Broken Down Negotiations [S]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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June Bug
April 21
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Swallow the Heart and Kill the Senses
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Broken Down Negotiations [S]
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2023 7:43:52 GMT
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Things kicked into overdrive faster than June could realize. It felt like everyone had, all at once, started to realize that the holidays were upon them. Gifts were ‘necessary’ for many folks in Hoenn, and those pesky delivery services had started to lag behind the immense strain.

Thus, June stepped into the role of ‘last resort’. Thank Arceus, though, that the people were merciful with their orders. She’d been lucky enough to get a lot of ‘mass bulk’ to either the same town or two towns right next to each other. And those were perfect for Knight. It carried massive loads like nothing else.

What great luck, for her to stumble upon this beast of burden a few months back.

If only it could actually keep up.

Come on, Knight!” June begged the large, metal bird. It perched atop the grip for their next massive delivery, a delivery for the Lilycove Department store. The people on the boat had dragged it to Petalburg and gave them the bird, if witness reports were to be trusted. They wanted the stuff gone, she wanted money. Win-win.

But the Corviknight huffed and turned away from June once more. She sighed. Her bones weighed heavy in her skin, and her eyes held the weight of the world. The urge to pull out that can of battery acid nearly took over, but she resisted. Needed to save that for a better time.

After this, you can have a break! How does that sound?” June asked the bird. No dice; it called loudly and ruffled its feathers. “Okay, two full-length breaks! Please, I just need this shit on the way.

It looked back, one eye visible through the glint of cold steel. “Corv?

What? No, I can’t do three. That’s too long. It’ll eat into profits.


Ugh. “Listen here, pal. Unless you got a Dragon’s hoard stashed somewhere, I need to make a LOT of money this season. And if you don’t pull your weight, I won’t. And then we’re both fucked. So, please–


Oh, for fucks–

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The Liberator
April 10
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Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
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Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo
Broken Down Negotiations [S]
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2023 15:04:25 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar


[attr="class","textbox"]Corviknight were big birds. That meant, when one wanted to get loud, it got loud.[break][break]

Isaac, who had been taking a much needed nap beneath one of Petalburg Woods' larger trees, found himself learning that lesson the hard way. The force of its bellow was such that the snow was shaken right off the tree's branches, burying Isaac with an unceremonious plop.[break][break]

Zephyrus the Dragonite couldn't help but snicker at his trainer's turmoil, even as he helped unearth the poor guy. Each beat of his wings sent more snow flying away from Isaac. All the while, Isaac groaned, less bothered by the cold than he was by the untimely end to his nap.[break][break]

Just when they thought they were done, another treeline-shaking caw rumbled through the forest. If Isaac was still groggy, that living alarm clock sure as hell snapped him out of it. "Leave it to me, buddy," he assured the Dragonite, giving him a pat on the flank. "I'll figure out what's up."[break][break]

Luckily, the outskirts of town weren't too far from the forest. Even more luckily, who Isaac sought out was nigh impossible to miss. Saddled up with a massive bag of gifts, and debating spiritedly with what was presumably their trainer, the Corviknight of the hour was an obvious spot on the horizon.[break][break]

" 'Tis the season, eh?"

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June Bug
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Broken Down Negotiations [S]
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2023 23:07:26 GMT
june sleigh Avatar
June looked to the newcomer, bags underneath her eyes. “Yea, something like that.”

Who the hell was this? She’d never seen this man before in her life, and she didn’t see any reason for him to walk up to her. Unless this was a naturally good Samaritan, she’d done something wrong.


Oh. Right. “Sorry if this dumbass woke you up.


Shut up!

The Corviknight turned its head back away from June. Looked like the matter had been settled: he was going to be a bastard, and June was shit out of luck. Great. Now what did she do? Her available options for Pokémon able to lift this ton of damn packages started and ended with that strange Pokémon on her belt. The one that was aggressively protective, dangerous, and overall untrained in the art of ‘not attacking on sight’.

She let out the longest sigh known to man. Gears churned, but not in a good way. That was, if your name was ‘stranger who approached her first’. For her, an idea sprung up in her mind. A long shot, but a lifesaver if it worked out. Just required this guy to be both willing and able and not want any of the proceeds. Or knowledge of Petalburg.

Say,” June rubbed her neck, “you from around here? I need to get all these packages delivered to Lilycove, and my friend here isn’t willing. Any chance you could… help me out? I can’t promise you much…

Hopefully he didn’t ask for specifics. That cold can of battery acid amounted to all she was willing to give away, and if he called her bluff then they'd have to actually... gulp. Negotiate a price for services rendered. She jittered in place suddenly, but not from the harsh cold.

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The Liberator
April 10
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Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
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Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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Isaac Merlo
Broken Down Negotiations [S]
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2023 1:10:23 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar


[attr="class","textbox"]"Ah, don't sweat it. I've got better things to do than nap the day away, anyway." For once in his life, he really didn't. Isaac didn't like that. It felt weird! It should have felt freeing and relaxing, but instead it just made Isaac feel jittery. Was that what happened when you spent so long in go go mode that you no longer knew how stopping felt?[break][break]

He'd have to interrogate himself about that later. For now, there were bird problems.[break][break]

The girl looked Isaac up and down, as if trying to figure something out. She asked where he was from- wait, hold on. Why did that matter if he lived here if she was just gonna ask him about going somewhere else? Ah, it didn't matter. The girl was clearly frazzled, and looking for that little hint of small talk to ease into the favor she was about to ask.[break][break]

Delivery work, huh? Man, Isaac missed Locke.[break][break]

Maybe that was why, when asked to find a way to help her cross the whole damn region, Isaac's response was simply to grin. "So. You need a hand getting to Lilycove, eh?" For a moment, Isaac considered just running over to the Pokemon Center and picking up Reverb for a teleport. Why stop there, though? That was no fun.[break][break]

Instead, his smile took a turn for the daring as he pondered a much more fun plan. "Ah, what the heck. I think I've got an idea on how to help," he said. He stepped around the Corviknight for a second, checking to make sure the big bird's saddlebags were properly secured. "Just make sure these are strapped down all nice and good, alright?"[break][break]

Things were about to get intense.

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June Bug
April 21
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june sleigh
Broken Down Negotiations [S]
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2023 18:17:01 GMT
june sleigh Avatar
Oh, thanks man, I really… appreciate…

June’s voice left her throat as the stranger waltzed right over to Knight and began to inspect him. Much like she did, he pulled on the saddlebags and various things that clung to the creature for strength. Not only had she done that earlier, they had been as tight as could be.

Uh… I did that this morning,” she said slowly. “And the problem isn’t that he can’t fly, it’s that–

Knight caught on rather fast. As Isaac double-checked the last bag, it bent over itself and pecked at his hand. Not hard enough to do meaningful damage if the blow struck, but it sent the message rather well. Cawww! Caww! Cawww! Caw!

Do. Not. Touch. Me.

Its eyes narrowed to slivers. The Corviknight thought it was rather clear that it was tired and didn’t want to fly right now. June sighed, “Yea, see? He’s not moving an inch unless you’re a union buster. We need to get something or someone else to fly instead, and I don’t have anything strong enough. Or, well, anything I feel good using.

Maybe she was better off to ask someone else. What the hell did this guy have in mind? Thoughts wandered to the dozens upon dozens of ideas, but not a single one sounded feasible. Even the more dubious in morality answers felt far-fetched. Nothing short of giving in (which was NOT one of her ideas) would get this guy to move. This attempt to outsource the labor proved ineffective.

Look, I appreciate the thought, but like… do you have another bird on you? Or, like… what’s the word… know someone else with a bird? Or just, you know, something to carry this heavy thing? I need it delivered today, and I don’t even know what you have in mind here, hotshot,” June ranted. What, did this guy have the power of wind, flight, or a car battery that he wasn’t sharing?

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
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Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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Isaac Merlo
Broken Down Negotiations [S]
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2023 19:17:23 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar


[attr="class","textbox"]"Okay, okay, sheesh, I get the hint." Isaac flashed the Corviknight an apologetic smile. The big bird probably registered Isaac's routine check as an attempt at getting him to move. Technically, he was right, but not in the way he'd expect.[break][break]

"Don't worry, big guy. I'm not here to ask you to fly. The bosslady's been running you ragged enough as is." There was a cheeky, teasing edge to his voice. Arceus knows both halves of this duo were stressed messes. "Tell ya what. You let me do my thing, and you get a big heaping bowl of curry for it. And all you gotta do is sit back and relax. Don't even have to move a muscle. Fair deal?"[break][break]

Getting paid to not do work. If this was a union busting, Isaac was trash at it.[break][break]

The offer sounded impossible. However, there was no nefarious edge to Isaac's voice or secret scheme brewing behind his eyes. If anything, he sounded completely genuine. Further confusing matters was the fact that, as he waited for a response, he started doing warm up stretches. It was as if he'd planned on slinging the Corviknight over his shoulder and sprinting over to Lilycove.
But that would be impossible.[break][break]


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June Bug
April 21
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Swallow the Heart and Kill the Senses
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Broken Down Negotiations [S]
POSTED ON Dec 16, 2023 20:24:22 GMT
june sleigh Avatar
Okay, first off,” June’s shoulders slumped hard, “what’s this ‘running him ragged’? We’re doing fine! We had a break, like, 6 hours ago! And second off, what the hell are you doing?

She looked at the stranger, who was now stretching his heart out. Did he plan on trying to wrestle Knight into submission or something? Fat chance in hell of that happening. He’d get pecked into ribbons before he even put one hand on it. Maybe this guy was secretly deranged, or something. She put one hand into her coat pocket, ready to whip out her box cutter at a moment’s notice.

However, the Corviknight seemed intrigued. It cocked its head in several different directions once Isaac started to stretch. The movement confused it, yet the prospect of food sounded nice. Better than the dehydrated jerky he got as a break meal. And not having to do anything? Sounded too good to be true.

But his words didn’t hide any malicious intent. It could feel that as well as it could feel the chilly air against its hardened black feathers. After a few long moments, Knight trilled lightly. Wings relaxed, and its head sunk into its body. Whatever the stranger had in mind, it’d be willing to at least see what he meant.

Unfortunately, June saw this just as well as Isaac. “Oh come on! Some random guy walks up to you, promises you dinner, and you just… say yes? How the hell did you get to be a Corviknight?!

Alright, can you at least tell me what the hell your game plan here is? I’m starting to think you’re just trying to steal my Pokémon away from me like a Rocket grunt,” she inched a little closer to the pair. “You’re not gonna be able to lift shit! I know that his species doesn’t weigh as much as they look, but that’s a whole-ass steel tub! That thing has gotta be, at minimum, half a ton.”

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
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I've got a, I've got a
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Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo
Broken Down Negotiations [S]
POSTED ON Dec 17, 2023 1:53:03 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar


[attr="class","textbox"]"Just a bit of banter," said Isaac as he rolled out his shoulder. "Little bit of banter with the boys goes a long way, yeah? Makes the job a bit easier for 'em." The team that played together, stayed together. All this tension was gonna get them nowhere.[break][break]

The dramatic tension Isaac cultivated? That was a different story. "Telling's the boring half of show-and-tell," he said, stretching his legs out one last time to limber himself up. Once he was done, he took a few steps back, a daredevil's grin spreading across his face.[break][break]

"I'm more of a show guy, myself."[break][break]

With that, Isaac took off. For a second, it seemed like his plan was just going to be running right into the Corviknight. However, the more he ran, the faster he got. The faster he became, the more wind started to swirl around him. The more the winds swirled, the more they seemed to swallow up Isaac, until soon there was nothing left but a raging tempest. Undaunted, it rocketed towards Corviknight.[break][break]

The big bird would be completely unharmed. In fact, the winds would supportively buoy him from below, allowing him to float without expending a shred of effort. It was as if he was a giant, giftwrapped kite. As if to demonstrate, the wind that was once Isaac drifted around June, carrying his new companion in large, lazy circles.[break][break]

"It's your lucky day. I got room for one more," Isaac's voice said, a distant echo dancing across the wind. "So catch a ride, sit back, and enjoy the view. I'll get you two to Lilycove in no time!"[break][break]

Were June to accept, Isaac treat her to a firsthand demonstration as to just how fast the wind could be. With her and her Corviknight safely nestled in his jetstream, he would take off down the route in a blur of black feathers, rushing winds, and pure Wintertide merriment.

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June Bug
April 21
Mauville City
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Swallow the Heart and Kill the Senses
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Broken Down Negotiations [S]
POSTED ON Dec 18, 2023 1:29:52 GMT
june sleigh Avatar
Arceus, June’s head hurt. The mere act of watching the man run around and around sent her brain into a tizzy, until nothing made any sense. So this guy did have a trick up his sleeves. Why the long spiel about it then? For a moment there, it looked as if the guy did really intend to tackle the Corviknight straight off its perch.

Instead, a miniature tornado was born. Artificially created, but that meant little as it barreled from Isaac onto the bird. Surprise filled its hollow bones, yet disappeared as it realized what was going on: a suspended free fall that somehow lifted it upward. Movement towards Lilycove, high enough to avoid the tallest of trees, and at no expense to itself. For once in the last three days, Knight could relax.

June? Well, she had much less input on the matter. Too confused (and exhausted) to dodge the second vortex of wind, she took to the skies alongside her mount. Blues, whites, greys, greens– the colors swirled and mixed into one messy soup of hues. A lesser rider would’ve vomited after a few moments, but June managed to keep the stomach slurry where it belonged. Her head could not say the same. A massive headache took control with an iron fist. The only input that got through were Isaac’s words.

How am I supposed to relaaaaaaaa…” she tried to yell overhead the turbulent winds. It didn’t take long for them to consume her words. This would be a very long trip to Lilycove. Even if not physically, then both mentally and emotionally. Despite the awful wind, she swore she could hear Knight doing the best laugh a bird could muster.

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
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Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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Isaac Merlo
Broken Down Negotiations [S]
POSTED ON Dec 18, 2023 3:57:41 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar


[attr="class","textbox"]"It's real relaxing once you get used to it!" Emphasis on once you get used to it, as and the Megalopian they'd escorted out of the Lesser Megalopolis learned the hard way. Someone of Corviknight's constitution would haven no issues, but poor June might need some time! "S'like you can watch the world blurring on by without a care in the world."[break][break]

Sure enough, Route 102 was already starting to look less like a path through the woods and more like a smear of green on the horizon. The grass rippled and pulsed out beneath their feet, the winds fast enough to leave them shaking but gentle enough to avoid tearing them out from the ground below.[break][break]

At one point, a wild Zigzagoon leaped out to try and challenge the "approaching trainer." However, much to its surprise, it seemed to slip right past the group before it could begin its futile battle. The confused Pokemon simply spun out to a graceful stop, blinking in surprise as it watched them disappear on the horizon. Not only were they fast, but right now they were pretty much untouchable, too.[break][break]

It didn't help that Isaac was hellbent on flexing. When one of Hoenn's many ridges came into view, he banked off of it to give June and Corviknight their first real taste of hangtime. They sailed clean above the ground, not landing until they approached the small lake right at the edge of the group. Again, the winds sheltered them, leaving both them (and the presents) safe and dry as bow waves kicked up to their left and right.[break][break]

How quickly had they made it to Oldale Town? It felt like no time at all . . . and yet, with Lilycove an entire region away, even this speed was going to make it a close call. One second, they were in the town. The next, it was but a distant memory as Isaac banked a hard left. "How're you two holding up back there?" he asked, figuring he'd gauge how they were feeling before slipping onto Route 103. There were some serious corners he could cut here, but only if they were ready.

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June Bug
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POSTED ON Dec 19, 2023 18:59:13 GMT
june sleigh Avatar
Knight thoroughly enjoyed the flight, even if it felt as hollow as its bones. Half the fun was being able to lift those heavy things for hours on end. A feat of strength and an ego booster, discarded for the sake of convenience. Yet it also had to deal with the likes of June for Arceus knows how long. This one time, the easy way out would be taken advantage of.

The trainer though… she was fully out of it. Left a dazed, disoriented mess, she floated in the winds like a corpse. No energy to fight the winds, the delivery girl let the stranger do whatever the hell it was and enjoyed the ride– not that ‘enjoy’ was the right word. Rather, it was hard to think of another one when one ran on minimal energy and maximum caffeine.

Of course, that haze of confusion evaporated alongside the misty, salty air that pelted her senses. A pleasant feeling, if not for her position related to the body of water. “Woah, woah! Dude, the water!

They flew across it in record time. More an alarm than an actual danger, for the feeling of apprehension left as soon as they were back on their merry way. June panted, trying to position herself towards Isaac.

She failed, and settled on the upside-down-three-quarters-to–him position instead. “You didn’t tell me you were a fucking magician! This sucks!



Why are you asking now, anyway?” She called out. A strange time to worry about their well-being. A knot formed in the depths of her gut: something was about to happen, wasn’t it? “Don’t get any funny ideas, you hear? Not trying to deliver my corpse to Lilycove as well!

June flailed her arms wildly, unable to catch a single ounce of solid object that wasn’t attached to her. Arceus, what she wouldn’t give to be on the back of Matchstick right about now…

They would’ve been to Lilycove by now. Fuck, the deadline. Their pace wasn’t quite there yet. Perhaps anything short of a fast pass would get her ass chewed out by the fucker who gave her the opportunity. “Hey, you know any fast ways to Lilycove from here! We don’t got all day!

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The Liberator
April 10
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Figuring it Out
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Pocket fulla sunshine
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Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
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Isaac Merlo
Broken Down Negotiations [S]
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2023 0:46:45 GMT
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[attr="class","textbox"]"Technically, I've had my life saved by a legendary, and since then we've been bound to each other." You know. In case what was happening to June wasn't already unbelievable enough. "But magician's a lot more fun. So, fuck it, magician it is!"[break][break]

As they passed town limits, June asked why Isaac chose then of all times to check up with her. She was both distressed by their high-speed adventure and concerned it wouldn't be fast enough to make it to Lilycove. " 'Cause that was just the test run to see if you could take it," he said, voice almost singsong. "Now that I know you two can hang?"[break][break]

"It's time to kick it up."[break][break]

What seemed to be a glide across the waters of Route 103 was interrupted by a wave surging beneath Isaac. Rather than flow towards the shores on the other side, it appeared to swivel, instead pointing toward the cliffsides that housed the Altering Cave. Isaac vaulted off of the wave, and now the trio were climbing the cliffside with the same practiced ease he'd use to rush across the grasslands.[break][break]

"Hold on tight-" To what!? " 'Cause this is gonna get bumpy!" Hoenn's aerial Cycling Road, miraculously untouched by the endless destruction this region faced, came into view as they passed the peak of the cliffside. Isaac wasn't heading to the entrance of the road. He wasn't scaling down the cliff. Instead, with one most big jump, he prepared to cut the gordian knot clean in half.[break][break]

Bikers of all stripes were surprised to see a trainer and a Corviknight drifting along the breeze, "jumping" between sections of Cycling Road like some kind of fucked-up Mario. "Used to take my motorcycle out here. I know, I know. It's for pedestrians. But, hey. A bike's a bike, right?" The wind seemed to pulse from Isaac's nostalgic sigh. "Arceus, I miss that thing."[break][break]

If there was any melancholy, it wouldn't last. They were approaching the Mauville city limits, and that meant they were almost halfway there. It wouldn't be the most direct trip. Isaac would unfurl from the winds for the briefest second to mug for the challenger cameras at 's gym, and a stray gust would trade the Castelliacone a vendor was whipping for some crisp bills. At least now June would have something to snack on during the trip, her cone as equally protected from the turbulence as she was.[break][break]

"Woulda loved to do some sightseeing. But I know you've got places to be," Isaac said. "Good news, though. We've got another shortcut coming right up!"

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June Bug
April 21
Mauville City
5"4' height
5"4' height
Swallow the Heart and Kill the Senses
545 posts
june sleigh DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @rysa
june sleigh
Broken Down Negotiations [S]
POSTED ON Dec 22, 2023 21:30:44 GMT
june sleigh Avatar
Oh goodie: more fucked up paths. June tried to let out an exasperated sigh but failed on account of the sudden change in direction. Made sense, given the story the guy gave. Saved a legendary? She heard of those things giving people strange powers, but this was a bit too far for her to believe.

But how else did they soar past the cliff and onto the Cycling Road? Luck? A Jetpack? Tornado? Magic seemed the only possible conclusion.

Tell me someone who has a motorcycle and hasn’t,” June yelled out, “And I’ll show you a liar!

She’d done so more times than she could even remember. It always felt like a little obstacle course, with all the turns to take and people to dodge. Got quite a few tickets there too. Good times.

Unlike the Casteliacone. In the one brief moment that she got vaguely close to Knight, she held it out for the bird to gobble up. It did so in one clean bite, a caw of satisfaction soon on its beak. “You trying to kill me? This thing has at least three cups of sugar if not more! I hate sweets anyway.

Some nice, salty popcorn would be much better on a trip like this. That way, if she threw up, the collateral wouldn’t be disastrous like Ice Cream. Unfortunately, she didn’t know any vendors that did. Otherwise, she’d ask for a detour.

Another one? You keep those in the same pocket as your magic?” She asked. They’d just cleared Mauville. There wasn’t much else in the way, besides various routes and forests. The only 'shortcut' was to just soar above them all. Unless… no. He couldn’t.

Alright pal, good joke, haha,” she laughed nervously, eyes locked onto the horizon. “You’re seriously not thinking about THAT, right? No way in hell, you’ll turn us into a red paste!

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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Isaac Merlo
Broken Down Negotiations [S]
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2023 3:18:31 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar


[attr="class","textbox"]Alas, his peace offering wasn't to June's taste. "My b. Next pitstop, I'll grab something on the savory side," he said, as if he was planning a road trip instead of how to best wield the power of the gods. " 'Least you enjoyed your treat, big guy."[break][break]

Less enjoyable was the idea of Isaac smashing clean through the forests surrounding Fortree to fast track them towards Lilycove. "Nah, nah. Not with passengers," Isaac said. "Just me, and I could wind through 'em without even touching a leaf. But while the winds'd keep you guys safe, we'd end up wrecking the woods along the way. Not happening." All that time tending to Petalburg made him a little ecologist. Who knew?[break][break]

"Nah, right now it's just a straight shot forward across the route." When he wasn't worrying about acrobatic feats or toying with the waters beneath him, Isaac could afford to pick up the pace. Seaspray and sand billowed in their wake as they launched across Route 118, and the criss-crossing maze of ridges that slowed down Route 123's travelers barely even stood in their way.[break][break]

Water had been where this leg of their journey started, and water, too, would be where it ended. Mt. Pyre hung in the distance, the shimmering rift connecting Hoenn to the Border still visible through its perpetual veil of fog. Even from such a distance, Isaac knew the sight well. Some nights, when he tried to lay down and sleep, it still haunted him.[break][break]

Typically when visiting the mountain, Isaac kept any use of his powers to a minimum. Part of it was out of respect for the dead. Part of it, all the more relevant, was the lingering trauma from his last visit here. However, this time, he didn't have much of a choice. He had to get from Point A to Point B, and the waters around Mt. Pyre were the only path there.[break][break]

He wondered if his Kiryu could see what he could do now. He wondered if she was proud.[break][break]

Rather than take the direct approach, he gave the mountain wide berth. Even then, peals of fog stretched towards the windswept trio like the cold, clammy fingers of a ghost. Little swirls of wind pushed back against them, preventing them from ever reaching June or her Corviknight.[break][break]

"Once we're past here, we'll be at Lilycove." Even Isaac's voice was a hair quieter than before, the merry bravado he'd shown for most of their journey lost to the fog in his head.

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June Bug
April 21
Mauville City
5"4' height
5"4' height
Swallow the Heart and Kill the Senses
545 posts
june sleigh DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @rysa
june sleigh
Broken Down Negotiations [S]
POSTED ON Dec 28, 2023 1:57:21 GMT
june sleigh Avatar
Oh, thank Arceus,” June let out several deep breaths. It was not the best decision, considering the cold air that stabbed into her lungs. Her excitement died when she painfully coughed up several mouthfuls of air. Ugh. Once again, though, Knight proved to be the only one of the pair truly enjoying it.

Wait… the bastard was asleep! Fucking hell, that ice cream clocked him out, huh. His eyes were firmly shut and his head hung to the side. The slow, methodical rise and fall of his metal shoulders were the only indication that it was even alive. Otherwise, it looked as dead as a door nail. She rolled her eyes.

Past the routes, past the people, past the Pokémon. Surely, they made their way to Lilycove. By now, June had gotten past the initial ‘excitement’ of their mechanism of travel. Furthermore, she’d seen the sights of Hoenn plenty enough to make the rolling landscapes and natural sights just that: sights. Even the announcement of their destination as they soared past Mt. Pyre. a notable exception, felt hollow.

Maybe that was just the way the stranger said it. Or her own muted senses from exhaustion. Hard to say. What she did know is that neither of them seemed as energetic as they once were. Like the air itself sapped the heat of passion from their bones. For June, it clicked as soon as they cleared the pointy tower.

Matchstick. They hadn’t flown together for… how long had it been? Too long, she determined. On Knight, things felt… practical. No experimentation, no risky moves, no lively banter back and forth. Even when there was, it was always over the same thing. Work acquaintances, and not one step further.

But Matchstick… they were friends. Practically her only one at this point. The rush of wind in her hair, the chilly winter air, hell, even a flying partner felt empty without her. Maybe that’s what afflicted the stranger too. Or it was in her head– hard to tell these days.

Not a fan of Mt. Pyre either, I see,” she said. “Not very fun alone. Need a friend to go there with.

Or just anyone at all. Like that one guy Howard paired her up with that one time. By Arceus, all the Pokémon hated his guts. But he made the trip noteworthy enough to leave a small smile on her face as they left it behind.

Or just a stranger with enough comic relief so you can laugh through the painful parts.

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