a fool for love

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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mateo martinez
a fool for love
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2019 11:41:18 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
seasons die one after another

[attr="class","starrytext"]"begin!" alakazam induced dragonite with TAUNT. the pokemon, enraged, entered the battle. he was fighting against FROGADIER and ARCANINE. alakazam simply served as a support from the side, aiding in dragonite's training. a FLAMETHROWER was hurdled dragonite's way, but, countering, utilized his own FLAMETHROWER. it was intense, hot. his rage enhanced the spew of his own flames.

mateo watched as they fought from afar. the scenery was set within an open space. a raging water fall befell before the group as they trained upon shore. with DOUBLE TEAM in play, he couldn't differentiate his enemy under the status of TAUNT. so, in order to act, dragonite attempted to rotate while simultaneously expelling FLAMETHROWER; sadly that attempt would not be possible for, upon order, alakazam used, "DISABLE!" as instructed. cancelling dragonite's fire out.

the taunted dragon was unable to make a proper move. with EXTEMESPEED arcanine inflicted a blunt assault two to three times. frogadier would enter, among his false selves, with WATER PULSE. successfully pushing the dragon back and into the lake. mateo simply stood, watching with a stern look. dragonite wasn't finished and he could still retaliate.

though, mateo's attention was taken away upon hearing a rustle from the side. diverting his attention toward the sound with a raised brow, he'd ask, "who's there?" who the hell had the audacity, the barbaric balls, to interrupt their training session?

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
told you i'd make it.

[newclass=.starrybase]width:450px;background-color:#111111;border:1px solid #212121;padding:10px 10px 20px 10px;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Aug 1, 2019 2:11:54 GMT
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Battling was always something Noelle admired from afar. The talent was something that was, much to her dismay, lost on her. And, as future protector of the dragon den and priestess of the shrine, it was something she wanted to improve on, even if it wasn't a requirement of someone of her status. The might of a fully trained and bonded dragon was, usually, enough to thwart most threats, but, being able to battle alongside one was completely different. Having a skill for battling - to be able to blend moves together in beautifully deadly combinations or understand the limitations and strengths of your partner...It seemed almost magical. Perhaps a bit hard to attain for a scatterbrain like herself but...ah, who knew. She'd never know unless she tried, right?

And...as a bit of...internal motivation, maybe if she could beat Mateo in a battle, he'd finally make do on his promise? Maybe he was waiting for her to do so? Plenty of dragons only allowed themselves to be mated to only the strongest of their species; perhaps he was the same?

Dwelling on that for only a couple of minutes had roused the pinkette to her feet, and sent her trotting off to train. Usually, it ended in a disaster, but, she felt extra motivated today. Aimlessly wandering about to find somewhere nearby the compound - and that ended up being Meteor Falls. Emerald gaze briefly locked with the towering falls that always managed to mesmerizing her, the sound of fighting quickly earned her attention. Was a trainer caught in an intense battle? Being as curious, and nosy, as Noelle typically was, she quickly followed on after the noise and-



Heart doing a small jump within her chest, she watched in sheer awe at the training session before her, and of the man who had utterly, and completely, stolen her heart. Glistening in a thin trail of sweat with such a stern look...Arceus, he was perfect. What initially was supposed to be her discretely learning from his training session definitely ended up as her ogling at the man to the point where, abruptly, she fell forward. Well, onto her face to be exact.

Jumping slightly at the blue-haired trainer's sudden demand, Noelle quickly scrambled onto her knees, staring up at him with a, slightly flustered, but smiling expression. "Your's truly, darling!" She paused for a moment, gaze flickering over to his paused pokemon before back towards him. "That was amazing!"

She was quick to get back onto her feet. And even quicker to approach him with opening, beckoning arms for a hug. She would get her hug.

// this took too long forgive me 
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mateo martinez
a fool for love
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2019 2:57:13 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
seasons die one after another

[attr="class","starrytext"]a feminine screamed escaped his gullet. falling onto his bottom, mateo began to back away. "what the hell are you doing here?! stay back, b-beast!" rose-colored cheeks stared at the busty woman before him. "c-can't you go a day without being a stalker, go home!" he shouted, demanding she depart herself from this land.

"and another thing," pointing sharply, "i have a bone to pick with you...you...human wigglytuff!" he name called her. "the hell d'ya bring @bryony here for?! you need to go back home, both you and her!"

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
told you i'd make it.

[newclass=.starrybase]width:450px;background-color:#111111;border:1px solid #212121;padding:10px 10px 20px 10px;[/newclass]
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Noelle Lane
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POSTED ON Aug 9, 2019 19:43:05 GMT
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That reaction was expected - and it didn't exactly hurt nor dampen her mood or attempts any. In fact, she only crawled closer as he attempted to get away from her. "i missed you too much," noelle huffed softly, "stop being so over dramatic!" a bit of a hypocritical thing to say, given how she typically acted.

she frowned for a moment, only for her smile to return at what was supposed to be an insult. "A-are....you calling me as cute as a wigglytuff?!" she softly squealed, giggling and beaming. her darling was such a sweetheart when he wanted to be! although, before she could continue her ludicrous daydreaming and nonsense spouting, a finger was pointed towards her and a demand given.

sitting up on her knees for a moment with a tilted head, noelle blinked once. and then twice. "bryony's a lot stronger than she used to be, y'know?" she commented, crossing her arms, "besides, its fun in hoenn. and plus, you're here. i don't wanna leave." she childishly shook her head, straight out denying his request. "i'm sure you're secretly super happy that we're both here, huh, matty?" she began to poke at him several times with a wide grin on her lips.
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mateo martinez
a fool for love
POSTED ON Aug 10, 2019 0:03:44 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
seasons die one after another

[attr="class","starrytext"]prostrating himself, he sat across from noelle as she spoke. listening intently, he'd respond with a blank stare, "no. you both would just get in the way. you equally hurt me in someway, one physically and the other emotionally." he stated with a monotonous tone. his response was serious, but it would revert quickly into a shout, "so go home!"

continuing his incessant shouting, he stood, "besides there's nothing even---" he'd pause to bite his tongue. he almost walked into that one. "you should be back home doing your families job back at blackthorn. you have a duty! next you're gonna tell me your parents said that it was okay for you to come here?!" a palm was brought to his face at such a possible thought. just look who their daughter was.

"you say bryony's strong, but you don't get it. some wild stuff has happened in this place, noe." mateo informed her, continuing, "this place is practically a cesspool of freakin' villainy. this region seriously has weird shit happen every month." kyle informed him of the atrocities that occurred before his own arrival. now, it was time to inform her. "look..." blushing upon thrusting his head to the side, his gaze elsewhere, mateo commented, "...it's not that i don't want y-you or bry here...it's just not...y'know..." he'd hesitate to utter anything that sounded mushy or overprotective. choking on his words.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
told you i'd make it.

[newclass=.starrybase]width:450px;background-color:#111111;border:1px solid #212121;padding:10px 10px 20px 10px;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelle Lane
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POSTED ON Aug 10, 2019 2:39:49 GMT
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Her arms crossed over her chest, a stubborn look settling onto her face. why was he so intent on them going home? ugh, why was he so....frustratingly dense? Wasn't it supposed to be super romantic when a girl traveled over hundreds of miles to be with them? thankfully, she was far more stubborn and thick-skinned than most. she wanted something...and dammit, she wasn't about to give up or get discouraged now. mateo had always been very...dull in the aspect of love, or at least it seemed that way to her. and so, she brushed off his shouts with a little huff. "nope! i'm here to stay! don't worry about my duty, i've got it handled!" that was a...sticky situation that she'd rather not talk about.

"sounds exciting!" she brushed off the notion of danger with a wave of her hand, as her teeth bared into a challenging grin. "maybe this region just needs a bit more 'dragon power' to whip it back into shape?" her suggestion was optimistic, perhaps almost annoyingly idealistic considering all the tragedies hoenn had faced. but, there wasn't a lick of fear on the pinkette's face at the idea of villains lurking at every corner. nothing could sway or scare her from being here, right now - and...well, with him.

....especially not when he said stuff like that.

her eyes widened a bit, a small reddish tint coming to her cheeks as the woman drew in a sharp breath. unable to stop a wide smile from spreading across her lips, she leaned closer, gently prodding his cheek with a finger. "so you actually want me here then? are you actually concerned about me, 'teo? about my safety? ...so...you do care!" she couldn't help but happily giggle as she shuffled closer towards him, trying to steal a hug from the man once more as her arms outstretched a bit. she would get her hug eventually, dammit.
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dragon king
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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mateo martinez
a fool for love
POSTED ON Aug 10, 2019 4:21:57 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
seasons die one after another

[attr="class","starrytext"]"wrong!" he retorted with a frustrated shout. jumping back to keep his distant. mateo wanted no part of her near him. if she wanted to love him she'd have to, "like me from a distance!" that. mateo pointed aggressively, making sure that she kept her distance from him. "if this region needed something, it's definitely not that." mateo groaned.

"besides, this region has pretty strong people. so, thankfully, it doesn't need any outside intrusion." outside being the dragon clan. this place had trouble as is, mateo didn't need his family becoming apart of that trouble. he and kyle were enough as if. "besides, if you're here to really 'have fun' in this region. it's your job to watch out for @bryony, if something happens to her i'm catchin' shit!" especially when he didn't even know of her existence.

"unlike you, i don't doubt your skills. you've definitely proven yourself." but it was @bryony he was worried about. especially with her health, he didn't want anything bad to happen to her. mateo covered his mouth as he thought about the atrocities that could befall her. it made him shudder, "look, just look out for her. we may not be related by blood, but we're all family. we have to look out for one another when we can." which brings him to his point, "it's your damn job to make sure she doesn't get hurt. and if i catch shit, i'm takin' you down with me!"

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
told you i'd make it.

[newclass=.starrybase]width:450px;background-color:#111111;border:1px solid #212121;padding:10px 10px 20px 10px;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelle Lane
a fool for love
POSTED ON Aug 10, 2019 5:12:31 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
a small whine came from the pinkette's lips as he, once again, stepped away from her attempts at affection. "well...you do remember that  is here, right? that's...pretty much half of the clan itself." a sheepish smile came to her lips as the thought of their...eccentric friend. she was ecstatic that he was here, of course. she held love for him like she did everyone else but...was hoenn 'ready' for him?

"of course," for once, a more serious tone entered the girl's voice as she gave a nod. bryony was her precious friend, and perhaps just a bit too soft for the world at times. while she'd been happy that the girl had opted to come with her to her journey to hoenn, it was a bit worrying, with her health and all. if something happened to her here...she shook her head. she'd make sure she was safe. it was a promise she'd make to both herself, and to mateo.

"when have i ever let you down? aside from the dumb stuff i- we did as kids. that doesn't count!" she giggled, waving a hand. she'd done many questionable things, to him especially, when they were younger. some of which she almost felt the need to apologize for because geez she was an unruly child. 

"i promise, i'll keep her safe! you won't even hear a single sneeze from her, not on my watch! on a dragon's honor!" she pledged to him with a cheeky grin. "although....speaking of promises..." her eyes narrowed ever so slightly as her stare flickered upwards to the dragon master with a surprisingly unreadable expression.
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dragon king
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mateo martinez
a fool for love
POSTED ON Aug 10, 2019 8:54:52 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
seasons die one after another

[attr="class","starrytext"]a groan barely escaped his gullet at the mention of chancelor. it gave him a headache just knowing that his presence was within hoenn. he alread had kyle, then there was adam, and now this guy? it's like a rival reunion in this place. talk about nuisances. though he was one himself so he couldn't really talk.

"just don't get that honor revoked." and then she mentioned the street on memory lane. talking about their childhood for fleeting second. he'd blush at the thought of how they used to be back then as children. closer than any other. he'd cover his face with the backside of his hand, saying, "w-whatever!" turning his back on her, he had no desire to continue such a topic.

looking over his shoulder as she continued speaking. he listened, though briefly, as the mentioning of the word 'promises' captured his attention momentarily. "promises?" he repeated, turning back to face. "oh." placing the palm of his hand underneath a fist that would lightly tap the palm's suface. he'd respond, "did i promise to train you? battle you? sure! i've been itchin' to get sceptile into shape." he said with glee. "plus some training time would be good to get in. gotta brush up on my skills and remain top notch!" he'd begin to motion his right arm within the form of a windmill. properly stretching while his pokemon continued to train on their own.

little did he know, that probably wasn't exactly a promise they made. but he didn't know that, hell he barely remembered it. they were children after all when that promise was made. but he'd stop before continuing, a look of displeasure was made, "did i promise to take you shopping or something?" he really hoped not.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
told you i'd make it.

[newclass=.starrybase]width:450px;background-color:#111111;border:1px solid #212121;padding:10px 10px 20px 10px;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelle Lane
a fool for love
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2019 10:43:28 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
a small laugh flowed from her lips, filled with fondness at the brief thoughts of their childhood. sure, they'd grown up considerably and weren't those same, dumb kids anymore but, surely somethings had remained the same? regardless of how much he wanted to deny it. they were memories she held onto fondly - ones that she'd likely carry over his head for all eternity, in all honesty.

speaking of memories though...

had he really forgotten? no, no there wasn't anyway he could've forgotten. but, as the man rumbled on and on, trying to speculate what promise it was he had made her...it became more and more apparent that he had actually forgotten. maybe he was just playing stubborn and hard to get? he was dumb like that - he'd definitely pull her leg like that! her falling expression saved itself, a speck of hope doting her eyes as he finally stopped going on about training with her. maybe he -


"...mateo..." she spoke, letting out a soft breath. big, doe-like eyes stared up at him in near tears. she was pulling out all the stops now. "you...didn't actually forget, did you?" how could he forget about something she held so near and dear to her heart, even after all of these years?

she gave a little sniffle.

"Did you?"
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mateo martinez
a fool for love
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2019 22:23:55 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
seasons die one after another

[attr="class","starrytext"]he'd come to place himself within a seiza-style. sitting as she spoke to him about something he'd forgotten. lids flickered slightly within a widening motion. both brows, though slight, arose. he took in the look of sorrow that fell over her beaming expression.

as she spoke of memories. mateo, staring, wondered, had she always looked like this? maybe back then it was easier to notice her appearance. but, now that they were older, mateo had other things on his mind. he was a man who never looked back, a man who vowed to move forward. he couldn't exactly remember much of childhood because he'd left it all behind.

so, with a calm smile, he'd say, "i'm sorry noelle. i can't really remember what you're talkin' about." a cloud hovered over them. a dark shadow cascaded where they resided. the air fell silent for a brief moment, as mateo had given her an honest truth.

he didn't remember.

breaking the silence, he'd flail. "w-wait is it your birthday or something?!" a pondering thought emerged, "no that's not right. we're way too early for that...i...i think." eyes shuffled as he tried to remember. "i'm sure i didn't forget or anything, it's in my head somewhere. j-just so much has happened," he'd rub the nape of his neck, groaning as eyes darted off to the side. "ya gotta give me a break here, idjit..."

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
told you i'd make it.

[newclass=.starrybase]width:450px;background-color:#111111;border:1px solid #212121;padding:10px 10px 20px 10px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.starrytop2]width:428px;min-height:100px;background-color:#1d1d1d;border:1px solid #444444;margin:-50px 10px 0 10px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.starrytext]margin:5px 10px 0px 0px;color:#efefef;text-align:justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:10px;padding:20px;line-height:12.5px;color:#d7d7d7;[/newclass]
[newclass=.starrytext b]color:#dea02c;font:bold 11px arial[/newclass]
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[newclass=.ooc b]color:#aaa;font-family:ubuntu;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:2px;[/newclass]

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Noelle Lane
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POSTED ON Aug 13, 2019 21:44:46 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
for someone who was always chattering and as lively as she was, when she fell completely silent, it was almost...scary. really, as mateo scrambled to try and remember what he'd forgotten, noelle stared at him with a highly disappointed look. at the very least, he had enough guts to tell her he'd genuinely forgotten instead of trying to play it off. it honestly made her, internally, smile - she really was smitten with him. finally though, she let out a soft breath. "fine, i'll tell you - but, try to remember the stuff you promise in the future, dummy," she complained, finally sounding like her old self.

her heart pounded a bit in her chest as she leaned closer. like, really close. "a couple of years back, you promised me that when we got older and you 'did everything you needed to do', we'd get married." she...left out the details of how she'd sorta kinda forced him to make the promise. that wasn't important though! what was important was the end result; and that was, that a promise was a promise.

forehead nearly touching his own now in a daringly close manner, she smiled. vibrantly, full of hope and promise.

"so," she pipped up, batting her eyelashes as she leaned closer, "where's the ring?"
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mateo martinez
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POSTED ON Aug 14, 2019 7:48:08 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
seasons die one after another

he stared briefly into her eyes. she stared back, momentarily, explaining what he'd forgotten. as he listened, she continued. he absorbed the information and, momentarily, was frozen upon the question asked.

mateo, breaking form, said, "n-no..." he hesitated, his mouth agape from shock, "no..." finally, he uttered, "nohahaha!" he'd burst into a fit of laughter. falling upon his back as he processed the information she'd given him. rolling on the floor in laughter, he'd come to turn upon his knees and smack the ground with one hand, the other held his stomach. "n-no way that's something i would've said!" mateo thought.

he'd pause, briefly sitting up, "unless..." he waited, absorbed, and processed, his response? "pffft, bwahahaha! oh noelle, you've said some crazy things. but this by far--oh man, this by far was the best!" he'd take out his cellphone, "oh man i gotta call for this one! you're a riot!" he could barely type with how shaky his hands were from laughter. he could barely move as he kept thinking about it. turning to face , he'd ask, "are you sure that's something i would've said?" he'd ask, wiping a tear from his eye.

"i-it's not that i don't believe you!" he totally didn't. "but come on, of all the guys to marry. i'm definitely not husband material. i'm the guy who tossed eevee's off a cliff in the dragon's den back when i was a teenager because i thought that they'd evolve into a dragon-type." not to say that he's given up on that idea, but hey? theories take time to prove. " it just takes time. i'm making a break through, after all glaceon and jolteon are my most prized test subjects from doing that!" mateo confidently posed. "besides," mateo would come to sit once more, "you practically had the entire town drooling over you. there were way better guys than me, you could literally get anyone you wanted. me saying that just sounds impossible..."

scratching the nape of his neck, he pondered on the thought, "maybe back then i was just being a dumb kid. i don't know why'd i say something so insane." quickly he'd flail, continuing, "that's not to say i wouldn't marry you or anything! i think..." where was he going with this? how did they even get here?

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
told you i'd make it.

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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
You rock my world
150 height
150 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
396 posts
Noelle Lane DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @noelle
Noelle Lane
a fool for love
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2019 6:55:52 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
For a moment, the pinkette was hopeful. maybe she thought he'd pull out a ring from nowhere and propose to her then and there, like they did in the fairy tales she heard as a child. perhaps she thought he'd announce to both herself and the world that he was madly and truly and love with her. or, perhaps, like in those cheap romance films she loved, he'd just kiss her. then and there.

what a foolish girl she was.

the expression on noelle's face was unreadable as the man, instead of valiantly confessing his love for her, was on the ground, laughing to the point of tears. the look on her face could be described as...disappointment? perhaps mixed with a bit of anger and hopelessness? yeah, that definitely seemed about right.

face slightly flushed with that of anger and embarrassment, she was likely a minute away from opting to just beat the man into remembering his promise. she wasn't making this up! "don't you dare-" she began to almost shout at him in sheer flustered anger as he took out his cellphone. "i'm telling the truth! i wouldn't lie about something like that, you jerk!" her fist clenched, angry and flustered little tears beginning to well. why was he such...an idiot?!

listening to his excuses- ahm, explanations only caused her expression to grow deeper. "aside from the eevee thing - that's seriously messed up mateo, stop doing that - i don't...care," the pinkette stubbornly stated. how much clearer could she explain, and show, that she didn't want any of the dummies back at home. she wanted him - and just him. she...really did feel something for him, even if that promise was made years ago. and the older she got and more she thought about it, the truer those feelings became. why couldn't he get that?

"so if you would, that means you could, and you can." the pinkette affirmed, arms crossing as she frowned at him. "so let's get married." she wasn't taking no for an answer. "noelle martinez, sounds nice, doesn't it?" she gave a 'sweet' smile. oh no, she was still definitely seething, but, as long as he didn't say anything else dumb, she'd be fine. 
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dragon king
august 5th
blackthorn city
senior ranger
333 height
333 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
777 posts
part of
TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
a fool for love
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2019 1:55:00 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
seasons die one after another

"more like 'noelle drake' if anything. we'd be taking my father's name." he preferred to get married under his father's name. "but that's not to say i accept or anything!" besides, they were still so young and had their whole lives ahead of them. it's not like they had to rush such an ordeal. "what's with women and their want to get married. it's just a stupid ceremony telling two people, who are already together, that they're legally allowed to be together." he never understood it. wasn't just knowing that they're together enough?

people were complicated. humans were complicated. "besides, chance has a raging boner for you. though, i'd rather you not marry him; hell i rather you not date'em. and if we can avoid that? thank god." mateo spoke aloud. hopefully she didn't take that the wrong way as mateo being jealous. "plus, i'm not marriage material. putting me in a suit is like forcing a charmeleon to wear a shirt." not happening. have you tried putting them in clothing? those things were fighters. they barely wanted baths.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
told you i'd make it.

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP