coffee breaks and a general increase in tension (certainly not the fun kind). After two weeks of this dysfunction, Calpurnia decided the time had arrived to end this nonsense. Before long, she selected a partner for this mission. A little blue-haired, bespectacled scientist who seemed to prefer the existence of a wallflower.

As Ollie turned the corner, he found his partner sitting on a bench. One heeled boot was folded across the leg opposite with the other shoe perched delicately upon the floor. Freshly manicured hands fly across her keyboard. There was no sign she—or the Purugly in her lap—had noticed you. “It is lovely to see some people can still read a clock.” The woman’s voice is like velvet, every word underpinned by a flirtatious tone.

Violet eyes lifted to the young man, a smile playing at her lips. “Tell me, Ollie.” Her voice was a tigress purr that walked a fine line between violence and pleasure. All soft-toe beans and jagged, sparkling fans. “Do you believe in ghosts?”

The Purugly in her lap—bored by the very idea of existentialism—yawned.

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