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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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lev, svenergy
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POSTED ON Jul 10, 2023 18:26:56 GMT
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The young scientist practically bursted through the doors as he caught sight of the ranger. She must have just been on her way back home, and here he had decided to try and surprise her. Seemed his timing had been off, or excitement had got the better of him. Nonetheless, he whipped his phone out and was thrilled to show Saskia his own profile.

"There's this new app out called AmiGo that lets you connect with all sorts of people! It's pretty fun! You should try it!"

Despite the excitement he felt about the whole ordeal, he was quick to lock his phone screen and pocket the device once more. Was it his attempt to sales pitch? Not really, he was just thrilled at the idea of meeting up with new people. And he figured Saskia had a bright enough personality that she'd thrive in an environment like the one the app offered.

"I've found so many friends, and they've offered such fun activities! I don't know what spitroasting is, but it sounds like a fun summer activity!"

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POSTED ON Jul 11, 2023 1:49:47 GMT
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it's been a long day. patrolling around the silent icelands and getting samples is never easy. darting between hoenn's humid climate and onto the ice and back again always puts a weird strain on her body. so she's not in the best mood as she trudges up the path back home. 

but her stooped posture straightens and some of those worries fall off her shoulder when sven bursts out of her front door. no doubt kolya and cami are pleased sasky is home; sven's family, but he can certainly be a lot

she slides her pack off and tosses it through the front door, saying, "hi mama, hi papa, i'm home and sven and i are gonna hang out on the back porch thank you love you."

she hops back down the front steps and beckons for sven to follow her around the side of the house. kirin clops behind them, nickering gently, and saskia pulls out her phone. 

"that'll be perfect though! you said it was flamigo? how many people have you met so far? and spitroasting? maybe it's some camping thing."
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lev, svenergy
april 20
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this feeling is heavy, makes my body ache and i'm ready to fall into the sky
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POSTED ON Jul 15, 2023 21:45:26 GMT
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"Actually it's just AmiGo, but it does have a Flamigo mascot, so that's pretty cool!"

She had a point with the camping thing. It sounded right, at least to Sven. Maybe he'd ask some other folks, too. As Saskia searched the app store for the new app, Sven peered over her shoulder almost like a nosy sibling, and pointed out the app when it came up. Sven pulled up the app on his phone to show her some of the messages he'd received, as well as the picture he chose that he thought was pretty cool. (In hindsight, he looked like a total nerd and even he recognized that fact, but it was a glimpse of what to expect with him. He was a total nerd.)

Sven beamed brightly as he reached up to give Kirin a gentle stroke on the snout. It had been a while since he'd last seen the Wyrdeer. He was glad to see it held up pretty well. As always, he made sure to bring some treat of sorts for the pokemon and dug in his bag until he found the granola he brought. As Kirin's ears perked up a bit, Sven held his palm out for the Wyrdeer to eat from and couldn't help but laugh the moment he felt the pokemon begin to dig right in.

"Poor thing, you feeding her right, Sasky?"

A teasing gesture, naturally. Though the next question that came caused him to turn to her in full. He figured it was appropriate to ask given she'd just returned. No doubt the silent icelands were much harsher than Oldale's climate.

"So anything on your patrol of note? Or well anything you can share."

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POSTED ON Jul 26, 2023 22:35:03 GMT
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"oh, AMIGO. like friend! right? it's paldean for friend?" her knowledge of the paldean language stops and ends there. the app finally downloads and she loads it up. sure enough, a cute little flamigo bounces onto the screen before being encircled by the amigo logo. (amilogo? says her brain.) 

she chuckles to herself and starts registering. it asks for a lot of info, but that's to be expected. she gets through the easy stuff - name, age, and star-signs, but when she swipes to the next page, she pauses. 

"oh, it's like a dating app too? do you have the date stuff turned on?" her finger hesitates over it, but she leaves 'seeking friends only' unchecked. why not? life's too short and a date could be fun!

"oh and i gotta pick out some pictures. what do you have for pictures? the sword one, of course?"
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lev, svenergy
april 20
phenac city, orre
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this feeling is heavy, makes my body ache and i'm ready to fall into the sky
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POSTED ON Jul 28, 2023 21:52:10 GMT
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The brunette flashed her a quick thumbs up when she mentioned that amigo also meant friends in Paldean. His own Paldean was rusty but he definitely remembered that at the very least. But it was her next few words that caught him off guard and forced a groan from his lips as he covered his face in shame. It was such a cool picture, but the app flagged it and forced him to change lest he wanted his account locked. He remained hunched over in the chair for a moment before he finally looked up to Saskia with a frown.

"I did, but they made me take it down! Said that the weaponry went against their terms of service, and I wasn't gonna fight it."

Instead, he flipped his phone around to show her the picture he had to replace it with. His disappointment was practically palpable. Brows furrowed together as he lowered his phone with a slight pout. But his disappointment quickly subsided before he looked at his own profile and gasped loudly.

"I think I specified but I hope none of the people who swiped got the wrong impression!" he panicked before he heaved out a sigh of relief. "Not that it's a big deal I guess? I just figure that stuff will happen naturally if and when it does. Let destiny find me."

In other words, Sven didn't seem to have any interest in the idea. But he flashed Saskia a thumbs up to encourage her to do whatever she chose with the app. He had a hunch that Kirin would be an excellent wingwoman. Then it hit him.

"Oh! You could share pictures of your pokemon too! Kirin's just too photogenic not to," he beamed as he reached to give the Wyrdeer some scratches behind its ears.

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april 06
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if i could be as bold to say that, you make me a joy parade
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POSTED ON Aug 3, 2023 21:35:25 GMT
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"okay, but did you try telling them how useless you are with the sword?" she teases with a wry grin. she's already tabbed off of the app and onto her gallery where she's sifting through dozens of selfies and pics of her pokemon. there are plenty of kirin, for sure. but there are also some really nice personal selfies she's taken. 

most of them are funny, with her tongue out or making some other silly face. and some are more serious. pics she'd taken when she felt cute as hell, but didn't have anywhere to put them. 

and then there's one her deda took when she lived there, pinkie to her lips and the rest of her lost in thought. he said she looked like kolya in that pic. that same serious furrow of their brows. 

soft green eyes flicker up at his gasp and she chuckles. 

"you think destiny wants to go on a date with you? that'd be pretty cool."

oh, that reminds her: "yes, of course i'm feeding her right! she just knows you'll give her sugar cubes if she looks at you doe-eyed for long enough." kirin snorts in disagreement and nibbles on sven's fingers. 

"what do you think destiny would look like? if she was a person? and where do you think she'd wanna go on a date?" minutely, as they chat, she pulls up possible photos and shows sven for his approval.
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lev, svenergy
april 20
phenac city, orre
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this feeling is heavy, makes my body ache and i'm ready to fall into the sky
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POSTED ON Aug 5, 2023 14:08:55 GMT
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Sven couldn't help but roll his eyes when Saskia commented on his lack of expertise with swords. Just because he didn't know how to fight with one didn't mean he was exempt from looking like a badass with one! At least Kirin seemed to be nice to him at that point, even though he had to sway the Wyrdeer with some granola. He happily began to brush his fingers against the pokemon's mane as he turned his attention to Saskia as she began to show him pictures. Each one that passed the vibe check was met with a thumbs up, those that didn't were met with a thumbs down. He stopped at one of the pictures where she sported a fur shawl and brooch necklace.

"Sask, did everyone ever tell you how photogenic you are? I'm honestly jealous."

Her features seemed so soft, so at peace, so... Beautiful? If his brain could make a sound, it would have been that of a record scratch. Sure, Saskia was pretty, but he never felt himself use that word with her. It was more reserved, more mature. An awkward cough shook his body as he turned his attention back to Kirin and allowed his momentary embarassment to melt away. Though her question about destiny caused the silence to break as he couldn't help but laugh.

"What kind of question is that?" he grinned. "But I guess I'll bite. I figure Destiny would be a brunette. If Destiny is a woman, I imagine she'd be in a white sundress but wear shorts beneath for comfort and ease. She's not necessarily prim and proper, but eager to rough it -- the bonfire on a hot summer night that keeps everyone mesmerized by how volatile it can be. She allows the spirit of adventure to guide her and doesn't dwell on the past but rather charges headfirst into what the future can be. And isn't afraid to shape it with her own calloused hands."

Oh, Sven, you sweet, naïve boy.

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april 06
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if i could be as bold to say that, you make me a joy parade
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POSTED ON Aug 5, 2023 19:22:55 GMT
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"deda said that a lot actually," she says. "but usually it was followed with, like, 'crazy how your ugly old man made you.'" she likes to think she's eased some of the tension between her grandfather and after having spent so much time with the former in snowpoint. but only time will tell if her visit actually managed to soften him up. 

she's been meaning to ask him if he'll visit hoenn, now that things have mostly calmed down. 

too absorbed in the app and her bio section, she misses the way sven gawks at her. she hums as she puts in her information, kicks her feet up and crosses her ankles to settle in a more comfy position while she writes the first things that come to mind. 

satisfied, she posts it. and her photos and info and everything are suddenly all on the web. out there for the world to see. right after that, a couple of tutorials pop up and she's prompted to make her first few swipes. 

sven distracts her though, with the best, most beautiful answer to her joking destiny question. and she thinks, wow, and also, "i'd want to go on a date with destiny if she was like that. but she's gotta be cute too. maybe she has blonde hair and the ends are dyed red. that'd be cool. and i think i would take her out for ice cream. be lowkey, y'know? is going out for ice cream lame?

"oh, look! i got a swipe already!"
she turns the phone around to show sven 's profile. "hey, i recognize her! we met at the beach while i was on duty. and o-m-g, you were right. kirin's the star of the show." she stretches across sven to pat kirin affectionately on her big snout. "thanks, baby girl."
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lev, svenergy
april 20
phenac city, orre
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POSTED ON Aug 5, 2023 21:28:30 GMT
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On her immediate swipe, Sven's mouth dropped agape. She got a swipe already and a cute one at that! With the utmost excitement, Sven let out a loud 'aww!' to congratulate Saskia. It's nice to know she managed to get a familiar face in the first few moments. His eyes lit up in pure excitement as he gave the ranger a thumbs up as if to encourage her to go for it. But it didn't stop him from teasing her just a little bit.

"Ooh, maybe that's destiny for you, knowing that we're talking about her."

He leaned back in his chair a bit to give Saskia the space to lean over and pet Kirin. Sven dug his own phone out and opted to show Saskia a few of the profiles whom had swiped on him. Most were people who got a kick out of the sword picture, others were vaguely lewd comments that went right over his head. Then there were a fair few who actually shot him a serious message. But after a bit, Sven drew his brows together in thought. Who wouldn't love to go out for ice cream? That seemed like a silly question.

"Dude, I'd probably feel inclined to propose if someone got me ice cream on a date," he laughed.

With that said, he closed out of the AmiGo app and decided to scroll through social media a bit. One could imagine his surprise when he saw something about an upcoming carnival that would make its tour around Hoenn. But more importantly was the fireworks show they talked about. He turned his phone so the brunette across from him could see and he figured it would be a fun opportunity for the both of them.

"They've got fireworks coming up, we should go see them," he insisted. "If Maugrim's good, we can bring him -- speaking of, where is he? I wanna say hi."

Not that he didn't appreciate the company Kirin provided.

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POSTED ON Aug 8, 2023 1:09:18 GMT
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whoa, maybe sven's right. maybe this could be her destiny. sure, she doesn't have fiery red tips in her hair, but pobody's nerfect. she swipes through the photos, laughing at the blurry one, and tries to see herself next to mari in these pictures. with her arm around her shoulders, cheeks pressed together. it's a warm, albeit anxiety-inducing feeling. 

and so she saves replying to the message for later and looks back at sven. 

"okay, but like, on the first date?" she shoots back with a giggle. "what if they turn out to have some weird secret? like they only sleep upside down? or they collect toenails? then you're stuck."

she reaches greedily for the offered phone and swipes through some of the pictures. the fireworks look great, but the rest of the carnival seems like so much fun too! her phone buzzes. a couple more swipes from the app come in, but she ignores them, tossing the phone back to sven. 

"okay, duh, we're going. and i wanna go to the carnival too. and also maugrim's not going anywhere near fireworks, sven. puppers hate them." she reaches for the minimized ball on her belt and rolls it in her palm in front of sven. 

"um, he's here, but remember what i said? he's not...well-behaved." an understatement. but...kirin's here to protect them if he tries anything funny. 

still, she lobs the ball across the unlit fire pit.

it bursts in a blash of white light and the lanky wolfhound emerges. his left ear flicks and he turns, hackles raising immediately when he catches sven's scent. his lips curl, showing teeth, and saskia stands up hurriedly, hand splayed out in front of sven. 

"maugrim, stop it." he continues his growling until kirin stomps one hoof and threatens a hypnotic pattern between her horns. the wolfhound looks away, fur still raised, and lopes over to the fringes of the property. 

saskia bonks her forehead into sven's shoulder and sags. "it's hopeless. i told you."
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lev, svenergy
april 20
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POSTED ON Aug 10, 2023 17:10:06 GMT
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Sure, Maugrim posed a feral approach, but Sven didn't seem to show any sort of fear. The moment Saskia dared to step back was the moment that he carefully made his approach to reach out to the Lycanroc. His hand stretched out to show his palm to the wolfhound in an attempt to offer a truce of sorts. Most dog pokemon simply wanted a slow approach, that the trainer opposed offered no sense of harm their way. Sven seemed surprised when Maugrim carefully approached him and sniffed at his hand. He turned his head to flash a smile back at Saskia to show her that she just jumped the gun a bit.

Perhaps he was wrong.

Maugrim snapped at him and caused Sven to quickly draw his hand back, and then came the harsh tackle. The pokemon had pushed Sven back with its front paws in an attempt to tackle him to the ground. Unfortunately Saskia had been caught in the crossfire of it, because the moment Sven went tumbling down, he'd unfortunately fell right on top of the ranger. She'd broken his fall, but at what cost? With his back against her, Sven turned to look up at her and found himself shocked at just how close the two were. But he was sort of stuck between a rock and a hard place. As he turned back to face the wolfhound, Maugrim beared its teeth at Sven, and he felt a pang of uncertainty in his chest.

Thankfully it seemed the hound grew jaded of the threat or lack thereof. So the moment it gave a huff and crawled off of both Sven and Saskia, Sven let out a sigh of relief. In that moment, he could have sworn he felt his life flash before his eyes. He got up and soon offered a hand out to Saskia.

"I'm sorry, I should've listened. I was hoping maybe I could break through to him but he's stubborn," he admitted, downtrodden.

Once the two were properly back up on their feet, he pondered her question prior to the situation with Maugrum and finally decided to answer.

"Honestly I wouldn't make it just ice cream. It would be a nice touch, sure, but I'd want to do something else. I mean not to sound cliché, but fireworks with ice cream would be a nice first date in my mind."

As if distracted by his own words, Sven spoke freely once more.

"Actually that's not a bad idea! If we get to the fireworks show early enough, we should definitely get some ice cream."

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april 06
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POSTED ON Aug 11, 2023 17:24:47 GMT
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she should have known sven wouldn't let maugrim off that easily. her forehead is still pressed into his shoulder and she's not paying as much attention as she should be, so she doesn't notice him reaching a hand out as an offering to the wolfhound. too late comes the snapping and she startles, straightening. 

maugrim's muscles tense and she knows what's coming, but she's not fast enough to stop it, nevermind warn him. 


the air is pushed out of her as maugrim hits sven and sven hits her at full force. she lands, sprawled, on the ground with a thud, groaning in discomfort from the weight of sven and the dog on top of them. the snarling isn't good, but she definitely doesn't want to panic, and maugrim won't actually bite sven's face off, right? 

he slinks off and then sven gathers himself too. she grabs his hand gratefully and pulls some twigs and leaves out of her hair. 

"don't look so sad. he doesn't like me either." she sighs. "we'll get through to him eventually."

she's more than happy to turn her attention to more fun sounding things. like fireworks. and ice cream. 

"heck yeah! i gotta check my ranger schedule, but i think i'm free early in the week. whenever you're down, we can set a date." she grins. "that's not gonna stop me from raiding the freezer for some ice cream right now though."
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lev, svenergy
april 20
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POSTED ON Aug 15, 2023 16:55:33 GMT
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As much as he wanted to try again with Maugrim, it seemed fate wouldn't let him. Maybe when he was a bit more prepared. (It wouldn't be a good idea to bring the hound to the beach. The fireworks would have been enough to frighten the poor thing.) While he would have loved to reason another opportunity with trying to help train Maugrim, the promise of ice cream sounded like a far better and safer option. The moment Saskia took off towards the house, he made a quick jog to catch up and slid on the wooden floors as he rounded the corner.

Yes, this was a race and he was determined to win.

However as he slid, his feet managed to give out from under him. That didn't stop the way he crawled like a madman towards the fridge. Saskia had beaten him no doubt, but he was more than happy to flounder about and make a fool of himself. It was just in his nature. As he finally pulled himself off the ground, he gave a huff of breath.

"Damn, I really wanted that last fudge pop," he feigned defeat.

Oh well, there was still an orange popsicle in there that he was happy to take.

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POSTED ON Aug 16, 2023 22:57:39 GMT
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