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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Morgan Drake DOLLARS
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Morgan Drake
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POSTED ON Jul 29, 2019 21:34:15 GMT
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It was a relaxing day for morgan, and the young man was strolling around mauville city. The modernised city felt out of place to him. With a vast desert just behind the city and large body of water in front, mountains to the west and a river flowing on its east. No matter where one went in the city you'd find an issue in trying to come or leave, needless to say the blond individual was not looking to do either. Matter of fact the young man came to witness exhibition match of el Taurosso and the blitzer. You see morgan enjoyed watching wrestling and a new sport was coming to hoenn from alola. Poke wrestling.

It was an odd sort of thing to make pokemon do especially when they battle each other anyway, but the new sport could find a niche home within hoenn. Although it surprised Morgan that they would hold the exhibition here in mauville instead of Dewford town. With the event being held in the contest centre to the west part of the city, morgan wondered where his com padre was. Byrony was not one for lateness so he could only imagine she was inside waiting for him.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jul 29, 2019 21:54:10 GMT
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Bryony is early because she's always early because being late makes her anxious in the fear of keeping someone else waiting. She's early and for a while she stands where she is while she waits for Morgan. Her Altaria sits beside her, too heavy to be held anymore. Her hands fidget. She taps her fingers against her thighs, then her arms.

When a flood of people spill through the doors, Bryony stumbles to the side to watch. They're laughing and shouting, discussing the previous match with an enthusiasm that rivals Noelle's love for Mateo. Curiosity gets the better of her and when the crowd thins out, Bryony slips inside. Zuzu flutters after.

Inside, she continues to explore, stopping once she arrives at the ring. Her fingertips press together and she looks around, taking in the small stadium.

Someone taps her shoulder and Bryony jumps, jerking away in surprise. It's a man dressed in a black and white striped shirt.

"Did you want to participate?" There's a forceful edge to his voice. Bryony finds her own lost, mouth open.

She can't say she wants to be her in the first place but she'll do just about anything her friends ask.

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A Blue Person

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June 12
The Last Dragon Rider
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Morgan Drake DOLLARS
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Morgan Drake
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POSTED ON Jul 31, 2019 3:01:45 GMT
Morgan Drake Avatar
Reaching inside the contest centre, morgan could only flow with the stampede of people that was exiting and entering the centre after the event was over. Unfortunately for him morgan had actually missed the main event but now it was just people trying out the new sport itself. Looking around as best he could whilst moving through the crowds, the young blond noticed a fluffy blue pokemon that seemed to flutter after something. Taking a gander, morgan assumed that this would be bryony.

Trying his best, to follow the blue bird, morgan called out hoping that his friend would hear him. "Bryony!" Stumbling out of the crowds, the messy haired lad was glad that it was the person he was looking for and not just a random person. He was saved from the awkward situation should it of been another random individual.

Coming up behind bryony, she was interacting with an individual that seemed to be an event organiser and the closer he got the more of the conversation he heard. Although the part that really matter was whether or not she wanted to try out the new sport. I mean morgan himself knew that this was not really her cup of tea when it came to a day out, but even still she couldnt participate in the sport without an opponent.

"If she wont, I will."
Morgan's voice rung out of nowhere, in which may of surprised the male in the striped shirt as well as his own friend.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Aug 1, 2019 11:45:08 GMT
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The sudden appearance of Morgan's voice makes Bryony jump. She looks over her shoulder at him and stares with an all too familiar wide eyed look. Then her brows knit together and something flickers in her gaze.

"Um - I'll - I'll do it. If he is," she says, turning back to the referee. The man beams, a smile so bright Bryony is close to squinting. He goes over the rules of the game and Bryony fidgets. A moment of impulsiveness is going to cost her - but she has to look tough.

Bryony plucks a pokeball from her hip and looks it over, turning the sphere about in her hands. There's a sticker on top of a Snorlax. In spite of this being a competition, she turns to Morgan. "Do you think a Snorlax is cheating?" she asks. "I could use my Granbull but um - she's not very nice."

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A Blue Person

he, him, they
June 12
The Last Dragon Rider
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Morgan Drake DOLLARS
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Morgan Drake
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POSTED ON Aug 17, 2019 2:31:08 GMT
Morgan Drake Avatar
Upon hearing bry's words of agreement, morgan's lips crept up into a smile. this was good news, and even the man in the suit believed so too. Picking up the pokeball that contained his vigoroth, Morgan wanted to enjoy his time here with bryony. Even when she young woman asked whether he had a preference to a pokemon she used he was not fussed.

"Bry its not a big deal, we are here to just have fun right? Theres no harm in winning or losing." Morgan states that but he always had a bit of a competitive streak within him.

Following the gentleman in the suit to the arena in which bryony's and morgans pokemon would wrestle it out he turned around to bryony and started pulling stupid faces just to make her feel at ease. He knew this was not her cup of tea so the least he could do was make her smile and laugh.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Aug 17, 2019 18:10:06 GMT
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Morgan's plan works and in seconds, Bryony is struggling to keep a straight face in front of everyone. She presses her knuckles to her mouth, smile hidden behind them. Hand lowering, she sticks her tongue out.

Finally, Bryony makes her choice and calls out her Snorlax.

The massive Pokemon yawns, already threatening to fall asleep. He looks around the stadium and thewn to whatever Pokemon Morgan calls out.

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A Blue Person

he, him, they
June 12
The Last Dragon Rider
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Morgan Drake DOLLARS
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Morgan Drake
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POSTED ON Aug 20, 2019 5:50:04 GMT
Morgan Drake Avatar
It was good to see that his attempt to make her feel more relaxed worked. Even though she tried to hide her smile, morgan could see it for what it was, although what he was not expected to receive back was the playfulness of bryony herself. It caught him off-guard but it was pleasantly recieved by the blonde lad.

By the time they had gotten to the arena it seemed that Bryony had already decided what pokemon she was using as she immediately sent out her snorlax. Seeing this morgan himself sent out his own pokemon; razz.

There was a sizeable difference between the the two pokemon and even Razz could see it himself. Even turning around to question his trainers decision upon seeing the pokemon he was up against. It looked like a one sided match up but it was only for fun right?


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Aug 23, 2019 11:44:50 GMT
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Sleepy seems unaware of anything happening or what his purpose is in being here. Both he and Bryony look at the vigoroth. Where her pokemon is unphased by the size difference, Bryony begins to fidget.

"Um - are you sure?" she asks. "What if Sleepy hurts him?"

She waits for Morgan's response then, hesitating, calls out: "Body slam?"

The Snorlax waddles forward with the might of a freight train.

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A Blue Person

he, him, they
June 12
The Last Dragon Rider
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
143 posts
Morgan Drake DOLLARS
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Morgan Drake
one two three [m]
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2019 17:49:14 GMT
Morgan Drake Avatar
Morgan winced at the miniture earthquake that just occurred thanks to bryony's pokemon's body slam. Poor razz did not even move paralysed in fear as he was the mountainous pokemon leap into the air. It was definitely a miss match and morgan was a fool for even thinking that razz stood a chance.

"well shit then." Morgan gave off a nervous laugh as he was just flagged the loser of the twos private competition. "you was right bry, sleepy did hurt him. But no worries though im going to rush him to a pokecenter right now. Just meet me there I have something for us to do later."


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Sept 1, 2019 0:39:28 GMT
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Bryony's hands go to her mouth, throat caught in her voice so that it cames out as a strangled squeak. "I - um - I didn't mean to - "

She can barely hear Morgan as the announcer sweeps her up to announce her triumph. Bryony stands there, as frazzled as ever. What has she done?

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POSTED ON Sept 1, 2019 1:43:48 GMT
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[attr="class","reward"]mission complete!
[attr="class","reward2"]you receive the following: 25 poke, 10 infamy,[break] one free dark/fighting/bear pokemon evolution for one pokemon (redeem in site shop).