The Border: Extended Stays

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
The Border: Extended Stays
POSTED ON May 5, 2024 2:45:18 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
From the looks of things, Zach had kept his word about keeping the portal a secret. But maybe after this, they should report it and lie if asked if they explored it. He was a bit better prepared for a fight this time. Dragapult had proved his worth time and again. Gengar had been quite useful as well with Hypnosis. Chandelure for utility and burning. Aegislash for a combination of overwhelming power and defense. And then his ace in Trevenant. And that's all he needed to say. For now, he just needed to wait for the blue haired boy to come in. Packed in his backpack was some basic supplies, including food in a couple of bento boxes. Who knows if they'll get hungry. Or end up spending the night. The blonde waited patiently for Zach to show up. 

When he did, Aaron nodded at the guy. "Ready to dive in?"

Starter Trevenant, Aegislash, Gengar, Drifblim (2), Chandelure, Dragapult

20 attempt to spend the "night", surviving the elements or any threats.

22 cultivate a farm or garden to grow plants for resources or the deterrent of threats.

26 encounter/engage with a gargantuan golurk with a bloody spiked shield on its back. when it finds lost spirits, it grabs them to impale on its spike, cleaning the border of stubborn souls.

29 encounter shadowy copies of yourselves or your pokemon that mimic movement, form, and more.

Special Hunt: Marshadow (Aaron Only)
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Border: Extended Stays
POSTED ON May 6, 2024 17:28:09 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



Zachary took a similar route as he kept nearby, intending to help Aaron in his quest to explore more of that other dimension. The place to travel made things a bit more difficult, but he came prepared this time. He had pokemon more useful for not just combat, but also survival and versatility. He now flew in-- and Aaron would be able to see him. A large SIGILYPH that flew overhead and began its descent. It was as big as an braviary if not bigger, being the ancient guardian of a lost city that Zachary caught on a trek through the routes. As the wind blew and it lowered down, Zachary showed on its back, looking at Aaron. [break][break] "Hey, Aaron! How you doing?" Zachary greeted cheerfully. He hopped off Sigilyph's back-- to which he still had to name the big mysterious bird-psychic creature. He didn't really know how to identify the big bird, but it was one of his most amazing pokemon he had captured. He also had a few new ones with him that might be of help on this quest. [break][break] Dizzy was with him too, hopping off the SIGILYPH's Back. But most notably was that Arron would notice a creature on Zachary's shoulder. An adorable Hoothoot that clung there, being a pleasant companion for the boy. The Hoothoot gave a friendly coo towards Aaron, greeting him in a 'hoothoot' way. [break][break] His pokemon were different from what he had brought before-- feeling to keep Tarot, his Kadabra on a timeout for his somewhat grumpy behavior last time. His usual pokemon could use a break at the Berry Farm. It gave him a chance to try some new Pokemon, and give them the attention and growth they needed. [break][break] More so, the pokemon he choose had traits to help them survive the harsh environment. NOt that he'd go anywhere without Dizzy, his partner pokemon. [break][break] "Yeah. Let's go. Best we go in the same way we came. I didn't bring Tarot with me-- unless you want me to try teleporting us again to where we were..." Zachary said with impish jest-- recalling how Aaron didn't exactly react well to Kadabra's teleporting. He threw up after ward, which Zachary regretted but couldn't help but laugh a little at that. [break][break] With a flying Pokemon like Sigilyph, however, and some of the others, they shouldn't have a problem. He recalled Sigilyph, prepared to use him after they got to the other side of the portal-- and he still had one new Pokemon that could teleport just in case...



Expedition 2.[break]

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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
The Border: Extended Stays
POSTED ON May 7, 2024 3:45:33 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Zach came in on a huge Sigilyph. "I'm good. Yourself?" In addition, there was Dizzy the Delphox, Aaron nodding in awcknowledgement, and the blonde doing the same to the Hoothoot. Two new pokemon that Ace had seen Zach used. Guy seemed to favor psychic type Pokemon. Hoothoot may not be a psychic type, but it did learn a lot of psychic type moves. Plus Foresight. Maybe not a battler, though he could always be wrong, but still very useful. Zach answered his call to arms. Although...hanging up a single hand as if to say stop, he answered the jest. "No thank you. Once was enough for me. I think it safer to just float down." Aaron revealed his Drifblim again, the same one was last time. The big balloon blocked the waterfall for everyone before joining its master. Then into the portal they went.

The mist was gone, making it much easier to see the platforms and the translucent bridges that connected most of them. In the distance, he did see the wooden one that they had crossed last time. There was a platform somewhat close by that he wanted to float to first. Pointing at it, he hoped Zach saw where he was pointing at. If nothing else, where he was floating at. The platform was semi-out of the way, with only a single bridge off it. Though there was another one close enough for even the boys to potentially jump to if necessary. It also had a fresh spring, grasses, lillies, and a couple of small bushes in the center. And something feeding a top part for a small waterfall. Setting down, he felt that they were being watched. But nothing harmful or ominious. Yet. Aaron left some minor supplies, namely a small tent and gathered enough loose rock for a campfire later. He also released Dragapult. "Drifblim, you stay here and defend this area. Try to convince anything that comes near to leave first, then strike if they refuse." With a nod, the balloon simply started to circle the place.

It was two platforms before they got to the one with the wooden bridge. Ace thought it was a bit quiet between them though. "Where you from? You don't sound like you're a local. I originated from Johto, Olivine City..." Might as well get to know the guy a little bit. Especially since he volunteered to join him in this little expedition.

20 attempt to spend the "night", surviving the elements or any threats.

22 cultivate a farm or garden to grow plants for resources or the deterrent of threats.

26 encounter/engage with a gargantuan golurk with a bloody spiked shield on its back. when it finds lost spirits, it grabs them to impale on its spike, cleaning the border of stubborn souls.

29 encounter shadowy copies of yourselves or your pokemon that mimic movement, form, and more.

Special Hunt: Marshadow (Aaron Only)
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Border: Extended Stays
POSTED ON May 10, 2024 4:31:27 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



Their return through the waterfall and the portal was just like before, ending with the open sky below them like some kind of sub-terrainain world! THis time, Zachary was prepared as he once again released Sigilyph! The ball released the massive psychic bird-like construct as Zachary and Dizzy landed on it's back. Without a complaint, the ancient bird construct flew them along with Driftbloom to the ground where Arron led. [break][break] They were now in a small grove that Arron wanted to make their 'base camp'. As they touched down and Zachary jumped off the bird's back, he recalled it again, not wishing to let their location easily seen with the giant Sigilyph around. It was a decent place to set up as Dizzy and Hoothoot looked around. [break][break] As Aaron ordered his Drifbloom to guard the perimeter, Zachary shrugged. "Or you can have camflauge do the job by growing some more plants and greenery?" Zachary corrected, suggesting they could use some of their wits to use nature to their advantage. [break][break] He then took out another Pokeball taking out his newer pokemon, marked by a Pokeball labeled with "III" on it. [break][break] "Help out, Eden!" Zachary called and tossed the ball into the air. The ball opened with its light, and from it appeared a very large, and very elegant looking Leafeon. THe Leafeon gave a silent glance to Zachary, radiating serenity and peace in the presence of Zachary. It had come a long way when Zachary had found her. Zachary approached her, and she nodded her head as Zachary gave her a loving pat. "Eden, think you can use your powers to nurture some of the plants here/ Keep an eye on this area while we explore a bit and keep the Driftbloom company okay?" Zachary asked. [break][break] The Leafeon looked to Zachary, and in a regal 'sphynx' like perch, she sat down in the grove to keep guard. Already its natural energy was nurturing the air around the space. [break][break] Zachary soon turned to join Aaron as he scouted the place. [break][break] As they returned to that dangerous bridge, Zachary and Dizzy gingerly walking across it while Nyx perched still on Zachary's shoulder. Aaron broke up things by asking more about Zachary, which caught him off guard. "Really? I'm from Johto too! Violet City. Born and Raised. I had wanted to journey there, but my parents insisted I finish school first. After the incident with Rocket there, my parents decided to move and allowed me to go ahead to Hoenn, while they make their way here. They should be finding a place to live here in a month or so..." Zachary trailed, on, but he was a native Johtoian trainer. [break][break] "Hoenn is not bad. Though... I still wanna explore other places too eventually. Like Alola islands and Paldea." he mentioned with a hand behind his head, the Hoothoot giving a confident call as they talked. [break][break] They could freely converse, Zachary being far more open than Aaron more likely was. [break][break]



Expedition 2.[break]
Zachary calls Leafeon to guard the camp and help grow the plants. [break]

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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
The Border: Extended Stays
POSTED ON May 12, 2024 1:47:39 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Zach had an idea to how to better defend their campsite. Releasing a Leafeon, the grass type used its power to overgrow the decent amount of foliage around. Even through previous weed free cracks did plants grow. With his clapping in the background, Zach asked his Leafeon to keep Drifblim company. Despite his stoic look, he was quite impressed by the display. Soon they were off again.

The blue haired teenager surprised him in a way. He didn't expect Johto as well. Granted almost on the complete opposite side of it. After some sort of incident with Rocket, they were moving here, it was just finding a place to live. "My parents live in Litteroot. Lilycove is quite lovely as well. My oldest brother still lives in Olivine as a Pokemon therapist, breeder, and who knows what else." He hadn't heard much about anywhere else, or from his oldest brother. Of course, he also didn't pay much attention either. Zach still wanted to explore other places as well. "Same on the exploration part. But Hoenn is...more chaotic than any place has any right to be. You'll see." Ace was already obsessed with strength, but that wasn't the reason for it.

Moving to about where they met the soul marchers last time, they didn't see anything yet. Though Ace did have the suspicion that they were being watched. "Siblings? I have two older brothers. The second one is somewhere in Hoenn. Hopefully in Lilycove..." With his boyfriend. Yes, Aaron got a lot of crap from Keenan about setting them up. While the hope was there, Aaron admitted to no such thing. Whatever happened, happened. But he was happy about things going the right way. The duo moved in the direction where the Soul Marchers ran towards after they beat them up. So far, nothing...not even a peep. Just where did they go? Or what scared them off?

20 attempt to spend the "night", surviving the elements or any threats.

22 cultivate a farm or garden to grow plants for resources or the deterrent of threats. Check

26 encounter/engage with a gargantuan golurk with a bloody spiked shield on its back. when it finds lost spirits, it grabs them to impale on its spike, cleaning the border of stubborn souls.

29 encounter shadowy copies of yourselves or your pokemon that mimic movement, form, and more.

Special Hunt: Marshadow (Aaron Only)

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
part of
TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Border: Extended Stays
POSTED ON May 14, 2024 3:23:37 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



Hoenn was a lot more chaotic than Zachary thought, especially with the wormholes and stuff. Still, no where was 'really' safe nowadays. It came to how smart you were, but most cities were safe. At least, so Zachary hoped. He only hoped his parents adjusted well if they did come here. They soon reached the place where they had last been and teleported away. Luckily nothing was unchanged. [break][break] At the question of his family, Zachary looked to Arron. "Me? No, I'm an only child. " Zachary explained, as they walked along the obscured 'path'. Zachary looked back to Dizzy, who followed them loyally. "The closest thing to a brother, I guess though... is Dizzy. We been together for years now. My parents didn't want me being a trainer when I was younger. " he explained. [break][break] "As you may know, you can become a trainer no earlier than 10 years old, but my parents insisted I stay in school. To their credit-- they were right despite how badly I wanted to be a trainer. They were right in that it gave me more time to think about WHAT I REALLY WANTED to do." he told his story, "But while they did have me stay, they did let me pick my partner Pokemon. It was Dizzy. Even though I couldn't travel, I raised him and took care of him from home while I attended school. We been through a lot just as much." As they talked, Dizzy smiled, reminded by the nice times when he was a little Finniken and how he and Zachary grew up. [break][break] "That was about... 7 years ago now I think," he said. [break][break] As they talked, Zachary's Hoothoot--Nyx-- fluttered in the air, keeping an eye out for any danger from a few feet above. The little owl was adorable how she kept an eye out for them. [break][break]



Expedition 2.[break]
Zachary calls Leafeon to guard the camp and help grow the plants. [break]

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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
The Border: Extended Stays
POSTED ON May 18, 2024 1:55:44 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Zach was an only child. Despite his own complaints about his older brothers, Aaron was glad to have them. The closest thing Zach had was a Pokemon. It was subtle, but Zach might have noticed the blonde touch a very particular Pokeball, one that looked older than the rest, even if only slightly due to Aegislash's Pokeball also being on the older side. Aaron let Zach finish before chiming in. "I became a trainer more unofficially earlier than that. Though the circumstances...were not ideal. It was mere days before we moved to Littleroot." A Phantump...the likely soul of his friend that died running away from his kidnapper. The little ghosty even showed them where the kidnapper's place was, and stuck by him every since. Kee took care of his Houndour as soon as they got him one when the guy was ten years old. "We've lived here since I was six...ten years ago already..." It didn't seem like it was that long ago. How time flies, especially since his own journey started two years ago.

It was about this time that his Dragapult got into battle stance. It was faint, but they could hear thumping. Slow and methodical. There was a curve around a mountain they had gotten close to. With a simple a hand gesture towards his dragon, Dragapult zoomed forward and latched onto side of the rockface. Slowly crawling to look around the corner, the pseudo-legendary gave a thumps up sign. Danger wasn't close by. Walking around the cliff face, they could see it down the hill and three platforms off. A Golurk. With a very spiky and bloody shield that it was impaling a lost spirit on. And blocking the way. "Can't say I expected to see that. Should we take care of it now or wait and see if it'll move the other way at that bend?" Ace pointed about halfways between them where there was a bend that took it up and spiril towards the mountain they were on. Chances were that it was extremely tough. And with a brevy of ranged attacks, they could weaken it by the time it arrived. Or even take it down before then if they started now. Alternatively, it could just ignore them completely and go use the bend. but their luck was never that was likely to come right towards them.

20 attempt to spend the "night", surviving the elements or any threats.

22 cultivate a farm or garden to grow plants for resources or the deterrent of threats. Check

26 encounter/engage with a gargantuan golurk with a bloody spiked shield on its back. when it finds lost spirits, it grabs them to impale on its spike, cleaning the border of stubborn souls.

29 encounter shadowy copies of yourselves or your pokemon that mimic movement, form, and more.

Special Hunt: Marshadow (Aaron Only)

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
part of
TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Border: Extended Stays
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 1:48:03 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



It didn't take a Psychic to tell that Aaron's past may of been difficult. There was definitely a sorrow to his tale and his expression as Zachary watched a glance of it in the corner of his eye. He spoke, wanting to ask-- but the sound died in his throat. It was better not to ask. He bit his lip, controlling his curiosity and concern. Some things were best left alone. It wasn't like he didn't have hardships himself. [break][break] Along with the Dragapult-- Nyx soon flew upward, and spotted the giant golem-like Pokemon blocking the way, seemingly thirsty for battle with its club. [break][break] The little owl hooted and quickly flew back down. Concerned, the owl flew and bee-lined right for Zachary, crashing into his arms! The owl was a tizzy, trying to warn them about the giant golem up ahead. "I... take it Nyx found the big thing that scared us off the last time," Zachary stated, seeing how agitated the Hoothoot was. He quickly held Nyx, petting her ruffled feathers to calm down. [break][break] At Aaron's suggestion, Zachary paused. He couldn't see it from the tree coverage well. "Well there is no pokemon center if things go badly. I think it be wiser to be patient than charge in. " he suggested-- if they were that lucky. But odds are they weren't so lucky. [break][break] Dizzy in the back looked forward, worried how they would proceed. Suddenly, his ears perked up-- either by sound or a sensation in the fox's mind. He looked into the dark of the trees. Something bugged the fox as he glared at a shadowy figure there. Or a shadowy something. He didn't speak up, concerned of alerting more dangers... but he glared at it, concerned. Then again... it could of been nothing. Maybe a piggy in there or something. [break][break] The fox continued to stare... as the others talked. [break][break]



Expedition 2.[break]
Zachary thinks its wiser to wait. as it may go or may not be violent. [break]
Dizzy notices a suspicious shadow in the trees.

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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
The Border: Extended Stays
POSTED ON May 22, 2024 1:07:29 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Despite his monotone and stoic voice and face, something must have leaked. Granted, even if Zach had asked, he wouldn't get an answer. Maybe someday. The Hoothoot did the same thing as his Dragapult. The poor baby flew back, petrified. Zach calmed down his little bird friend. The lad mentioned how if things went badly, there was no Pokemon Center. "True. Though for most things, I came prepared..." Taking off his messenger's bag, he showed off at least a couple dozen potions, revives, and full heals. "Still, point taken." So they stayed in the bushes while his Dragapult came down and disappeared. Aaron was ready to fun if they had to.

And so they waited. It took what felt like hours for the creature to even just get to the bend. With baited breath, they waited for it to make the decision. At first, it started to skip the bend to head straight towards them. Then it stopped and looked around. Then up. With a giant leap, it landed on the ramp above and started to walk slightly faster, following the path. For once, things were in their favor. This time. "We might want to get moving. Who knows what that thing's patrol route is like, and it'll be bad if it catches us past it..." Now or never. Aaron moved, keeping an eye on the Golurk as it scuttled above until he couldn't anymore.

He practically ran past the bend with hopefully Dizzy and Zach behind him. The shadow followed them, but kept a better distance. As if showing the fox that spotted it that it had no real intent to harm. Past this point was still desolit, no sign of other life. Not even the soul marchers. "I've never heard a Golurk roar like that still think that was it? The first time I was here, there were many malevolent spirits. It may have been one of those? Not as strong as a legendary, but perhaps strong enough to make it work for a victory..." Different dimensions and wormholes notwithstanding, he couldn't shake the feeling that maybe that Golurk wasn't what scared them off last time. Unless they engage it and really find out. But so far...there's been nothing to investigate...

20 attempt to spend the "night", surviving the elements or any threats.

22 cultivate a farm or garden to grow plants for resources or the deterrent of threats. Check

26 encounter/engage with a gargantuan golurk with a bloody spiked shield on its back. when it finds lost spirits, it grabs them to impale on its spike, cleaning the border of stubborn souls. Check

29 encounter shadowy copies of yourselves or your pokemon that mimic movement, form, and more.

Special Hunt: Marshadow (Aaron Only)

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
part of
TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Border: Extended Stays
POSTED ON May 22, 2024 14:49:27 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



It was not easy to just sit and wait. Zachary knew that too as he was more proactive than not. Still, a dangerous situation required patience too. They did wait a bit-- but it seemed it was the right call as it soon took action, and despite its seemingly large and sluggish body-- it was surprisingly fast and able to jump massive leaps! If they didn't wait and check, they wouldn't have known that. [break][break] As Zachary got ready to follow suit with Aaron-- Zachary noticed Dizzy's glare into the forest shadows. He felt concerned that his Fox friend had noticed something, but they didn't have the time. "Dizzy. come on! We don't have much time." he warned his fuzzy friend. [break][break] Dizzy looked for a moment, then shook his head. Realizing the danger around them, the Delphox took action and followed his trainer. [break][break] As he left though... red glowing eyes stared back as they left. [break][break]
[break][break] Zachary, Dizzy and Nyx continued with Aaron. As they strode forward through the rocky terrain, Zachary hopping to keep up, Zachary answered Aaron. "Well, I'm not familiar with the meta-physics of such things. I only just learned about it myself. But I do know one thing. These pokemon were affected by something. The bigger question to consider is 'what is the cause?'. Even for Pokemon, this anomaly is not in the norm. Ghosts, giant violent pokemon corrupted this way-- that doesn't happen in nature, no matter how you slice it. " Zachary said, "Even psychics and ghosts are not that forgone to be that dark. At best, they are more mischevious. Just ask my Haunter, Greed." He gave an example. [break][break] As they trailed the Golem pokemon, they would notice something odd! Ruins-- ruins of clearly a civilization far gone now. But the ruins were built into the mountainous area, clearly showing significance. Perhaps a city of some kind, or at least a small town. It was clearly worn by time, and barely shown any signs of life. The golem perhaps had come from such a place... [break][break]



Expedition 2.[break]
Zachary follows and suggest something unnatural caused it's behavior and corruption. [break]
The shadow is mysterious and ominous as it slowly persues them.

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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
The Border: Extended Stays
POSTED ON May 25, 2024 2:00:59 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Zach came up with his own theories. "I think I overhead the League talking about a set of four legendary 'ruinious' Pokemon. There are other dimensions like this elsewhere. Perhaps it was those Pokemons somehow being released that caused it. Or who or whatever released them. You're also forgetting Dark-types. Malamar are particularly nasty." He wanted to say more. Like how Dusknoir and Palosand eats people on occasion. "Or ask my Banette." It was cute before. Now she almost takes it a bit too far. Still, he loved the little gremlin that was his mega evolution. He didn't bring her on this trip...this was much more serious, and she doesn't do serious too well anymore.

They soon found something interesting: ruins. Looking seemed much less than what you would think. This was the border between life and death. Why or how could there be a civilization here? Unless it was a family of Golurk that roamed and pierced lost souls onto their shields, there was no way that these were made by human hands. Or Megapolotans'. What did spur his own interest was the shrine at the end. It was the same as the one he and his two aquintances had met. Looking at it, it resembled a tomb. "This looks like the same seal and tomb as the first shrine I'd seen. The one where we fought off the spirit of Moltres..." It was familiar enough anyways.

Sadly, their exploration was cut short by the sounds of thumping. Still too far from the lads to hear, but that wouldn't last. Dizzy started barking at them. "Hide!" Dragapult just landed on top of a building and turned invisible. Aaron dived through an open window and took off his backpack, keeping his messenger bag on. But the backpack he kept beside him. The thumps became louder as the Golurk returned...

20 attempt to spend the "night", surviving the elements or any threats.

22 cultivate a farm or garden to grow plants for resources or the deterrent of threats. Check

26 encounter/engage with a gargantuan golurk with a bloody spiked shield on its back. when it finds lost spirits, it grabs them to impale on its spike, cleaning the border of stubborn souls. Check

29 encounter shadowy copies of yourselves or your pokemon that mimic movement, form, and more.

Special Hunt: Marshadow (Aaron Only)

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Border: Extended Stays
POSTED ON May 26, 2024 13:18:04 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



Aaron had a good point. Not all pokemon were cut from the same cloth regarding motives-- or methods. There were many powers for Pokemon and mysteries to them. They were in another world completely, so there was no telling what to expect from Pokemon in this place. Still, Zachary didn't like the idea that something corrupted Vinciti from before! He just didn't want to think what would compel Pokemon to be so violent here. [break][break] The ruins indeed looked interesting. Zachary couldn't;t help but be drawn in by them. He wandered the ruins a bit, keeping separate as he looked at carvings-- finding the same carvings of unusual pokemon he had never seen before...[break][break] It was then Dizzy's ears picked up something-- the footsteps of the big giant! He let out mild barks, indicating a warning. Aaron quickly told them to hide, hearing the golem coming! Dizzy had been closer to Arron and followed suit. However-- Zachary had been out of place on the other side of the clearing-- and left him with far more limited hiding spaces. With Nyx on his shoulder, the two were too exposed! Zachary found a series of crumbled rocks of a half-worn building and quickly found cover there! It was too exposed though, if someone looked over would spot him. Taking a hold of Nyx, Zachary kept the bird in his arms and tried to keep her calm. The thumps from the incoming Pokemon made the bird coo quietly with worry as Zachary tried to stroke her feathers to keep her calm. [break][break] The golem emerged from a corner and was searching for anything, perhaps hearing them before. Zachary squeezed himself into the edge of the broken wall, hoping the golem wouldn't get close enough to see him. From their position-- Zachary could see the giant shadow of the creature as it walked by-- eclipsing the area of the building. Was it going to come closer to them? [break][break] From where Arron was, he could see how Dizzy was concerned about the Golem finding Zachary outside of their reach. It was times like this the fox wished he could teleport like Kadabra or Prophet. The Golem got closer to Zachary's hiding place, perhaps risking to see them! [break][break] It was then Dizzy took action, his eyes glowed as he used his own psychic power. [break][break] Further away back in the opposite direction, a cropping of rocks glowed with Dizzy's psychic aura. With a small push, the rocks toppled over, and that was all that happened, causing a sound. [break][break] Perhaps the Golem would notice it-- and draw its attention away? [break][break]



Expedition 2.[break]
Dizzy hides with Aaron, and Zachary and Nyx hide in separate places. The golem risks getting close to Zachary's hiding place... [break]
Dizzy uses Psychic to try and distract the Golem to draw it away from Zachary.

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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
The Border: Extended Stays
POSTED ON May 31, 2024 1:14:42 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Aaron was about to do something stupid when Dizzy actually intervened, doing a smart move. The Golurk turned quickly towards the noise, and started to move in that direction. The blonde waved Zach over, and would practically pull the blue haired teen inside. Waiting a few minutes while they heard thumps outside, Aaron then continued to move inside the building. There was a door that led to an allyway. Aaron then moved away from where the Golurk was thumping around, hoping that Dizzy and Zach would follow. Moving and weaving between and around buildings, he tried to get them back the way they came. But Ace had to stop and try to pull Zach against the building. Right there in front of the bridge was another Golurk. Aaron's eyes were actually wide with surprise, and his left one started to turn blue. Of course there was another one. Jaw clenched, he looked at it again. Unmoving, but the head was turning.

Moving his own head back behind cover, Aaron finally spoke, though in a whispered. "There's one guarding the bridge. We'd have to move it. I...may have an idea on how to do that. If Dizzy still knows Future Sight. Time it right with Dragapult's Dragon Dances, then him using Dragon Darts, Dizzy Psychic again, and maybe a ranged attack from Hoothoot, and then book it? I don't think waiting it out will work..." Dragapult reappeared above them. It may not be the best plan, but it was all he got for this. A maxed out powered psuedo-legendary was no joke. And Dizzy had already proven his strength. Even with no super effective damage, the four attacks were gonna hurt. But he also needed Zach's help, too. And if the guy had a different idea, he'd listen to it. Flying one at a time to a safe distance was too risky in his mind, so that was out. Hence this idea...

20 attempt to spend the "night", surviving the elements or any threats.

22 cultivate a farm or garden to grow plants for resources or the deterrent of threats. Check

26 encounter/engage with a gargantuan golurk with a bloody spiked shield on its back. when it finds lost spirits, it grabs them to impale on its spike, cleaning the border of stubborn souls. Check

29 encounter shadowy copies of yourselves or your pokemon that mimic movement, form, and more.

Special Hunt: Marshadow (Aaron Only)

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
part of
TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Border: Extended Stays
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2024 15:28:49 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



Dizzy indeed did a good thing as the Golurk attention was diverted and soon began to walk in the opposite direction. Once cleared-- Zachary grabbed Nyx and jumped over the wall-- reaching the building where Aaron hid. Aaron led them further into the building and out a side passage-- leading to an alley, with Dizzy shortly following. However among the maze of buildings they stopped-- to find another Golurk around the corner. It couldn't of been the same one! [break][break] "Am I hallucinating or is there more than one of those things?" Zachary hissed in venomous sarcasm, starting to get scared. Dizzy too gave a grumble of discontent, realizing hiding and avoiding conflict wasn't gonna last for long. The poor Hoothoot gave a nervous coo. [break][break] Aaron had the right idea. They had to fight. However... "Yeah but the problem is the moment we do, any other Golurk may show up. I think its safe to say there is more than the one." [break][break] Hearing the plan, Zachary took a deep breath to clear his head. He had a means to deal with this. While not ideal, Aaron was right. Dizzy could help. "Okay... I'll have Dizzy start up. Luckily I also have other pokemon who are a bit more combat ready too. " he said. [break][break] Swallowing his last nerves-- Zachary turned to Dizzy. "Do it, Diz. Future Sight." he said with resolve. [break][break]
Dizzy took his stick and it's tip burst into flames-- Dizzy's eyes glowed as he stared into it, seeing the future event of the Golurk in the distance. [break][break] As it did so, Zachary looked to the Golem. If more were around they would be converging on them soon as battle broke out. Nyx now perched on Zachary's shoulder, spying the golem too with concern. However, the owl was growing aggitated-- or perhaps anxious with the promise of a fight. She would hop to her other talons on his shoulder every so often in a nervous tick. [break][break] As Aarron made the first move-- Zachary took charge. "Let's go!" Zachary urged, and ran out of hiding. [break][break] "Come on out-- Vivianne!" Zachary shouted, throwing a Pokeball out with the numbers XIV on it. From it the ball opened, and out appeared an elegant Pokemon beyond measure! [break][break] A shade of blue marking its form as the pokemon emerged with an elegant voice, her skirt flowing in the soft winds around it. A guardivour. A Shiny Guardivour of all things. After a long encounter in the realm of dreams and illusions-- Zachary came away with a being of that imaginary realm. And more... (plot driven). [break][break] "Guardivour, Alluring Voice!" Zachary shouted, encouraging the Guardivour. Soon the haunting, beautiful voice of the psychic-fairy hybrid filled the air, both softeing and grasping the golem's attention. [break][break] But would it hurt it, remained unseen. The battle had started and their was no turning back. [break][break]



Expedition 2.[break]
Dizzy uses Future Sight to launch a preemptive attack in the future. Zachary brings out Nyx and his Guardivour Viviane. [break]
Vivianne starts off with Alluring Voice.

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[newclass=".zachary1 h1"]font:800 18px Montserrat;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.5px[/newclass]
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[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
The Border: Extended Stays
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2024 4:43:47 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Zach seemed to be in disbelief about the second one. Okay, it was extremely hostile and sarcastic. But honestly, Aaron was thinking the same thing. "Yeah, but what other choice do we have? We just got to really book it afterwards." It was a problem. And hopefully they could lose it before it could catch up to them. Or see where they went. Dragapult started to Dragon Dance the song of dragons, and Dizzy started up Future Sight when the ghost had done three. Then Zach made his move.

Releasing a shiny Gardevoire, he had her use Alluring Voice. The Golurk turned to face them, and started to stomp towards them until the soundwaves hit. Then it stopped, took one step, stopped again for about five seconds, then took another step. "Dragapult, Dragon Darts." The dragon rounded the corner and fired weaponized babies! The attack mostly hit the upper torso. Then the Future Sight also hit the top part of the mighty golem. When the attacks were done, it dropped to one knee. Then the rest of it fell, with the swirly eyes of a fainted Pokemon. It was loud too. But now was their chance! Grabbing Zach's wrist, assuming he wasn't already running, Aaorn would drag him into a run past the Golurk as they heard another roar and thumps.

The Shadow saw it all though. And followed, maintaining its distance.

Aaron didn't look behind him, just ran until they reached the bend, where he had to stop. Dragapult looked back, then at the boys. In the distance, she saw a Golurk heading in their direction. "My turn for teleportation. Phantom Force, take us back to our campsite." And unlike a certain Kadabra, this form of teleportation was actually tolerable and smooth. The dragon ghostie opened up a portal and offered her limbs and tail as guiding hands into the dark void. Which led right into the center of their overgrown camp. Aaron walked out and collapsed onto his back, blinking at the sky. "Hungry?" He brought ingredients for food. But he was also exhausted too...

20 attempt to spend the "night", surviving the elements or any threats.

22 cultivate a farm or garden to grow plants for resources or the deterrent of threats. Check

26 encounter/engage with a gargantuan golurk with a bloody spiked shield on its back. when it finds lost spirits, it grabs them to impale on its spike, cleaning the border of stubborn souls. Check

29 encounter shadowy copies of yourselves or your pokemon that mimic movement, form, and more.

Special Hunt: Marshadow (Aaron Only)

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP