alexei's infamy file

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
fortree gym leader
gym leader
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
alexei's infamy file
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2019 17:02:30 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar



the child of wind and wings

Affectionately called the ‘Bird Whisperer’ by the Fortree locals. Well—it’s not just Flying-types he can handle. Anything that has wings but isn’t considered to be a Flying-type, he can understand on a personal level. He’s handled and trained them half his life, so there’s that.[break]


  • Helps out at the Fortree Rescue & Treatment Sanctuary in his free time
  • Always accompanied by a Braviary and a Salamence (his signature Pokémon)
  • Very gay. By that: flaming homosexual
  • Is the Fortree Gym Leader, specializing in Flying as an entire encompassing theme as opposed to just strictly Flying-types altogether. He believes in equality.


  • May be the propagator of insane non-traditional Gym Challenges that fit his chosen theme.
  • Joined the Navel Rock Tower ‘raid’ and almost died when the false Ho-oh went berserk atop the tower
  • Under any circumstances: cannot get injured too severely. If that does happen, he’s in for it.
  • Present during the New Year’s ‘Raid’ involving the exploding clown. Almost died a few times but was saved by his Sableye companion.
  • Participated in the Lilycove war front, supporting the lone ship that made it to the island to save the village from the so-called ‘space cannibals’.

WHAT ROCKET KNOWS[break][break]

  • …do they even know anything about him?


  • Is ‘mother’ to a Phione found in the depths of Shoal Cave—the only people who know of Zelle’s existence are Leslie Cohen, , and
  • Has a cross-dressing ‘drag queen’ persona—encouraged by Miss . They even picked out an entire Pokémon team for the disguise!
  • is very much aware that he has a drag queen persona.
  • Under said drag queen persona named ‘Irina’, he has participated in the Mossdeep Space Center ‘raid’. Has pocketed two strange shards from the place, and does not know what these things are supposed to do.
  • ‘Irina’ has also participated in the Littleroot incident, however her ‘identity’ is not fully revealed.
  • Has a case of moderate hemophilia. Hence the warning label of ‘cannot get injured too severely’
  • Is now slowly understanding just how and why Ghost-types operate the way they do. Case in point: Loki the Sableye saved his ass several times in the New Yearcs incident.
  • Has two sestras (Adelaide & Alethea). Currently off-region (better for their safety in the long run)
  • Has encountered a freakin’ Volcanion in Shoal Cave and lived to tell the tale
  • Gained renown due to his actions in the Lilycove war for the region. RIP his privacy
  • Currently has ten nine four six eight nine eight five green-and-purple tipped feathers. These feathers were found alongside a piece of what he presumes is a reflective glass shard, which has since then been reconstructed into a strange-looking mirror.
  • Has been infrequently flying out towards the skies of Lilycove in search of a certain ‘patron djinni’ and man the meetings are getting really interesting all things considered as he himself has confirmed the existence of alternate realities



it's a long life full of long nights