ghostbusters [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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october 9
mossdeep city, hoenn
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kasper thaler
ghostbusters [m]
POSTED ON May 31, 2024 2:25:26 GMT
kasper thaler Avatar
another supposed haunting.

someone was sending them on this to spite them, somehow. or as a prank or something, because there was no way that they got roped into two ghost-based missions for no reason. and this one was worse, because it was a tunnel.

they felt like they were going to cry.

amaryllis, in typical amaryllis behavior, is clinging to them. maybe extra hard, today, because they're pretty sure the audino has picked up on the fact that they really don't want to go to the death tunnel.

when they hear something behind them, they flinch- automatic, instinctual- before they're peering at the stranger and almost laughing. "oh. it's just you."

they're assuming it's a just there. they're really hoping that's the case, anyway.

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february 5
lilycove city
demi bisexual
5'4'' height
5'4'' height
why didn't you stop me?
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cassidy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cassidy
ghostbusters [m]
POSTED ON May 31, 2024 22:08:39 GMT
cassidy Avatar
long ago, when cassidy was just a young girl, she often had dreams. dreams of ghosts and spirits, the ones that wanted revenge and the ones that wanted you to die. they taunted her and told her she would join them if she wasn't careful. the child that she was became deeply afraid of the spirits; and she swore on her life that she was followed by them.

she had informed her parents of the dreams, but her mother and father had told her that ghosts cannot hurt you. we are safe. we live in a society that does not believe in the spirits. they'd said. but the dreams continued, and the spirits would not stop following her. for that, she was a tormented child, colicky and sensitive.

but now that she was older, having gotten used to the spirits, she finds herself now the ghost hunter.

it was a silly but necessary mission, one that kept recruits humble, especially if they feared ghosts. her partner seemed to embody that fear unfortunately; cassidy stepped on a twig behind them, making her presence known. they jump slightly at the sound, flighty and cautious. unapologetic, cassidy regards them with no warmth. in the least, her eevee bounds cheerily from where she stood, sniffing at the trainer and their audino. she wags her tail, mewing happily and ignorant to the looming cave entrance.

they had vaguely known each other, the rank of recruit leading them to parallel paths, taking on similar missions and places of interest. but tonight was finally the time that they'd met.

"good evening kasper." she greets, polite. there's a flashlight in her hands, and she flicks it on, lighting up the entrance.

"are you afraid of spirits?"

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october 9
mossdeep city, hoenn
Give me a reason to believe
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kasper thaler
ghostbusters [m]
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 17:14:51 GMT
kasper thaler Avatar



kasper only vaguely knew cassidy. really, they thought it'd be better to say they knew of her rather than anything really solid, because most everything they knew came from sometimes crossing paths. they wouldn't call her a friend, and they'd even hesitate to really call her an accquantiance. maybe stranger and also coworker was the best option?
regardless, their relief at not being attacked by a ghost only lasts a second, because she scares the shit out of them in her own way. the eevee that runs to greet them is more of a welcome sight in the long run, and they mindlessly reach to scratch behind her ear even as amaryllis tries to bat her away, still half-clinging.
"sort of?" it's the understatement of the century, but they don't really want to just admit that spirits terrify them. "i watched a lot of scary movies about ghosts and stuff when i was little, and-" they wave at the tunnel in front of them in a grand gesture, even as their forced grin wavers a little at the sight of it again.
"this is exactly what would be in one."







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february 5
lilycove city
demi bisexual
5'4'' height
5'4'' height
why didn't you stop me?
46 posts
cassidy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cassidy
ghostbusters [m]
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2024 19:29:51 GMT
cassidy Avatar
cassidy was no easy trainer; she treated her pokemon with strictness, ensuring that they were obedient and reliable. she did not give them names, for she did not bond with them like typical trainers would. but she could be surprisingly lenient on some matters; today, her eevee had broken out its pokeball, and she had found it endearing enough to let it free as it ran in circles around her. she disliked how overly friendly it was as baby pokemon were prone to be. but kasper had responded positively, and the eevee took to playfully batting back at the audino with a few loud mews, taking it as a game.

she listens to kasper carefully, her eyes following the grand swing of their arms. "it is rather ominous." she confirms. it was certainly a place that was not hospitable; dark stone tinged with green from overgrown moss, complete darkness and the lack of life. she steps closer to the tunnel, the darkness swallowing the weak light of her flashlight. one could say that the cool air kissing her skin was a sign of the ghost's presence. or at least, a greeting to the rocket's entry.

she was not someone good at assuring others, but she tries anyways, if only to keep kasper calm. "there is no need to worry, spirits do not attack unless provoked. but in the event they do, i believe that we are both capable enough trainers to combat them."

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played by


october 9
mossdeep city, hoenn
Give me a reason to believe
42 posts
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TAG WITH @cherry1
kasper thaler
ghostbusters [m]
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2024 3:28:52 GMT
kasper thaler Avatar



the eevee doesn't seem to see anything wrong with amaryllis' behavior, instead just batting back in return. kasper turns their attention away just before their audino looks up with big, pleading eyes, although they can see the way he watches them from the corner of their own. in return, before they can think twice about it, they give him a halfhearted can't do shit, dude, sorry sort of shrug. he had picked this battle, and he was going to have to see it through.
much like kasper was going to have to deal with their own battle. even if they wouldn't have picked it in a million years.
"you don't think going into their territory would give them a reason to attack, do you?" and, more concerningly- was it just them, or was the air around them already cold? cassidy doesn't seem bothered by it, and, as they turn on their own flashlight, they manage to muster a weak smile.
"ladies first?" never mind the fact that they're only offering because it scares them. they're being polite. no other reason.







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