chasing fire [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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chasing fire [m]
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2023 8:37:32 GMT
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there was always so much going on whenever alia stepped foot into slateport city. a consistent rhythm of human and pokemon noises rumbled in her ears as she ventured through the streets, thanks to the various attractions and multitude of small businesses. on a normal day, she would've enjoyed the white noise - it was a stark contrast from her hometown of twinleaf, serving as a reminder that she was leading a much different life now. a life she could have only dreamed of, where she was free and no longer tangled down by the very roots that nurtured her. if she thinks too hard about it, though, she's not sure if the freedom was worth the price of losing her kin. [break][break]

she has no plans on having her existential crisis right now, however. it's been a long day already - nothing drastic, but that was almost the problem. the minorest of assignments kept on rolling in, nearly lulling alia to sleep. it was a good thing that nothing actually bad was happening, she knows, and is even more aware that it's her duty to help anyone and anything in need. but all day the adrenaline-seeking side of her was crying for action, to be doing something more. there was only so many skittys she can get out of trees. [break][break]

alia wanders to a quieter part of the city, escaping the commotion to give her head some much-needed relief. she approaches a small resting spot, furnished with some simple tables for people to eat at. feeling too restless to sit down, she leans against the white wooden fencing encircling the area, breathing in the salty sea air as she does so. [break][break]

she stays like this for a few minutes, enjoying the cool wind against her skin. that is, until a swift movement in her vicinity disturbs her brief moment of solace. alert now, alia glances over and catches a tall man slinking near one of the women eating lunch at the tables, his hand sneaking out subtly to clasp the bag beside her. alarm bells immediately go off in alia’s head as she pushes herself off of the fence. “hey, give her back her bag!” the ranger calls out, striding over in large steps. the thief turns around - she can’t get a good look of his face from his hood, dammit - and bolts instead, refusing to let go of the purse. the victim manages to fumble out words about the pokeballs and wallet in her stolen bag before alia chases after the hooded figure. [break][break]

the thief already has a few seconds on her, however, and the couple of inches he has over her isn't helping her case. she knew there was no way she could catch up to him herself - but nothing’s impossible, not in alia’s book. the ranger roughly snatches the red-and-white capsule on her belt as she continues to run after the thief, struggling to even maintain the distance between them. “lani, send an air slash at his feet, now,” she pants as a purple-hued bat flies out of its pokeball. the noibat caws in response before flying ahead, whipping her wings harshly to send a sharp blade of air at the man’s feet, attempting to stop him in his tracks. [break][break]

alia is never going to complain about an uneventful day again!


+ hope this is a good place to start!
get in sygna



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October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
chasing fire [m]
POSTED ON Oct 6, 2023 22:14:01 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Word of a string of thefts at a rest area had reached the Kalosian. Having taken a seat at one of the tables, wearing a bucket hat over his head, in order to partially obscure his face, Thomas waited patiently for a theft to occur. In order to blend in, Thomas was seemingly typing away on a laptop.

Thomas noticed a woman who'd opted to lean against a post, rather than sit at the table. Shortly after her arrival, a hooded man made his way towards another woman's bag, while she was eating. The woman on the post sprung into action, attempting to play hero. Thomas, rather than join her, instead typed in a command on the laptop, cutting to a camera feed coming from the rooftops.

From his perch above, Mordred the Ceruledge, equipped with a camera mounted to his armor, watched the pursuit take place. He'd watch as the shorter woman managed to stop the thief by tripping him up with her Noibat's Air Slash.

Unfortunately for her, the rest of the thief's crew were waiting in the shadows. As she closed in on the grounded pickpocket, several men sprung from the shadows, accompanied by Pokemon themselves. They would attempt to surround and overwhelm Alia.

Thomas closed the laptop, holding out a reflective rod he produced from his bag into the air. Mordred, seeing the signal, would use Ally Switch, in order to change places with Thomas. The Kalosian ended up on the roof, while Mordred would end up where his master was, likely to the shock of anyone else at the rest area.

tags: @saturn
notes: tl;dr

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
chasing fire [m]
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2023 7:55:19 GMT
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relief and triumph washed over the young ranger when she saw that the noibat successfully tripped the thief over. she murmured a quick compliment to the purple bat as she moves towards the man, ready to return the purse to the rightful owner. the relief doesn't last long, however. alia was busy reaching for the bag when three more men slinked out of the shadows,  surrounding her with their pokemon. her noibat caws a shrill alarm a second too late, whipping her wings angrily as she defensively takes stance in front of her trainer. alia turns at the sound, cold dread replacing any pride she had felt from the earlier win. [break][break]

a salazzle, scraggy, and houndoom paced around them, menace dripping from their very existence. alia takes a step back warily, accidentally kicking her fallen victim in the process - or, well, the victim that was already getting back to his feet. she curses under her breath as she assesses her situation, attempting to keep an eye on all four men as she tries to decide her next move. [break][break]

the thief holds onto his steal more tightly as he releases another pokemon - a banette. if it wasn't apparent enough earlier, alia knows for a fact now that this is a battle she cannot win. forget winning - she was going to be incredibly lucky if she can even get out of this situation unscathed. [break][break]

"this is going to teach you for interfering," one of the men sneers as he beckons at his houndoom. the dark canine steps foward, red beady eyes glowing ominously before baring its teeth to release a reckless flamethrower at alia and her noibat. instinctively, the purple bat whips together a hurricane to deflect the angry flames. the harsh air currents just barely breaks the fire apart, saving the two of them by the skin. [break][break]

adrenaline is pumping into alia's veins now, the rush forcing her gears into overdrive and aiding her into hatching the best possible plan. with no time to consider other options, alia releases a second pokemon as an attempt to turn the situation a little more in her favor. she gives out the orders quickly, commanding a screech and surf from her marshtomp and a hurricane from her noibat. the two pokemon moves swiftly, a piercing yowl first breaking their opponents' unwavering focus. the noibat then whips up swirling winds, adding on to the marshtomp's powerful tidal wave and sending in all four directions. [break][break]

without checking if the attack succeeded, the young ranger makes a run for it, her pokemon tagging closely behind her. she dashes back to the direction of the rest area, hoping for someone in the busier setting to lend her a hand. if she paid closer attention, she would have caught a tiny glimpse of a ceruledge that was previously not there, but her hands were clearly too tied to notice such a mere detail. [break][break]

she roughly pushes away one of the men as she flees, his pokemon too uncoordinated from the flurry of attacks to hunt her down. she almost thinks that her plan worked when a sudden shadow streamlines from behind, wrapping itself around alia's foot and tugging her down harshly to the ground. the banette laughs gleefully as it withdraws its shadow.[break][break]

"fuck!" alia curses as she slams onto the cement, already feeling the scrapes welting her palms. she flips onto her back, facing the four men cornering her as she attempts to back away as best as she can. her two pokemon press against her defensively, attempting to ward off their enemies by pure hostility. [break][break]

the banette takes the stage again, the menacing smile on its face once more. alia protectively pulls her pokemon behind her as the ghost generates a faint purple orb, ready to take its next victims. the man she had originally stopped watches her coldly from behind, swinging the stolen purse tauntingly. "if only you minded your own business," he sighs, mockery laced in his low-pitched voice. "now you're going to be joining that lady back there in getting her pokemon stolen." a smirk slips across his features as he speaks. alia holds her pokemon tightly, prepared to shield them from the shadow ball and take the hit herself if she had to. [break][break]

nothing was going right today.  


+ i am so sorry for how long this is i kinda went into tunnel vision and got overboard )*$@0 [break]
get in sygna



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October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
chasing fire [m]
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2023 1:15:20 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

From his newfound perch above, Thomas took count of the thug's three friends, making four in total. Assuming they didn't have backup waiting elsewhere.

Thomas brought out his Clawitzer, Colt. "It's your lucky day, Colt. You get to snipe these fuckers. Just wait for the signal.", Thomas told the Clawitzer, who was equipped with a special monocle-like lens. The crustacean nodded eagerly, as Thomas deftly slid down a pipe to the ground.

As the good samaritan spots him, the Ceruledge quickly disappears into the Phantom Force, before the four thugs catch up to her. By the time the Banette trips her, Thomas is already behind cover, pressing a button on a device.

The Clawitzer, acting on the signal, fires a Dark Pulse at the Banette. Thanks to the power of his Mega Launcher, the Dark Pulse manages to overwhelm the haunted doll, before it could unleash the Shadow Ball intended for Alia.

In the moment of chaos caused by the sniper fire, Thomas, with a baton drawn, rushes one of the thugs from behind, striking at his perroneal nerve, bringing him down to his knees, before smashing the back of his head in with the baton, knocking him out.

The Houndoom, spotting the man in the hat, attempts to burn him with a Flamethrower. The Ceruledge from before manifests from the Phantom Force, in between the two. Flash Fire allows him to absorb the jet of noxious flames harmlessly, the flame plumage on his helmet intensifying.

tags: @saturn
notes: tl;dr

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
chasing fire [m]
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2023 10:34:15 GMT
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alia braces herself for the incoming shadow ball as she holds her pokemon tight, face turned away as if it would lessen her fated pain. she holds her breath and waits...and waits....and wa-? [break][break]

an ominous howl pierces the air, and alia's head whirls back to the front at the unexpected sound. her jaw gapes in shock as a dark midnight aura swallows the banette, cutting its attack short. she instinctively scrambles up, ushering her pokemon away from the criminals. from the other side, alia catches a glimpse of a newcomer harshly striking one of the criminals with a baton. she winces at the violence, but just as quickly shakes herself out of it. the man was saving her - she shouldn't be judging him for his method of choice. she silently makes a note to thank her savior later instead. [break][break]

even despite the earlier terror, alia was no damsel in distress and still had plenty of fight left in her. while the unidentified man took on two of their opponents, alia redirected her attention back towards the salazzle and scraggy. "alright, ino, take on the salazzle. lani, the scraggy's yours." the young ranger commands, ready to provide her pokemon with more direction if needed. however, unlike the man, she avoids engaging in any physical conflict herself - she lacked too much in direct combat to throw herself at the enemy like that. perhaps he could give her a few pointers afterwards? [break][break]

the teal amphibian nods and immediately unleashes a powerful hydro pump at the salazzle, who started stalking towards thomas and his pokemon. the vigorous stream of water sends the unsuspecting black lizard flying into the wall at full force, its back slamming into the surface with a harsh crack. [break][break]

lani zooms to engage in combat as well, her small wings whipping up anything but. violent winds billow into the alleyway, the tailwind simultaneously aiding the purple bat in acceleration and knocking the scraggy off balance. she swoops down with a superfang, sharp incisors illuminated with a fiery glow as it sinks into the fighting-type's body. the orange lizard screeches as it fends off the bat with a clumsy brick break, and upon the attack, the noibat releases its prey. 

between the man's baton and the intense combat of eight pokemon, the thieves were quickly cornered into the far wall, eyes darting frantically as they sought out an escape route. alia manages to get arms distance to thomas throughout the commotion, and she quickly nods at him in acknowledgment. "thanks for saving my ass." she says gratefully, before turning back towards the four men in front of them. with her new ally, alia was confident that these scumbags wouldn't get away with their crimes.

+ [break]

+ n/a[break]



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October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,510 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
chasing fire [m]
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2023 18:42:33 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Though the Banette was violently consumed with Dark Pulse, the haunted doll still remained floating. The ghost looked up in the direction the Dark Pulse came from. Before it could retaliate, the Clawitzer fired off a Water Pulse, striking the Banette in the head, knocking it out cold.

Once the jet of fire subsided, the Ceruledge lunged towards the Houndoom. In a violent frenzy, the Ceruledge overwhelmed the hellhound in Close Combat. In a brutal flurry of slashes, slams, and kicks, the haunted armor violently overpowered and knocked out the Houndoom.

The trainer, seeing this, brandished a knife, and lunged at Thomas. The Kalosian, with years of training and experience on his side, defly dodged and deflected each stab and swipe. Finally, with an opening, Thomas grabbed the man's arm after a missed swing, before taking a swing with his baton at his jaw, knocking him unconscious.

Thomas eased the man to the ground, leaving him near his friend.

With the intense battle over, Thomas and Mordred stared down the quadrio of criminals. He took notice to how their eyes shifted around, desperately searching for an escape route. Between the Ceruledge glowering down on them, and the Clawitzer taking aim above, any attempt to run on their part would end badly.

"Anytime. You hurt?", Thomas asked the woman.

"I can take care of these shitheads, if you'd return the woman's purse.", he'd offer her.

tags: @saturn
notes: tl;dr