Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
Fox tails hidden under wedding dresses
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Makoto Kurumi
Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2023 4:22:36 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
It seemed that with every strange event that occurs in Hoenn - from the formation of the Silent Icefields to the Tera Crystals that have scattered across the region - that each winter was getting colder than the last. And this one was just cold enough, for a lake just outside of Mauville City to freeze over.

With more than a few citizens in the city often having a general interest in sports, it was no surprise that a number of residents had taken to giving ice skating a try; even if many weren't exactly experienced in the endeavor. Makoto wasn't exactly any better, though. Though they liked to think that they had a good sense of balance and grace due to their occupation as a thief - both before and during Rocket - it took more than being able to stay upright to skate.

But, this was an opportunity for their pokemon to have some fun - and Kama, their hisuian sneasel, was certainly enjoying himself. He chittered happily as he simply let himself slip and slide on the slick ice, using his claws to stop and steady himself whenever necessary (such as to launch himself across the ice in another direction!) Tsukiko, too, was bouncing and prancing across the ice - letting out a foxy laugh of joy, her Aurora Veil lighting up the sky above the lake.

Yurei the wyrdeer wasn't quite as interested in the ice though - nor was Tsume the zoroark - both of whom had decided to stay at the shoreline, to avoid having to deal with these shenanigans.

Koseki, a little galarian yamask, was meanwhile perched on Makoto's shoulder - simply trying to hang on for dear life. Because as it so happened, Makoto was getting the hang at going, but not so much at stopping. (Kuro was a bit more thankful it could stay hidden in Makoto's shadow, amidst this.)

As a result though, Makoto would yelp as they found themself skidding and careening across the ice - just able to lean to swerve out of the way of other similarly-clumsy ice skaters. But for one person in particular, they were not able to maneuver themself around quite as efficiently - and was only able to yelp a "I-Incoming..!" in warning!
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October 26
Anville Town
5'3 height
5'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @siosoti
Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2023 6:02:47 GMT
Sio was never one to allow themself much in the ways of freetime or festive activities. But, well, when snow keeps falling, winter keeps getting colder, and lakes closer to them freeze over, how can they resist? Especially considering that this meant they have the chance to learn ice skating...or try to, anyways.

Quill, her smeagle, already seemed to be a natural at the act. That is, if you considered bounding across the ice at reckless speeds and nearly if not entirely knocking into other pokemon and skaters natural talent. On the other hand, Kaló, Sio's abra, was more than content to just sit atop its shoulder. She'd rather not risk being dragged into Quill's nonsense this time, thank you very much.

As for Sio itself, it had just gotten the hang of balancing and moving forward- arms outstretched at its sides, slightly teetering across the ice. And while she's certainly gotten good at going, stopping was a whole other story. One that didn't necessarily come into play with one certain person barreling into her.

"Watch where you're go- ah!"


All at once, Sio and Kaló went tumbling down, the former on her behind and the latter scrambling about as she skids further away. After a moment, Kaló made her way back to her trainer, who was just beginning to sit up and recollect itself.


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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
Fox tails hidden under wedding dresses
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Makoto Kurumi
Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2023 23:50:40 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
Of course, when one's idea of fun is to just slide around in random directions, collisions are to be expected. Kama squeals in surprise as he and Quill collide with one another - sending them both of them spinning together across the ice in a tangled pile!

Tsukiko yelps a bit, as she has to stumble and awkwardly half-hop to avoid getting caught up in the careening pile.

Once they finally come to a stop though - lightly bumping into a snowbank - only then does Kama begin to untangle himself from Quill (being extra mindful of his claws, being a poison type.) Once freed, he'd chitter softly at the Smeargle, checking to see if Quill was okay.

Makoto and Sio, meanwhile, have a much similar sort of crash. As the detective falls onto its rear, Makoto ends up falling forward onto it - yelping all the whilst. The only thing that keeps them from falling atop Sio completely is their attempt to catch themself - hands slamming into the ice on other side of her. Which, ow - Makoto visibly wincing - but thankfully it was nothing serious.

Koseki floated above, meanwhile - having had the thought to get off Makoto's shoulder - making a soft and concerned whistle. Were the both of them okay?

At the very least, Makoto was. Slowly, carefully, they tried to untangle themself from the pretty detective beneath them - trying to avoid slipping and falling a second time. "A-are... Are you okay?" They questioned, looking Sio up and down. "I'm so sorry for that - I... I'm still getting used to this..." With a hint of embarrassment and shame, they'd avert their eyes - not wholly confident in meeting Sio's gaze after a mess up like that...

But briefly, their eyes did flick back to Sio, offering "One of my pokemon has a healing move, i-if you're hurt." They were no scrooge; if they could lend a hand, they would.
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October 26
Anville Town
5'3 height
5'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @siosoti
Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]
POSTED ON Dec 13, 2023 1:51:50 GMT
Quill gives his own sort of surprised yelp at the initial collision - but, true to his nature, it's not long before he's giving cheery laughter-like yips all the way across the frozen lake.

It's not until he and Kama bump into the snowbank on the other side that Quill finally calms down. The smeargle looks curiously at the sneasel, leaning forward to sniff him the first chance he gets (after being untangled from him, of course). In response to Kama's chittering, Quill simply sticks his tongue out - giving a few happy pants while his tail wags lazily behind.

As for Sio, it gives another startled yelp as Makoto soon tumbles onto it- and she stays frozen in place, not wanting to trip the other person up another further. Though she doesn't outright react to their current positioning...she would be lying if she didn't admit her cheeks grew just a tinge pink. Regardless, it watches them closely- genuinely concerned, and making sure they got up fine. Kaló, meanwhile, floats up to meet Koseki's level, giving her own concerned whistles and hums.

"Ah...I am..alright. I'm fine." Sio responds, drawing herself in to sit more comfortably on the ice- legs crossed. She'll get up in a moment, she figures - checking on the admittedly attractive person in front of them matters just a bit more right now."Oh no no, you're fine, dear- really, I'm in the same predicament as you- getting used to this, I mean." She chuckles, dusting off some stray ice shavings from her coat. Though Makoto may keep their gaze averted, Sio's stays dead set on them in turn- watching, learning. And when that gaze meets again, she smiles- the scars around her lips stretching with the motion. "No worries, I'm not hurt; but what about you, hm?" They landed on their hands, didn't they? If they could afford to help- maybe not with money, but with basic care- they gladly would as well. "...Thank you for the offer, though," she tacks on - at the very least, to avoid sounding selfish or ungrateful in any way.


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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
Fox tails hidden under wedding dresses
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TAG WITH @makotokurumi
Makoto Kurumi
Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]
POSTED ON Dec 13, 2023 2:57:44 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
As Quill yips in laughter amidst their little tumble, Kama can't help but laugh with with little chittery squeaks - the cheer being positively infectious. He still pays the care to check in afterwards though, of course, cause that's the polite thing to do! Makoto taught him that much!

And when Quill sniffs him, Kama sniffs the beagle in turn - the mutual greeting of curious animals. And seeing that the Smeargle was perfectly fine, and even in good spirits, he would let out a happy squeak and a wave. Quill certainly seemed like a fun friend, and Kama wanted to get to know him!

Meanwhile, Yurei would plod on over - the large Wyrdeer still sticking to the shore, but seeming idly curious of Quill, even if only faintly. Kama would give them a brief wave and chitter in greeting, to which Yurei simply snorted and nodded.

As Makoto and Sio are untangled though, they are visibly relieved when Sio confirms she's alright. The last thing they wanted was to potentially ruin someone's fun out on the lake.

They're able to get up onto their feet once more, and maintain their balance - similarly dusting themself on. Just as long as they didn't start moving again, they'd be okay, they felt. Though for any actual further movement, they might enlist Tsume for a bit of help. His claws surely had better traction.

But in the meantime, there was the pretty detective - and as Makoto glances to her and catches sight of that soft smile, their own cheeks begin to dust a bit pink. Though they are cognizant of the scars, they find that that thought takes a backseat to simply... Speaking with her. "I-I'm fine," They insist, quick to soothe any worries. "Hands are... just a little sore." Which is true - they take a second to shake their hands out, palms red, in hopes of shaking off the low ache that's present.

And as Sio thanks them... They try their best to smile back, even if a bit shy. "Th-thank you, too." That faintest blush grows a bit - she's pretty, and she seems nice, too... They almost forget that they had been trying to avert their eyes, but moments ago.
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October 26
Anville Town
5'3 height
5'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @siosoti
Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]
POSTED ON Dec 13, 2023 6:46:31 GMT
With the joy easily growing mutual between Quill and Kama, the former can't help but be overjoyed even during their shared greeting. In return, the beagle yips cheerfully and waves back- just as eager to get to know him as well!

And as the Wyrdeer also joins in on the introductions and greetings, Quill can't help but grow curious about them as well. He'd stretch up on his tiptoes, waving to Yurei and eagerly sniffing them, too. So many new scents! So many new friends! This is absolute friendship HEAVEN for the little smeargle!!

Meanwhile, Sio seems to visibly relax on her end as well upon hearing that Makoto is well. Sure, their hands are sore, but that sort of pain will easily fade away with time. It's nowhere near as serious as, say, a broken bone or a concussion. "Good, glad to hear it. I'm sure it won't be long at all before you're back in tiptop shape," she replies, pushing herself up to balance on her own feet once more. This person seems...nice, at least in Sio's eyes. They're pretty, reserved and kind; and while she certainly doesn't feel any sort of immediate sparks, she wouldn't complain if this person ended up being a friend of hers. Plus, now that they're actually keeping eye contact with and purple go nicely together. She knew this already, but it's especially true now, pertaining to a person's features- like little ornaments complimenting the stranger's overall appearance.

And as if to be the topper to it all, Sio would hum, stretching out one of her hands in proper introduction. "The name is Sio Sotí; it's a pleasure to meet you, darling~" she chimes, waiting patiently to see if they would return the gesture.
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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
Fox tails hidden under wedding dresses
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TAG WITH @makotokurumi
Makoto Kurumi
Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]
POSTED ON Dec 13, 2023 8:35:07 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
Yurei seemed to be simply taking all of this in an easygoing and indifferent stride. Quill appeared friendly enough, and Kama seemed to be having fun, and that was the extent she felt she needed to understand. With this, they'd idly return to nosing through the snow for prime vegetation to graze on - choice food being a bit more on their mind at the moment.

Kama, meanwhile, would happily chatter and gesture to Quill. Right now, there were two things that they could do, in his opinion. Either they could go back to slip-sliding across the lake... Oooor, if Quill was interested, Kama could show what he and Yurei get up to sometimes, when Makoto isn't riding Yurei around! (Which was to say, that Kama liked riding on Yurei's back, too; he liked those cowboys that he'd sometimes see in pictures!)

As Sio introduces herself, Makoto takes a second to process its words (mostly at being called darling,) before accepting the handshake with the slightest bit of delay. "I-I'm Makoto Kurumi. It's nice to meet you, too." They respond, feeling somewhat self-conscious of their own actions in this moment. There was only one other person who really had the same effect on them that Sio presently did - and they couldn't exactly 'mask' the same way they did among their Rocket peers.

Trying to not linger on those thoughts though... They'd briefly occupy themself with scritching Koseki under the chin as she settled back on their shoulder like a little topper, before glancing to Sio once more. Although it took a second before they could find an actual thought for some small-talk, their gaze briefly flicked to Kaló. They were a bit fond of psychic-types... "Your... Your Abra is cute - do they have a name?"
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October 26
Anville Town
5'3 height
5'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @siosoti
Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]
POSTED ON Dec 13, 2023 9:23:24 GMT
Being a beagle of impulse and curiosity, Quill only sniffs and observes Yurei for a bit longer before her idle nosing for vegetables almost seems to bore him. Quill's not really the type to search for vegetation anyways, unless there's berries nearby that he really likes. If it's just for any sort of vegetation at all, or whatever a Wyrdeer eats, then he's not interested.

Besides, Kama seems to be more his speed anyhow! With his chattering and gesturing, the sneasel easily regains his attention. Quill looks between the ice and Yurei..then back at the ice...then back at Yurei, and finally to Kama once more. It'd chatter and yip in turn, with a small "aroo?" of intrigue. As if to follow along, he'd point to Yurei too, then cock his head to one side. He can kind of put the pieces together...maybe??

Though her gaze stays warm and genuine, it's much clearer with the continuing eye contact as well as the handshake that Sio is still observing. Perhaps it's in a lighter, more positive light though, as she merely hums and nods. "Makoto...a lovely name, rolls right off the tongue." And it's true- they've seen and written many names before, some much more unsavory than others.

In a similar fashion during the pause, Sio reaches over to scratch the top of Kaló's head. The Abra purrs and trills with the affection, leaning into it and floating above its shoulder. "Mh? Why, thank you. Her name is Kaló; and what about your Yamask? They seem quite precious, too!" At the mention of her name, Kaló tilts her own head curiously- peering at Makoto and Koseki with another friendly trill.
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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
Fox tails hidden under wedding dresses
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TAG WITH @makotokurumi
Makoto Kurumi
Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]
POSTED ON Dec 13, 2023 20:59:50 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
And with Quill's point, Kama would take that to mean that the Smeargle was interested in some shenanigans with Yurei! The sneasel chittered happily, and would go over to the Wyrdeer to chatter at her, gesturing.

Yurei, understanding, would slowly turn her gaze to him before softly huffing. Slowly, carefully, she folds her legs and lays down - so as to make it easier for Kama to climb up into the saddle on her back.

And once he was situated, Kama would carefully wrap his claws around Yurei's reins, then chatter to Quill and gesture him over, to invite him into the saddle as well! Let's ride together!

The more that Makoto and Sio talk though, the more they're aware of that appraising gaze - that figurative magnifying glass that they're under. There's a part of them that wants to hide away from it - to not be percieved, because that's how one ends up being drawn into trouble.

But at the same time, they're a little bit transfixed and drawn in by the detective before them - by the attention she shows them. "Ah - th-thank you," they murmur - unsure of how else to take the compliment about their name. "Sio is... Very nice, too." Short, sweet, and kind of cute.

Being introducedto Kalo, though, puts a gentle smile on Makoto's face - appreciative of the Abra's cute behavior. "Hello there, Kalo." They greet her - before turning their attention to their own pokemon. "This is Koseki; she's a... bit reserved, but very sweet."

Indeed, the Yamask makes a similarly happy hum as Makoto briefly strokes her head - but otherwise doesn't engage with Sio or Kalo all that much. The two seem alright, but... She's perhaps a little shy, herself.

Much less shy, however, is Tsukiko. The alolan ninetales bounces on over to the two with a happy little yap, tails swishing. Who's this? New friends? Friends are good! Without a second thought, the large fox nuzzles into Sio's side in greeting.

"And this is Tsukiko. They're a, uh, lot less reserved." Makoto speaks with a soft laugh.
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October 26
Anville Town
5'3 height
5'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @siosoti
Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2023 2:34:48 GMT
For a while, Quill simply stands and waits- watching quizically as Kama chitters to Yurei, and the Wydeer lowers herself down to the ground.

But, once Kama is on and holding the reigns, it's not long before the Smeargle clambers up into Yurei's saddle, too. He even holds onto Kama's shoulders to be safe- a ride! A ride!!

"Ah- thank you!" Sio hums, their appraising gaze faltering for once at the compliment- though only very briefly. The more little details Makoto seems to present to her, the more she, in turn, can start to paint bigger pictures. Basic ones, sure- but the intricate portrait would come much later on.

In response to the greeting, Kaló makes one more happy purr before settling down properly on Sio's shoulder. "Koseki...hello, Koseki," she greets the Yamask, not really seeming to mind her reserved nature.

Once Tsukiko makes themself known with a nuzzle and yapping, though, Sio startles for a split second- only to chuckle and bring a hand down to pet behind her ear. "And hello to you too, Tsukiko!"

Curious now about all the new faces and sounds, another pokemon of Sio's makes herself known. Itiá, a wispy little Phantump, stays quiet as she sneaks up beside Tsukiko- before letting out a vast array of cheerful, trilling, echoey sounds.

Still in the very background for now, but still able to be heard, a Sinistea and a Litwick make seemingly argumentative chatters and noises at each other. What could that all be about..?
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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
Fox tails hidden under wedding dresses
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Makoto Kurumi
Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2023 4:33:57 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
Once they're both settled in Yurei's saddle, Kama makes a happy trill, before nudging at the Wyrdeer's sides with his heels and giving the reins a light flick.

In response, Yurei begins to move, trotting along the shore of the lake - building up into a canter as Kama encourages her onwards. Adventure! (But not too far! Or else Makoto would probably worry, and Kama didn't want them to worry!)

Koseki, in response to the greeting, perks up a little and makes a soft whistle, shyly waving. Sio certainly seemed nice, in her opinion.

Tsukiko, though, would be all the more enthused at Sio's greeting - tails swishing wildly as she gives the detective's hand a friendly lick. Friend! Friends were good!

And there was another friend too, in the form of a little Phantom! As Itia lets out a number of sounds so closeby, Tsukiko does jump a bit - but her tails wag at the sight of another pokemon. She's quick to come up to nuzzle and briefly lick Itia, clearly having the time of her life in socializing with new people.

Which, Makoto can't help a soft laugh with this. "And... Who's this little one?" They'd ask, gesturing to the Phantump; ghost-types were another type that they were fond of, which they made no secret of with the little smile on their face.

It would be then though, as Kama and Yurei rode along, that the Sneasel would take notice of the chatter of a Sinistea and a Litwick. Curious, he would bring Yurei to a stop, before squeaking and waving to them to ask what was going on.
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October 26
Anville Town
5'3 height
5'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @siosoti
Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2023 5:04:27 GMT
Mirroring Kama's light nudging, Quill swings his legs back and forth- not to nudge Yurei any further, but instead to show his excitement!

Which, speaking of excitement, he would excitedly yip and bark as Yurei started in a trot and sped up to a canter- adventure!! (Honestly, even if the trio did stray too far from Sio, he didn't mind! They always found him if he didn't find them first!)

While Sio enjoys her time greeting the more extroverted pokemon, Kaló floats her way over to Koseki- slow, careful, and yet all the more curious. Once she's a comfortable distance away, she gives a quiet trill to her.

Sio snickers as Tsukiko licks her hand- which then evolves into her own bout of laughter as Itiá gets involved with its antics. Speaking of- pleased with the outcome of its greeting, the Phantump rattles and chitters, rubbing its face up against the Ninetales. "Oh, her? That would be Itiá- my lovely little actress." At the mention of its name, Itiá perks up- having just taken to hiding her face in Tsukiko's fur. Once she reveals herself again to Makoto, though, she gives another cheery rattle and waves.

As for the other two...well, the scene practically sets itself. Chamomile, the Sinistea, is floating a good couple feet above the ground with a stick much too large for its little body in its grasp. Meanwhile, most of the quarreling chatters come from Wisp- a tiny Litwick who seems to want nothing more than to burn the aforementioned stick! Oh, the tragedy!! It makes for a funny sight for Quill, though- who gives a panting chuckle at the argument.
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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
Fox tails hidden under wedding dresses
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Makoto Kurumi
Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2023 7:29:21 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
As Kalo trills to Koseki, she perks up a bit - faintly surprised at being approached like this. Though it takes a second for her to give a response, she soon makes a soft whistle, tilting her head in some curiosity.

Meanwhile, as Tsukiko and Itia are nuzzling one another, Makoto's expression lights with curiosity at Sio's words. "An actress; are... Are you a coordinator?" Was Sio someone who liked participating in Pokemon Contests? It was something that they had been curious about at times, but they had never really gotten the chance to pursue it themself.

As Itia waves and rattles to Makoto though, they smile and wave back, greeting "Hello there, Itia."

Kama can't help but chuckle a little bit at the argument as well - he isn't sure why the Sinistea wants the stick so badly, or to keep it away from the Litwick below, but well... The solution seemed pretty easy to him!

Jumping down from Yurei's back, he'd look for another stick on the ground - and picking it up, he'd go to join Chamomile and Wisp both, chittering in greeting and offering the fire-type another stick. Here! This way, they both had their own stick, right? (Disregarding the fact that he did not immediately understand that Wisp was looking to burn shit.)
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October 26
Anville Town
5'3 height
5'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @siosoti
Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2023 7:51:45 GMT
Kaló tilts her head back to Koseki, playfully mirroring the Yamask. While she can't quite mimic her whistling to a t, it tries anyway, giving its own little cheerful whistle.

"A...coordinator? Oh, no no! While I've been to a couple shows, I could never put one together myself. I simply mean that Itiá is a bit.." Sio trails off- almost in perfect timing with the Phantump in question floating up, up, up-!

Only to lean back and "fall" onto Tsukiko with a low, rumbling sound, a little hand resting on its own forehead. It's playing dead. "...Dramatic," Sio chuckles sheepishly. "Hang on, dear, I'll look for a treat for you.." And just like that, Itiá perks up- watching eagerly for the treat while Sio looks through their pockets.

Meanwhile, Chamomile watches from above as Kama hops down and searches for a stick- and it makes an assortment of bubbling chatters as a sort of warning sign.

But even that isn't enough to stop Wisp; once he gets the stick in his tiny little hands...and then holds it to his flickering flame. All at once, the stick bursts into flames, and the Litwick gives a ghostly cheer! Victory!! On the other hand, Chamomile gives a gurgled huff- holding its stick even tighter to itself. This is its stick, and no tiny arsonist is gonna take that from it! Quill looks between both of the ghost type pokemon and..merely pants with a lazily wagging tail. Business as usual.
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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
Fox tails hidden under wedding dresses
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Makoto Kurumi
Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2023 22:02:50 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
With Kalo's friendly approach, Koseki seems to slowly, but surely, warm a little to the idea of the psychic-type. She drifts up from Makoto's shoulder to approach Kalo in turn, slowly bobbing a circle around the Abra to get a better look at her.

Makoto nodded a bit as Sio responds - before chuckling as well at the little Phantump's dramatics. "I see what you mean." They mused out loud, before adding "I'm not a coordinator either - even if I am a bit curious about Contests... But I think Itia could do well, if you decided to train her for it." It had a clear passion for the stage, to say the least.

Tsukiko blinks a bit as Itia flips onto their back - the fox craning their neck around and lightly nosing her before she perks back up, as if to check that she was okay.

On Kama's side of things, the little Sneasel isn't wholly sure what Chamomile is warning against - responding with a small confused 'meep'... Before he - as he handed the stick to Wisp - suddenly squeaks in surprise, stumbling backwards as the litwick sets it aflame!!

But, as the surprise faded, Kama would take a second to watch the flickering flames that were now slowly consuming the stick - mesmerized by the sight of it. Watching fire was pretty - so he could see why Wisp was so enthused by it! And on top of this, perhaps the Litwick would be happy now that he and the Sinistea both had their own sticks?

Either way, content, he'd go to hop back onto Yurei's back, smiling over to Quill as he rejoined the Smeargle. Problem solved!
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