i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2023 18:23:05 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]"Its cool. Last time I was here, I'm pretty sure I got crushed to death by the Grim Reaper." The fact that he could rattle that off so casually probably didn't help with the unnerving atmosphere of this high-stakes puppet show. "This point, I've seen enough fucked-up. Fake Me's gotta try a little harder than that."[break][break]

The Mega Brace, too, would need to try to hold up to Parker's death grip. Luckily, she couldn't actually crush metal with a flex of her muscles. Probably. Even if she could, was a dsmn good craftswoman, and the conduit did its job in communicating Parker's strength and pride to her sworn partner.[break][break]

As Team Isaac held the line, mano e mano, Parker decided to flip the script.[break][break]

Fake Watson was the first to get a clue. He turned, snarling viciously, before trying to leap towards the charging Blaziken. Before he could, a tight grip around his tail snatched him clean out of the air. Watson had intervened, his Ice Fang clenched tightly around his counterpart. Irritated, Fake Watson tried to shove him off, thrashing his tail back and forth while holding on for dear life.[break][break]

Fake MUGEN didn't need to get up close and personal. The cannon around his back began to click, beep, and vibrated as he Locked On to his incoming foe. Unfortunately, that meant he wasn't watching his flank. MUGEN charged him from above, smashing him inro the floor with a furious Flame Charge. Sensing victory, he unfolded his stinger to deal the finishing blow, only to find himself tackled by the imitation war machine. The two of them locked up, forehead to forehead, claw to claw.[break][break]

Nobody was left to get in Mul's way.[break][break]

Puppet Isaac thrust his hand out, a barbed chain whipping past Mul's head in a near miss. With his defenses wide opened, blow after blow rained on limp doppelganger. Ichor erupted out from him in all directions, each wound Mul tore into his flesh cauterizing from the heat of his blows. His uniform tore and burnt from the onslaught, each new hole revealing a grisly patchwork of flesh, bone, and shadow.[break][break]

Seemingly undaunted, Puppet Isaac plunged his arm back with all of his might. The sound of crunching metal echoed across the horizon, followed by a pained mechanical howl and a weak fizzle of sparks.[break][break]

It wasn't Mul being aimed for at all. It was Omega's imitation, the Mega Metagross' claw torn right off just before it could overpower its untransformed counterpart. His flight path became lopsided. Sparks spilled from the half of an arm left behind. Even Omega, who seemed ready to launch a counterattack in the face of this opportunity, recoiled in shock.[break][break]

"What the hell, man?" Isaac demanded, far less amused by this puppetry's turn towards butchery. "That one was one of yours!"[break][break]

"Oh, buddy. Buddy, buddy, buddy! How many times do you gotta hear it before you get it?" The chain receded back to Puppet Isaac's arm, claw still attached. Just before Mul's final blow, the claw adhered itself onto his wrist. He caught the incoming punch, using his massive, steely claw to try and crush his foe's seized talon. "Pokemon are tools. They're for us to use when we see fit, as we see fit, how we see fit. All for the glory of Rocket."[break][break]

"Everything is."[break][break]

The assembly line Grunts didn't even react as blackened, barbed chains began to coil around them. Their legs were bound so they could not escape. Their wrists were bound so they could raise no resistance. Their bodies were bound to one another so if one faltered, all were culpable.[break][break]

Isaac snarled. His body tensed up. Sweat started to gather at the base of his forehead. He sank into a fighting stance, even though he and Parker were spared a direct fight of their own. In the face of this, Puppet Isaac could only laugh.[break][break]

"Aw, how cute. Gotta love how worked up that gets you. But if you're not gonna get the hint, I'm just gonna have to spell it out for you. 376, make what's left of your life useful for me, will ya?" The Mega Metagross, unresponsively dipped into the ground, didn't even get a chance to respond. His chain lashed like a whip, and with that she shuddered into the air.[break][break]

His body started to glow a neon white.[break][break]

Omega tried his damndest to intervene, holding the Mega Metagross back with all of his Psychic might. However, the beatdown from his counterpart meant he was lacking strength to spare. He could barely stomp two or three steps forward in his efforts to stop the inevitable Explosion.[break][break]

If this continued, things would get real messy for Isaac and Parker, real fast.


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST /


[newclass=.skullhover]width:420px;-webkit-filter: grayscale(100%);filter: grayscale(100%);-webkit-transition:all 1s ease;transition:all 1s ease;-webkit-transition-delay:0.1s;[/newclass]
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march 21
debt collector
chaotic stupid, i'll get used to feeling useless
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parker jones DOLLARS
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parker jones
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2023 23:36:54 GMT
parker jones Avatar
maybe isaac needed something stronger than a lock. a bunker? a black hole? anything to keep shit like creepy mccreepster away. a straightjacket might work actually. well, maybe not, considering the way his body might just be made up of paper mâché and dog shit water. 

amulius is ripping into his body. they're already up to three and parker is calling the shots, watching with harrowing satisfaction as flames spark and whirr around the blaziken's shifting torso. when the puppet rears a hand back, amulius tilts to the side, but no retribution comes. 

instead metal screeches. parker swears and winces, watching in abject horror as puppet isaac rips his metagross' arm clean off. if it weren't so vile, she might be impressed. 

"you seriously tryna reason with crazy right now?" parker hollers at isaac, sparing a glance. 

the metagross putters and amulius gets in number four. ichor sprays and viscous fluid slicks his feathers. fire makes it bubble and hiss. the fighting bird screeches and goes for an uppercut to the solar plexus as parker hits five

the light distracts her. "holy fuck - eldin!" the tyranitar is already on the move. he stomps forward. each heavy footfall raises a column of stone edge. the glowing metal body is hidden on the other side of the sudden outcropping of rock, but the hastily sprung defense explodes all the same, launching boulders their way. 

"y'know, i fuckin' hate that phrase," parker says as she dodges to the side. "'for the glory of rocket.' rocket's a godsdamned glory hole for crazies is what it is. case in point."

she waves her arms towards the puppet and parker whistles. amulius disengages, sweating hard, only to tuck his knees in and leap with a superheated blaze kick at the swinging chains dangling from the sky.

"and that's six, fucker!" she shouts. 
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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Aug 31, 2023 0:17:45 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Omega's eyes flashed with Psychic power. He helped hold down Eldin's Stone Edge to the best of his ability, greatly minimizing the potential splash damage and fragmentation. His best attempts weren't perfect, however. Isaac and Parker were forced to dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge to avoid being flattened like pancakes.[break][break]

Parker's response left Isaac doing a double take. Did she seriously believe that? Sure, he believed that, but he was also literally planning his escape route from the organization. Parker, on the other hand, seemed perfectly content with where she was. Was she fine with whatever happened as long as she got paid?[break][break]

Or did she, like him, not realize just how deep this rabbit hole went?[break][break]

"You too, huh?" Isaac asked, knowing today was neither the time or the place to get into the weeds about this. There may never be a time and place, frankly, but that was especially true now.[break][break]

"Sounds like quitter talk, if you ask me." Puppet Isaac's chains yanked up high into the sky, dragging his limp body in their wake. The Blaziken's Blaze Kick, while beautifully executed, would come up ever so short of its intended target. Instead, it would smash clean through Puppet Isaac's midsection, splitting him clean in half. His lower body fell to the ground, a smell like burning plastic wafting from them as his hips smoldered. His upper body hung there, limp and motionless.[break][break]

Then, with an audible crack, his neck snapped up to look Isaac dead in the eye. "Bet you'd know a lot about that, wouldn't you?"[break][break]

Again, Isaac started to scowl. He was getting real sick of this guided tour of his psyche. In response, Puppet Isaac could only laugh. "Aw, what's the matter? Meowth's got your mouth? All outta jokes, funnyman?" With one, final yank, the chains pulled him skyward. Bar the burning remains of his lower body, and the Pokemon waging war along the battlefield, he'd vanished without a trace.[break][break]

Another ear-splitting crack heralded his return. This time he appeared between Isaac and Parker, an arm around Parker's shoulders and his claw pressing heavily down on Isaac's. "Here's a bit of advice, on the house," he said. "Doesn't matter if we're a bunch of crazies. What matters is that you were stupid enough to sign the dotted line. You know what that means?"[break][break]

"You step in line, or you get stepped on. 'Cause you're a part of us now, and like it or not, you're gonna stay that way."[break][break]

Far in the distance, chains wrapped tighter and tighter around the Grunts. Their bodies pressed together, closer and closer. Not a hair of space was left for movement or even breath. Their exposed hands began to meld into one another. Their uniforms began to rip and tear, revealing seamless connections from one body to the next. Even their faces started to return, swirled together into unrecognizable patchworks of humanity.[break][break]

Moment by moment, Grunts coalesced together. Where they once stood, only an ever-expanding patchwork of flesh and uniform remained.[break][break]

Perhaps Parker, too, would notice Puppet Isaac's arm around her shoulders start to feel heavier. If she tried to pry it off, it would resist with an almost magnetic force. It was a burden Isaac felt as well, Metagross talons sinking into the space between his shoulder blades. "First Hoenn, and then to Sinnoh, then to Unova, to Kalos, Alola, Galar, Paldea! Hell, maybe we'll whip around back to Johto and show 'em what happens when people get cocky. Ain't it grand? You, and me, to me, on a big ol' world tour?"[break][break]

As Puppet Isaac's deranged rant dragged on, his lower body began to shudder to its feet. It stumbled around, as bow-legged and dazed as a baby deer, before bumping into the side of the imposter Genesect. It took a step back, seemingly watching as it and MUGEN wrestled for dominance.[break][break]

Then a chain erupted from the gaping void where its spine should have been, piercing straight through the imposter Genesect's cannon. With a single step back, it yanked the cannon clean off. The Genesect fell right then and there, twitching along the ground like a piece of broken clockwork. The legs paid it no mind, instead reeling its chain in as if it had just made the catch of day.[break][break]

"Oooh! Oooh! Smile for the camera!"[break][break]

By the time Puppet Isaac drew attention to it, the cannon was seamlessly grafted to the disembodied legs. It turned to face Isaac and Parker, an eerie glow spilling from the novel as it began to charge up its Techno Blast. Isaac tried to fight his way out, but the Metagross claw against his back tightened, forcing him to take a knee from the sheer pain.[break][break]

Maybe Parker was right about looking into some padlocks.


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST /


[newclass=.skullhover]width:420px;-webkit-filter: grayscale(100%);filter: grayscale(100%);-webkit-transition:all 1s ease;transition:all 1s ease;-webkit-transition-delay:0.1s;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.skullimg]width:380px;height:200px;background-image:url(; background-repeat:no-repeat;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skulltitle]font-family:verdana;font-weight:700;font-size:50px;position:relative;text-align:center;color:#D9B800;margin-top:-36px;margin-bottom:0px;text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skulloverlap]letter-spacing:1px;font-family:oswald;font-weight:200;font-size:12px;position:relative;text-align:center;margin-top:-0;margin-bottom:-5px;color:#e8e8e8;text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;[/newclass]

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march 21
debt collector
chaotic stupid, i'll get used to feeling useless
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parker jones DOLLARS
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parker jones
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2023 2:36:30 GMT
parker jones Avatar
okay, now parker's mad. there goes her superhero moment. amulius scuffs the final blow - and what a doozy it would have been too - and lands on his talons with a huff. sticky ichor makes him straighten and shake out fluffed up legs. parker's lips curl in disgust. 

"his legs are on the ground, isaac," parker says while staring at the still-bleeding (???? is it blood????) midsection, devoid of chest and shoulder and head and y'know, the other half of a person that makes them a person. "his legs are on the ground and he's still talking, isaac."

and then, suddenly the chains yank and he yeets into the air. parker squints up at him, looks down at the legs, and turns to give isaac a thumbs up. 

"so 's 'at mean we wo - OH FUCK." she nearly jumps out of her skin when the loud crack of thunder is followed by puppet isaac's meaty arm slinging over her shoulder. that almost peeled apart face is dangerously close. it smells rank and now that he's so close, parker notices that his skin doesn't quite fit. like latex stretched poorly over a wire frame. 

with something icky crawling underneath it. 

you step in line, or you get stepped on.

but it's not puppet isaac's misshapen mouth forming those words. it's a cracked, blistered mouth, puckered around a damp cigarette. smoke curls lazily above a pug nose, ringing steel blue eyes. he's laughing a smoker's laugh and parker is looking up at him, feeling impossibly small. 

and she hears it again, whispered through her own split lip, the rest of her body a million miles away, save for that thud, thud, squelch

she comes back down to earth with a shuddering, shaking fury. not scared. not annoyed. not even just 'angry.' but fucking furious

"i'm gettin' real fuckin' tired of this and," she snarls just as they're wheeled around and held up like some bloody offering for - "TECHNO LEGS?" 

amulius barrels into the genesect monstrosity with a good shove of his flaming shoulder. more flames sputter from his angry, clicking beak. whipping tendrils snap around his arms and at the creature at the same time parker ducks her head down and slams it back against their captor, hoping to split him open like an egg. 

"fuck off."
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played by


The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2023 4:23:20 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]"Yeah." Of all the ghoulish sights they'd been subjected to in the Border, this had been one of the most ghoulish. It had also, unfortunately, been the most true to life. Isaac could swear, when he followed in 's wake in the Ultra Deep Sea, he saw more than a few League soldiers in a similar shape. "Yeah, he is."[break][break]

Isaac hoped that Parker would never have to discover how real people spoke when stripped of their legs.[break][break]

From her disbelief, and a wrath hailing from somewhere far deeper, came strength. Her rage was such that it seemed to quake the entire realm. The wall of flesh rippled in her presence, growths and uniforms surging up and down like waves in a tempest. The sepia hues of the Border stained an eerie red. For a moment, she would feel pathetically small. For another, she would feel distressingly large.[break][break]

Her head crashed back, splattering Puppet Isaac's like an egg. His body, bracing itself against hers and Isaac's, fell limp and heavy. It was as if a cooling mass of tar was sloughing off of them. For a moment, the battlefield fell still.[break][break]

"Now's our chance!" Isaac shouted. "Everyone! Give 'em all you've got!"[break][break]

Mul didn't need Isaac's sign. He was already tearing into Puppet Isaac's legs, whips of flame stripping flesh down to blackened, almost metallic bone. Next to him, MUGEN stomped towards his defanged imitation, disgust hidden behind cold, mechanical eyes. With a single, disdainful stomp, it puts its inferior self out of its mercy.[break][break]

The Colonel and Baconator weren't having so easy of a time. Their imitations were always one step ahead of them, beating them up and down the Border until their backs were pressed to one another. There, Baconator looked over her shoulder, giving The Colonel a quick elbow. The Colonel squeezed his eyes shut, frustration burning through his body, before letting out a heavy sigh. Turning to Baconator, he nodded.[break][break]

The two linked arms, a swing of Baconator's back allowing The Colonel to whirl around in a beautiful Blaze Kick. Caught off guard, both imitations were sent flying back. The Colonel's was the first to recover, hopping to its feet for a Blaze Kick of its own, but Baconator caught it out of the air and planted it with a furious series of Arm Thrusts.[break][break]

As Baconator's duplicate shuddered onto one knee, it was promptly slammed into by the original Pignite's Rollout. Normally, a Rollout wouldn't already be so powerful, but The Colonel sped things along by kicking Baconator right into their foes. With each bounce, and each kick, the duo started to glow. It was as if their bodies were reacting to the well oiled machine they had become.[break][break]

A final smash sent their doubles flying. Baconator unrolled into a far larger and stronger pig, a vest of blue flame erupting from her body. Landing next to her, now Mul's spitting image, was The Colonel. They stood side by side, enjoying a rare moment of shared triumph.[break][break]

They weren't the only ones to transform. Green crystal erupted from Watson's body, Terastal light shimmering around him like a personal spotlight. He hopped back and flashed a cheeky grin his double's way, as if daring it to try and do the same. Sure enough, it obliged, the green crystal sprouting from its body with far less pageantry. It rushed towards Watson, a Tera Blast burning in its throat.[break][break]

Just as planned. Watson hopped over its double, dodging the blast and bringing down an Ice Fang that chilled it to the bone. Water types wouldn't freeze easily, but the grassy crystals surrounding Fake Watson turned into ice crystals all too easily.[break][break]

Not every one of Isaac's Pokemon responded so strongly to this call to arms. Even as the shade of a past life rushed towards Akane, time and time again, she couldn't bring herself to raise a finger to it. Instead, she simply braced herself and caught the Aggron, her shoulder settling into its chest so it couldn't reach her with its furious gores.[break][break]

From rage came silence. Puppet Isaac had been torn to shreds. His Pokemon had fallen, one by one. Even the wall of flesh ebbed back, as if it wanted nothing to do with Isaac and Parker's resistance. Was it finally over?[break][break]

The Metagross Claw tightening around Isaac's back said otherwise.[break][break]

"You really don't get it, do you?" Puppet Isaac's voice, undaunted by his gruesome demise, echoed down from a cloudless sky. It surrounded Isaac and Parker, little more than a rasping whisper along the wind. "You really think this ends with my death. That I can even die."[break][break]

The Metagross' claw flew off into the sky, dragging Isaac behind it and leaving its host's sloughed remains behind. The Genesect's cannon followed suit, meeting its match high above the Border. There, where the two collided, hellfire writhed into the shape of a dead man's masquerade. Puppet Isaac was back, looking not a shred worse for the wear.[break][break]

(Art by my great friend Kasey!)[break][break]

"Did you really think it'd be that easy?"[break][break]

There was no ease left in his voice. Instead, it was as strained as the muscles his chains forced into movement. Puppet Isaac hoisted his duplicate high in the air, then descended like a bat out of hell to smash him against the Border's bare stone. His Genesect arm scanned the crowd, lighting up as if daring any of Isaac's Pokemon to try and be a hero.[break][break]

"No, no, no, my dear Parker. I'm afraid that's not how this game is played. But, if you want to take the easy way out so badly . . ." He lifted Isaac by the face, earning little more than a dazed groan of protest. With surprising ease, he flipped him around, allowing Parker to get a good look at his claws digging into Isaac's jaw and temples. "Here it is. You'll be rid of me forever. And all you have to do is the one thing I can't."[break][break]

Without a further word, he let his implication hang.


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST /


[newclass=.skullhover]width:420px;-webkit-filter: grayscale(100%);filter: grayscale(100%);-webkit-transition:all 1s ease;transition:all 1s ease;-webkit-transition-delay:0.1s;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skullhover:hover]-webkit-filter: grayscale(0%);filter: grayscale(0%)-webkit-transition:all 1s ease;transition:all 1s ease;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skullimg]width:380px;height:200px;background-image:url(; background-repeat:no-repeat;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skulltitle]font-family:verdana;font-weight:700;font-size:50px;position:relative;text-align:center;color:#D9B800;margin-top:-36px;margin-bottom:0px;text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skulloverlap]letter-spacing:1px;font-family:oswald;font-weight:200;font-size:12px;position:relative;text-align:center;margin-top:-0;margin-bottom:-5px;color:#e8e8e8;text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;[/newclass]

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march 21
debt collector
chaotic stupid, i'll get used to feeling useless
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parker jones DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @parker
parker jones
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2023 20:18:36 GMT
parker jones Avatar
splatter. gore spreads down her head, her neck, her back, and she swallows the urge to vomit. the brackish ichor is sticky and cold and is definitely not something she's keen on touching her skin. what if it gives her a rash?

eldin and amulius don't have their own doppelgangers so parker orders them into the fray. isaac's pokemon are able to handle themselves well, but they provide support when needed, though amulius never strays far. he eyes the limp chains, wavering over the ground, with distrust. 

earthquakes and stone edges erupt into the crowd of faceless humanoid shapes. a scarlet pathway starts to form and in the distance, parker can see the rippling shape of the border's portal. she throws out another pokeball to help eldin; the ceruledge cuts into the wall of flesh with a violent grace.

relief sweeps through her and is promptly yanked away in the same breath. 

her fingers fumble for isaac, pulling uselessly on his jacket. she screams as he's pulled upward. the cruel laughter of rattling chains only adds insult to injury as parker's forced to stare uselessly at her friend's struggling form.

"you bring him back here right now, you piece of shit!" she yells. wait no NOT LIKE THAT, FUCK!

she trips forward as isaac is smashed back into the ground, but stutters to a stop, hand flung to the side to stop amulius too. the cannon slides off of her and makes its way tauntingly towards isaac's other pokemon. 

the implication, quite frankly, goes over parker's head. die is not what comes to mind. instead, steel eyes flicker to the portal in the distance and then over to the ceruledge. 

it can't follow us out of here

"isaac, we're getting the fuck outta this nightmare. switch him out, bud." the ceruledge's blue flames flare and then suddenly he's underneath puppet isaac instead, bitter blades swinging up into puppet's midsection. 

parker, knowing isaac's probably disoriented from the ally switch, yanks on his arm and starts running. 

"we gotta go, go, go!"
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played by


The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2023 2:13:41 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]With the majority of Puppet Isaac's team pacified, they ran to Parker's aid. Omega's Psychic, Baconator's Flamethrower, MUGEN's Zap Cannon, and Watson's Hydro Pump bombarded the wall from afar, punching holes in the path that Parker's team was carving. The Colonel rushed into the breaches they created, his Mirror Move sprouting a mimicry of Ceruledge's Bitter Blade to help push the group onward.[break][break]

Had Isaac not gotten snagged, they'd have a clear path out.[break][break]

The situation took a turn for the impossible. Luckily, Parker didn't know the meaning of that word. At her command, her Ceruledge returned to her side, then disappeared in a whirl of blue flame. A dazed and confused Isaac stumbled out from the towering inferno, not even processing that Parker had grabbed him until they were already running.[break][break]

"Woah there! Look at that!" Ceruledge bisected Puppet Isaac clean in half before he could finish, the flame of his Bitter Blade cauterizing the wound before any viscera and ichor could come cascading out. This didn't seem to stop Puppet Isaac in the slightest. Instead, his twinned voice overlapped itself as he continued to hang in the breeze. "The ladies just can't keep their hands off you, can they?"[break][break]

"Though something tells me a lot of people feel the same."[break][break]

As Parker charged through the valley of flesh, what seemed like a thousand arms unfurled before her. They swiped, blindly and furiously, guided only by the dozens of scattered eyes spread between them. Some of these eyes remained on the callused flesh left behind from Team Parker's onslaught. Others showed up on the arms themselves, staring judgmentally from the palms, knuckles, and even fingertips.[break][break]

The only thing worse than their grasping was their rasping.[break][break]


It was barely a whisper at first, indistinguishable from the rushing of the wind. However, with each swipe, with each grasp, another voice joined the chorus. The voices grew louder, and faster, and harsher, until soon they were practically baying for blood as they clawed at Isaac. Parker, too, would be in the line of fire; whether her or Isaac, the hands cared not for who their fetid nails clawed into.[break][break]

At the very least, Puppet Isaac had halted his pursuit for now. Instead, he was content to engage with the Ceruledge. "Honestly. You types just can't stop trying." he mused, his left side lifting his right side by the chain. He proceeded to swing himself around like a flail, fully prepared to batter the Ceruledge. "And then you still wonder why you're here."


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parker jones
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2023 1:40:01 GMT
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"i'm a lesbian, you prick," parker yells over her shoulder and digs her fingers in deeper. she's afraid if she lets isaac go he's going to end up getting lifted back up into the air or shoved into this sea of flesh or maybe a cavity will open up in the earth or or or or

all she knows is she can't let go. she can't fucking let go of him. 

and it seems the rockets can't either. what was a clear path converges on them. the parted black sea comes upon them and there are fingers hooking in her cheek, pulling at her teeth, twining in her hair, tugging at her heels, calves, back. spitting one word, over and over and over again.

a recurring nightmare made worse by 's MIASMA. the burrowing promise that if she steps a toe out of line, looks in the wrong direction, that will spell her end. 

to want out is to be a traitor. 

but how could she ever want to be part of this?

she's straggling, nearly sinking, when she thinks of her reason, and with a grunt she shoves forward. shoves isaac too, yelling and tasting salt and not realizing that she's crying. 

behind them, ceruledge holds as best as it can, but it's not amulius. it's not eldin. its ties to parker are thin. at first chance, it disengages and sprints towards freedom. 
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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2023 3:59:12 GMT
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[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]"Don't let that jackass get to you." While well meaning, perhaps that advice was best suited to after Puppet Isaac spent Arceus knows how long hellbend on a mission to get to Parker. "He's just throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks to you. That's how I know he's backed into a corner."[break][break]

It sure didn't feel like it. If anything, it felt like they were the ones being cornered. Even Parker, for all her incredible strength, was starting to sink under the weight of bodies piling atop them. Mouths split across the writhing hands like fissures, ensuring that their shrieks, roars, and accusations were but inches away from the duo's ears.[break][break]

To her credit, Parker hadn't wheeled on Isaac the second the accusations were slung. To the credit of her tears, it seemed he wasn't the only one weighing under such thoughts. "And don't let them get to you, either," he said, voice softening. "They don't know a damn thing about what they're talking about, either. None of them do."[break][break]

"But he's right about one thing."[break][break]

Isaac took in a deep breath, as if prepared to dive beneath the waves. Then, with a soft exhale, his body went limp in Parker's arms.[break][break]

"Yeesh." Puppet Isaac paid no attention to the Ceruledge's escape. Instead, he simply glided across the wall of flesh to get a closer look at what was going on. "He really picked killing himself over facing the facts, huh? Though, hey. Between you and me, that's the norm for us. This is, what, the third time he's pulled this? Doubt its gonna be the last."[break][break]

"Ah well. Free real estate, here I come!"[break][break]

Puppet Isaac swooped down, his weapons falling behind him with an earth shattering thud. The wall of flesh caved in where they landed, Puppet Isaac not even caring to look back at the damage. Instead, as he swept down towards his counterpart's limp body, he seemed to only further distort.[break][break]

With each second, he grew longer. With each second, he grew more gaunt. Soon, he looked less like a human being and more like some sort of stick figure, every part of his body but his head pulling itself into the width of a single blackened chain. He reached out, his fingers sprawled and bony, as if hoping to dig them right into the corners of his counterpart's mouth.[break][break]

Before he could so much as lay a finger on Isaac's cheek, he froze. The eyelike jewel atop his crown widened in shock. The chains holding his body aloft trembled in midair, as if trying to pull him back but no longer responding to his commands. What seemed to be a tear of ichor rolled down from beneath his eyepatch, tracing a curve around a japing jaw.[break][break]

"You weren't supposed to get here first." His protest, hushed and quivering, was like that of a frightened child. "That's not fair."[break][break]

Perhaps, if Parker looked closely, she would notice a soft green mist rolling out from Isaac's nose. Perhaps she would notice that same mist gathering around his doppelganger, his fear only deepening with every peal of it that caressed his cheek.[break][break]

Puppet Isaac was frozen. The wall of flesh was frozen. Even the realm itself seemed to still. This may have been Parker's best chance. Yet would she be able to bring herself to move as he friend lay limp and lifeless in her arms?


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parker jones
POSTED ON Sept 20, 2023 4:36:45 GMT
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parker isn't really hearing isaac anymore. her fear has finally gotten the better of her. granted, being swallowed by a writhing mass of malformed human bodies with gnashing teeth on elbows and unblinking eyes slipping over calves will do that to a person. but she hears his sentiment, his attempt at buoying her. 

she's taking breaths, trying to stay as calm as she can and just think about nomi's face. 

and then she slips. on some torn and bleeding scrap of a rocket's uniform. it whispers traitor, traitor, traitor, as she falls, pinwheels, looking back and seeing isaac's lips move, somehow understanding, but not quite hearing him through all of this, and knowing, knowing, he's going to get them out of this. 

then his wrist slackens and the rest of him crumples. parker, out of reflex, jerks back and grabs him before the clawing hands can get at him. she grunts, fighting a tide, and glares daggers at puppet isaac...

she'll never forget what that thing looks like crawling towards them like it is. 

"wakey wakey, eggs and fuckin' bakey, isaac," she says, voice rising a few octaves as she gives him a rough shake. his head lolls and she wants to scream. out of frustration. anger. fear. grief?

everything around them freezes. the shadows stop crawling along her arms and she does not think about it. in typical parker fashion, she reacts. 

her left arm sweeps isaac's legs out from under him and she hoists him, bridal style, into her arms. and then she runs. a glance is spared down at his face. fuck, she can't even check his pulse. but that doesn't matter, right? even if he's dead, she's gonna haul him over the portal anyway. 

fucking hell. 

mist leaks out of him and she moves a little faster, cheeks huffing with exertion. eldin and amulius manage to struggle free from their own fleshy prisons and flank her. the ceruledge, up ahead, swings its bladed arms toward the portal as though to say hurry the fuck up

but she stops. there's only a little distance left, but...

"isaac, you're in there, right?" she pleads. "i can't leave ya behind, buddy. you gotta let me know you're in your body and i'm not carrying some fucked up version of you out there."
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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Sept 20, 2023 5:08:57 GMT
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[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Parker's plea was answered by, of all things, a warm laugh. An equally warm breeze seemed to drift through the border, dispersing the cold, clammy air that had haunted her since the moment she walked in. Just as quickly as the chuckle died down, so, too, did the breeze, leaving traces of warmth lingering in its wake.[break][break]

"I'm right here, Parker." Where was the voice coming from? Isaac didn't seem to be moving his mouth. Puppet Isaac, too, was left contorted and gaping. Isaac's voice seemed to bleed out from a space between them, a liminal space tucked within a liminal space. "And so is that fucked up version of me. Y'know. Kinda."[break][break]

"Shoulda given up the ghost when you had the chance, buddy." The air grew colder now. The light grew dimmer. Had the Border always looked like this? "Woulda spared you a whole lotta trouble down the line. You step out that portal, and you're gonna get what's coming to you. No ifs, ands, or buts about it."[break][break]

Right on cue, the mist began to roll back in. One cloud, looming in the distance, was a dull mess of browns and greys. Another, rising up from behind Parker, was painted in warmer, almost peachy tones. The two clouds hung, silent and still, a noticeable negative space left between them.[break][break]

"I thought about it." The omission was slow, hesitant, almost bashful. "Figured I'd just keep walking, deeper and deeper, 'til I found where this place ends. But I know you'd never really let me. That'd just mean we both lose, and nobody hates losing more than you. You just wanted my at my lowest so you could have the wheel back."[break][break]

"So what if I did?" The colder mist encroached encroached in the space left between, threateningly looming the warmer one. The shadows flickering within made it look like a great maw that threatened to crash down around Parker. "You've been getting too big for your britches, if you ask me. Forgot all about who we really are."[break][break]

As the warmer cloud laughed, it swelled up in size. Now it was the cold cloud's turn to be dwarfed. "Seriously? If you think I forgot, you're dumber than you look. And that's saying something, 'cause you look real dumb after that last little stunt you pulled."[break][break]

The warm cloud's shape grew harsher, more jagged, as if it was taking probing stabs at its counterpart. "I know what you are. I know your game. I always have. Haven't forgotten for a moment, 'cause you've never let me. How could you? It's all you have left. And you know what else I know?"[break][break]

"That I've had enough of your shit."[break][break]

Just like that, the space between the two clouds collapsed. A swirl of sepia toned fog spread across the border, a monochromatic rainbow of hues all blending together moment by moment. Shapes formed within the clouds in the center; two Isaacs wrestling for dominance. One was being thrown around like a ragdoll, well and truly at the other's mercy.[break][break]

"You're always gonna be a part of me. But I'm done being afraid."[break][break]

A single chain stuck out from the fog, pulled to its very limits of tautness. Its black coating was covered in rust. Its barbs had been ground down to dull little nubs. Shards of dust seemed to flicker off of it with every passing moment. Far from the lively, animate chains that once held Puppet Isaac aloft, this one hung with all the stiffness of a dead tree.[break][break]

Neither of the fighting Isaacs seemed to notice the chain, and yet it seemed ready to give way with but the slightest bit of effort.


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[newclass=.skulltitle]font-family:verdana;font-weight:700;font-size:50px;position:relative;text-align:center;color:#D9B800;margin-top:-36px;margin-bottom:0px;text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;[/newclass]
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parker jones
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2023 5:12:14 GMT
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being out of her depth is something parker's slowly getting used to. she's an oxymoron at her core. had her life shook up like lives get shaken up when your parents don't follow through on their end of the bargain with a crime organization. walking up the steps, holding avery close like she did, staring down with cold blue eyes at the unmoving shapes of her mother and father - that should have rocked her to the core. 

and it did, in a way. but she still went on doing the same shit she always had - scrapped her way through it all to survive. did what she had to in order to put food on the table for avery, give them both a roof over their heads. 

but she was always complacent. rocket took her in for real and she signed it all away because 'all' wasn't much and besides, avery had already made her choice. was she always destined to follow those she loves deeper and deeper into hell? 

how is it only ever being going at throwing a good right hook, and getting up when she shouldn't be able to, has landed her in the middle of all this supernatural bullshit? is she just the main character in some terrible campy horror movie? or did she really just draw that shit a hand when it came to the fates? 

whatever it is, being with for so long and getting flung headfirst into Weird City is certainly helping. either that, or she's finally cracked. 

because isaac starts talking with the voice of fucking arceus and she's thinking to herself, oh, he's the green mist stuff and is calmly accepting that as fact. on the plus side, isaac doesn't seem too bothered by it. 

she's a silent observer. for once, parker jones has nothing to say. but she gets the feeling she's witnessing something monumental. she's witnessing something important. said between two cloud versions of her friend. 

did i die? am i dead? if this is death, the afterlife fuckin' sucks. 

ghostly shapes pass by overhead, drifting across rivers and through mountain passes. she does not see them. instead, she coughs as smoke plumes and more shapes emerge from the mist. barely held together isaacs. she looks down at the one in her hands. 

stop multiplying, she wants to say, but she's so, so tired. they keep their fighting and parker gently lays isaac's body down on the ground, turns her head to the side to look at him proper. and then she walks up to the chain, wraps calloused fingers around it. it's cool to the couch and flakes rust down her side as she hefts it back. 

"isaac," she calls to her fraying friend and with one spin, a grunt, a trickle of blood on her palm, she throws the chain and says, "you got this. hook, line, and sinker."
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The Liberator
April 10
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Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2023 13:57:49 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]With no more comments, no more quips, and the fog enveloping them like a mass of weighted blankets, the vibe in the Border had taken a drastic shift. The macabre puppet show earlier was over and done with. The wall of flesh had been completely consumed. The only sign that Parker wasn't alone was the sound of flesh on flesh as the two Isaacs continued their brawl.[break][break]

That all changed as Parker's quip sliced through the soupy air. The two Isaac's froze, a hand on a collar and a fist pulled back in mid punch. They both looked over to face Parker, their own silence in the face of her joke deafening. Then, with a groan, laughter began to bubble out from the cloud.[break][break]

"Arceus, Parker, that was so bad." It wasn't bad enough to stop Isaac from catching the chain. He idly swirled it in his hand as he looked down at his fearful self. There was a puzzle to be solved here, but what was he supposed to do with these pieces.[break][break]

He considered himself. He considered his other self. He considered the chain. Then, with a shrug, he let it drop. All it took was a single heavy stomp to turn it into powder.[break][break]

As it disintegrated, the mist came flooding in, faster and faster still. The last thing Parker would see before it consumed her vision was Isaac pulling his other self towards him. Powerless to resist, powerless to interfere, it seemed now to literally melt in his embrace.[break][break]

When the mist finally let up and her vision started to clear, Parker would find herself in a familiar position. The great rift that spilled into and out of the Border was at her back. Laying before her was Isaac, silent and motionless. However, this time there were no chains. He simply stretched out, yawning, before prying an eye open.[break][break]

"Parker?" he asked, voice lightly crackling from that early morning drowsiness. "S'funny. Kinda had a feeling I'd bump into you here. What's up?" There was an innocence to his tone, as if he didn't even realize why Parker would find that question so strange.[break][break]

Neither did he seem to realize the way his shadow turned to face Parker of its own volition. Before she could say anything, it lifted a single finger to its lips.[break][break]



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[newclass=.skullimg]width:380px;height:200px;background-image:url(; background-repeat:no-repeat;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skulltitle]font-family:verdana;font-weight:700;font-size:50px;position:relative;text-align:center;color:#D9B800;margin-top:-36px;margin-bottom:0px;text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skulloverlap]letter-spacing:1px;font-family:oswald;font-weight:200;font-size:12px;position:relative;text-align:center;margin-top:-0;margin-bottom:-5px;color:#e8e8e8;text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;[/newclass]

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march 21
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parker jones
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2023 16:58:16 GMT
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"you literally have no room to talk," parker says. not after isaac's alter self had said some of the most bonkers shit to ever come out of a person's mouth. maybe it doesn't count though, since she's pretty sure puppet isaac isn't really a person. people don't get bisected and then shove their still-bleeding bottom half into a pokemon to become a walking cannon.

people shouldn't be able to command shadow tendrils into someone's wounded leg either. arceus, she's over this. she's so, so over this. 

isaac does something with the hook though. it's hard to see through the mist. and then it's impossible to see through the mist. the next thing she knows, she's on her back staring up at the sky.

she sits up and scratches the back of her head. amulius stands over her, looking concerned. eldin and ceruledge are off to the side, staring into the portal. 

she starts, but isaac's words make her falter. his shadow shifts and she'd think it were a trick of the light, but she knows better than that. finger to its lips, telling her to be quiet? so did the hook not work? did her incredible one-liner throw him off his game? or is this what isaac wanted to happen?

amulius helps her up and then she sticks a hand out to isaac. 

what's up? 

"the sky," she says with a grin, her own hand extended down to him. she'll tell him. later. eventually. but in the meantime, she'll keep an eye on him. she'll keep him safe. 

"you step out that portal, and you're gonna get what's coming to you."

yeah, she'll keep him safe.

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