i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
we could
have been us
5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
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ana fell
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2023 16:55:41 GMT
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To cure what ails, without fail.



From the street, it is a rather nondescript building. An old-fashioned brick two-story nigh-on-warehouse. An old-timey mural is painted on the side facing the road, centered on the brick and depicting a snake-oil advert. There are three concrete steps with a wrought-iron balustrade leading up to the ornate fogged glass and iron double doors.



The kitsch only gets stronger as you step inside. The ceiling is done in reflective tin, and there are shelves upon shelves of knick-knacks and vials. It looks almost more like an antique store than an apothecary. The walls are strewn with framed photographs, comic book posters, and art prints-- there’s even a Stantler skull, hung high and looking down on you with judging, sightless eyes. [break][break]

Potted plants spill green over every edge, vines draping from on high-- perhaps in homage to that which came before? Bouquets of dahlias in every color are bundled together in kintsugi-healed vases. Golden chain-hung lights beaming down in an almost garish ‘70s style that keeps the ambiance comfortably dim. It’s always cool, almost to the point of eliciting shivers. [break][break]

At the back of the lobby, there is a wooden merchant’s desk with a cash register, PA microphone, more flowers, and a sign on a string that reads ‘THE DOCTOR IS IN’ with the option to flip to the other side when she is not, in fact, in. There is a glass display cabinet behind the counter, filled with figurines and knickknacks, vials of mysterious liquids, and strings of pressed flowers. Broad leaves and golden filigree plaster the back wall, half-concealing a square frosted glass paned and iron door. [break][break]

In the center of the back wall, there are large symbols-- perhaps a pictographic language? Or maybe just cool shapes that make no sense:


There are Pokemon wandering the floor at all times: a rather tired-looking Dusknoir frequently found by the front desk; A Roserade tending to the plants; a pink Furret patrolling through the shelves; a Gardevoir that dusts and dusts, as though nothing will ever be quite clean enough; and an assortment of others, so many that it is always a surprise to see who might be on staff when you walk in on a given day.


Despite the rather sinister rumors surrounding the place, you are surprised to find you can still purchase everyday items such as homemade soaps, shampoos, and fragrances, handmade cards for numerous events, and a daily rotating assortment of baked goods.


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