Fueled by Death [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Fueled by Death [M]
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2024 15:48:05 GMT
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Oscar rubbed his hands together as he let look over today's dilemma. He had never gotten to work with Mister Wright properly during his tenure, but with him back on the sub Oscar wanted to take advantage of the fresh perspective of a brilliant mind. Before the two sat prestine device that Oscar has dubbed the 'Poke Pod'. Its function, as explained to Yuan upon his arrival, was to drain the Infinity Energy of pokemon and transfer that energy to power something else.

With war on the horizon, Oscar really wanted to finalize his portable model of the pod, but progress has not gone well. Oscar would explain his struggles as he and Yuan looked upon several unfinished prototypes for a portable Poke Pod, each less finished than the last. "You see, I am struggling to fit all of the functions of the Poke Pod into a condensed model. I know it's possible because I've seen similar tech in another timeline, long story, but fuck I can't get it right myself."

Oscar looked to his compatriot, his eyes hopeful that the great Wright would hold the key to this puzzling mystery. "Anything off the top of your head? First impressions and whatnot?"

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August 22
Dewford City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Yuan Wright
Fueled by Death [M]
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2024 18:36:37 GMT
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[attr="class","leprowright1"] -----


Wright listens intensely as the other explains the experiment he was trying out. Admitedly here and there getting sitracted on the information of other timelines and this so called 'Infinity Energy' thing which he was very much out of the loop on but he could understand context clues. Sure he needed time for catch up but he is always down to look things over as he shared the schematic, and on paper it seemed to make sense but there was an important detail that the other wasn't bringing up.[break][break]

"Oh Deedee," he calls Oscar by the same name he called everyone else he worked with because names were too much, as he puts his hands on the younger man's shoulders, "Deedee my sweet summer..." he pauses as he glances at Oscar's hair, "... winter child, I like this. The concept transferring the energy from one mon to the next or to something actually worth wild?" he kisses his own fingers, "Chefs kiss my boy but in all your mumbo jumbo you haven't mentioned the most important thing..."[break][break]

he trails off as he goes in front of the device in the first place, "Does. it. work?"





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Heahea City
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oscar clayton
Fueled by Death [M]
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2024 23:18:12 GMT
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Oscar's first thought was 'who's deedee' before shaking his head free of superfluous thoughts. He twisted his neck into a nod, "Yes! Yes, it works beautifully. In this size anyway." Oscar gestured to the large pod, beautiful in its medical purity. "But it's not portable, which is what I need. There is no way you can lug this across a battlefield. Hmm, perhaps a demonstration would help."

Oscar walked over to a nearby box of pokeballs, every one a reject from Rocket's training or breeding programs. He pulled a random one off the top and walked over to the pokepod, tapping a few keystrokes to open it up. The contents of the ball was released, an elderly looking torkoal too confused to do anything as it was locked within the pod. After another set of keystrokes, the pokepod sprang to life with a loud whirring--its elastic tendrils stabbing themselves into the soft areas of the torkoal.

A mere few seconds later, and the machine would light up as it extracted the torkoal's Infinity Energy. The creature seized up before passing out entirely. As the machine did its work, Oscar would provide an explanation. "Infinity Energy is basically a natural power that fuels the life force of a pokemon. When extracted it can be used as a stronger form of electricity. The pod isn't hooked up to anything right now so it's just storing the energy--but you can imagine how it transfers and shit. Right now I have it so that the machine is extracting just enough to keep the pokemon in a comatose state. If I press here..."

Oscar messed with the console, and suddenly the torkoal sprang awake--screaming before mummifying and crumbling into dust. The machine sparked, but Oscar managed to turn it off before it could do anything unpredictable. "Pulling it all out at once kills the pokemon but provides a huge surge of power. It'll only last a few seconds but it's useful in a pinch." Oscar turned back to Yuan and rested his hands on his hips, "So what do you think? Can we shrink it?"

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August 22
Dewford City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Yuan Wright
Fueled by Death [M]
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2024 1:06:49 GMT
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[attr="class","leprowright1"] -----


Okay it worked, so all the pieces were valid, so now it was an attempt to condense the project not create a whole new telephone. Once more he takes a step back as he allows for Deedee to continue their show n tell and actually give him a proper introduction into this energy. interestingly he didn't realize that life energy had been given a proper name and yet here they were. Though there is a tear of joy in his eye as he watches the show to see the way it. [break][break]

He claps, "Beautiful display Deedee, beautiful, and of course we can! The question relies on just where we can cut the corners," Wright ponders as he goes back to the blueprints as he gets another paper to start sketching his own plans as well. He writes down possible ideas and then would go on a tangent of questions such as:[break][break]

of what can and can't be sacrificed? [break]
What is giving it power?[break]
Is the power they take more than what they have to put into it?[break][break]

"I believe with the current amount of information we could possibility get this down to the size of a Magnazone for now, and then possibly have it attached to one or something larger," he shows off his drawing, "Get ourselves a possible Raygun for the energy, you feel me?"





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Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Fueled by Death [M]
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2024 1:40:33 GMT
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Stripping down the machine? Oscar had not considered that. His vision required this portable model to have all of the capabilities of its larger counterpart, but perhaps trying to fit everything into a small package was holding him back. Oscar enjoyed Wright's own vision for the future, he had been thinking a lot about exploring the possible uses of Infinity Energy outside of powering machinery. Perhaps Wright could assist him later.

For now though, they should stick to the task at hand. Oscar rubbed his chin as he gave the concept of downsizing some thought. "Ideally, the extractor would pull just enough energy to put a pokemon to sleep. That way it can continue to siphon energy as the pokemon 'recharges' its lost supply. If we downgrade the power of the extractor to that minimum level, we could leave out at least half of the circuitry."

Oscar smiled as he shot Wright a look of genuine respect. "Smart thinking, wish I thought of it first." Oscar walked over to his operational model and bent toward the base of the capsule. He popped open a panel and began rooting through the inner mechanisms. "What else would be superfluous within a smaller model?"

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August 22
Dewford City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Yuan Wright
Fueled by Death [M]
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2024 21:39:20 GMT
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[attr="class","leprowright1"] -----


"Well that's one solution, for a version one of this new prototype, we will also have to think of a new casing and metal to use for said casing as it would need to be light enough to carry, but also sturdy enough to keep itself from imploding in on itself and being able to keep in the energy," he offers as he had grab more paper and started making notes and and concept art of possible designs they could do to make sure it could be attached to certain pokemon. In his head Megnazone and Metagross were the most ideal. [break][break]

When the other gives the compliment and mentions how they wished they thought of it Yuan just grinned, "Sometimes you just need a second opinion on things, personally I like the Gerald method," he claims as from his pocket he takes out a rubber ducky in the shape of a quaxly, though for some reason it's top had been painted yellow as if to make it blond. The duck itself looked worse for wear and as some scraps on. "This here is Sunny McGerald, he is who I talk too when I need another head and to clear my thoughts he helps me lay down my thoughts and talk it all out as sometimes you just need to listen to yourself to hear the stupid like this one time when..." he would go on about a topic that's way too intelligent from what the writer knows and how talking to his duck helped him see it. Though as he's talking his aggression seems to go up for having not seen the problem in the first place because it was so easy to see and why Gerald why didn't you help him see it sooner!?[break][break]

The duck his thrown across the room as Yuan is huffing and puffing, the scraps on the duck now easily explained before he collects himself and he's as chill and cool as before. Juu Dee then pops out of his jacket and just starts taking chase after the rubber duck as Wright watches Oscar work, "Might be best to keep the original in tack, but since the goal is possibly turning this into a ray we won't need the compartment in where a pokemon enters from so that whole thing can be axed," another thought in which he makes a note of within the new papers.





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Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Fueled by Death [M]
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2024 20:32:09 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar was enthralled by Wright, believing him to be just what he needed to solve this conundrum. He even believed him to be a bit of a genius--until he introduced Oscar to the 'Gerald Method'. Oscar's enthusiastic face slowly turned neutral as Dr. Wright had a mental breakdown right in front of him, yelling at what seemed to be an ordinary rubber duck.

Oh well, all great minds were a little loony. The man had some good ideas, so Oscar would not write him off just yet. Or should I say, Wright him off!? HAHAHAAA HA HA HA HA



Oscar feigned a smile as Wright returned to the realms of coherency, "For sure a ray in the future. Right now though Wright, I wanna focus on the portable extractor to power our existing war machines. I like your idea about a lighter metal, though the smelted steel pokemon I've been employing have proven to be about as light as metal can get."

Oscar tapped his cheek as he pondered his options. "Would you happen to know the lightest steel type off the top of your head?"

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August 22
Dewford City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Yuan Wright
Fueled by Death [M]
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2024 0:00:44 GMT
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[attr="class","leprowright1"] -----


"Kartana if you choose to call Ultra Beast pokemon that is," he sure as hell didn't but he knows darn well that there are arguments between many as to whether or not Ultra Beast were pokemon and who knew which side Oscar fell on. "Though if you want an actual pokemon it would be Honedge to be the lighest steal type if you're looking for pokemon melt down for this. How a god damn sword is lighter than a pair of keys is beyond me," maybe there was something about the whole 'weight' of a soul thing but both were ghost so who knew. [break][break]

"Yet it would do us better to just grab pokemon with Light Metal, gives us more to work with if the Pokemon route is the way you want to do things, but its not like we don't have any natural metals we can't use as I spent hours sorting metal sheets out with that beast . However just making this portable means that we won't be able to cut as much corners if we can't just get rid of the compartment in which the pokemon must go in..." he ponders for a moment before he scribbles the paper he was on and trashes it before he grabs another and continues scribbling. [break][break]

"Not unless we allow ourselves to focus on smaller pokemon for such things"





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oscar clayton
Fueled by Death [M]
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2024 19:38:05 GMT
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Oscar took in Wright's words carefully, honing in on his mention of the Light Metal ability. Yes of course, the nature of such an ability would provide for an unusually light ore. It was the perfect fit for a device that would require being picked up frequently, once again Wright proved himself a genius.

Oscar ignored the suggestion to use natural metals, stubbornly assured that the ores created from steel pokemon were superior in every way. Even if normal metal was more efficient, the other advantages that pokemon ore provided made Oscar resolute in his desire to use it for his machine. Oscar continued to listen to the rest of Wright's suggestions, lighting up as he mentioned making the capsule fitted for smaller pokemon.

Oscar came up behind Wright to watch him draw. "Yes! No bigger than a teddiursa, or a pikachu or--" Oscar's mind flashed to the eternal floette, the perfect core for what he required from his extractors. "--a floette! The extractors should be able to pull a fair amount of Infinity Energy regardless of the pokemon's size. If I were to fathom a guess, I would say that the pokemon's age would be what determined how much Infinity Energy they had. So small but older pokemon would be the most efficient."

As he watched Wright draw, Oscar would chuckle with anticipation. "I think we can actually pull this off."



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