Giant Chasm: Explore - Kazuya/Ameena

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Kazuya Yoshida
Giant Chasm: Explore - Kazuya/Ameena
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2024 9:19:13 GMT
Kazuya Yoshida Avatar


[attr="class","kazu2"]The mercenary stared into the crystalline pit below him. A thousand different versions of his own face stared back. The shapes and angles of it were distorted by all the glimmering rock. Worried about its mesmerizing effect, Kazuya locked his eyes on the blank spot of wall to his right. Curious about the pulsating tera minerals, his Bewear leaned out over the edge of the ravine.

Behind them, a few League officials lay in what seemed to be sleep. Whatever injuries they had were rendered invisible in the shadows.

A thick, plate-sized paw stretched forward until the Bewear stood on his tiptoes. Further, he reached, almost compelled to taste the power of this particular stone. Blunt, white claws hung over the abyss. As the fighting type made contact, a glimmering coat of crystal manifested over his fur. The sudden weight almost sent him over the edge. “!!” A powerful hand wrapped in the bear’s scruff and pulls him back.

Around that time, he heard the skittering of rock. He turned to find his partner approaching. Kazuya nodded in greeting as he adjusted his designer scarf. The device at his side filled with status as he ‘spoke.’ “Did you bring the equipment?” Apparently, these crystals wreaked havoc upon whatever magic nonsense powered the device.





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june 8
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi DOLLARS
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ameena abadi
Giant Chasm: Explore - Kazuya/Ameena
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2024 17:07:39 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Ameena had been assigned several rounds of exploration of the chasm, though it was largely through volunteering. She was eager to see the energy readings, and while Rocket had countless successful and remarkable scientists, it was a habit of hers to ensure the best results by doing the dirty work herself. She had a bag on her back filled with scanners and assessors, though one device that looked like a laser radar was around her Espathra's neck, as Edith would get the best readings in the air.[break][break]

She was pleased that her assigned partner for this run was cutting to the chase. "I have everything we need." She pulled the bag around and opened it to reveal gloves that absorbed small amounts of energy for readings. The rate of absorption would tell them how strong these raw crystals were and how much energy they were able to output. [break][break]

"Is this your first trip down to the caves?" She made light conversation as she pulled out a pair for her partner and one for herself. "I had never even touched a tera crystal before this chasm opened." She couldn't help the awe in her voice. She was eager to see what these could do for her research, even if she wasn't sure that tera energy translated well to her projects. Psychic tera crystals would be her best bet.[break][break]

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NOTES – [break]Sg|sU124[break][break]



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June 3
In Silence There Is Beauty
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Kazuya Yoshida
Giant Chasm: Explore - Kazuya/Ameena
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2024 18:33:38 GMT
Kazuya Yoshida Avatar


[attr="class","kazu2"]“Hm?” The white-haired man took an obligatory look inside the bag. To him, it looked like nothing more than a pile of metal scrap. The gloves, however, stuck out. A quiet sigh pushed past his lips—a man his size learned to doubt the label of one-size-fits-all. Hopefully, she brought a few pairs. Satisfied with his useless examination, Kazuya stepped back. “It seems so.” The device at his side buzzed. His lips did not move. [break][break]

The man took the offered glove with a respectful nod. Fortunately, though a bit tight, they slid down to his wrists. “It is not,” Kazuya answered simply as he adjusted the fit. “I was here earlier.” His lips stretched into a warm, welcoming grin. He could feel her excitement like static in the air. “But it is still beautiful.” Though alien in many ways, this place was still worthy of poems.
Knowing now was not the time to mention he’d been a convict and had not touched much of anything lately, the taller man nodded. “I have only encountered them once before.” But he had yet to use one in battle. Perhaps because some part of him saw them as reductionary. Now used to the feeling of gloves on his fingers, he gestures the young woman forward. “Lead the way.”
As he took his first step forward, there was a splash. Expecting water, his eyebrow rose at the sight of glowing pink.





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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
798 posts
ameena abadi DOLLARS
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ameena abadi
Giant Chasm: Explore - Kazuya/Ameena
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2024 18:47:41 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

She considered his response, weighing their collective familiarity. "Okay. We should be able to find something new in this trip. I suspect we have each seen our share of oddities in this chasm already." She tested her gloves by flexing her fingers. She nodded at his instruction and took point, though she had barely meandered into the chasm before odd tracks led the way ahead of them. [break][break]

She looked up at the same sound Kazuya heard, taking in the sight of paradox-related liquid. "Hmm. I suppose that came from the same paradox pokemon that left these prints. Looks like Iron Leaves." She was not eager to encounter one of them. She had heard from several Rockets that paradox pokemon had very unpredictable personalities. It was difficult to assess their behavior until one was already in combat with them. [break][break]

She ordered her Espathra to fly ahead and keep an eye out for the paradox pokemon. "I am curious about where the paradox pokemon tend to congregate inside the chasm. It seems like an odd environment to nest in for anything other than a Joltik." Honestly, the odd crystals might even put off enough unsettling energy to keep them away, though she felt they would tolerate the output far more than a Zubat or Whismur, which would otherwise feel at home in a chasm like this.

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NOTES – [break]LtxqNF8B[break][break]



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June 3
In Silence There Is Beauty
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TAG WITH @kazu
Kazuya Yoshida
Giant Chasm: Explore - Kazuya/Ameena
POSTED ON Mar 12, 2024 13:10:49 GMT
Kazuya Yoshida Avatar


[attr="class","kazu2"]“It will not take much!” In truth, returning to this world after so long away was not so different from one of the invaders below. In his time under key, flip phones had become smart ones. Cable had been replaced with streaming. And, his daughters—barely babies—were now young ladies. So, the sudden incursion of strange mechanical gods and monstrosities from the past did not shock him as they might others.

It was a gorgeous place. The crystals cast the entire area in a kaleidoscope of colors. Even the puddle was glittering with unseen minerals. “Iron Leaves?”

Content to allow the young woman to go first, Kazuya fell into line behind her. It takes him a moment to realize he’s unaccompanied. “?” His Bewear still stood at the edge of the crevasse. His blunt claws worried at the chandelier that’d sprouted upon his hair. Kazuya’s laugh echoes through the cavern. “Come now, Natsu!” With a slow blink of befuddlement, the bear moves to do as asked. His off-center gait draws a smile to his trainer’s face.

Dropping his paw from his crystal hat for a moment, the bear waves farewell to the Espathra.

Each of the mercenary’s steps leaves behind a pinkish glow. This he soon ignores, deciding it is a boon in this labyrinthine place. At the discussion, Kazuya turns introspective. “Maybe their needs are different?” Creatures lived where they felt comfortable. For some that was a cave. For others, the darkness of unfathomable seas.[break][break]

Maybe these aliens relied on these crystals to live?





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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi DOLLARS
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ameena abadi
Giant Chasm: Explore - Kazuya/Ameena
POSTED ON Mar 12, 2024 15:24:30 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Kazuya brings up a good point. The crystals could very well be valuable to the paradox pokemon for reasons unknown at the moment. Since there's no greater collection of tera crystals on Hoenn - that is discovered, at least - it is a good hypothesis. She hasn't studied tera yet, though she thinks there's a lot of potential there. [break][break]

"They look rather robotic. Perhaps the tera is a power source for them." She considers them as they move through the chasm. She stops suddenly at a pool of pink liquid on the ground. "This is from the paradox pokemon. Some of the researchers I was with previously have already collected samples, so it is only a matter of time before we understand what is inside them." Excretions weren't often interesting, at least for someone who did not study zoology, but she was rather curious to see if these new creatures had traditional organs or not. [break][break]

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NOTES – [break]a33mMtPG[break][break]



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[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]
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June 3
In Silence There Is Beauty
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Kazuya Yoshida
Giant Chasm: Explore - Kazuya/Ameena
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2024 3:02:52 GMT
Kazuya Yoshida Avatar


[attr="class","kazu2"]Kazuya inclines his head. “That would explain many sightings.” It was as if cars had come to life and congregated at fuel centers. “I have seen many crystals nearby.” It was logical. The fact that these crystals glimmered like the fluid that coated his boot lent further credence to the idea.[break][break]

It looked more like coolant than blood. It was watery and pearlescent. Little bits of glitter flicker to life depending on the light. “Is it?” Fortunately, the ex-Kindler does not mind glitter. It was just another thing his awakening allowed him to embrace fully. So, he made no move to wipe his boots of the mysterious liquid. It did not seem dangerous nor was it causing harm. All he’d do was end up dirtying two pieces of clothing for zero relief.

A laugh blooms from the device at his side. “Then, you are going the wrong way, no?” Gold eyes lift skyward. A hand reaches for the equipment, offering to carry it for her. It was no doubt quite burdensome. The man took no issue with playing the pack mule. “There are dozens of corpses up there.” Though many were frozen solid by Kyurem’s breath, surely there was something salvageable.

A growl from Natsu draws Kazuya’s gaze to his belt. A tiny Joltik is trying to latch onto his speech modulator, munching happily on it. His attempt at a threatening growl ends in a burst of unintelligible static. “!?” With a sigh, the mercenary tries to brush it away. But the electric tick proves pretty tough.




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[newclass=.rouxcredit]align:right; color:#AB4646; font-size:10px; text-align:right; padding:10px; [/newclass]
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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
798 posts
ameena abadi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ameena
ameena abadi
Giant Chasm: Explore - Kazuya/Ameena
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2024 15:37:58 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

She hands over the bag as he reaches for it; if he wants to set up the seismic sensor rod, he's more than welcome to it. She's established her fair share in the area over the last few weeks. "I do not want to get too close to those paradox pokemon. The ones in this area seem especially volatile. Perhaps, they would be valuable to my research, but such a connection is not clear. I think it is best to stray away from them, rather than follow their direction." [break][break]

Indeed, the trio of unusual paradox pokemon had racked up a body count over the last few weeks that was impressive. She was a little interested in the behavioral studies of paradox creatures but not enough to do any of the studies herself. She turned to her partner to see the Joltik assaulting him. Ameena's Espathra darted forward, eager to grab the bug in her mouth. "Careful," she intoned for her precious Edith, but the bird's bloodlust was not one to wane in the face of an electric type. [break][break]

She turned back to Kazuya with a sardonic smile. "Well, I suppose volatile pokemon can be trained." Her Espathra had the largest sadistic streak she had ever witnessed in a pokemon. She shouldn't write off the new trio so quickly. "That sensor you're holding can be used to determine their movement patterns since earthquakes seem to preface their arrival."

TAGS [break]
NOTES – [break]|wxRv3Gd[break][break]



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[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]
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June 3
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Kazuya Yoshida
Giant Chasm: Explore - Kazuya/Ameena
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2024 17:54:41 GMT
Kazuya Yoshida Avatar


[attr="class","kazu2"]The strap passes easily into his hand. “Mm!” He’s surprised by the weight but quickly adjusts to it. Muscular mitts curl gently around it. As the scientist speaks, he makes no move to interrupt. His muteness taught him the value of truly listening. People revealed a lot when they were given a chance.

An ivory brow goes up. What volatility lies in the dead? But he does not question her. She’s the scientist. Most days, he’s just muscle. A guy whose value lies in his intimidating presence. As she finishes, the man nods. “Very well.” Hopefully, they did not destroy any more test subjects. These creatures were strange and wonderful. Alive, they could likely unravel many mysteries.

If the bird’s beak grew too close to the bug, it’d have received a stern slap in the beak. The spider was subterranean. It did not know what he was. His skin color was not too different from the stalagmites that dotted the cavern. It did not deserve to be eaten. Neither did the bird deserve a nasty, potentially fatal shock. They were here for a job, not to indulge in snacks.

Golden eyes would stare down the bird for a moment. Then, he would smile. His mind goes back to friends lost, many of them feisty, disobedient assholes. “They can.” His speaker blurs out. “It just takes—” Patience? Empathy? Respect? “Time.” He finally settles lamely. As she speaks, he stares at the device in his hand. Kazuya turns it over as if he’d be able to understand something just by looking at it.

“All right.”
The white-haired man nods. He does not ask why cameras would not be easier. “How does it work?”





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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi DOLLARS
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ameena abadi
Giant Chasm: Explore - Kazuya/Ameena
POSTED ON Mar 25, 2024 18:38:58 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

"That rod just needs to be planted on a surface of the chasm that connects to the ground. It will emit a sound related to the seismic activity it is detecting. When the pitch is high and the beeping is frequent, an earthquake is about to occur, and that is how we will know the unusual deity-looking pokemon in the chasm are coming." Because earthquakes predated their arrival, seismic sensors were the only way to guarantee some sort of warning to their arrival. [break][break]

It was perfect for establishing a trap, though Ameena had no interest in catching volatile pokemon even if Kazuya was confident they could be trained. She had no further time for domesticating truly wild creatures. [break][break]

"The gloves, however, will read energy instead of seismic activity and tell us if the paradox pokemon are sapping or generating more tera crystals." She put her glove on the glowing crystal beside her, one that was emitting a brighter light than the others in the area. The second she touched it, the glass reader on the back of her glove shattered. [break][break]

This tera crystal was dangerous. If the theory about the paradoxes being attracted to tera was true, there could be a horde on the way already. "It is in our best interest to leave. Now." She was not going to be taken out by a stampede of all things.

TAGS [break]
NOTES – [break]SM9LsTSR[break][break]



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Kazuya Yoshida
Giant Chasm: Explore - Kazuya/Ameena
POSTED ON Mar 27, 2024 12:31:08 GMT
Kazuya Yoshida Avatar


[attr="class","kazu2"]The giant man listened to Ameena with polite interest. His hand gently explored the length of the sensing rod. It was heavier than he expected. “I see.” His attention would have already wandered in his younger years. ” That Kazuya seemed almost morally opposed to instructions. If it came with an instruction book, it’d be the first thing he’d throw out. Golden eyes shifted toward the chasm. “It seems were are in the clear.”

When indicated, Kazuya set about the work. After a moment, he found a spot for the sensor. Putting his strength to good use, the mercenary had it standing tall. Whatever calibration it needed, well, he’d leave that to her. His ham hands weren’t made for delicate work. “That should do it.” Some deep, manly instinct made him thump the thing. It gave a resonant gong as he stepped away.

There he found a glittering coin. A token of good fortune, perhaps?

He took watch as he gave her a few minutes to do her part.

As their conversation turned to the gloves, Kazuya moved to imitate Ameena’s movements. He laid his hand against a dark purple crystal. Within it, strange shadows raged. The dial on his wrists jumped up for a moment before dropping into normalcy. Her words of concern ended his premature wonder. “?” Even Natsu—trying to replicate the glove’s power with his paws—jerked up his head in surprise.

“What’s—” The rest of the noise from his modulator was drowned out by the sensor behind him. Eyes narrowed with determination, Kazuya gestured up the path. “Go!” He’d handle this. [break]


[attr="class","notes"]NOTES 25 extra PD[break]



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gremlin creature

the shadow mod
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wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
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spiral is my big poppa pump (positive)
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600 foot tall baby height
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spiral and shiv's baby
Giant Chasm: Explore - Kazuya/Ameena
POSTED ON Mar 29, 2024 5:12:03 GMT
spiral and shiv's baby Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]EXCURSION COMPLETE!



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