with every breath i wish [my] body would be broken again

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
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5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
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ana fell
with every breath i wish [my] body would be broken again
POSTED ON Mar 30, 2024 23:51:36 GMT
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As with every journey of self-improvement, there were... complications.

To her credit, she was doing a very good job of hiding them. She was giving an overview on the latest nesting structures for some of their migratory residents who would be heading back this way with the changing of seasons. They stood on a little bluff overlooking coastline and sea, and she was gesturing with one hand where she had reinforced some windbreaks out of natural stone.

Then, she swore her Deino looked at her, grinned maniacally, and shoved her nose directly into her lower abdomen, with a huffing snort.

Fuck!” she doubled over, moving to push the Pokemon away and wrap one arm around her midsection, remembering all-too-late that she was supposed to be faking. “Goddamnit, ‘rezi, you-- uh, right in the, uh, kidney. Sure.”

She slowly uncurled, frowning down at the speckles of blood and clear, serous ooze that were beginning to darken her shirt.

“Damn it, Terezi, I liked this shirt, too…”

The Deino tilted her head up at the smell of blood on the air and grinned her sharp teeth.

[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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the ascendant
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freya morningstar
with every breath i wish [my] body would be broken again
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2024 3:09:42 GMT
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the dragons were more nippy around ana than usual. she thought little of it, attributing their strange behavior to hoenn's sliding scale of cataclysms and all the ways their behaviors have shifted with the change in environment. it was when she met her with aeris at her side that she really started to pay attention. 

she says, "i think lyune might sire again," and then, "my gods, ana, are you okay?" 

jacket shucked off, she wads it up and shoves it into ana's midsection, eyes taut with worry but with consternation too. the look of i know you haven't been telling me something and i've been minding my business, but come on, ana, please. 

"how deep did she get you?"
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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
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5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
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ana fell
with every breath i wish [my] body would be broken again
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2024 13:12:13 GMT
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tw surgery talk & body stuff

Freya’s jacket is wadded up and pressed against her abdomen, which makes her twinge a bit more.

“It’s not her,” she grits out, gently pushing away the proffered padding. She takes a few steps back to rest against a large rock and glances up. “It’s this… stupid, rush patch job. I hope you’re happy,” she tells her baby dragon, “because you’re on guard duty, now.”

The Deino smiles, unhinged, all too-sharp teeth. She sniffs, long and low, and then turns away, to do just that.

She lifts up the bottom of her shirt to reveal a long, vertical incision, bisecting her navel, and a series of smaller incisions peppered in seemingly random places. The larger cut is oozing slightly between sloppy suturing, spotting out from beneath a telfa pad.

“It’s-- like that old joke,” she says, on a weak laugh, “a duck walks into a bar and says, can I get a hysterectomy? A beat, then, “Wait, Lyune’s gonna have babies?”

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with every breath i wish [my] body would be broken again
POSTED ON Apr 10, 2024 17:55:44 GMT
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it's the exact opposite of what she'd been expecting and while freya's gotten better at covering up emotions like frustration and anger, surprise slips its way through with a dramatic gasp.

"ana, no - what? you can't just - " give yourself surgeries, she wants to say, but isn't she already? hasn't she already? isn't that what she does every so often? scrambles around her brain to shut out the horrors and make more room for the happy, perfect her?

she struggles between chastising her and calling medics over. in the end, she settles on a scowl ana's seen before and says, with feeling, "at least tell me you've had a healing pokemon look at it. you don't want it to get infected."
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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
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5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
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ana fell
with every breath i wish [my] body would be broken again
POSTED ON Apr 13, 2024 14:14:16 GMT
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tw surgery talk & body stuff

Freya gets the value of the benefit of the doubt because she is, after all, correct. It is frowned upon to give yourself bathroom procedures removing major organ systems. It should not be done.

She’s gonna do it anyway.

“Yeah, you’re telling me,” she says, swiping a drop of blood off on her finger, before ascertaining the damage is mostly cosmetic and rolling down her shirt. “Figured it wasn’t doing anything and it’s all, mostly, self contained, so I’d just scoop ‘em out, but. It’s trickier than it looks.”

Another complex system she would not waste time in replicating. Anything she could remove, the better.

"The first time I went in I tried to be delicate and left pieces of uterine stump so that’s what the big cut is. Me fixing it.”

She reaches out a hand to place it on Freya’s arm then remembers it’s bloody and thinks better of it, but her smile is placating.

“Kanaya is doing the bare minimum to keep me alive, don’t worry.” She rubs absently at her neck. “She wants me to… feel things, I think, which is why she doesn’t do more.”

Her Gardevoir had been through so much shit with her. It made her feel bad that Kanaya was her chosen whipping boy, bearing the brunt of memories she, herself, had long since forgotten.

"Speaking of babies... what's this about Lyune being a dad, again? What happened to his kids from before? Does he sire on multiple females, or is there, like, a Chosen One, or...?"

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the ascendant
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with every breath i wish [my] body would be broken again
POSTED ON Apr 14, 2024 19:59:29 GMT
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childbearing has always been given little thought. should she have wanted her family's legacy to continue, she could always adopt, as they had with her. but is it different now? her hand drifts closer to her own midsection. the blood of the draconids runs through her, but even if she wanted to - 

they put her back together again after the fall. after her body was broken apart on the bluffs by tentacruel too big for this world. hoenn's best surgeons, saving the councilwoman that would abandon them soon after, though not before telling her there were parts of her they couldn't replace.

"but if it's something you don't want, there are surgeons who specialize in this." her voice lacks force. it's a losing battle and besides, it's already been done. "can you at least tell me when you do these things so i can make sure i'm there in case something goes wrong?"

she rearranges their schedule on the tablet at her hip. they won't be able to tend to the garchomp or the roaring moons or her new paradox pokemon with ana actively bleeding. she swaps duties with some of the caretakers of the applin line and dragonair, satisfied when she sees a confirmation thumbs up from their messages. 

"meru and inari have reproduced with him before, but that was years ago. he hasn't mated since his wing was damaged, but - " she starts and scratches her cheek, "i think i found someone who can help me heal him. to make him whole again."

no metal supports. no special saddle. no pain with every beat of his wings. 
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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
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5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
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ana fell
with every breath i wish [my] body would be broken again
POSTED ON Apr 15, 2024 15:01:26 GMT
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tw surgery talk & body stuff

She clocks Freya’s hand hovering over her abdomen. She doesn’t know everything about Freya’s life, her past, but she does know the woman is complicated. Dollars to donuts there’s lingering trauma there.

She doesn’t have those same mental hangups. She doesn’t remember her trauma. She did that shit on purpose, for this exact reason.

“I…” could probably make you a new one, she wants to say, but stops, because, again, hang ups and trauma. But she had just pulled roughly two-hundred grams of beautiful (if she did say so herself) human material out of herself, and it was, at present, chilling and killing at home in deep cryo. So what she says instead is, “I’m hanging on to them. For reference.”

Freya points out there are people who do this, professionally, for a living, in sterile environments with sterile equipment.

“Yeah, but, they won’t do a hysterectomy on a 30 year old healthy woman. I’d have to jump through so many goddamn hoops. And then, you know, they start asking questions, like, why’s your arm metal, Ana? And where’s your gallbladder, Ana? Or why’s your social security number linked up to a dead girl, Ana? And it just…” she waves a hand like swishing away a bad smell. “Not worth it. Easier to do at home. I’ll heal up, don’t worry. I’m tough.”

Watching Freya rapidly switching things around on her schedule does make her frown. This is what she had been trying to avoid. She glares at Tereizi, who grins and licks her lips.

What she wouldn’t give for a body that didn’t ooze when it was poked full of holes.

“Yeah, I can. In the future. Though my leg will be significantly easier.” She waggles her right robot toes in her boot. “Clean cut and then the rest of it is just time for the mechanical nervous servos to kick in. Anyway.”

Oh. She didn’t know… she didn’t know Lyune was hurt. Incomplete. Her head starts spinning with visions of mechanical wings. It would be relatively simple-- easier than an arm, there’s no grabbing to do, just flexion. Thin metal mesh, ball-joints, one quick cut down the length of the body… maybe some cool LEDs…

She blinks furiously.

“How’d he get hurt?”

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the ascendant
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freya morningstar
with every breath i wish [my] body would be broken again
POSTED ON Apr 15, 2024 15:28:56 GMT
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another tidbit she's quick to forget. she tries not to think about the mad scientist lab ana's made out of her basement. there's enough time in her schedule to help her forget and even in her idle hours, her worries turn to other matters. 

other memories. 

"you're right," she says. of course she is. it's hard to look at ana and remember the saddest woman she'd ever seen. cygne's as dead as sima 1.0, any attempt at reanimation stamped back into the earth with a homebrew lobotomy.

so it makes sense when she asks, when she doesn't know, and part of freya is grateful she doesn't remember the flurry of claws, the vicious tearing of spine from throat. lyune's mechanical skeleton screeching as he fought for purchase on her dragon. she'd shot cygne too, in that leg. is that the one she needs replacing? 

"years ago, during the first ultra beast invasion. from a guzzlord that nearly leveled mossdeep. i was a wreck after," she says and they move as they walk. syrup-sweet fragrance fills the air and two flapple dive down to teeth playfully at their hair. 

"but alex made the harness he wears. it gives him the support he needs to move the muscle on his left wing. it's easier for him when i'm in the saddle, changing the gears." she grimaces. "manual versus automatic, i guess? but i know he hates it. he's always hated it.

"he's lived centuries in that body,"
she says, as though they're interchangeable. as though there's any other way to live. does he remember what it was like to be a shelgon? to be less of himself? 

"you're not cutting off your leg without me there," she says with a tired sigh. 
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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
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5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
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ana fell
with every breath i wish [my] body would be broken again
POSTED ON Apr 15, 2024 16:46:25 GMT
ana fell Avatar
tw surgery talk & body stuff

“Yeah, I’ll bet,” she says, imagining it. Imagining Freya knee-deep in dragon guts, Lyune broken in multiple pieces, the world ending around them.

She closed her eyes and tried to remember and conjured nothing but blank, cool space. Perfect.

“I don’t blame him. For hating it, I mean. Ah, that sounds bad.” She puts a hand on her hip, brushes fingertips over a curious Flapple, smiling. “What I mean is I don’t know if dragons grasp the necessity for mobility aids.”

He’s lived centuries in that body.

“I know that’s normal for them but… I can’t imagine wanting to live that long.”

She pauses to count the Flapple and the Applin clambering around on the ground, smiling warmly at the back of Freya’s head.

“I did it with my arm! It’s not that hard. Everyone is so attached to their bodies. They’re comfortable and they think they’re, like, super-permanent. But they’re not… they’re just not so good at changing. Imagine if we could, though. Swap pieces like parts of a machine.”

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the ascendant
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freya morningstar
with every breath i wish [my] body would be broken again
POSTED ON Apr 15, 2024 18:05:55 GMT
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"he knows it's necessary," she says. necessary and demeaning. the intensity of his pride is on par with her own and even after all this time, the vice grips him still. if she can gift him this happiness, at the behest of her better judgment against trusting the tapus, doesn't she owe him that much?

"i don't think we're meant to," she adds. "live that long. i mean, obviously, but." she rubs her face tiredly. half a dozen heads assault her with nervous licking when she nears the nesting tree of her hydrapple. 

"i didn't tell you, did i? about the other life i lived. no, that's not right. that i watched myself live?" for so many long, arduous years. "lately i've felt...bigger than myself. so full of memories that shouldn't be here. that aren't really mine."

she stops, plops right on the grassy knoll and lets pumkin and squib nibble at the fruity treats in her pockets. and she laughs suddenly, almost breathlessly. 

"you can't remember more than the last six months. i can't stop remembering sixty years, all folded on top of each other."
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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
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5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
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ana fell
with every breath i wish [my] body would be broken again
POSTED ON Apr 15, 2024 18:27:19 GMT
ana fell Avatar
tw surgery talk & body stuff

She hadn’t wanted to say that bit. Hadn’t wanted to admit to Freya that she imagined Lyune knew the saddle, the brace, were necessary. Because… because then that would be like pointing out that he had to rely on Freya for the simplest of (dragon) things. Which would mean she was a crutch. Which would mean he could resent her.

“You don’t tell me about a lot of stuff,” she pointed out, sitting across from Freya and hoisting a little Applin into her lap.

She listens as Freya talked, stilling.

“That was how it started, you know,” she admits, looking out across the expanse of land, stretching as far as memory, “I remember that much. I kept that. An intense feeling of… being hollow. Like dreaming about my childhood home, a happier time, a place I couldn’t go back to. I couldn’t escape it. No matter where I turned, nothing was right. And I’d had this idea… before, I think. I’d had to of, because it seemed remarkably simple at the time. Just go in and--,” she waves her fingers, “--clear it out. But once that was gone, it felt so much better, so I did a little more, and a little more.”

She leans back on her palms, sighing.

“I don’t regret it, at all. I like what I am now. I don’t feel so much like such a strange shape from trying to fit in. And I know you’re going to say no, but I can help with it. If it ever… gets to be too much.” She holds up a hand. “And before you say something like 'it’s already too much' I think you need to know that your too much and a normal person’s too much are astronomically different because of how strong you are.”

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the ascendant
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freya morningstar
with every breath i wish [my] body would be broken again
POSTED ON Apr 21, 2024 0:59:51 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

"still getting used to that," she says in return. still getting used to telling people about things. not bottling it up. not squaring her shoulders and saying everything is fine. her foundation is - or, rather, was - too cracked to withstand the weight of all she'd put on it. 

and now she's here and she's changing, but she wouldn't change what brought her here in this first place.

she looks at ana and she thinks about the woman she was in galar. it wasn't a woman she knew; no, she'd been too caught up in her own spiteful melodrama to care about the neighboring cities or their rulers. it was a woman she'd hurt, but far less than the world had hurt her. 

there are too many people who rely on her own memory. there are too many bits of her she couldn't bear forget. too many mistakes and too much time squandered for her to risk forgetting and repeat them again. 

but how will you know when it's too much?

she looks away. 

she says, "if we hit that point, i feel like we've already lost. all i can do right now, ana, is get stronger. maybe once this is all over, when the region's, dare i say, safe, you can poke around, but i can't...i can't risk it."
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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
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5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
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ana fell
with every breath i wish [my] body would be broken again
POSTED ON Apr 21, 2024 16:06:26 GMT
ana fell Avatar
She holds up her hands.

“Hey, I’m not complaining. You got stuff going on. State secrets and whatnot. I wouldn’t touch Hoenn’s council with a nine and a half foot pole.”

She keeps her hands up while Freya is thinking, considering. Raises them an inch, laughs.

“This region is never gonna be safe. We are, like, doomed by the narrative, or some shit.” She drops her hands into her lap with a slap. “But I get it. You’re not the type to play fast and loose with the-- the functional core of your brain. Very responsible of you, et cetera et cetera.” She lets her head flop back, feels the sun warming her throat. “I’m just happy to not have a buncha fucking ghosts in my head. Its so nice and empty in there. Real nice breeze. 10/10 do recommend.”

She grins, and winks.

“So. Who is Lyune baby daddying for?”

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the ascendant
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with every breath i wish [my] body would be broken again
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2024 18:55:44 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

there's the truth of it. the region will never be safe. if they overcome their newest adversaries, something bigger and something meaner will come their way. so why not forget? why not give up every bad memory and let it all drift away in a nice breeze?

because i've done that. because i let someone else take my mind and it's the worst mistake i've ever made. ana knows this. ana knows it. all the finer details she's never told anyone else. and maybe that's why she tries to impart the blessing now. 

their die has already been cast. 

when she grins, freya tries to match with equal enthusiasm. "i'm not sure," she admits truthfully.

"i won't breed him like i do the others. he'll pick his mate and when the clutch hatches, we won't separate them. the last male and female left standing will be the strongest after they devour their brothers and sisters."
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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
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5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
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with every breath i wish [my] body would be broken again
POSTED ON May 4, 2024 14:40:55 GMT
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There’s a difference in their destruction. There’s a difference in handing someone else the keys to your own creation, or taking it in your own (unpracticed) hands. There’s a difference in following the stars laid out by previous maps, or grabbing crayon and paper and messily sketching out a whole new firmament, and thus taking the fate planned out for you and scrabbling it all up and chucking it in the trash.

Freya matters to the world. Ana-- such as she is, was, will be-- does not.

“Nice. Total Thunderdome moment. Got it. Any likely suspects?”

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