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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Dec 30, 2023 2:25:13 GMT
rasha Avatar
rasha's gaze didn't break from the rocket member's own. she had heard whispers of his exploits -- of his power and influence. due to knowing these fully well, she didn't quite understand how she had managed to get him to come to meet with her in such a remote location such as mt. pyre. [break]
"thank you for coming ..." the cadet started, placing a hand upon her chest and taking a small servant's bow as per part of her training. "are you more of a white wine or red wine person?" the raven-haired woman asked, her gaze falling gently upon the bottles in her arms - each swaddled as if they were children she was ready to present to him to take.[break]
this small question would preface her other ones as they walked and talked after a small, grim picnic to start their journey.[break]

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POSTED ON Dec 30, 2023 13:56:59 GMT
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As Elias meandered towards the stranger who had reached out to him, he raised a polite hand as his eyes turned into amused, upward crescents. Something about his smile seemed tamed, yet to the trained eye they would see how forced it was out of obligation. The Morpeko in his team scurried up his arm to rest on his shoulder as quick as a whip and offered a much more elated greeting than its trainer. His weight shifted just a bit to help his Morpeko perch itself a bit more as he folded his arms over his chest.

"No need for thanks, it's my moral obligation to get to know a neighbor, and a pretty one at that," he insisted. "But wine? What a treat."

Though she seemed more capable of holding them, he took the bottle of red wine off her hands and hummed thoughtfully. Maybe it would be better to leave it for after their venture. Elias preferred a clear mind when out on the field. For now, it sat with their pseudo-picnic supplies. Surely it'd be fine there, would it not? Curiosity got the better of the psychologist as he tilted his head towards Rasha once more with a look of intrigue.

"If I'm right, I'm getting a Paldean accent from you? It's faint, but maybe you lived there for a while? Or had family from there? Small world, I was a part of the military reserves from the Levincia branch. Born and raised in Cortondo though."

Despite his forced sense of politeness, his voice did seem to come off a bit more chipper. Despite the hell war had put him through, he still held a great sense of pride for his home.

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POSTED ON Dec 30, 2023 19:00:02 GMT
spiral and shiv's baby Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD DUSKULL APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] FRISK
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD LUNATONE APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] GENDERLESS
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] LEVITATE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]MAGIC ROOM
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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lion woman, ram, rari
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POSTED ON Dec 30, 2023 21:56:21 GMT
rasha Avatar
rasha had heard small mentions of elias's ability to be a bit 'creepy' or 'off-putting', but she hadn't heard much in the way of him being a rather chatty and fairly chipper person. he had a small slew of followers in terms of eyes watching over him as if he were a coveted bachelor and she wanted to know exactly why due to having a ring of middle aged women to entertain with gossip, but never had she imagined she would find something so familiar and easy to talk about to begin with.[break]
"cortondo ..." the nanny's voice trailed off as she eyed a pokeball now in her hand. pressing upon the middle button, it spilled open its contents - a little smoliv that stood at attention, looking quite dapper and polite with the little black bowtie around its 'neck'. "i, too, come from there. so does he." giving the smoliv a small brush of her hand atop its crown, it stubbornly tried not to coo out its pleasure as he closed his eyes and donned an off-green blush. "he's smoliver. he has a sister, smolivia. i have been looking to reunite them sometime soon." in other words, she was looking for her sister here and there, but it wasn't a priority. rasha missed her home, so mentions of it put her at ease - even forgetting the way he had discarded the option of wine altogether though she focused on her duties on being a proper host by starting to split apart a large baguette-like loaf of bread and start stacking it with ingredients in proper paldean fashion.[break]
"i have ingredients from artisan bakery from paldea. i have them shipped in for special occasions - or when i want a taste from home. i believe this occasion to be fit for that. it's hard to come by fellow paldeans, i fear." when she was trickling some olive oil over the bread as a base, it seemed that some hungry eyes made themselves known in the form of two floating individuals.[break]
smoliver seemed to stand at attention but rasha held up a hand as to tell the little grass type to relax while she pulled out more bread, patiently going about making another sandwich which she would split in half to offer the two pokemon. of course, she was devious enough to fit in a small, inactive pokeball into the slice offered to the duskull. as it gulped down its half, the familiar 'click! hsss--' of the pokeball inflating, activating, and then popping the sated duskull into it came to be. rasha stared at the pokeball expectantly while looking to the lunatone that stared on curiously as if not used to this interaction.[break]
"what are you hoping to find, mister holbrook?" this question was vague and she looked back at the man with a faint smile now. "in this place and in this upcoming year, respectively?"[break]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 31, 2023 1:24:39 GMT
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For a moment, his expression seemed to falter into one of pure surprise. It seemed their common birthplace had been enough to strike up a stronger sense of hospitality from the younger woman. For a moment, an actual glimmer of amusement seemed to shape his features as he took the piece of baguette she'd dashed some olive oil onto and raised it in a polite little toast, given that he opted out of the wine.

Paldeans certainly had quite a hospitable air about them, and that's what he loved about his home region.

"Salud," he offered in a faux toast.

As he bit into the bread, he watched Rasha work her magic with the Duskull. Seemed she wanted to garner the pokemon's trust, how quaint. Brows knit together as that professional facade bubbled to the surface once more.

What did he hope to find? In general or otherwise?

The Morpeko at his side seemed to paw at him for some of the baguette, but soon found its Hunger Switch activated. In its appropriately named 'hangry' mode, the mouse charged at the Lunatone with an AURA WHEEL charged with both a hint of jealousy and rage. Once it managed to down the wild pokemon, it ravenously tore into the sandwich that remained. With its hunger sated, the Morpeko's Hunger Switch changed it to its normal form and the pokemon squeaked a pleased sound at Rasha, complimenting the culinary effort put into the sandwich as it used one of its stubby paws to pick its teeth clean.

"I hope to understand more of the human condition. I joined the Levincia branch of the Paldean Military as a psychologist to treat fellow soldiers on the front line, but fear got the best of us. Nearly all of our platoon was wiped out. And it makes me wonder: how can we extract that fear from ourselves?"

A pause in his words as he collected himself, his thoughts.

"I can't make up for the lives lost, but I can do better -- I can be better," he answered candidly. "I'll spare you the war trauma and reflect your question -- what do you hope to find in the future? Other than your sister, I imagine."

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POSTED ON Dec 31, 2023 5:40:16 GMT
shiv Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD LITWICK APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] FLASH FIRE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]PAIN SPLIT
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD WOBBUFFET APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] TELEPATHY
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]DESTINY BOND
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?


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lion woman, ram, rari
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POSTED ON Dec 31, 2023 22:53:57 GMT
rasha Avatar
fascinating. elias wasn't someone who was just the center of some gossip circles due to his appearance and line of work, but he had actual substance to him. admittedly, that was a rarity in a world filled with boys who played at being men and praying that their good looks got them far.[break]
"i quite like stories. don't think you are sparing me anything when you are instead doing me a disservice by holding back any details." regardless, rasha stared at the psychologist with something that hinted at hunger of her own. her stomach wasn't grumbling, but her mind was whirring - yearning to learn more. after all, she had been the one to invite him. to leave without having at least figured out her company in some capacity would be a horrible waste of time.[break]
butter was applied to another baguette as she started to pile it with a more meat-centric and heavy array of food items. this one was split in half as well as she offered another piece to the morpeko, a charmed smile on her face - maybe even a dash of a faint blush that showed her finding the pokemon to be rather adorable.[break]
-- especially after it had its little tantrum and effectively murked another pokemon.[break]
"to extract fear out of people would likely take some pokemon's efforts. it reminds me of the tales of darkrai being able to essentially take different essences out of people's minds for its own purpose." her hands failed to stop working - a sign of her usual habits at her 'home' which was equally her work station. peeling and coring an apple in a rhythmic manner, her eyes fell upon the fruit as she mulled the question reflected back at her. the new pokemon brought her enough time to finish her task and come up with an answer with the way that smoliver took to a grassy terrain to help enhance the picnic scene - soft grass now under the large blanket rasha had provided and then he seemed to throw a terrain pulse at the wobbuffet who was followed up with a lightly apple-scented pokeball on its body shortly after.[break]
"i wish something similar to you, mister holbrook. i wish to be stronger - it is always what i am looking for. self improvement never stops, so i fear i may never meet the end of this goal. regardless, i am happy to continue pursuing it so i may defend those close to me." maybe this may seem honorable, but there was selfish undertones to this thought - showing the league member had little interest in those outside her sphere of interest. [break]
a polite smile. "making powerful allies in different rings of society helps, don't you think?"[break]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 2, 2024 1:55:46 GMT
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His eyes crinkled in amusement at her recount of the tale of Darkrai. Of course Darkrai was a being made up of nightmares. While Elias felt a draw to the creature to some degree, the two fell polar opposites. Darkrai created suffering due to its presence alone, Elias took that suffering for his own amuement. Did his exposure therapy really work? Or was it all just a sham? It was hard to tell given his methods fell under the lines of hypnotic suggestion -- a chance to tuck these misdeeds deep into the back of his patients' minds. His Morpeko seemed quite pleased with the offering, even going as far as to offer a polite little 'peko!' as it practically shoved the sandwich into its chubby cheeks.

Though after its fill, the Morpeko's attention was soon taken by the sight of a Litwick that seemed to loom just along the edge of their picnic. A rather eerie omen in retrospect, the mouse didn't seem to mind as it drooled at the sight of the candle-esque pokemon. Maybe the poor, hungry thing mistook it for a marshmallow. Nonetheless, the Morpeko lunged and sunk its teeth into the unsuspecting Litwick, to which Elias soon threw a pokeball of his own to try and snag the ghost.

"I agree wholeheartedly," he mused. "Perhaps this meeting was meant to happen. Our own social circles would never cross otherwise."

Elias wasn't one to believe in fate or any of that mystical nonsense. In fact, he thrived on the people who did just because they were easy to dupe. A thin smile with hidden intentions shaped his lips as he tilted his head a bit. A bold move, but it was one that helped level the playing field as far as it meant getting people to feel more comfortable with him. His own hand brushed against the nanny's as he spoke freely.

"You want to get stronger, no? I might be able to help with that. We need to open your mind and see what might be keeping you from reaching your true potential."

His other hand carefully reached over to take the apple she'd been working so diligently on.

"But the question is: do you trust me?"

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POSTED ON Jan 2, 2024 8:33:38 GMT
shiv Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD MISDREAVUS APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] LEVITATE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]PERISH SONG
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD LAMPENT APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] FLASH FIRE
[attr="class","wildtabox"]FLAME BURST
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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lion woman, ram, rari
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POSTED ON Jan 2, 2024 11:22:17 GMT
rasha Avatar
"you come off very strong." a warning? perhaps just an observation, seeing as how rasha says this coolly - her gaze focused on elias's own with a perked brow as if to say she is to deny him without having outwardly done so just yet.[break]
"i just met you - so no, i do not trust you." regardless, she left the apple in his hand and she had been the one to ask him out in the first place. her suggestion of friendship was an honest one, so she didn't reel back fully. instead, the brunette woman turned her head just faintly to look upon the new specters on the scene. it seemed the older sibling of the litwick did not quite enjoy having its baby counterpart being chewed upon by the morpeko so rasha moved in to intercept with a pop open of a pokeball. honedge in her hand, she flung it at the lampent as the honedge prepped a night slash. empty pokeball following, rasha wondered out loud:[break]
"i wonder if this is perhaps an omen that our meeting should come to a premature end." 'premature' in the sense that she wasn't quite ready to bare herself before a stranger, though she had the intention to have them converse further. the wild pokemon of the region seemed to have other ideas, though, and she picked up on these social cues for their combined comfort.[break]
"we can work towards a better understanding of what we can do for one another, though, if you'd be comfortable with exchanging numbers." having reached out to him through formal mail, she now opened up her cellphone to offer it to him - her contact list open for him to skim through if he desired. it was evident she was asking for him to put in his own number and name while she stroked smoliver with one hand as the small bundle of nerves seemed to look up at the blue man as if to apologize for his trainer's bluntness. as if sensing his disease, rasha sighed out a low: "i do not think you wouldn't be able to help me, after all. i imagine you to be a capable man and i am not unwilling to see where you may be able to take me."[break]

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POSTED ON Jan 2, 2024 19:06:46 GMT
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While she didn't trust him, he couldn't blame her. But the offer for a phone number was more than enough for him. Like a parasite, he clung onto the offer. But like any sensible schemer, he kept his movements slow and fluid. A gentle hold on her phone as he opted to input two separate numbers. One for his personal cell, and the other his office number. If she couldn't reach him on one, she most certainly could with another. While he didn't opt to pry too much, he could see already that a good handful of the numbers within her contacts were employers. Sheesh, did Rasha have a social life? Like at all?

For a moment, he almost felt sorry for her. Almost.

With the phone handed back, he gave a nod to show he understood. While occupied with their exchanging of numbers, his Morpeko chased after the Misdreavus. Elias had no clue why this thing was hungry all the time, he certainly fed it. But from the Morpeko's perspective, the Misdreavus looked like cotton candy. It continued to chase after the poor ghost with an excited 'Peko! Peko! Peko!' Unfortunately it faded deeper into the side of Mt Pyre and his Morpeko collided with the wall.

Elias whistled for the Morpeko to return to his side, and the mouse soon scurried back to its trainer. With the picnic coming to a close, he figured it best to help the brunette tidy up a bit. He stood to full height and gave a stretch, bones cracking just a bit from the relief of stretching. Soon he took to gathering their plates and the unused wine bottles and soon placed them in the picnic basket. A shame they never did get to crack a bottle open. But alas, it made an excuse for them to have another outing.

"Maybe we can do something again like this in the comfort of an indoor location. I've missed the taste of Paldea, and I figure we can both prepare our favorite dishes. I hope you're free at 7pm tomorrow."

Speaking of coming off strong, there was that assumption she even wanted to come over in the first place.

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