The Border: Extended Stays

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Border: Extended Stays
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2024 0:36:37 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



As the attacks landed, Zachary ran for it, along with his pokemon. Vivianne's enchanting voice in fact put the enemy into a slower state of response, even as the second one started to lurch forward. With Aaron's grip on his wrist, Zachary kept up, followed by Dizzy and Nyx fluttering behind them. Even as Vivianne protected them, they soon reached the end of the bridge. [break][break] Josh was quick to act! In soon activity, he opened Phantom FOrce. In a creative means, he opened a direct portal that led back to the camp. "Wait a second. I thought only the Pokemon who made it could go through? We can't--" Zachary soon was interrupted by a violent cry from one of the Golurk, attempting to build a 'cannon' of itself, preparing for a big attack! Seeing it, Zachary felt it was best not to act. "Grrr-- oh to hell with it!" [break][break] Dizzy soon hopped through the portal, followed by Nyx flying into it as well. Zachary was about to go but soon saw Vivianne holding the rear, trying to keep the golems at bay. "Vivianne hurry, we got to go!" Zachary shouted. Realizing she was trying to protect them, Zachary took his Pokeball for her and soon recalled her. She vanished from sight and back into the ball. With that, Zachary dove into the portal head first, hoping it would close behind him. [break][break] Zachary landed on the grassy terrain as the portal clowed, as they were now safe back at the camp site. As he laid there, he was soon greeted by the familiar face of his Leafeon, Eden. The Leafeon gave a worried, patronizng cry as she came over and looked him over. Worried he was hurt, she started to lick his cheek in an attempt to help him. [break][break] "Brah! Bleh-- Eden, I'm fine! Sorry," Zachary said as he soon got up. The worry was clear on the Leafeon, concerned if Zachary was not coming back. She continued to lean up, licking his check. "Ahk, stop it... hahah! Sorry if I made you worry. Did you think I wasn't coming back for you?" [break][break] Aaron had no way of knowing this-- but Leafeon was once an abused and abandoned Eevee left alone in the forests to central hoenn. It grew up into a Leafeon and acted as a protector to other pokemon who called the forest home. Upon meeting Zachary, he was able to calm the Leafeon and ensure their safety by making a berry farm, allowing them to live there in peace. [break][break] The garden was now overgrown with great greenery, from trees and shrubs, to even trees with berries. Eden really was a gifted Leafeon, brimming with vitality for plantlife. [break][break]



Expedition 2.[break]
Dizzy uses Future Sight to launch a preemptive attack in the future. Zachary brings out Nyx and his Guardivour Viviane. [break]
Vivianne starts off with Alluring Voice.

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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
The Border: Extended Stays
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2024 2:25:38 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
It took a bit for Zach and his shiny Gardevior to come, but they did. And the boy was soon assaulted by his Leafeon. His own Drifblim swung by to check up on him. The giant balloon simply looked him over and saw Ace give the ghost two thumbs up. Then it went back to patrolling. Aaron returned his Dragapult to rest. He'd probably replace Drifblim with Gengar for patrolling. Tossing his stuff into his tent, he also got out a couple of frying pans, some sort of collapsable camping grill, and food. He did a type of garlic green beans, fried rice, and grilled Slowpoke Tail. Yes yes, some Rockets were notorious for their cruel Slowpoke farms, but these did not come from there! He had it marinated in soy sauce, garlic, some herbs and spices, olive oil, and a touch of pineapple juice to loosen it up.

Once everything was done, Aaron got out some plates and silverware, putting some portions of each on them. "I should probably just bring a cart...too many things to carry...anyways, here's some food. Enjoy it while it's hot." The teenager was a pretty good cook. And eating everything, it all turned out all right if he said so himself. Aaron poked Zach to let him know where his meal was, unbothered by the Leafeon showing affection. The blond had fed his Pokemon pretty well before he left. Still, may not be a bad idea to give them some food as well after they ate. They mave a long night and day tomorrow to deal with...

20 attempt to spend the "night", surviving the elements or any threats.

22 cultivate a farm or garden to grow plants for resources or the deterrent of threats. Check

26 encounter/engage with a gargantuan golurk with a bloody spiked shield on its back. when it finds lost spirits, it grabs them to impale on its spike, cleaning the border of stubborn souls. Check

29 encounter shadowy copies of yourselves or your pokemon that mimic movement, form, and more.

Special Hunt: Marshadow (Aaron Only)

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Border: Extended Stays
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2024 4:40:58 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



As Eden calmed down and his other pokemon settled, including Nyx who soon roosted in a nearby pile of freshly grown leaves in a small tree, Aaron began to cook. Zachary watched in mild interest, having not seen a portable cooking set. It had been forever since he had cooked a real meal. The best food he got was when he stayed at a city or Pokemon Center. He had loved to cook-- and still did, but have yet to try to cook out in a campsite. "How in the world do you even set up a cooking station here in the wild like that? I couldn't believe working on it without a stove or countertop to work with ingredients, let alone travel without refrigerating fresh ingredients for that matter." Zachary asked. [break][break] The memories of Zachary and Dizzy in the kitchen, put the Delphox in a hungry mood as his stomach audibly growled, making the fox blush with embarrassment. [break][break] The food was really interesting to see displayed. Seemed Arron was a bit of a cook too, and beat the simple pokemon poffins, food and rations Zachary brought for himself. His own stomach growled with interest as he soon joined in-- but not before his surrounding Pokemon jumped and almost steam-rolled over him to get some! [break][break] Dizzy happily ate the food, followed by Nyx, and Espeon nibbling on the salad. [break][break] Zachary took his share, gingerly eating it. It felt nice to have a hot meal out in the wilds. "How did you learn to cook suitable for a camp site? I'd love to know. I used to cook a lot myself but it usually is better for me when in an actual kitchen." Zachary said as his Pokemon all enjoyed their meals. [break][break] It was a rare moment of peace, while in this place. [break][break]



Expedition 2.[break]
Safe at the camp and now eating cooked food. [break]

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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
The Border: Extended Stays
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2024 3:15:27 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Zach asked how in the world he'd done it. Well..."The worst problem is ingredients and meat. Jellicent's Ice Beam and very limited power of Froslass's Blizzard helps with refrigeration on meat and other stuff, but still problematic. I usually only bring enough for a single meal, then focus on stuff that doesn't need refrigeration. Far as equipment goes, a lot of research and looking at reviews. Plus videos. Just try to find something light and easy enough to carry without adding a lot of bulk. Making a campfire is a basic skill. Finding the right grill...took over a year to find. I like this one due to its balanced features. I believe they still make these..." And in other versions, depending on the budget. Thankfully, Aaron's family was well off, so it wasn't bad at all. They weren't wealthy, but they certainly didn't want for anything.

Zach released the rest of his Pokemon. And as they approached, he glared at them. But it wasn't his place to discipline another trainer's Pokemon. Maybe it was a good thing he brought as much as he did, this was human food, not Pokemon food. Though the blonde was still confused about where the salad came certainly wasn't from him. Zach then asked how he learned to cook for a camp site. "Think of it as an open air grill or sometimes even cooking directly on charcoal. Same concept as a normal kitchen and stove, just slightly different tools. Full on kitchen is always better due to better control and access to a fridge. I learned from the best: Mom."

Once Aaron was done eating, he also let out the rest of his team. First was Gengar (armed with a red umbrella for some reason), then Dragapult, somewhat sleepy. Both of them ate poffins. Then came Chandelure and Aegislash. Zach had faced his ghosty sword and shield when they first met. The two of them ate a different kind of poffin. Then came his Trevenant. When his ace came out, he had a different aura around him...not dangerious, but definitely not one to mess with. His pokeball was also the most worn, and it showed if Zach was the observant type. The tree also ate some poffins, but also some of the meal Aaron had cooked, though nowhere near the amount of Zach's Pokemon. When Gengar had his fill, Ace sent him out on patrol and to send Drifblim back for their own food. Despite the fact that they were poffins, his Pokemon still looked like they enjoyed them a lot. Helped that each helping was catered to each specific one.

The teenager also started to clean up the utensils he had used, along with the grill. It looked like it was dusk now...and he was already tired. Aaron could also feel his Trevenant's eyes on him too...that made it worse somehow. It shouldn't...his starter always knew when he was "weaker" than he was letting on...

Starter Trevenant, Aegislash, Gengar, Drifblim (2), Chandelure, Dragapult

20 attempt to spend the "night", surviving the elements or any threats.

22 cultivate a farm or garden to grow plants for resources or the deterrent of threats. Check

26 encounter/engage with a gargantuan golurk with a bloody spiked shield on its back. when it finds lost spirits, it grabs them to impale on its spike, cleaning the border of stubborn souls. Check

29 encounter shadowy copies of yourselves or your pokemon that mimic movement, form, and more.

Special Hunt: Marshadow (Aaron Only

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
part of
TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Border: Extended Stays
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2024 12:49:26 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



As Dizzy, Eden and the others ate happily with what food Zachary could provide and Aaron's offerings, it made Zachary aware how much he wanted to return to cooking again. It was a lovely hobby of his and one he would gladly return to to feed his Pokemon delicious food. "I should look into a portable grill or something. I'm a pretty good cook too, but that kind of got lost when I started traveling. So far its only been portable food on the road, or meals at the pokemon center. Without a real kitchen, can't really do much myself. But I do enjoy cooking too. My dad taught me well for that," Zachary shared, recalling time when he cooked with the help of Dizzy-- the Braixen at the time wearing a chef's hat. [break][break] The memories of Zachary and Dizzy in the kitchen, put the Delphox in a hungry mood as his stomach audibly growled, making the fox blush with embarrassment. [break][break] As their meal ended and they cleaned up, Zachary let his pokemon wander the small garden that Eden had helped create. It did feel safe in this little garden. Even Nyx perched herself on a large revived tree. The little owl happily hooted in turn with its internal 'clock' . [break][break] With a sigh, Zachary turned to Aaron. "So... what do we know so far? This other world seems to be teeming with Pokemon with potentially a corrupt aura? A series of ruins and those Golruck guarding them. Really can't put this puzzle together easily, " Zachary stated, hoping to get some idea what this place was exactly. The fact they could come and go from it was safe enough, but it made him nervous to be in a strange land with no clear explanation of what was safe and what wasn't. Especially if they intended to spend the night. [break][break]



Expedition 2.[break]
Safe at the camp and now eating cooked food. [break]

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[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
The Border: Extended Stays
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2024 3:01:51 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Zach thought he was a pretty good cook, but got rusty since he started travelling. "I look forward to trying something from you. I can send you some links once we're back." So while Aaron's mom had taught him, it was Zach's father that taught him. Should be fun either way. He didn't even pay attention to the loud stomach growl. The area was peaceful, a haven. But Aaron's instincts told him to stay on guard. Once cleanup was done, it seemed Zach wanted to recap on what they knew. "Not quite. The Moltres I and others battled wasn't corrupted, just extremely angry. It was just the Victini that was, though I'm also not wholly convinced either. The rest is correct. Problem is, niether of us are really researchers, scientists, or archeologists. The puzzle is more for those better prepared, equipped, and educated than us to tackle. I'm just here to explore. One thing is for certain, this is a place between life and death, a "Border." The soul marchers, the spirits, both malevolent and not...we can see what tomorrow brings in the morning, then head back home at noon-ish." Aaron wasn't too concerned. Most of his Pokemon simply relaxed afterwards. And even Aaron dozed off.

Sadly, it didn't take long for something to wake him in his slumber. Aaron looked around. Their campfire was extinguished long ago. And he could hear fighting in the distance. Aaron stood in the middle of their camp when his shadow lengthened, and revealed a dark persona of him. With a loud snap of his fingers, all six of his Pokemon are with him. If he was here, then who or what was Zach fighting? His shadow self summoned his own team of six, all of which mirroring Ace's own team. Aaron sent out Gengar first, and the doppleganger did the same. But did they know the same moves?

Starter Trevenant, Aegislash, Gengar, Drifblim (2), Chandelure, Dragapult

20 attempt to spend the "night", surviving the elements or any threats.

22 cultivate a farm or garden to grow plants for resources or the deterrent of threats. Check

26 encounter/engage with a gargantuan golurk with a bloody spiked shield on its back. when it finds lost spirits, it grabs them to impale on its spike, cleaning the border of stubborn souls. Check

29 encounter shadowy copies of yourselves or your pokemon that mimic movement, form, and more. Check

Special Hunt: Marshadow (Aaron Only)

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
part of
TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Border: Extended Stays
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2024 0:51:47 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



"Daylight" was fading, as they did discuss their situation a bit. In the end, they were explorers in this strange land. However, the fact Zachary didn't understand their attackers' motivations was unsettling. In the end, theorizing wasn't exactly constructive as he too felt exhausted. Dizzy gave a loud and unrestrained Yawn, as did his other pokemon, now with full bellies. Eden curled up in a small nest of leaves, and Nyx perched herself on a nearby tree, her wings tucked in and cozy as she 'stood' there dozing off to sleep. [break][break] Tired himself, Zachary soon got out his sleeping mat and covers. He took off his shoes, slipped into his sack and soon tried to sleep-- Dizzy sleeping just a foot or so away as the furry fox's natural heat kept them warm even without the fire. [break][break]
[break][break] Night came though, and things got worst. While it was dark-- everyone was at peace till rustles could be heard in the woods, and shadows grew closer to the grove Eden had grown.
Sensitive to the sounds-- Nyx soon fluttered her eyes open and with Foresight saw the encroaching shadows. [break][break] "HOOOT!" Nyx cawed in alarm and took flight, flying circles around the grove to try and wake them up. The little bird was quite the look-out! Hearing the quacking, Zachary woke up-- still half asleep as he rose up to hear the racket. "What's going--" [break][break] Zachary was startled to see Nyx flying right for him-- and collided head first into the bird, crashing into him. [break][break] "Brrah! Stomp! NYX!" Zachary said, having nearly had his eye poked out by Nyx's beak in her panicked state. He took hold of the round owl and petted her to get her to calm down. "What's wrong? Why are you so upset--?!" [break][break] Zachary didn't have to look long as shadowy figures were beginning to show up around the campsite. Aaron clearly had his own to fend off, as Zachary realized they were under attack. The shadows-- appeared to be all duplicates of them?! [break][break] By now, all of Zachary's active Pokemon were out and about, about to respond to the threat. Dizzy gave a bark of alarm, brandishing his flaming stick. "Jeez-- what's going on already?! " Zachary gasped as he turned around-- [break][break]
[break][break]-- and was met by a shadowy version of himself! His eyes widend with shock, now face to face with a shadowy copy of himself. However, unlike Aaron, this one was solitary, and just grinned at Zachary with its odd, fiery red eyes. [break][break] "Wh-what is this?" Zachary gasped, growing scared and terrified. [break][break] "Heh... pathetic!" Zachary's shadow spoke. Which was a surprise-- as Aaron was not so vocal. Zachary's however... was a whole lot more personal. "Why would anyone want to follow you, let alone you as a Gym Leader? It's quite sad, so why don't you just hang up the towel now and die under some rock already. We both know the truth why you really became a trainer, after all." he spoke, acting as cool as Zachary could be-- but his words sharp as a dagger to the heart. [break][break] Zachary's response to his words showed, clearly hurt and in denial. He backed up, afraid by the shadowy version that spoke about him. "You wanted to become a Pokemon Trainer cause you were lonely. You had no friends, no one liked you-- no matter what you tried. They called you names, they spread lies about you-- so you call your friends the Pokemon in your care? Tell me, are they really friends if they didn't have a choice than to be with you?" the shadow spat at Zachary. [break][break] Zachary's eyes widened with fright and denial. "T-That's not true! My pokemon choose me, and everyone I choose I worked hard to raise them well and happy. They are my friends! Who the hell are you to say otherwise!?" Zachary demanded. [break][break] Hearing such hurtful words from his shadow-- Dizzy began to bark loud, trying to disway Zachary from listening to such hurtful, cruel words-- but he couldn't hear them. It wasn't just slaunder, it was some kind of dark effect directed at Zachary too! [break][break]"Come on. Surely you must get it by now. I am you, and you're me." [break][break] "A trainer who can't make friends with other humans. That is the definition of lonely. If that is the case, who would willingly want to join you as a Gym Leader? How do you expect to lead one-- if no one would even look up to you? Face it-- your dream is worthless. Just like you are..." [break][break] Zachary trembled and tears began to fall down his cheeks. He wanted to deny it, he wanted to scream-- but to what point? [break][break] "BRRAAK!!" Dizzy growled-- and was answered by a swirl of rainbow-flames that shot overhead and lunged right at the shadow! [break][break] The shadow was washed away by the flames, as Dizzy took point and center! [break][break] Snapping out of it, Zachary looked up to see his Delphox before him. Though focused on the evil shadow-- Dizzy turned and gave a firm and clear look to Zachary. The fox's sharp eyes directing his feelings right at him. Feelings That Zachary couldn't doubt but feel in turn. [break][break] Devotion. Care. Friendship. Faith. [break][break] No matter Zachary's doubts and the words of the shadow-- Dizzy proved his feelings for Zachary. The Delphox would gladly risk his life to defend his dearest friend. The human boy that raised and cared for him for years since he was a little Finniken. [break][break] That love and friendship wouldn't go unanswered-- and Dizzy would make the shadow pay for trying to hurt Zachary's feelings. [break][break] The shadow began to peek through the flames-- to reveal its form. It no longer resembled Zachary, but now a Delphox! A shiny Delphox! Brandishing its own stick, it too conjured blackish flames, prepared to attack! [break][break]



Expedition 2.[break]
Attacked by "Shadow Zachary" [break]

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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
The Border: Extended Stays
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2024 0:57:15 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Aaron's eyes betrayed nothing as the two Gengar clashed with special attacks and occasional attempts at Hypnosis. So far, same moves. But his Gengar moved much more smoothly. With a Confuse Ray, Ace finally got a Hypnosis to hit when the enemy shadow Gengar hurt itself in confusion. A single Dream Eater finished it off. Then came the enemy shadow Aegislash. A single Night Slash was all it took. What surprised Aaron was the fact that this shadow was observing standard regulated Pokemon battling. Not unregulated crap that Team Rocket often does. Or other miscreants. Still, did they think he was going to use Aegislash as well? "Chandelure, Fire Spin." The object pokemon moved in and unleashed a fiery tornado that would have been visible from even the Golurk's home. It trapped the steel type in place, even as it tried to cut the attack in half with Sacred Sword. A single Overheat finished it off. Getting the hint, the shadow sent in his dark Dragapult.

Before it could disappear or even set up with Dragon Dance, Chandelure used Will-O-Wisp, burning the dragon even as it did dance around, then disappearing into a portal. Dancing light surrounded the ghost, up until the portal reappeared. Then it unleashed Confuse Ray on the dragon, though it didn't stop it from slamming the Chandelure into the ground in a one hit KO. Drifblim was next. Dragon Darts zoomed at the balloon, only to miss by a shrinking Driflbim. Minimize. Three times, surprising the other shadow version of him. They may have the same moves, but this one was a mere copy, and a bad one at that. "Tailwind. Send it everywhere." A burst of wind zoomed all around the camp area to help out even Zach's side with speed issues. His shadow gritted his teeth. Aaron gave a deadpan look. "You're a bad copy and you should feel bad."

"And that is why you don't have any real friends or anything. You value strength too much."

"Then why is it that I consider and friends? And even Zach here with me, fighting his own copy, I imagine. Strength...takes on many forms. Don't be so closed minded about it!"

Starter Trevenant, Aegislash, Gengar, Drifblim (2), Chandelure, Dragapult

20 attempt to spend the "night", surviving the elements or any threats.

22 cultivate a farm or garden to grow plants for resources or the deterrent of threats. Check

26 encounter/engage with a gargantuan golurk with a bloody spiked shield on its back. when it finds lost spirits, it grabs them to impale on its spike, cleaning the border of stubborn souls. Check

29 encounter shadowy copies of yourselves or your pokemon that mimic movement, form, and more. Check

Special Hunt: Marshadow (Aaron Only)

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
part of
TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Border: Extended Stays
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2024 2:16:16 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



Things were growing creepy to chaotic! The 'shadows' continued to attack, shapeshifting into one enemy to another. The shadow became Dizzy and now attempting to use fire attacks to to best Zachary's real Dizzy! The difference in their appearance made them clear to tell them apart-- but their moves were something else! They were equally strong! [break][break] Aaron was also dealing with his own battle-- both physical and now psychological too, as the shadow lashed out verbally at him too. Of course it was hard to interpret with each with their own baggage! He was strong though and held his own--[break][break] But Zachary who wreslted with his own inner demons, clearly had more baggage than he would of admitted. Even as Dizzy clashed with the shadow Delphox-- the voice of the shadow self continued to torment Zachary. [break][break] "One day I'll become a gym leader. I'll earn the respect to help people and be met by challengers who would seek out my guidance to help them grow... What a joke! The real reason is you want the respect of one. To have people seek you out, instead of you seeking them-- and then turning their back on you. Why do you even care?!" the shadow's voice jeered on to torment Zachary. [break][break] "STOP IT!!" Zachary cried, covering his ears in head as the voices of his doubts exposed his feelings like a sharp knife. [break][break]As the voices continued-- Zachary's own shadow extended and the same red eyes appeared from them. Slowly something came up-- a ghastly shiny Ceruledge-like shadow, rising up behind Zachary. The source of the shadows-- or rather their leader! "No one cares about you! You deserve to be alone!" the voice jeered as the Ceruledge raised its blade to bring down on Zachary to cut his head off! [break][break] "HOOOOOOT!!" Zachary's Hoothoot cried-- spying the ghastly assailant. Seeing Zachary in its sight, Hoothoot didn't even hesitate as the little owl flew-- and rammed into Zachary, knocking him out of the way! [break][break] Zachary was sent to the ground-- and looked to soon see the Ceruledge bring down a ghastly blade of Phantom Force to strike Hoothoot, who sacrificed herself to save him! "NYX NO!!" [break][break] SLASH!! [break][break] The blade went right through the round Hoothoot, making the bird flinch in mid air and cover herself in vain defense. After a moment-- the bird was frozen, but soon opened its eyes. It let out a confused 'coo' as if to say 'what happened?" [break][break] Even more so, the ghostly Ceruledge seemed baffled too! The owl continued to hover in mid air-- baffled why the blade didn't hurt her. [break][break] Much was going through Zachary's mind. The little bird had saved him-- but more than that, the shadow like Ceruledge, was a ghost. His mind flashed with an epiphany! "That's right... Hoothoot isn't a psychic type. It's a flying and NORMAL type! And that means... Ghost attacks can't hurt it!" Zachary realized. Getting up, he looked to his equally baffled Hoothoot. "And that's not all... Nyx can reveal their secrets!" Zachary said as he got up with resolve. "Nyx-- use Foresight! Use it on all of them!" [break][break] The confused Hoothoot heard her trainer's words-- and quickly took action. From its big, round eyes-- a bright beam of red light came from the owl! The beam flashed right into the Ceruledge, and briefly shocked it with its blinding gleam! [break][break] MOreso-- Nyx cast its Foresight on the other shadow Pokemon around too-- revealing its ghostly weaknesses and even weakening some, allowing the fight to be easier for Aaron. [break][break] Despite the jeers of offense and self-doubt and defeat... the courage and care Dizzy and Nyx showed to him, made him understand one truth. His devotion to his pokemon was not one-sided. They did care for him. If there were any doubts about their feelings towards him, they were gone. "I know the truth. I may of been lonely back then... but my love for my Pokemon was not a delusion. They ARE my friends. I love that my own Pokemon care for me! It makes me strong! " Zachary shouted, prepared to go on the offense! [break][break]



Expedition 2.[break]
The "Shadow" transformed into a Ceruledge, and attempts to kill Zachary. Nyx intervenes and pushes him out of the way. [break]
Nyx is unaffected by "Phantom Force" being a 'normal type'-- revealing Nyx's true potential. She uses "Foresight" exposing all the shadow's ghostly vulnerabilities.

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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
The Border: Extended Stays
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 1:13:00 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
The shadow didn't seem to have an answer to that. Just struck with Steel Wing. Again missing, Drifblim countered with Shadow Ball. The dark ball of ghostly energy hit the Dragapult, but didn't knock it out. Instead, it disappeared into a portal. Ace and Drifblim waited for the right moment to strike. When it reappeared above it, Driblim used Air Slash. While the attack struck, it didn't stop the Dragapult from slaming the Drifblim into the ground with a big explosion. Both Pokemon were knocked out. In a twist of fate, it was a repeat of the previous match up. Aaron sent out Aegislash, and the shadow Chandelure. The end result was the same as the previous one.

Aaron sent out Dragapult next. With a Phantom Force, the blond took down the Chandelure before he could burn with Will-O-Wisp. The dragon then started to Dragon Dance while the enemy Drifblim attempted to use Shadow Ball. Only to hit air when Dragapult slipped into a portal. Another large explosion thanks to Drifblim's Aftermath ability, but his dragon buddy wasn't done. Then came the big honcho in Trevenant. Another Phantom Force. The obnoxious healing didn't even phase them as a maxed out Dragon Dance Dragapult swept the tree aside with no effort. "This is what happens when you fuck around. Destroy this fake." A single Dragon Dart blue the shadow apart into nothing. With a huff, Aaron and his two Pokemon left standing walked towards Zachary.

It was then that Aaron noticed the beam of light that was Foresight. A little late, but perhaps can reveal the culprit of this stupidity. And barged in with Zach's proclamation. "When you train and work with your pokemon, bonds grow. Friendships and trust is formed. Strength is the ultimate byproduct of it. Never underestimate a trainer and their Pokemon's willpower." Despite his stoic delivery, Aaron was proud of Zach. He would stand by with his duo flanking him, daring the Ceruledge to try its luck.

Starter Trevenant, Aegislash, Gengar, Drifblim (2), Chandelure, Dragapult

20 attempt to spend the "night", surviving the elements or any threats. Check

22 cultivate a farm or garden to grow plants for resources or the deterrent of threats. Check

26 encounter/engage with a gargantuan golurk with a bloody spiked shield on its back. when it finds lost spirits, it grabs them to impale on its spike, cleaning the border of stubborn souls. Check

29 encounter shadowy copies of yourselves or your pokemon that mimic movement, form, and more. Check

Special Hunt: Marshadow (Aaron Only)

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Border: Extended Stays
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 0:20:44 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



The little owl's Foresight soon casted on the other shadows of the other rpokemon-- exposing their 'ghost-like' traits and neutralizing them! For other pokemon there, they now stood a better chance. Eden attacked her copy with a simple Tackle-- making successful contact! Dizzy was able to hit it with a strong Psychock-- and neutralized his shadow without too much difficult. [break][break] All that was left was the Ceruledge who had invaded, perhaps even spawning the shadows itself? Either way it was the 'commander' of the group. It flinched at the Foresight-- but its eyes burned with renewed anger at the little owl. [break][break] It soon charged, attempting a "Shadow Claw" upon it with its blades. Once again-- Hoothoot pretty much slipped through it, with both agility and its immunity! Cerulege was a creature driven by rage-- and not smarts to not catch on sooner! [break][break] "I'm through with you! Nyx-- use Extrasensory! " Zachary shouted. [break][break] Nyx;s eyes glowed with psychic power and soon let out a loud cry! Rainbow-colored rings of light fired forth, along with a shock of sound that fired right at the Ceruledge! Normally, a psychic attack wasn't much good against a ghost. But something happened! [break][break] The attack landed and knocked the ghostly armor well off its feet, sending it clattering into a nearby tree! [break][break] It appeared Nyx had Tinted Lens -- a rare ability that made less effective moves more powerful! In this case, the Hoothoot's psychic attacks were able to grow stronger against an enemy who resisted such attacks! [break][break] Broken free from the shackles of his doubt, Zachary glared at the Ceruledge, no longer listening to its ghostly taunts. [break][break] In that moment, the Ceruledge soon melted back into shadow! It broke down like a cloud-- and faded into the trees of the woods, disappearing. [break][break]A sigh of relief came to Zachary, as they had cleared out the last of the shadows of their end. While relieved-- Zachary had begun to get a feeling what this place was... and what drove the forces here. [break][break] His deep thought was interrupted by Nyx, as she happily fluttered through the air-- proud and happy she had won her very first pokemon battle! She soon landed on Zachary's shoulder and began to nuzzle him, tickling his face. [break][break] "Okay! Okay-Nyx! Easy! Haha--!"



Expedition 2.[break]
Nyx's unique immunity and Tinted Lens ability helped beat Ceruledge, revealing her true potential. [break]
Shadow Ceruledge is defeated and retreats.

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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
The Border: Extended Stays
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2024 17:04:34 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Ace watched Zach continue his fight, with Nyx eeking out a win against a Ceruledge. With that done, it was dawn already. The blonde walked up and patted Zach on his shoulder. "Nice work. We might want to think about getting out of here now." They just needed to pack. But before they could even get to packing, a shadow blob appeared in front of them. Then it rose, forming a Marshadow. It looked cute, but why was it here? If Dizzy was out, he'd know that it was the shadow that was watching them the whole time. The adorable Pokemon pointed at Aaron, and got into a combat stance.

Raising a blond eyebrow, Aaron pointed at himself. "You wanna fight against me?" The Pokemon nodded. As did Ace. "Then for you, I shall use my best. Trevenant." The big tree walked forward, cracking his woody knuckles. In a flash, the Marshadow was gone. When Aaron saw it next, Trevenant had caught a flaming punch with Shadow Claw from behind the haunted tree. With a toss, the Marchadow landed on its feet, and dashed forward. Flaming fists clashed with Shadow claws, but no one seemed to be getting any actual hits in. Until the Marshadow backed off, and noticed a couple of seeds on it, surprising it. The seeds soon grew vines that wrapped around the body tightly, literally sucking the life out of it. Leech Seed. It also noticed roots from the Trevenant into the ground. Ingrain. The Marshadow looked surprised. That's...a lot of recovery by itself...

Starter Trevenant, Aegislash, Gengar, Drifblim (2), Chandelure, Dragapult

20 attempt to spend the "night", surviving the elements or any threats. Check

22 cultivate a farm or garden to grow plants for resources or the deterrent of threats. Check

26 encounter/engage with a gargantuan golurk with a bloody spiked shield on its back. when it finds lost spirits, it grabs them to impale on its spike, cleaning the border of stubborn souls. Check

29 encounter shadowy copies of yourselves or your pokemon that mimic movement, form, and more. Check

Special Hunt: Marshadow (Aaron Only)

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
part of
TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Border: Extended Stays
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2024 3:52:52 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



Nyx returned to her perch on Zachary's shoulder after it was done nuzzling her trainer. Aaron was a welcomed comfort as he congratulated Zachary for his efforts in the battle. It was a surprise, and a welcomed victory in this strange world. As they recovered, dawn came and Zachary got ready to pack up their camp. However... a new arrival came before Aaron. [break][break] A strange little shadow-like pokemon appeared. Baffled, Zachary scanned it into the Pokedex-- indicating was indeed a rare and mystical Pokemon! [break][break] Aaron didn't hesitate and started to battle with it, attempting to bind it with his haunted tree and seed attacks! [break][break] Dizzy growled as it spied the shadow, realizing it WAS the shadow that was after them-- not just Ceruledge himself. [break][break] "Careful Arron! We have no idea how strong that thing is? It might be just like Victini!" the psychic trainer warned. [break][break]



Expedition 2.[break]
Nyx's unique immunity and Tinted Lens ability helped beat Ceruledge, revealing her true potential. [break]
Shadow Ceruledge is defeated and retreats.

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[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
The Border: Extended Stays
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2024 3:44:39 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
The Pokemon was a bit more noble than the Ceruledge. It had only wanted to fight a worthy opponent. And while either one would be a worthy foe, it was the blond one and those trained by him that interested it most. And the boy seemed to have understood his challenge. "While true, that Victini was an enraged spirit. This Marshadow is not. In fact, it seems like an honorable sort. Besides, don't underestimate Trevenant." The tree, large as he was, was far more mobile than what one would realize. Not to mention with plenty of power himself. Undaunted by the tree's focus on healing, the little Marshadow jumped for a Fire Punch to the face.

Trevenant dodged it, swiping a Shadow Claw at the Pokemon's back. The cute little fighter moved just right to only get a graze, and fired off shadowy fists that was Shadow Punch, all six of which hit solidly. Just looking at the damage...did it have Technical? Not that it mattered, between the Leech Seed, Ingrain, and the Horn Leech that zoomed out in the form of a stretching, twisting tree branch that hit the ghost center mass. That sent the Marshadow slamming into the middle tree with enough force to crack it. While the little ghost got up and looked at the tree, fear set into its eyes. Getting into a combat stance, the shoulder with the graze from the earlier Shadow Claw sagged.

"Finish this up. We should probably be out of here before those Golurk start wondering around here." With a nod, Trevenant charged, creating a literal wooden mallet, glowing green, and slammed it down. Marshadow dodged it, but saw in horror that the platform broke! A large chunk of it went crashing down into the depths! While it was focused on that, the little guy didn't see the tree disappear into a portal. Only to show up behind it and hit it towards Aaron.

It had bounced twice before sliding to a stop at Aaron's feet. The blond took out a Pokeball. "Don't feel too bad. There's a reason Trevenant is my ace. If you come with me...we can take each other to new heights." Aaron offered the Pokeball. This kid...was strength. And strength was what it had wanted. With a nod, the Marshadow reached for the Pokeball. A tap later, and it was secured inside. "Let's get out of here..."

Starter Trevenant, Aegislash, Gengar, Drifblim (2), Chandelure, Dragapult

20 attempt to spend the "night", surviving the elements or any threats. Check

22 cultivate a farm or garden to grow plants for resources or the deterrent of threats. Check

26 encounter/engage with a gargantuan golurk with a bloody spiked shield on its back. when it finds lost spirits, it grabs them to impale on its spike, cleaning the border of stubborn souls. Check

29 encounter shadowy copies of yourselves or your pokemon that mimic movement, form, and more. Check

Special Hunt: Marshadow (Aaron Only) Check

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
part of
TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Border: Extended Stays
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2024 20:57:47 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



The fight between Aaron was a struggle and Zachary felt compelled to intervene-- but Aaron used his amazing pokemon to fight back and proved himself to the little shadow. It was an interesting Pokemon, and in that moment the ghost decided to go with him-- entering Aaron's pokeball. [break][break]Aaron wasn't one to celebrate as he abruptly said they should leave, feeling they had tested their luck here. As he left to gather his things and leave, Zachary shrugged. "Don't celebrate too soon," Zachary commented, thinking Aaron would of been more enthused to catch a new , mysterious pokemon. [break][break] Dizzy also shrugged at this but didn't waste time. THe fox was eager to leave this dimension too. With that, and Nyx now secure on his shoulder, Zachary too prepared to leave as they would make their way back to the surface and portal. [break][break]



Expedition 2.[break]
Nyx's unique immunity and Tinted Lens ability helped beat Ceruledge, revealing her true potential. [break]
Shadow Ceruledge is defeated and retreats.

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP