Let Them Eat Berries [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 17
Circhester (Galar)
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Let Them Eat Berries [M]
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2024 4:52:38 GMT
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Sootopolis. The last place Tavish expected to find himself, truth be told. The people of Hoenn had told him it strictly lay in Team Rocket Control. Here, he would find nothing but danger and death. But luckily, there was one other thing to be found in this awful, wretched place.


Aye. Feels like home,” he said. It was still hard to believe, but there it was. A Dyna Tree. Sprouted right in the heart of enemy territory. Numerous Pokémon flocked for the fruits back home, and here wasn’t any different. If it weren’t for the circumstances, he’d be content to watch the various creatures scurry and gorge themselves on its fruit.

Alas, fate had other ideas. It took the shape of trainers that fought the Pokémon off. It hurt his chest until he couldn’t take it any longer. All he needed were a few recollections of trainers fighting the creatures off to ignite a fire in his chest.

He’d fight off the trainers that attacked the Pokémon relentlessly. They’d rue the day they fought Arceus’ noble creations. “Well, ya see anyone out and about, Bloke?”

The Toxicroak croaked and scanned the environment. Nothing, nothing, nothing– there. The frog tapped his shoulder and pointed straight toward .

Good eye. Remember: I’ll take the trainer, you handle anything they throw at us,” he said to the frog. He nodded vigorously, a glean in his eye and an itch in his fists. If the trainer died in the fight, then they died. Probably Rocket scum that deserved a lesser fate.

Tavish held up three fingers, then two. The second all his digits folded into his palm, the two rushed forward. Eager to stop the one that dared stop the innocent creatures from eating. Let them eat if they so desired!

Neither of them even bothered to confirm the trainer did the crimes they accused them of. Instead, they planned to hit fast and hard. And if they were at all paying attention, they’d see someone in combat fatigues and a Toxicroak bolt straight for them…

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November 16
Verdanturf Town
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Rhys Collins DOLLARS
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POSTED ON Feb 8, 2024 3:21:03 GMT
Rhys Collins Avatar

While Rhys couldn't claim that this was the most glamorous assignment he'd been given since joining with Rocket all those months ago, he couldn't say that it was the most difficult, either. Shift rotation at the giant eff-off tree smack in the middle of Sootopolis? Check. Keep pokemon from getting close to the tree? Check. Keep unauthorized personnel from approaching the tree? Checkity-check-check.
He hadn't been briefed on all of the nuances, but the diminutive pokemon he'd caught glimpses of near the tree's base seemed reason enough to keep from being disturbed. As it stood, the past several hours had been among the most boring of his entire month; being located in Sootopolis meant no one in their right mind would even think of trying anything, and he fought back a yawn as he surveyed the surroundings once more.
Wait, was that-?
He blinked at the sight of the man in fatigues and his Toxicroak barreling toward him, far closer for his liking than if he'd caught it earlier. With a get-up like that, the other either meant serious business or had a screw loose.
Or both, Rhys reasoned.
Cursing under his breath, he released his Reuniclus, the green-jellied creature materializing next to him with a series of high-frequency tones. "Reflect," he murmured, and the pokemon obeyed, a shimmering field of light blinking into existence between them and the approaching assailants. Rhys tensed himself, narrowing his eyes as he surveyed the approaching man - he wouldn't strike first, that wasn't his style, but he had the distinct feeling that, with the intensity of the other's approach, it would come to blows whether he liked it or not.
He really didn't get paid enough for this.



Mission: Protect the Dyna Tree (HH)




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March 17
Circhester (Galar)
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6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Let Them Eat Berries [M]
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2024 17:18:38 GMT
tavish rose Avatar
Tavish did not draw his eye away from the target for a single moment. Rhys was correct to assume that this would only end in a fight as he got closer and closer. The Toxicroak arrived first, a few seconds ahead of the trainer. It looked to both targets before focusing on the Reuniclus.

Hesitation. It didn’t know exactly what to do. Its previously confident strides were replaced by strict internal confliction.

And then Tavish arrived. He had no such doubts– he ran straight to Rhys, straight through the Reflect set up by his Pokémon. As he stepped through, the strange field of light followed him with and immersed the man in a strange glow.

Ya think that’ll stop me?” He asked as he pulled back and sent his fist straight towards the other’s face. Even if it hit, it would hurt less. Reflect made it so. But it wouldn’t stop the force behind the blow. If one was hit by a sledgehammer, they’d buckle from the force even if it felt like a tickle to the nerves.

While this happened, the Toxicroak rushed forward. It was subjected to this same phenomenon, but it was more about the surprise factor. The previously indecisive Pokémon now closed the distance between it and the Reuniclus and delivered a nasty Feint Attack to its chest. “Oi, you scared, mate? Plenty more where that came from."

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November 16
Verdanturf Town
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5'10" height
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Developing the cure to your miserable existence.
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Let Them Eat Berries [M]
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2024 19:31:53 GMT
Rhys Collins Avatar

Although Rhys had more time than he might've to prepare, he allowed a small smirk to turn up the corner of his mouth. He hadn't had much field experience outside of sparring with his fellow grunts, so he was unable to quell the slight flush of pride as his quickly-enacted defenses were...
Just as quickly hauled through by the assailant and his Toxicroak. Huh, so that's how it worked on humans.
A fist to the face was something he had passing experience with, but only on the receiving end and not the reverse. Eyes widening in alarm, he ducked to one side in an attempt to dodge the punch, managing to deflect it to his shoulder. The force of the blow spun him to one side, and he went with it, dropping low and lashing out with a kick toward Tavish's ankle. Brawling wasn't his forte, but he'd be damned if this assignment was a failure based on his inability to hold his own in a fight.
His Reuniclus bore the brunt of the Toxicroak's Feint Attack, the impact point of the blow rippling outward through the green goo that formed the majority of its body. It floated back from the hit, emitting a shrill trilling series of notes, before retaliating with a PSYSHOCK, motes of pink energy forming in a dome around the Toxicroak before lancing inwards toward a singular point.
Rhys couldn't spare a glance for how his pokemon was faring, too engaged in his own battle while one hand fumbled at the small pouch on his hip. Where was it, where was it...?



Mission: Protect the Dyna Tree (HH)




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March 17
Circhester (Galar)
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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tavish rose DOLLARS
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tavish rose
Let Them Eat Berries [M]
POSTED ON Feb 16, 2024 16:48:33 GMT
tavish rose Avatar
Tavish stumbled from the sweep, but did not fall to the ground. Damn this Reflect– this was going to cause many a problem for his efforts. But certainly would not stop him; the goal was to stop them from harming the Pokémon. If this meant even a few were able to eat their fill and go on their merry way, then that would have to be fine.

Let’s see how y’fair against this,” Tavish caught himself and whipped out a knife from his belt. It glowed in the same light that encased his entire body, but it was still razor sharp. A butter knife did damage, with enough pressure. He swung wildly for Rhys’ chest, careful not to over-extend himself.

At least he fared better than his companion. Bloke looked up at the semi-circle of strange energy that floated above his head and let out a single anxious croak. “Whoa whoa, hold on, we can–

The light flew forward and surged into its body. AUGHGHHHGHGHGHGHHGHG–

He let out a horrific cry as 0 SpA Reuniclus Psyshock vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Toxicroak: 592-700 (192.8 - 228%) -- guaranteed OHKO. He fell to the ground with an arm draped across his back, down for the count. Tavish gave the poisonous frog a glance. “Hrmph. No matter.

Bloke was returned to his ball– the one of two in his crew comfortable being bound by one. The second one, which emerged in a second flash of white light in front of the Reuniclus as a flat disc, was more out of necessity than desire. The massive cell’s next foe was a Stunfisk-Galar. Sonny looked at his foe with squinted eyes.

STUNNNNNNNNN!” Somehow, someway, he flapped his body against the ground and launched himself with a surprising amount of speed. Straight for the green blob. Those razor-sharp teeth tried to bite into the Reuniclus for a terrifying Snap Trap.

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November 16
Verdanturf Town
do no harm
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5'10" height
5'10" height
Developing the cure to your miserable existence.
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Rhys Collins DOLLARS
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Rhys Collins
Let Them Eat Berries [M]
POSTED ON Feb 16, 2024 19:57:45 GMT
Rhys Collins Avatar

Oh, huh. It actually looked like Oz wasn't doing too badly over there. Rhys caught a flash of light from the corner of his eye and turned his head just in time to witness the Toxicroak absolutely crumple against the Reuniclus's attack.
He gave a little whoop, forgetting his own struggle for a split second, and that second was enough for Tavish to score a glancing blow across Rhys's chest with the knife he now wielded. He lurched backward instinctively, because that hurt, and a quick glance downward confirmed, yes, there was a line of bright red visible through the now-perforated shirt he wore.
Anxiety welled inside him - he was supposed to be a researcher, an observer, and if direct intervention on his behalf was required, a pokémon trainer. Fighting man-to-man had never been one of his stronger points, but if he didn't manage to at least hold his own right now, he'd end up sliced and diced due to the maniac that had decided to launch a one-man offensive against the Dyna Tree. Where the hell was everyone else?
His hand closed around a familiar cylindrical object and he pulled it from his hip pouch, spitting a curse under his breath. "The doctor's in, asshole," he growled, ducking under the swinging knife and jabbing toward Tavish's midsection with the autoinjector he'd managed to procure from his stash.
Oz the Reuniclus, for his part, was faring significantly better than his trainer - or he was until the Stunfisk managed to, against all laws of physics, launch himself into the air. Before the larger pokémon could react, the jaws of the Stunfisk latched onto the jelly directly above his abdomen, and he let out a screeching trill, gobs of his own body dislodged by the attack. Flailing wildly, he directed a HAMMER ARM at his latched-on opponent, though by the positioning the attack might do as much damage to himself as it would to the Stunfisk.



Mission: Protect the Dyna Tree (HH)




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March 17
Circhester (Galar)
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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tavish rose DOLLARS
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tavish rose
Let Them Eat Berries [M]
POSTED ON Feb 18, 2024 18:56:47 GMT
tavish rose Avatar
Numerous calculations ran through the Sonny’s head, from his many years of watching Tavish do them. After all, he’d been the first one to join his crew, the one around the longest. Thicker than thieves. The initial point of impact, the velocity, the angle he’d need to… yes, it was possible.

But it’d be threading the needle.

So, at the very last possible moment, Sonny let go of the unicellular organism. The arm of goo hit him good, but not enough to take him out of the fight. It did send him straight into the air, the world a distorted mess while he flipped several dozen times.

But, his body, the way he positioned himself, the angle, the whole shape, how his outer teeth clasped together and angled– by Arceus, the fucker was turning into a damned boomerang! By all the laws of physics, it should be impossible to do such a thing. Defying everything everyone knew.

Yet it worked perfectly. The needle was threaded, and the green and black mass came back with a vengeance. Dark energies surrounded its entire body, and its velocity changed in midair. Despite having limbs that were better suited for pancake-flipping, its left balled up tight and guided his strike. This Sucker Punch, even if hindered by the Reflect, would certainly strike true.

Sonny, ya beautiful bloody–

Something stabbed into his side. Pain shot up through his body. He’d been injected by a doctor and given a taste of his own medicine. “... bastard.

But this was fine. A tit for a tat, as Tavish roughly aimed his knife straight towards Rhys’ opposite side. They could look like mirror reflections of one another. “Yer a damned awful doctor fer that, y'know?

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November 16
Verdanturf Town
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Developing the cure to your miserable existence.
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Rhys Collins
Let Them Eat Berries [M]
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2024 3:53:16 GMT
Rhys Collins Avatar

Rhys felt his blow hit its mark, allowing the autoinjector to drop from his hand as he shoved hard against the other man, putting enough space between him and his opponent that the knife arcing toward his side scored another line against his abdomen, almost parallel with the one on his chest.
Oz wasn't faring much better, the Reuniclus only able to gape - if the limited movement of his features could allow such an expression - at the unlikely acrobatics of the opposing Stunfisk before the SUCKER PUNCH caught him clear across the face, sending him spinning around and collapsing in a loose mass of green goo.
Panting from the exertion, Rhys recalled the insensate cellular pokemon, flipping his wrist to call out Owain next, the Lucario materializing in a spray of red light and, sharp eyes fixating quickly on the Stunfisk, launching a spinning blue AURA SPHERE at the smaller pokemon with a growl.
"I am a good doctor," Rhys grinned at Tavish, though the expression consisted more of baring his teeth than any real warmth, "But that's not medicine, my friend. You've got maybe three minutes if you're lucky. Do you want to risk that in the middle of Sootopolis?"
The substance in his injector was a pet project, a hallucinogenic toxin he'd been refining from the spores of Bole, his Paras. Not fatal, not yet anyway, but debilitating if left unchecked. The timing? Probably a crapshoot, it could just as easily be one minute or fifteen, but he had to bluff this man out of his face if the cavalry wasn't showing yet.
He allowed a sneer to curl at the corner of his mouth, one arm going to cradle the cut along his abdomen as the other hand lifted a single finger, wagging back and forth tauntingly. "Tick tock."



Mission: Protect the Dyna Tree (HH)




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[newclass=".rhysc4 h1"]font:18px Poppins;color:var(--accent);font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:.5px[/newclass]
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[newclass=".rhysc4 .pkmn img"]margin:5px -7px -10px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".rhysc4 .credit"]width:125px;background-color:#1c1c1c;font-size:10px;margin-top:7px;padding:3px;[/newclass]
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March 17
Circhester (Galar)
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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tavish rose DOLLARS
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tavish rose
Let Them Eat Berries [M]
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2024 19:34:35 GMT
tavish rose Avatar
Looked like things were not going to go as well as Tavish hoped, as Sonny was blasted away by the raw force of the Aura Sphere. Even as the flat, violent disk went in for one more Sucker Punch, it was unable to outspeed the attack. It was blown high into the sky, nearly clocking a passing by Unfezant in the dome.

While it was retreated into the ball, he clutched the stab wound and weighed his options. Obstagoon and Sir were at camp, so proper reinforcements were off the table. He had an unknown amount of time before he was subjected to an unknown substance. And his skin still shimmered from the Reflect, which meant that he couldn’t even try to put down his opponent. A competent one at that.

Retreat was necessary, and not even two minutes into the attack. Shameful, but he could already see the fruits of his labor. Several creatures had beelined for the large fruit and gorged themselves on the stuff. They’d be stronger than ever, soon enough.

That would work. He quickly sheathed the knife and pulled a large ball off his belt. A pot, covered by a piece of cloth and some string. “Ya don’t scare me, scum. Let’s see how ya handle this.

With all his remaining strength, the pot crashed into the ground. White dust exploded from the point of impact, creating a thick cloud almost impossible to see through. Even worse, it bellowed out from the point of impact and soon submerged Rhys in the stuff. It would smell and taste innocuous enough, probably some talcum powder poured into a jar.

But what was more concerning was where Tavish ran. Straight for the nearest enlarged fruit. A few Lokix had dashed in during the distraction, and they gave the chemist dangerous stares as he came up. What was he doing?

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November 16
Verdanturf Town
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5'10" height
5'10" height
Developing the cure to your miserable existence.
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Rhys Collins DOLLARS
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Rhys Collins
Let Them Eat Berries [M]
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2024 0:53:16 GMT
Rhys Collins Avatar

Owain's attack against the Stunfisk diverted Rhys's attention from his own opponent, and despite the stinging pain of his wounds and the increasing dampness of his shirt against his chest - sweat or blood, it was anyone's guess, and he wasn't about to look - he allowed himself a satisfied grin as the smaller pokemon went sailing into the air and was shortly thereafter recalled.
This lapse in attention cost him awareness of what exactly Tavish's next move was, and when he did turn his focus back to the other man, it was to see him holding some kind of...pot.
"W-" was all he managed to get out before Tavish smashed the thing and Rhys's vision was obscured by a white cloud. Fear lanced down his spine at the thought that his own tactic had been turned against him - he KNEW he should have worn his filtration mask - and he hurriedly raised one arm to his face, shoving his nose and mouth into the crook of his elbow to minimize exposure to the substance. Owain punched and kicked futilely through the cloud, whiffing through the space where Tavish had been standing upon impact, but the man had already moved.
A faintly chalky scent paused Rhys's immediate panic attack, and he tentatively brought his arm away from his face, reaching out and grabbing a thin film of the powder to rub between his fingers. "Talc? What kind of bullshit low-tech...NO!"
As the haze began to thin, Rhys only just caught sight of Tavish haring off to the Dyna Tree, and - too late, far too late - dove after him, Owain hot on his heels, but the man already had his hand on a fruit...



Mission: Protect the Dyna Tree (HH)




[newclass=.rhysc4]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.3px;line-height:17px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".rhysc4 h1"]font:18px Poppins;color:var(--accent);font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:.5px[/newclass]
[newclass=".rhysc4 h2"]font:16px Poppins;color:var(--accent);font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:.5px[/newclass]
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[newclass=".rhysc4 .pkmn img"]margin:5px -7px -10px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".rhysc4 .credit"]width:125px;background-color:#1c1c1c;font-size:10px;margin-top:7px;padding:3px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".rhysc4 .credit a"]font-size:10px;font-weight:800;[/newclass]

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March 17
Circhester (Galar)
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Let Them Eat Berries [M]
POSTED ON Mar 1, 2024 4:05:51 GMT
tavish rose Avatar
The nearest Lokix extended its strong, black saw-like arms in warning toward Tavish, but he ignored the Pokémon and instead dug his hands deep inside the massive berry. If Rhys was from Galar himself, he’d know just how easily one could dig their hands into the sweet, sticky product of the Dyna Tree. Like a massive orange, ready to be pulled apart with enough force.

And he did just that. His hands now sticky with the substance, he turned back towards the two that came his way. The distraction worked– all he needed to do now was raise his hands high above his head and pull back. “If an apple works fer a day, this’ll last a week!

The red, scrumptious fruit was thrown forward, right towards the two Rocket members. Even if they managed to dodge the nutritious fruit of the tree, they’d be unable to ignore what came right afterward: the Lokix that nearly cleaved Tavish in two instead turned its narrowed eyes to Rhys and his Lucario.

And it was entirely unafraid. It cried out and dashed forward, its saw-blades ready to tear them apart if they dared get in the way of its dinner.

Why don’tcha ‘ave some more!” Tavish dug his hands back into the red fruit and lobbed more and more of its guts towards the Rockets. Even as the edges of his visions turned black and twisted, he kept on going until there was a large, pungent pile at their feet and over their clothes.

Something the wild Pokémon noticed with frenzy in their minds. Soon enough, a few other Lokix gave them curious and twisted stares. If any other Pokemon were nearby, the might smell the beautifl aroma that was Dyna Fruit. And in such large supply, with only two measly barricades in their way...

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November 16
Verdanturf Town
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Developing the cure to your miserable existence.
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TAG WITH @rhys
Rhys Collins
Let Them Eat Berries [M]
POSTED ON Mar 1, 2024 16:08:22 GMT
Rhys Collins Avatar

This was not going to look good on his performance review.
The irony of the other man's banter was not lost on Rhys as he skidded to a halt, allowing Owain to outpace him and engage with the Lokix. He searched the area around the tree frantically, attempting to orient on what exactly the other man was trying to accomplish with the precious - and largely unknown, to him - fruit of the Dyna Tree, and no sooner had he locked eyes with the man than-
The luscious, bountiful fruit of the Dyna Tree struck his chest and promptly exploded, showering him in sweet pulp and juice. His skin crawled; on his best days, in the most favorable situations, he hated mess, and on top of the natural desire to quickly and efficiently find somewhere to scrub himself clean IMMEDIATELY, he also had no actual idea what exposure to the fruit would lead to.
Sparing a quick glance to the man who had hurled the projectile, he reasoned that worst-case, it would turn him into some kind of self-ignorant loon who would gallop into the middle of Ever Grande and start yelling insults to the Council's face. Huh.
His move forward to accost the man was arrested by the sudden advance of another pair of Lokix, and while Owain was holding his own as expected, three against two was not the scenario Rhys wanted to find himself in, especially considering he was already wounded and winded from his scuffle with Tavish.
Cursing fluidly under his breath, he brought out another pokeball and tossed it, a Tyrantrum appearing with a bellowing roar and moving to keep the two new arrivals from reaching Rhys. Even this was a stall, and as more nearby pokémon rushed to Owain and Rhys as the fruit and pulp kept piling on, he grew increasingly unable to keep an eye on Tavish, let alone try to detain him. The toxin might do its job, sure, but Rhys might be bug food at that point if he wasn't careful.
Though there had been few interruptions to this point, the scuffle at the base of the Dyna Tree was starting to turn heads, and black-clad figures could be seen filtering into the plaza, pointing and shouting and gesticulating wildly, but not approaching - not yet. Real helpful, Rhys thought to himself, wheeling backward to avoid a swipe from one of the Lokix.



Mission: Protect the Dyna Tree (HH)



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March 17
Circhester (Galar)
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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tavish rose DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @tavish
tavish rose
Let Them Eat Berries [M]
POSTED ON Mar 3, 2024 19:34:37 GMT
tavish rose Avatar
Tavish could barely notice the onlookers who gave the commotion their utmost attention. He was too busy trying to ignore the queasy feeling in his stomach and the weariness in his bones. Poison. Of course– leave it to a Rocket Doctor to carry poison on them at all times.

If the man hadn’t been consigned to death by the association with a terrorist organization, Tavish would have dragged him to the police and had him tried for war crimes.

Instead, he grunted as he tossed the last of the available fruit to the horde and took one last handful for himself. It felt sinful to take any of it for himself, but his life probably hung in the balance of whatever he’d been injected with. It tasted sickeningly sweet– but filling.

Energy surged through his veins, enough to ward off the worst of the poison that infected his steps. He steps away from the scene, from the fight. It was time to leave: he’d accomplished everything he could here, and this wasn’t the tree to die under.

So with all the energy in his bones, he tossed his only other smoke pot onto the ground and ran away. His heartbeat drowned out any potential yelps or curses towards him as he retreated into the city of Sootopolis. Into its alleyways and crooks. This was certainly not the end of their fight. Now, it was personal.

And Arceus help anyone who dare get in his way.

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
Let Them Eat Berries [M]
POSTED ON Mar 4, 2024 4:02:39 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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