philippi conference, r

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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philippi conference, r
POSTED ON Oct 3, 2018 11:29:37 GMT
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Most of the staff had already cleared out, except for Councilman Castilla-Somerville and the Umbreon curled up in the corner of his office. Ian’s Lilycove office is comfortable. It’s only on the twenty-seventh floor, but Hoenn was not as enamoured with the concept of skyscrapers that blocked out the sun.

Maybe they should have been. Ian leans back into his chair as he pours himself more whiskey, the ice ball half-melted in his rocks glass. The setting afternoon sun catches the ice at a fortuitous angle, spreading a prism of light across half his desk. The other half was covered in stacks of proposals.

Most of the building had already cleared out. Ian rises from his chair with his glass and looks out of the large windows of reinforced glass. Somewhere out in Lilycove Sea, his parents’ bones are buried underneath. But it is a gorgeous view. A worthwhile trade-off, he thinks. The sun catches the edge of the sword-shaped pin on his lapel. The light does not refract through the Somerville clan emblem. Ian finishes the remainder of his drink while he waits for his guest.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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philippi conference, r
POSTED ON Oct 3, 2018 17:10:25 GMT
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Satori sat in a glade outside of lilycove city lost in a deep meditation. His breath control had come perfectly that day, his ability to meld with the world beyond ours had never been so intune as he opened his third eye and felt the souls of the universe guiding him to a revelation. On the cusp of some mystical enlightenment the whispers began to grow louder and louder beckoning him forward until-- BLEEP!

That damn phone the league forced him to carry had went off again pulling him straight out of his own mind and into the now depressing dew damp grass he’d been sitting in. He looked at the notification that had so rudely interrupted him, remembering that he had a meeting with a council member very soon. Standing up and jetting off he made his way towards the heart of the city where the man had an office.

Satori let out a small gasp as he reached the unnaturally tall building. Walking through the pristine doors, the small monk felt out of place in his simple attire. It’d seem to him that most of the employees had left already. Passing by the elevators he made his way to the stairs, climbing up to the 27th floor and reaching Ian’s office with exactly a minute to spare.

After waiting the minute out until their meeting time began Satori would enter the office to see Yiannis. The monk would flash a small, polite smile before pressing his palms to one another and bringing them up to his chin in greeting

“Hello, I am Satori Wu, you have called for a meeting with me today?”
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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philippi conference, r
POSTED ON Oct 5, 2018 7:55:27 GMT
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Ian barely acknowledges the man's strange appearance. Instead, he smiles and greets him like a friend. Like they were two old schoolmates instead of a martial artist and the third most powerful man in Hoenn. "Satori. I hope that it was easy to find my building. Have a seat." 

Ian pulls a bar cart out from the other side of his desk.Crystal bottles gleamed in different colors, and vapor rose from the golden ice bucket.  

"Do you drink wine? I have an excellent bottle that just came from Kalos. Or Belue gin, if you'd prefer something stronger." Their subject is none too pleasant. Ian figured that the man would like something to drink before they dug too deep into the annihilation and destruction of the monk's homeland.

He pours himself a final glass of whiskey.

"I understand that you aren't native to this region, Satori." Ian's gaze rests on the monk. "What do you know about my office?"

for reference: ian's office represents slateport + mauvile + fortree and is the largest subregion by population

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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philippi conference, r
POSTED ON Oct 5, 2018 19:29:23 GMT
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Satori would offer the man a stiff, if not polite nod as he took a seat across from him. “I found the building precisely when I was meant to” he says with a small chuckle, sitting cross legged in the plush office chair as Ian offered him a drink. With a friendly smile Satori would wave his hand dismissively at the drink cart

“Ah, I thank you friend but I abstain from intoxicants. In doing so, he gives freedom from danger, freedom from animosity, freedom from oppression to limitless numbers of beings.” the monk would nod, not quiet mentioning who exactly this he was before continuing on to answer Ian’s other question

“Indeed, I am not native to this land. I come from across the mountains and seas, my native dirt lay in Kanto beneath the heel of the jackal.” he’d pause for a moment, as if reflecting upon something.

A small frown dances on Satori’s face, but it vanishes just as quickly as it had come, his expression becoming neutral again as he spoke “I can not say I am intimate with your system, but as I understand it you represent many parts of Hoenn in governance yes?”
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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philippi conference, r
POSTED ON Oct 7, 2018 0:54:33 GMT
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"That's chill." Ian takes a swig directly from the bottle, his glass ignored. Now that he's trapped within danger, animosity, and oppression, they can get this party started. "My guy, not just any parts of this region. Slateport, Mauvile, and Fortree make up the most populated subregion. Know what that means?" His standing posture is immaculate. The setting sun behind him accentuates his edges. He doesn't look away or downplay his next words. He is the believer of his own church. "You are speaking with the man who best represents Hoenn's will. Not Hawthorne and not Sawyer. Me." Even if the old guard screams tyranny, he knows what he is here to do. The people are spoiling for a fight with their enemy, and who should be allowed to deny them?

Ian looks the monk in the eye. "Have you come to Hoenn as a refugee, or are you here to finish a fight?"

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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philippi conference, r
POSTED ON Oct 7, 2018 3:30:52 GMT
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Satori chuckles lightly at the man’s demeanor, but as the conversation turns towards the very nature of his time in Hoenn his face becomes more solemn, and somber. His brows furrow, lines beginning to form on his dotted forehead. The monk blinks slowly, taking deep breaths and slowly controlling himself until he became calm once more

“An interesting question to be sure, not one I expected so quickly but I suppose it is good to cut the chaff and strike at the wheat yes?” he’d offer an other swift nod “I’ve not come to finish a fight sir, I’ve come to start one. My people were not allowed the luxury of seeing Rocket’s evils until it had already befallen upon us. It was no fight, but a slaughter. I seek the salvation of my people, the liberation of my people, the truth and justice that they so duly deserve.”

Taking another deep breath as not to allow his emotions to control him he continues on “Your people, unlike my own, have the opportunity to rid themselves, and the world of Rocket and their ilk before major damage is done.”

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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philippi conference, r
POSTED ON Oct 9, 2018 5:49:17 GMT
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He doesn't know anything about chaffs or wheats or whatever backwater Kanto has, but he does know about winning a fight.

"Satori, welcome to my whole campaign. One that everyone can actually get behind. You would think that most people would feel a little more urgent about their own eventual annihilation."

A moment of silence. Then two.

"Satori Wu. How would you like to work for me?" He amends: "How would you like to work for Hoenn? You've already committed to living here. Defending the land is the least that you owe, isn't it?"

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