Leafblower Blues [ g ]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jun 29, 2019 12:10:51 GMT
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she couldn't help but snort. 

you know full well what i'm packing, kim."

cait left that to interpretation, though the meaning behind her words were fairly obvious - albeit a bit lewd.

'that's the first time i've been caught up.' 

she often labeled herself as a keen and decisive young woman, yet she had allowed herself to so easily be distracted by kim's word play. 

'you're not some fresh-faced cadat, girl,' she thought, narrowing her eyes. 'keep your head in the game 'till you're done.' 

chikorita didn't fair well following the onslaught, the pokemon in the midst of being whittled down with each strike that scored his front or flank. he'd likely need a good amount of personal attention following the battle, the claws likely to leave split flesh in their wake. 

"body slam.

despite being on the cusp of collapse the young grass-type succeeded at thrusting the entirety of his small and solid form at the little bear - a hint of a growl escaping him. 

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POSTED ON Jun 30, 2019 16:43:39 GMT
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To say he was embarrassed would be an overstatement, but her wording did catch him off guard, a hand moving to cover his mouth as he gave a cheeky smile, inadvertently looking away for only a moment.

His eyes avert long enough for the chikorita to slam onto the Teddiursa, its minor bulk still doing a decent amount of damage to the cub, its chubby form lying on top of the now downed normal type. But, this would only create an opening for the Teddiursa, the bear kicking the Chikorita away from itself then going in for the final strike, a Feint Attack.

The bear rolled over, rushing towards the pokemon from the front, before appearing at it’s backside, slamming into it with a shoulder tackle and launching the grass type a decent distance away from itself.

Good round.” He commented as the Teddiursa waddled back to Kim’s side of the field, a light snack given to the cub as he prepared for the next round.

Would me switching pokemon be to your liking Kay?

Teddiursa's Attack Maxed

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POSTED ON Jun 30, 2019 17:17:26 GMT
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"you're done, chikorita."

the pokemon appeared greatly relieved to be called off the battlefield, his body covered from head to toe in freshly gotten wounds. cait determined that he had received a decent amount of experience from the mostly one-sided bout and allowed him early leave because of it.

'we'll work on making him battle ready later.' 

keep the teddiursa," she said.

a fairy would be the one to situate themselves before their mistress next, this particular creature appearing to be an average mimikyu.

"mi," it chimed. 

the ghost curiously eyed the deceptively soft-looking bear, thinking that it closely resembled a stufful in many ways. without having to be prompted, a claw emerged from its disguise, the shadow-drenched appendage proudly bared as the pokemon executed a hone claw.  

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POSTED ON Jun 30, 2019 20:19:21 GMT
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Her next selection threw him off a bit, a Mimikyu taking the floor.

Considering he only had a selection of three actual attacks and the other two were completely ineffective against the opposing pokemon put him at a disadvantage for versatility. There were only two things he could really do at this point, and stalling out the battle with rest and hoping sleep talk would allow a feint attack to get through was not the way he wanted to go. So instead, he’d simply let the Teddiursa fight, its only usable move being used repeatedly.

His first Feint Attack would rid the Mimikyu of its Disguise, the cub backing away and awaiting to retaliate against its opponent.

Not a bad choice.

He whispered under his breath before speaking up.

I guess you really were just playing the fool.

He joked, a friendly chuckle escaping with his words.

Teddiursa's Attack Maxed

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POSTED ON Jul 1, 2019 4:28:01 GMT
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mimikyu's 'excellent' disguise promptly flopped over, its neck appearing broken after an admittedly meager attempt at remaining upright. 


the pokemon wasn't at all pleased by the outcome of the feint attack, the cloth that covered the entirety of its true form rippling slightly as the concealed beast shifted restlessly beneath cheap fabric.

mimikyu, use wooden hammer!"

mimikyu rushed forward, surprisingly fast as its 'tail' adopted a purple sheen. she'd perform a short leap toward the teddiursa before violently swinging around with the intention of ramming the wood hammer into the pokemon's round midsection. 

"follow it up with play rough."

whether the initial attack landed or not, the pokemon wouldn't miss a beat in attempting a rough session of play, seeking to close the distance between herself and the bear before raining down physical abuses upon him. 


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POSTED ON Jul 2, 2019 21:58:13 GMT
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The Teddiursa would put up its best defense, the bear taking the brunt of the Wood Hammer, blocking with its stubby arms. But once the the ghost type pounced and the roughhousing began, the cubs fur would become more and more frazzled, phantom limbs swiping at the normal type as the two rolled about.

When the onslaught ended, the Tedduirsa would create space between the two of them, shifting backwards and eyeing the Mimikyu. It would not take long for the pokemon to begin rushing in.


The councilman said sternly, his features calm as he looked to the pokemon.

You’ve done good, no need to push yourself.

The Teddiursa looked back, breathing softly before standing up straight, giving a nod to the Mimikyu before walking back to his trainers side, taking a seat and leaning against the mans leg.

A honey stick would be handed down to the bear, Kim squatting down and gently ruffling the pokemons head before coming to a stand.

A hand gently tapped at his side, releasing a Volcarona, the bug immediately Quivering, its wings fluttering in a Dance of scales and heat.


Kim commands, the Volcarona conjuring up a huge gust of wind, shifting the Mimikyu back from whence it came and forcing another pokemon to take its place.

He’d smile at Cait coyly, a wink following as the Volcarona waited idly.

Volcarona Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed up x1

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Leafblower Blues [ g ]
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2019 7:10:43 GMT
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mimikyu released a shrill noise as she was blown away with an almost absurd amount of ease. the conjured gusts of wind relentlessly tossed her about before inevitably flinging her off the field. cait followed the wailing ghost with her narrowed gaze, forced to observe as the pokemon was mercilessly flung out of sight. 

"that was a mistake," she drawled. 

she was reminded of when mister silph had done the same, one of his many companions having effortlessly removed her whimsicott from the field. it had only occurred a handful of times since but with each iteration it proved a chore to reacquire them for battle. 


the decision was a relatively easy one - at least from her perspective. her water-type emerged from the river that bordered the field, the look upon her face reflecting that she was very eager to serve as a participant for such a battle. 

work on getting mimikyu back," cait said, ordering her psychics to retrieve the ghost. 

once the search was underway she once again focused on the battle at hand. 

hydro pump."

the pokemon's dainty maw fell open, a rush of water taking leave of it a near instant later.  


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Leafblower Blues [ g ]
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2019 12:42:28 GMT
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I think not.” He would respond almost immediately following her statement, a chipper tone in his voice and a light smile kept on his lips.

Even when the Primarina was released, the councilman held his expression, the calm of his features unmoving even as the Hydro Pump soaked the Volcarona, it’s heat cooled ever so slightly as it kept afloat.

Quiver Dance.” Kim commanded, the moth once more shedding scales as its heat resurfaced, a dazzling displaying of scales and a softer warmth emanating from the pokemon.

Giga Drain.

The councilman spoke, his words floating extravagantly as the Volcarona did the same, its heated body making contact with the Primarina, sucking energy from the pokemon before darting back to its previous positon.

The Volcarona shuttered quickly, its sunny sheen regained along with its health.

I hope you have something stronger than Hydro Pump, Caitypie.

Volcarona Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed up x2

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Leafblower Blues [ g ]
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2019 14:28:41 GMT
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the strategy that kim utilized was sound - but not perfect. cait noted that his bug-type was forced to make physical contact in order to successfully execute the giga drain.

'noted,' she thought.

her water-type grimaced and shook her head, attempting to shrug off that she had been weakened by a significant enough margin. but she still remained in the fight, her eyes clear and narrowing upon the cool-faced bug. 

sparkling aria."

cait decided to keep her eye out for the next attempt at health recovery, prepared to react at a moment's notice. the pokemon's speed was bolstered, but she'd made sure that her own partner was adequately prepared. 

get ready, primarina.

the sparkling aria went off without a hitch - the attack quickly followed by another. despite its strengthened defenses, it was still indubitably vulnerable to water-based moves. 

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Leafblower Blues [ g ]
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2019 17:03:14 GMT
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Both attacks hit their target, substantial damage acquired by the type and its attacks of the same nature. But the Volcarona kept afloat, its wings beating a little heavier to do so but getting the job done anyways.

A pout appeared on Kim’s face, both hands sent to rest on each hip as he looked to the pokemon.


A calling to the pokemon as well as an utterance of discontent at his actions. The attacks were weaker than the Hydro Pump but Cait had managed to get two off, and that of course was no good for the Volcarona or his partner.

Quiver Dance.

The dual type would once again regain its luster, its dance becoming more lively than the first two as its stats bolstered that much more so.

Don’t go in this time Boo, this is a battle not a playdate. Use Giga Drain.

The Volcarona hummed in enmity, but listened all the same, its distance kept as particles of life escaped from its opponent and led back to the Volcarona, a hearty chunk of health regained with the assistance of its boosted stats.

Unfortunately for Cait, her deduction was flawed, the only reason for the Volcarona going in originally being taste. But there was no need for such trivial things when it came to battle, Giga Drain is a non-contact move after all (honk honk).

Volcarona Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed up x3

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POSTED ON Jul 3, 2019 17:31:59 GMT
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"repel it with hyper voice.

as the green tendrils snaked their way toward the water-type, cait responded accordingly. the sound-based move that was further energized by the primarina's voice rang true, interrupting and parrying the energy-based attack. satisfied by this outcome, the woman allowed herself a little smile. 

"hydro pump.

her water-type raised her flippers dramatically, her head tilted back before she lurched it forward and released a torrent of pressurized water that rushed toward her foe.

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Leafblower Blues [ g ]
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2019 17:32:44 GMT
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The Hyper Voice did its job parrying the Giga Drain, but to the Volcarona’s boosted defence, the Primarina’s screeching did as little more than cause a minor rining within the bugs ears.

Boo, dodge it.

Was commanded, the Volcarona shifting ever so slightly to the side and sending the jet of water flying past itself.

You look a little cheeky there Cait. Finally getting in the mood?

Kim would smile a little brighter, another command sent after the remark.

Quiver Dance on the double. Let’s finish this quickly.

And with that relayed, the volcarona would unfurl its wings to their full span, a merging of scales and flame scattering around itself in an elegant display as the warmth of the moth radiated throughout the field.

Once its dance was completed, the bug’s wings would beat a mile a minute, zipping to and fro in appreciation of its newfound agility.

Volcarona Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed Maxed

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POSTED ON Jul 6, 2019 18:44:57 GMT
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'this man literally named his bug 'boo'. i gotta admit it's real cute, though.' 

only for you, kim."

cait was confronted by the reality that her primarina would be hard-pressed to whittle the bug drown. quiver dance had done its work - and it had done its work multiple times over to the point where it would take time for even water-type moves to effectively pummel it. 


she released quiet huff of air, hastily reviewing her situation before gesturing absently. 

"two rounds of hydro pump.

cait sounded slightly distracted, her head turning from side to side as she struggled to locate mimikyu among her horde of observing pokemon.  

'they should have found her by now.' 

her primarina obeyed, slightly unsure as she eyed the bug before spewing the pressurized stream of water from her dainty maw. 

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POSTED ON Jul 7, 2019 11:52:30 GMT
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Get in closer.

The councilman commanded, the Volcarona weaving through the first Hydro Pump, deftly avoiding its girth, only to push in through the second one, it’s wings curling around itself, unfurling to their full length in a dazzling display of shining scales and sparkling water droplets once it had zoned in close on the water type.

Bug Buzz.

An attack whose use was only to cause annoyance to the Primarina, a high pitched drone emanating from the moths wings, followed by a Giga Drain; the succ used up close and personal.

Volcarona Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed Maxed

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Leafblower Blues [ g ]
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2019 16:26:23 GMT
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"what do you mean you can't find her?"

following primarina's defeat and subsequent departure from the field, cait had looked to her psychics to produce the missing ghost. it was her grumpig who would make her way to her mistress, a hint of nervousness tugging at her round features. 

- we've been lookin', mistress, - the pig replied. - ain't found her yet. we're tryin'. - 

i can't just keep kim waiting," cait said. 

grumpig merely blinked at her before giving a shrug, indicating there was little else that could be done; either she could wait or forfeit.

'kim and his stupid whirlwind.' 

cait sucked in a breath, schooling her features appropriately as she moved to close the distance between herself and kim. she didn't bother with giving his bug a wide berth, familiar enough with the species and their temperament.

"do me a personal favor and you get your badge. think of it as a test of compassion - or something."

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