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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
Data Date (M)
POSTED ON Mar 8, 2023 23:13:24 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
A shiver ran down Oscar's spine as a gust of wind cut through his coat. He knew Shoal Cave to be rather cold, so he thought he had dressed up accordingly. Yet standing at the cave's mouth proved how unprepared he was, the biting chills from within slicing through his thin body as easily as a sharpened blade. Oscar cursed under his breath as he shoved his hands into his coat pockets, turning his back to the cave.

"Why's it gotta be so fuckin' cold?" He asked his nearby mission companion. Oscar needed to collect data by watching Rocket's grunts work in the field, and today he would be shadowing @jason. Oscar recalled seeing Jason at the first Uriel Project meeting, but they did not interact at all. Mister Beumont's mannerisms were unknown to Oscar; there was a nostalgic sense of awkwardness that came with unfamiliarity. Oscar welcomed the feeling, it had been a long time since he went on a mission with a grunt he did not know.

He just wished it was not so cold! Was it always this chilly? Perhaps, though it might not be a natural chill. Maybe the subject of their mission was the cause of this additional drop in temperature. A ghost pokemon had been getting the drop on Rocket agents near Mossdeep, their pokemon being stolen while the agents were dazed. The spirit had been tracked to Shoal Cave, and it was now up to Oscar and Jason to hunt it down. Well it wa mostly up to Jason, technically Oscar was just supposed to observe and intervene if things get dicey.

Oscar had given Jason a head band to wear, which would record his vitals during the mission. He looked over to check if he had put it on yet. "Is the headband comfortable? I wouldn't know I never put it on."

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Mar 9, 2023 4:09:31 GMT
Deleted Avatar
[attr="class","jacewtw"]"You'd think for a tropical fuckin' region, I wouldn't have to buy a winter coat." Goddamn it was cold, even with the Ducklett down jacket. Still, he'd suffer in silence because he didn't want to be a complainer. No one liked the guy who whined all the time, y'know? "Ghosts probably are makin' shit worse, too." Jace didn't pretend to know what the scientist wanted with the specters, but at least they were decent to look at while he froze his ass off.[break][break]

"It's uh...whatever, I'm good." Comfortable? It looked fuckin' stupid and itched like hell, but he was trying to make a good first impression on his boss. "So what's the plan? I go in, make a buncha fuckin' noise and see what shows up?"


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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,971 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
Data Date (M)
POSTED ON Mar 14, 2023 2:10:41 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar clapped his hands together, his pointer fingers pointed toward Jason. "Love that energy--hold onto it-- but no." Oscar turned toward the mouth of the cave and began walking forward. "We take this sneaky-like. We don't want the ghost to get away, so we gotta get the jump on it. Then we fuck shit up. Oscar paused and looked back at Jason. "Well, you fuck shit up. I'm just supposed to watch."

Oscar continued forward, pausing again upon fully entering the cave. It was more icy then he remembered, with frozen pools of low-tide ocean water scattered across the cave floor. Oscar rubbed the back of his head, "Shit, we can't take our time though. High tide will be fuckin' killer, we gotta re-kill it before then. Let's be quick but quiet."

Oscar pushed on, moving as quickly as he could while making as little noise as possible. He was very careful to avoid the frozen pools when he could, not wanting to slip and break his ass. He was not sure where to go exactly, but he had a basic intuition and that intuition told him to follow the cold deeper into the cave.

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