you make my dreams (come true)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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june 27
Jubilife City, Sinnoh
art thief
Like the birds
of a feather, baby
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
239 posts
Ikarus Rook DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ikarus
Ikarus Rook
you make my dreams (come true)
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2024 19:25:05 GMT
Ikarus Rook Avatar

"I don't need a creamsicle, I already got a dreamsicle." Rook said with a snort giggle and a little shoulder bump. "Sorry, that was probably my lamest joke yet. That's really more your thing."

In the end, Rook already knew he'd get everything and anything that Lam asked. He had somewhat taken over planning, but he knew Lam well enough to know that food was a big deal. This was such a nice thing to do together, not that they lacked for personal time, but after all the gyms and terrifying events... it was nice to have Lam not in a perilous situation. No, he was there, right beside him.

"We'll keep the cake, they can have some boring cupcakes." He giggled, knowing he wasn't lying. They could both eat a full-sized cake on their own... maybe with the assistance of a few pokemon.

Rook wanted nothing more than to fit seamlessly into Lam's life. He wanted his friends to like him and his family to like him, hell if a single of Lam's pokemon were to dislike him... he didn't even want to imagine that. It might have been a little insecure and needy, but he couldn't help it. "Okay, good.. good." He nodded.

There was the topic he wasn't sure how to handle. He'd not let himself think about his dad for a long time. "He probably doesn't want to come... or even cares for that matter." Rook sighed, "Not to mention if he comes drunk or there's drama... what will everyone think of me?"
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may 7th
hau’oli city, alola
rooksexual (demi)
lilycove gym leader
gym leader
his hands keep turning into birds and flying away from him. eventually the birds must land.
1,736 posts
lam logan DOLLARS
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lam logan
you make my dreams (come true)
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2024 20:00:06 GMT
lam logan Avatar




He gave Rook a look that bordered on a grimace before a laugh seeped through the cracks. “That was bad, babe,” he guffawed, leaning back into the shoulder that bumped his. “Even if I am a total dreamsicle.” Mock offense followed, a little scoff. “And I’m not that bad, thanks.” He was, though. He was that bad. would probably even back that up.[break][break]
“Yep! Sounds like a foolproof plan.” He hummed, “easier clean up too.” Cupcakes were, like, super portable, after all. Cake needed the plates, and the napkins, and was way crumblier. He might have not been the planning pro, but he could at least be depended on for the practical logistics.[break][break]
In fact, he was quite happy to let Rook take over, and follow along to help where he could. This was something that clearly entertained Rook, and Lam was just happy to have the time with him where he wasn’t injured or exhausted or dealing with some wild, cataclysmic event. He liked being here, happy and content. Even if their conversation drifted toward the serious.[break][break]
“For real, I’m really excited for you to meet him. Leif is…Leif, hah, but Dad’s super friendly.” Maybe a little overwhelmingly so. At least for him, but Lam was long used to it. “Are you sure he wouldn’t at least want to know?” He couldn’t fathom someone not wanting to know Rook, or be a part of his life. It seemed unreal to him. Rook was bright and warm, and again he was reminded of his dislike for his father, and his unwillingness to relent in that. But–this wasn’t about him.[break][break]
Lam frowned at that, “Hey, no one’s gonna think poorly of you. If he were to make an idiot of himself, he’d be the one looked at badly. That wouldn’t be your fault.” Lam would probably have to repress the urge to knock the guy out cold if that happened, but that would only make the situation worse (not to mention he wasn’t all that sure if he could even do that successfully.)[break][break]
He craned his head, careful to catch Rook’s eye as he smiled. “It’s what you want, though. Okay? Not me, or anyone else. They don’t matter. All that matters is that you feel good about it. And if he were to come, and you change your mind, I’ll ask him to leave.” Simple as that. His thumb skimmed against the back of Rook’s hand and he looked down at them–again reminded of the burns that had recently healed there.[break][break]
Another pang of guilt. What was really good for him? Lam only hoped that he truly was, and would continue to be so. He let out a quiet huff. “I know the last time we saw him, you didn’t really get the closure you’d hoped for. So maybe it’s worth the phone call.”




- m: sleepless in slateport[break]
- let them eat cAKE!!!

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