party animals [dd]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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june 11
petalburg city
i'm glad you're evil too.
5'4 height
5'4 height
being a shut-in is certainly the path of justice!
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TAG WITH @warden
party animals [dd]
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2023 19:05:50 GMT
sterling is... definitely not a party person. they've never been to a real 'party' in their life, so this is the first for them. they've come dressed as the ever-popular plumber from a certain game series, complete with bushy fake moustache that they thought would be funny. but nobody's commented on it so far, which has resulted in sterling wilting away and hiding near the food table with the other ranger who came with them for this 'mission'.

there were rumors about illegal activity being planned here, which is why ever and sterling are here in the first place. they're to keep an eye on things and make sure there's no trouble, from team rocket or otherwise. the hope is that having two rangers here will dissuade people from trying anything funny... but compared to ever, sterling is pretty sure they're not intimidating in the slightest.

they fidget with their fake moustache. "s-so, uh..." their galarian accent comes out when they speak. "you ever, uh... been to a... halloween party before...?"
[ ]

a little party never hurt anybody... MISSION START!
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January 9th
senior ranger
6’1” height
6’1” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @ever
ever blackwell
party animals [dd]
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2023 15:13:51 GMT
ever blackwell Avatar



Parties, he hated them. And this was coming from someone who had never been to one. At least not until now. But he was sure he wouldn’t have liked them much as a kid either. Even back then, he hadn’t been much of a people person. Seriously, what about him screamed ‘party’?
His grandparents had been quite happy when he had told them about the party, even if he was only attending for work reasons. That was quite typical of them, though. They were always going on about him needing friends. He had friends. And now he was being told he needed more. Just the thought made it so he had to resist the urge to huff in annoyance.
Though the fact he had to dress up was making it harder. Seriously, wasn’t dressing up for kids? That was what his father had always said. Not that he had done much dressing up as a kid. Then again, he supposed he really shouldn’t listen to anything that had ever come out of his father's mouth.
His partner’s voice drew his attention, and his gaze flickered towards him. His partner for the assignment was someone named Sterling. Not someone he was too familiar with, despite both hailing from Galar. Though that wasn’t too surprising. The people he already knew from Galar were just coincidence.
The younger teen was dressed as some kind of plumber, vastly different from his own choice as a vampire. But then again, he hadn’t wanted to come and had wanted something that wouldn’t take a lot of effort. Though his grandparents had found his choice amusing for some reason.
“No, I’m not a big fan of crowds,” he said, letting his gaze momentarily trail over the people that were also attending. No one had really tried to cause trouble. But he was sure there was only a matter of time before someone tried something.
He had made a checklist of things someone may try, and every now and then, he would check to see if nothing had happened. Seeing that nothing had happened, he turned his attention back to Sterling. “My grandparents were quite happy work made it so I had to attend, though.”[break]

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june 11
petalburg city
i'm glad you're evil too.
5'4 height
5'4 height
being a shut-in is certainly the path of justice!
33 posts
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TAG WITH @warden
party animals [dd]
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2023 17:10:39 GMT
sterling doesn't know how people do it. party, they mean. everyone here is laughing, dancing, drinking, having a good time... meanwhile sterling and ever are over here, stiff as boards, watching the partygoers for any sign of serious trouble. the closest they've gotten now is two girls having an argument over exactly how bad team rocket is... sterling's noticed a few people watching the two at the refreshments' table, and they wonder if it's that obvious they're here on official business and not to have fun.

“my grandparents were quite happy work made it so i had to attend, though.” at that, sterling nods. " dad doesn't like that i'm here. he thinks it's dangerous." their dad thinks everything is dangerous, and they can't really blame him. both of his older children have set off on their own, and his wife vanished out of the blue one day... he always seems afraid that's going to happen to sterling too, if they continue to work as a ranger. "it's a little hard to believe... anyone would try anything with all these people, though..."

their hand snakes over and grabs a cookie off the table. when in rome, right? they can't bring themself to dance or talk to anyone else, but they can snack.
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January 9th
senior ranger
6’1” height
6’1” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
318 posts
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TAG WITH @ever
ever blackwell
party animals [dd]
POSTED ON Nov 9, 2023 23:31:25 GMT
ever blackwell Avatar



Watching the people around him, he wanted to scowl but resisted. Seeing everyone like this, he couldn't help but feel a bit jealous, although he didn't show it. But even if he seemed fine on the outside, there was a sense of bitterness on the inside. 'Must be nice, being happy and able to have fun,' he thought bitterly, briefly looking away from the joyful scene towards the doors.
Since being here, he had kept an eye on the people while also monitoring the exits. It was always good to know their whereabouts in case something happened, although he wasn't expecting much trouble. At least not the kind that would require an evacuation. It was better to be safe than sorry, though.
"I don't understand what there is to celebrate," he said aloud, redirecting his attention to the partygoers. Seriously, what was there to be happy about? With the state of Hoenn, he didn't think there was anything to rejoice over.
He supposed that was just his own bitterness talking. Seeing the worst in everything was just part of his personality. He often had to remind himself that not everyone had such a dark outlook on life, that not everyone was a pessimist who only saw the negative.
As he mentioned his dad, his gaze flickered to him. "It's Hoenn, who's to say you would've been any safer at home," he muttered, briefly closing his eyes, although his posture indicated he was still aware of his surroundings. This was further proven when he suddenly grabbed someone's wrist, his eyes shooting up.
He eyed her, recognizing her as one of the individuals who had been by the food table. He released her, pinning her with a glare. "What are you doing?" he asked, on edge that she had been about to touch him.
"I thought you two were lonely," she said quietly, flinching slightly as the glare intensified.
He mentally counted to ten to calm himself before responding. "Well, clearly you were mistaken," he said, briefly glancing at the others at the food table who were watching them and giggling. "And you can tell your friends who put you up to this that we're busy."
Once she was gone, he turned his attention back to Sterling. "Considering your accent, you're from Galar. If your father is so afraid of something happening, why move to Hoenn, a place known to be at war with Team Rocket?" he asked, his gaze fixed on the younger teen.[break]

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june 11
petalburg city
i'm glad you're evil too.
5'4 height
5'4 height
being a shut-in is certainly the path of justice!
33 posts
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TAG WITH @warden
party animals [dd]
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2023 17:52:07 GMT
wow, and sterling thought they were a debbie downer. when ever catches the girl's wrist, sterling flinches, pulling back. she mentions thinking that they were lonely, and sterling feels their face heat up under their usual exhausted expression. they look away, embarrassed, not saying anything as they freeze up. once the girl is gone, sterling shuffles their feet awkwardly, staring at the floor.

"...this is where mom and dad met for the first time," they mumble. their mother was from hoenn, and their grandparents lived here before they died. there's no extended family here for them now, but sterling's dad is the nostalgic sort. "a-anyway, he got a job offer... and he doesn't keep up much with current events." it's not like they can just up and move now that they're here... they spent pretty much all their savings in the move, so there's nothing left to do but try really hard not to get involved with the region's seedier underbelly.

sterling glances around the room. the girl from earlier is still watching them, they think. in the distance they can see her glance at them and then away very deliberately, like she's trying not to get caught. they wonder if there's something more to her intentions than just 'thinking they were lonely'... something to do with the table of food they're standing by, maybe?
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January 9th
senior ranger
6’1” height
6’1” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @ever
ever blackwell
party animals [dd]
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2023 20:45:28 GMT
ever blackwell Avatar



From his peripheral vision, he noticed the younger teen flinch when he caught the girl's wrist. His stomach twisted upon noticing, but his expression remained blank, not giving away that he felt bad. It was hard, though, to act so unaffected, especially when the other's reaction had made him think of the way he reacted to his father, which made him think the younger teen was afraid of him.
After releasing the girl's hand, he realized his hand was shaking slightly. Before either could notice, he shoved his hands into his pockets. As she explained why she had approached, it took all he had not to snap at her. He kept his tone neutral but couldn't quite keep himself from intensifying his glare.
To his relief, she left, but he was still pretty tense. He hated that she had tried to invade his personal space, but what he hated more were the feelings she had helped bring up. Though he supposed it was his fault too. He had been the one to catch hold of her wrist.
As the younger teen spoke, he turned his attention to him. The mention of someone else's dad brought forth mixed emotions. "That's pretty careless of your dad. I'm sure he's a good guy, but it's important to pay attention to what's going on in the world."
"Then again, I suppose I don't have any room to talk. I was just as unaware of what was going on in the world when I came to Hoenn to live with my grandparents three years ago," he said with a small shake of his head. "My move was kind of out of the blue, though. I didn't have time to read up on what was going on in the world."
Though he was conversing with Sterling, he was also paying attention to his surroundings. Taking in the girl at the table, he scowled. "I hope they aren't planning something," he muttered.[break]

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june 11
petalburg city
i'm glad you're evil too.
5'4 height
5'4 height
being a shut-in is certainly the path of justice!
33 posts
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TAG WITH @warden
party animals [dd]
POSTED ON Nov 26, 2023 17:17:34 GMT
"mmh," is sterling's only response. they're watching the girl as well, though she seems to just be conversing with friends now. they let their attention slip away, telling themself they're just being paranoid. it's kind of their job to be paranoid here, but even so... it's a party, right? there's no problem with indulging themself a little.

they decide to grab a plate and fill it up with chips and cookies. they munch thoughtfully as they stand guard beside ever. "our move was kinda sudden too," they say. "so i guess we kinda got that in common." at least the food here is good. there's a punch bowl nearby in case sterling needs a drink, too.

they offer the plate to ever. "want any?"

but before they can get a proper response, someone rushes over to them. "i think someone started a fire in the men's bathroom!" the teenager explains frantically. "can you guys go check it out?"
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January 9th
senior ranger
6’1” height
6’1” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
318 posts
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TAG WITH @ever
ever blackwell
party animals [dd]
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2023 20:38:34 GMT
ever blackwell Avatar



So far, the girl and her friends weren't doing anything aside from talking. That didn't mean he wasn't going to keep an eye on them, though. They were probably just waiting for them to let down their guard. Yes, he knew that made him a bit paranoid, but considering the things that had happened in his life, it was to be expected.
Deciding he might as well converse with the younger teen, he turned his attention towards them but kept an eye on the girl and her friends with his peripheral vision. Conversing had always been hard for him, though the younger teen didn't seem to be the best at conversing either. In fact, both brought up their move without really going into detail. It was basically the kind of small talk one made when they didn't know what else to say. Though he supposed their conversation could be worse. They could've decided to talk about the weather, after all.
Even when having a better topic to talk about, he sometimes still found it hard to know what to say. So instead of saying anything about their own revealed information of having to move suddenly, he simply nodded. Silence lapsed between them, and he took the time to let his gaze trail over the people around them, surveying their surroundings.
He was momentarily distracted from his people watching by Sterling asking whether he wanted some of the food they had gotten. He eyed the cookies and chips on the plate, but before he could respond, someone approached. Having seen the person approaching in his peripheral vision, he had already turned to face the other male before he even started speaking.
The men's bathroom. One of the only places they hadn't been keeping an eye on. The other place being the women's bathroom.
He mentally cursed himself for being careless as he turned to the younger teen. "We should check it out," he told them before he started to head in the direction of the men's bathroom.[break]

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june 11
petalburg city
i'm glad you're evil too.
5'4 height
5'4 height
being a shut-in is certainly the path of justice!
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TAG WITH @warden
party animals [dd]
POSTED ON Jan 1, 2024 18:35:57 GMT
sterling curses with a mouth full of food, swallowing early enough that the unchewed chips scrape their way down their throat with their sharp edges. they put the plate down, figuring it's not important enough to guard. "yeah, let's go," they agree, pulling nervously at the red cap on their head. they take a few steps toward the bathroom, where they can see wisps of smoke emerging. it doesn't seem like the fire is particularly large-- just a trash fire, maybe?

they follow after ever for a few steps, and then pause. some premonition or instinct causes them to glance over their shoulder at where they had been standing. the girl from earlier is there now, and she's twisting the cap off a water bottle. here, sterling immediately stops walking, and they watch in a daze as the girl pours the contents of the bottle directly into the punch bowl.

eventually, sterling finds their tongue again. "HEY!" they can't help but yell, starting back towards the table. the girl jolts and scampers away, melting into the crowd. sterling twists around to yell at ever, "go put out the fire! i'll deal with this!"

though... they have no idea how they'll deal with this. the culprit is gone, and the punch bowl is contaminated with... something. when they reach the table, they realize it reeks of alcohol. great. for now, they guard the bowl and send off anyone who approaches with intent to drink any of the spiked punch.
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played by


January 9th
senior ranger
6’1” height
6’1” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
318 posts
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TAG WITH @ever
ever blackwell
party animals [dd]
POSTED ON Jan 21, 2024 8:08:49 GMT
ever blackwell Avatar



A voice in the back of his mind told him that the fire in the bathroom was a setup, a distraction. Because, let's be honest, what would be the point of setting a fire in the bathroom unless it was to divert attention from something else? The nagging voice in the back of his mind was never wrong, but what could be done? It wasn't like they could allow the fire to continue in the bathroom.
A shout from behind him almost made him spin around, his fist ready to swing, expecting someone to sneak up. He might not care for violence, but that didn't mean he wouldn't knock someone out if they thought they could get the drop on him. He barely refrained from doing so, and it was lucky that he did. Instead, he chose to glance over his shoulder just in time to see the girl from before dart away from the punch table.
It didn't take a genius to figure out what had happened. He was about ready to go after her himself, but Sterling was already heading in that direction. As they promised to take care of it, he nodded before whipping around to pin the guy who had told them about the bathroom fire with a glare.
"If you were one of the ones who orchestrated that," he paused to gesture towards the punch table, "you and I will be having words," he finished before stalking towards the bathroom to put out the fire.
Threats weren't usually his thing, but if there was one thing he hated, it was being made a fool of. Though in reality, the worst that would happen was the perpetrators being given a lecture before being handed over to the proper authorities. But they didn't need to know that.
Heading to the mens room, he encountered no further people. Unknown to him, the dark expression on his face was enough to deter others from getting in his way as he approached the men's room.
Upon entering the men's room, he was relieved to find that the fire wasn't a big one. For now, it was contained to the trash can, so it hadn't really started to spread. Which was a good thing. Still, it wouldn't do to waste time.
So, without further ado, he turned on one of the sinks and allowed the water to run as he filled a bottle with water. Then, he poured the water over the fire. He continued the process until the fire was out before inspecting the trash can where the fire had been.
At first, he didn't see anything. Then, he noticed the cigarette in the trash. 'Of course,' he thought, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. While it was likely that the fire had been accidentally caused by throwing a still lit cigarette in the trash can, he doubted it. The girl trying to get him and Sterling to party, the fire in the bathroom soon after they had dismissed her attempts, and the spiked punch right after they had been called away to check out the fire. It all seemed too convenient to just be a coincidence.
Resisting the urge to sigh, he made his way out of the bathroom, his face set into a neutral expression. The first thing he needed to do was to tell Sterling about his findings, and then see if that guy from before knew anything.
"There was a cigarette in the trash," he said upon reaching the other's side. "But something tells me that the fire in the trash can was no accident. Someone set it, knowing that we would have to go do something about it."[break]

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june 11
petalburg city
i'm glad you're evil too.
5'4 height
5'4 height
being a shut-in is certainly the path of justice!
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TAG WITH @warden
party animals [dd]
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2024 19:07:32 GMT
they manage to keep everyone away from the punch bowl, somehow. normally sterling isn't this assertive, but this is their job and they're not going to risk getting in trouble by allowing this to happen. they have no idea how strong the alcohol is, but more importantly just about everyone here is underage. it's their responsibility to make sure nothing illegal goes on here, so even if that means they have to be a stick in the mud, they'll still do it.

"i bet that guy who told us about the fire knows something," sterling says, on roughly the same wavelength as ever. "do you remember what he looks like...? i'm gonna go dump this punch in the bathroom." they lift the bowl up, and it's a lot heavier than expected. instead of risking dropping it, sterling calls their kirlia out into the room, and he carries it using psychokinesis so they can get rid of the spiked punch.

the boy who warned them about the fire can be seen lurking on the edges of the crowd. if he sees ever coming for him, he's going to run away.
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January 9th
senior ranger
6’1” height
6’1” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ever blackwell
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POSTED ON Feb 10, 2024 2:49:34 GMT
ever blackwell Avatar



It seemed Sterling was on the same page as him. That was good. It meant he didn't have to try and spell it out for them.
He grunted in affirmation of their statement, showing that he had come to the same conclusion. But other than that, he didn't do anything to show he was thinking along the same lines.
When asked if he remembered what the guy looked like, he nodded before speaking.
"Yeah, but he'll probably take off the second he sees me coming towards him," he said with a sigh.
Perhaps threatening him hadn't been the best idea.
Not that it had been much of a threat.
Basically, he had just threatened to give him a lecture.
Nothing to be really scared about.
Still, he knew his type. He knew he would take off the second he saw him coming towards him. Either because he had threatened him or because he had already planned on doing so the second he could slip away after telling them about the fire.
Yes, it was completely possible he had plans to run from the start.
As he watched Sterling and his Kirlia tend to the punch, he suddenly had a thought. Perhaps a way to catch at least one of them.
"Hey, does your Kirlia have teleport as one of its moves?" he would ask once Sterling returns after throwing out the punch.[break]

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june 11
petalburg city
i'm glad you're evil too.
5'4 height
5'4 height
being a shut-in is certainly the path of justice!
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TAG WITH @warden
party animals [dd]
POSTED ON Feb 18, 2024 22:53:49 GMT
their kirlia stays by their side, though it gives the party an inquisitive look. "teleport? no, but..." they rub some of the light stubble on their chin, catching ever's drift almost immediately. "he does know double team." it won't be the same, but they might be able to trick their wily opponent into thinking he's in more trouble than he actually is. "i think... we could probably use that to our advantage, yeah?"

even a moment's hesitation would give them a chance to catch the culprit. he'd probably get off with a major scolding afterwards, and maybe he'll get written up. it's not like he actually hurt anyone... though that was mostly thanks to sterling and ever's quick thinking in how to resolve the situation. "if you can chase him over to me and lancelot, we can cut him off. double team should make him hesitate long enough for you to nab him."
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January 9th
senior ranger
6’1” height
6’1” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Feb 26, 2024 17:45:03 GMT
ever blackwell Avatar



Well, there went the idea of coming at him and one of them using teleportation to get in front of him. There had to be other things he could do to ensure the guy from before didn't escape. A way to corner him somehow or catch him off guard in some way so they could apprehend him. Either would work.
Before he could think too much about it, Sterling spoke up with an idea of their own. Yes, they could make it work. He could drive him towards Sterling, and when he thought he was in more trouble than he actually was, that should make him pause long enough to be able to nab him.
"Yes, that should work. Go get in position. It's best to take up a position near an exit because that's definitely where he'll be aiming to go," he said, letting his gaze surreptitiously scan the exits before deciding which exit would be the best to guard, and then telling Sterling about it. "When you head that way, make it look like you're leaving if he's watching, so he thinks I'm the only one present. Then I'll make sure he heads in that direction."
Once the plan had been made, he would walk away from Sterling and wander around for a bit, as if he were looking for someone. Only after he saw that Sterling was in position would he start to make his way towards the guy from before, approaching him at a bit of an angle to drive him towards the indicated exit. He would actually shoulder people aside to sell the idea that he was coming after the guy, deciding that he would just have to make apologies later.[break]

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played by


june 11
petalburg city
i'm glad you're evil too.
5'4 height
5'4 height
being a shut-in is certainly the path of justice!
33 posts
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TAG WITH @warden
party animals [dd]
POSTED ON Feb 26, 2024 20:01:16 GMT
the plan is solid enough, even if it leaves room for error. it's the best shot they have at grabbing their guy. as much as sterling hates to say it, the police can deal with everything that comes later. the crime is hardly one worth suffering for, they think, but what the boy did was dangerous. it's not all fun and games like it is on TV.

and so it is that sterling, in their ridiculous video game plumber get-up complete with fake mustache, ends up guarding one of the exits. their kirlia waits just outside the door. sterling watches as the culprit notices ever coming towards him, and makes an immediate beeline for the nearest exit. before he can go, sterling steps in front of him.

this does little to deter him. the young man just shoves them aside and starts to hurry out. sterling's reaction is slow, but lancelot's isn't. the kirlia immediately seems to duplicate itself, standing in the way of their detainee. he hesitates, unsure whether it's an illusion or not, and that gives sterling enough time to recuperate and grab him by the arm.

"b... busted." their voice is barely above a mumble. by now, ever will likely be arriving to help hold him until the police can come.

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