
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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lev, svenergy
april 20
phenac city, orre
dj / researcher
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this feeling is heavy, makes my body ache and i'm ready to fall into the sky
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sven korolev
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2023 20:16:55 GMT
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As if on cue, the two grass cats came tumbling out of Sven's bedroom as if play fighting with one another. Silly Putty slinked after them at a slower place and warbled a bit frustratedly so, as the two seemed to be fighting over a toy ball that Sven kept for his pokemon. The two had taken the ball from the poor Ditto and it tried desperately to get it back. At the commotion, Sven stood up and grabbed the ball from the twin Sprigatitos and wiggled it a bit. The bell in the ball jingled about as he did.

"Hey guys, we have a visitor!"

Indica's ears perked up first as it looked past Sven and soon made a slow stride to go greet Saskia. Sativa was a bit quicker as it zoomed in and jumped onto the couch beside the brunette and rubbed enthusiastically against her arm. Sven laughed at the sight and threw the ball to Silly Putty to allow the Ditto some time to play. It warbled a bit, much more happy to have its toy back. As it gripped onto the ball with its stubby hands, Sven picked the Ditto up and carried it in.

"Seems they're all pretty excited to see you, too! Say, how's Grim doing? You get him to mellow out yet?"

He knew Kirin was a bit more mellow compared to Maugrim. But then again, sometimes an earthquake felt more mellow than the Lycanroc. Sven sat on the floor and held his Ditto in his lap, allowing the pink blob to toss the ball in its arms a bit more, even picking it up when the creature didn't quite catch it.

⚰︎ divider made by milky!

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april 06
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saskia volosenkova
POSTED ON Jul 2, 2023 19:02:54 GMT
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the two kittens tumble out of the doorway at sven's calling and saskia absolutely lights up. she'd told herself if she ever got the chance to grab a sprigatito of her own, she would, solely because of these two. as it turns out though, the leafy cats are hard to come by in the cold reaches of snowpoint. 

sativa's pleasant smell wafts under her nose as he rubs his chin against her arm. she scritches him behind his ears and coos at him. the stimulation makes his spine shiver so she wiggles her fingers above his head and lets him bat and nip harmlessly at her fingers. 

her smile dips though, and she looks exasperatedly at sven, when he brings up maugrim. 

"no. he almost attacked me the other day! papa won't say it, but i'm sure he'd be happier if i gave him up. i just...i don't know what i'm doing wroooong. said he'd help me train him, but he's so busy..."

sativa plops onto his side, arms still up and batting playfully at her. if only grim would play like this

"do you have any troublesome pokemon? anyone i haven't met?"
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lev, svenergy
april 20
phenac city, orre
dj / researcher
rising star
this feeling is heavy, makes my body ache and i'm ready to fall into the sky
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sven korolev
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2023 20:40:35 GMT
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Sven's eyes widened at the way Saskia mentioned that Grim had been so harsh with his trainer. Lycanrocs were quite temperamental dogs to begin with, but one that was so quick to attack? And its trainer at that? He plopped back onto the couch and sighed a bit. As much as he wanted to take Saskia's side in this debacle, he could sort of understand where her dad was coming from. It would do no good for a ranger to have a pokemon that couldn't properly obey. But at the same time, he had high hopes for his friend and her training style. After all, Kirin was a great pokemon. So she was certainly doing something right. Maybe it was their temperament, or maybe it was something more.

"Well if Greyson's too busy, I could probably fit it into my schedule at time. It takes patience," he offered with a nod. "But I can't say any of my pokemon are any trouble at the moment! But they usually are a bit contrary when you first catch them."

To Sven, it was all a matter of instinct. If he got some one-on-one time with Maugrim, he was certain he could have a feel for the temperament the dog gave, and help give Saskia advice from there. Though Silly Putty was in his arms, it soon was placed to balance on his head. From that angle however, it dropped its toy and seemed saddened, until Sven handed it a pizza bagel to munch on. Sven himself grabbed the plate and took one, then offered it out to Saskia. The bagel crunched a bit harder in his mouth than he anticipated as he chewed, but a thoughtful 'hm' left his lips as he swallowed the bite he'd taken. Sven didn't take long to plop the other half of the mini bagel in his mouth and swallow it as well.

"Given Maugrim is a bit more wolf-like, I imagine it's got that wild temperament in it still. You've gotta give it a chance to go all out, even if it means possibly getting attacked. In a sense, it's a matter of showing him your trust. Once he knows you won't back down, he might respect you more."

There was that mentality in dogs in which they had to be the alpha. If Saskia could show Maugrim that she was the one running the show, perhaps he'd kneel to her. And if things got too dicey in their training session, he could always just bring out Marco in an attempt to cool the rock-type down with a few spritzes of water.

⚰︎ divider made by milky!

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april 06
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if i could be as bold to say that, you make me a joy parade
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saskia volosenkova
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2023 22:42:35 GMT
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she really could just smother silly putty in all his cuteness. it's hard to pay attention to what sven is saying with the amorphous blob on his head being the dumb little baby that it is. she even takes a couple of pics for instagram while he talks. and one video. zoomed in on silly putty's weird pink mouth as it munches on the treat. 

she, herself, bites the bagel out of sven's hand and simpers at him. some of the cheese almost oozes off, but she's quick to catch it and palm the entire thing into her mouth in one bite. 

"wild is an understatement. but okay, yeah! he def doesn't respect me. like, at all. but his tail is so fluffy, sven, and i just want him to be a good pupper so he lets me pet him." because right now, he doesn't even let her do that

"but what does your sched look like? can i come see you play soon?"
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lev, svenergy
april 20
phenac city, orre
dj / researcher
rising star
this feeling is heavy, makes my body ache and i'm ready to fall into the sky
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sven korolev
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2023 1:56:45 GMT
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Poor Saskia looked absolutely drained. Maybe that's why he let her swipe the bagel bite out of his hand. Though it did earn a laugh from the dj. He could understand her desire for Grim to just be a good boy, because who didn't want to pet a dog pokemon? It was a little difficult when the pokemon wouldn't let anyone do that, however. With her question offered, Sven pulled out his phone and checked his schedule. Nothing too important popped out at him. Even so, he was quick to offer a cheesy line to the brunette.

"Well you know, there's nothing more important in my schedule than you, so I'm free whenever if it means getting the little guy some training in."

His words were cut off with a loud yawn. Maybe it was time for the two to call it a night. Sven stood up and stretched a bit before he began to pick up after the two of them. Once the living room was clean enough, Sven grabbed a pillow and blanket before he rubbed at his eyes. He wasn't anything if he wasn't hospitable.

"You know the rules. Since you're the guest, you get my bed. I'll take the couch."

His Sprigatitos paced around the foot of the couch as if waiting for Saskia to get up and lead them back. Seemed Ditto was the only pokemon that chose to stay with him, not that he minded.

⚰︎ divider made by milky!

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april 06
small time
if i could be as bold to say that, you make me a joy parade
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saskia volosenkova
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2023 22:29:35 GMT
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the relief is palpable. she's watched her fair share of youtube videos and tiktoks about pup training, but everything she's tried hasn't helped. she knows she doesn't have a firm enough hand, but he's a scary dog. and it's a lot for her. 

she squirms a little bit at the honesty, a slight blush crawling to her cheeks, which is a weird feeling on her face because sasky doesn't get embarrassed. she hides it by bending over and sinking her face into sativa's back, pretending like she's smelling the sweet scent off the cat's back fur. 

sativa doesn't mind one bit and flops in her lap. 

but when sven stands, sativa hops down and starts pacing. she would help, but there isn't much to clean up. by the time he's done, she's stood, and she's smiling at his yawn. 

"okayyyyy, but don't complain tomorrow when your back hurts." she steps neatly around the cats as they twine around her legs. from beside the couch, saskia scoops up her backpack and heads to the bedroom. 

she pauses by the doorframe. how long has it been since they've done this? since they were kids? not as adults. her visits home were always brief vacations and she slept at home those times. 

"night, sven," she says lightly and ducks her head through the door, shutting it quietly behind her.
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POSTED ON Jul 29, 2023 22:06:09 GMT
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