comet struggles

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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January 22
Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Graphic Designer
she loves me like a dog.
woof woof.
5'11" height
5'11" height
leave with my money and my self control.
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TAG WITH @malachi
Malachi Decker
comet struggles
POSTED ON Mar 1, 2024 20:47:57 GMT
Malachi Decker Avatar

22 she/her
Lavinia Linnea]

[attr="class","songarea"]I look to you, like a red rose seeking the sun no matter where it goes. I long to stay, where the light dwells to guard against the cold that I know so well.

This is bold. [break] This is italic. [break] This is underlined. [break] This is a link. [break][break] Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet meatball doner sausage, pancetta spare ribs salami jowl. Meatloaf filet mignon tail capicola, burgdoggen strip steak corned beef doner chuck pastrami leberkas shankle prosciutto tenderloin cow. Prosciutto short loin capicola brisket biltong fatback tongue shank tri-tip cupim swine pork belly pork loin cow. Tail turkey filet mignon ham hock pork loin pork chop picanha ball tip swine meatloaf short loin burgdoggen drumstick t-bone.
[break][break] Tri-tip turkey pork chop short ribs. Filet mignon kielbasa spare ribs, prosciutto boudin drumstick shankle chuck. Flank fatback jowl buffalo tongue burgdoggen. Fatback rump drumstick spare ribs meatball pancetta pork belly andouille.


Meatball leberkas tail swine buffalo doner salami ground round. Cow pork loin drumstick meatball sausage strip steak beef rump swine ribeye boudin pig. Swine pig kevin prosciutto t-bone capicola fatback shoulder boudin ham hock.


  • item one
  • item two
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[attr="class","relation"]Appa my flying bison

[attr="class","relation"]Katara my flying sister

[/PTab={ --accent: firebrick; } ]

20 he/him
Malachi Decker]

[attr="class","songarea"]lyrics or quote

Paragraph [break][break] Paragraph




  • item one
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[attr="class","relation"]Name description

[attr="class","relation"]Name description

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made by gimmick


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it's a long life full of long nights