Dolo, Dolor, Dolorum [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
Stay the course
Whatever it takes
6'4" height
6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
343 posts
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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
Dolo, Dolor, Dolorum [M]
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2024 21:01:34 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

Beau's phone skittered across the counter as it vibrated, waking Chaos up and causing the Snubbull to offer a wheezy bark at the offending piece of technology. The man glanced up from his position at the sink, switching the water off and drying his hands on a towel, a frown creasing his brow. Who would be calling him this time of day?
No one, as it turned out.
He stared numbly at the little black-and-white notification for a moment, reading it and rereading it. He'd taken 's preparations as being safe rather than sorry, but he didn't think that Dewford would see conflict so soon. He never particularly enjoyed being proven wrong, but this instance made him sick to his stomach. He'd sulk later, though - now, he had to move.
He tore through his apartment, shrugging on his jacket and slinging his pack over one shoulder. Chaos offered a bewildered grunt, struggling up from his cushioned bed in the corner of the kitchen and padding toward Beau with a whimper. The man shook his head apologetically, digging out Chaos' ball from the side pocket of his pack. "Not time for a walk, little brah, we gotta go. I'll let you out soon, okay?"
Before the little canine could protest, Beau recalled him to his pokeball and ducked out the front door, rapidly descending the stairs with a thump-thump-thump-thump that matched his heart rate. Around him, his neighbors were peering out windows and lingering in their doorways, murmuring to one another. "Come on!" Beau shouted, waving his arm, "This one's real, you gotta go!"
You and not we, because Beau would in fact rather be caught dead than cowering in a cellar while his town was ransacked.
He skidded on to the sand and made for the shoreline, looking around for any familiar faces. The rush of people to the bunkers had already begun, though, and for every person he thought he recognized, two more got in the way. Shaking his head, he turned his attention to the sea, and then he froze.
Like something out of a book, a dark ship, sails furled, was a small dot against the horizon, growing steadily larger. Ahead, though, was what worried him: rafts. A dozen - more? - a flotilla pointed right at the golden sands upon which he stood. Something flashed beside him, and Callum was suddenly standing at his shoulder, the Gallade grunting pensively.
"That's...too many," Beau murmured, eyes flicking from one vessel to the next, attempting to count heads but unable to fix a number in his head. Callum dropped into a battle stance as the first rafts neared the shore, and Beau cracked his knuckles and tilted his head from one side to the other, features tightening into a stern grimace. "Nah, you're right. Dewford ain't goin' down without a fight."




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MAY 18th
i don't like change
but i'm not afraid
500000+ infamy height
500000+ infamy height
when everything is in disarray, i think we'll be okay!
735 posts
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TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
Dolo, Dolor, Dolorum [M]
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2024 10:34:49 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb eddietemptest"]

even when the sun has set [break]
hanging in your heart, i'm always there




Running on adrenaline, nicotine, and about four hours of sleep, Eddie was scrambling into a proper change of clothes mere seconds after the call came down the line. Rocket was here, and they had brought war to their shores. Panic and anticipation held him in a choke-hold as he grabbed some Poke Balls and stormed out the door of his temporary home for his assignment on the island. [break][break]

Eddie knew that Rocket had to make their move at some point, considering the way that rising tensions had been sweeping across the region, but God, why did it have to be now? Now, when it felt like he couldn't get his head on straight even as he charged through the streets and pounded on doors to wake any still-sleeping residents. Now, when he was still haunted by nightmares of his prismatic imprisonment. Now, when his confidence in his ability to do this right and not make a mess of things was lower than it had ever been. Maybe Rocket just had really bad timing, or maybe Rocket just had really good timing. [break][break]

It was probably the second one, Eddie thought miserably, when his Iron Boulder alerted him to several heat signatures closing in on the shoreline. The man charged toward the direction of certain danger, shoes catching sand as he bolted towards the beach, and his eyes widening with fear when he finally spotted the rafts in the early morning light, [break][break]

“Eyes up, Telemachus,” Eddie commanded, though his voice wavered with uncertainty, “Looks like we got company.” [break][break]

In more ways than one, it turned out, when Eddie realized he wasn't the only one looking to take a stand on Dewford's golden shores. Some distance away, Eddie was struck by a violent pang of horror when he recognized the silhouette of a man with the Gallade at his side, [break][break]


mission | hyperborea


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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played by


April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
Stay the course
Whatever it takes
6'4" height
6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
343 posts
part of
TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
Dolo, Dolor, Dolorum [M]
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 18:44:21 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

Beau's mounting anxiety at the sight of the invading Rockets was derailed at the mention of his own name. Hearing it called, he whipped his head around to search for who would be flagging him down, because surely no one else was as bullheaded as he was to stand on the beach against an armada of Rockets just for the principle of the thing, and then - oh.
He brightened at the sight of the other man down the beach, lifting a hand with a grin that he hoped was reflected in the rest of his expression, because it was almost an automatic reaction at this point. "Eddie!" For it was Eddie! And...a robot!
Huh, go figure.
Beau moved a few steps in the direction of his friend, but looking at the advancing rafts made him think twice about joining up with the other man entirely; they needed coverage, or these assholes would slip directly around them and get up to whatever nefarious business they had with the island town with precious little resistance.
Granted, maybe he and Eddie were precious little resistance, but there was a spaceship somewhere out there that might have said differently.
"The buck stops here, brah!" he called out to Eddie, flashing a thumbs-up as the first few rafts neared the shoreline. "We got this?"
Then a pair of Rockets were on the beach, with another set nearing Eddie's position. The dark-clad figures charged Beau, flashes of red light releasing their Houndoom and Absol. Beau roared as he charged forward, meeting the first trainer with a straight arm that clotheslined the smaller man, sending him falling back-first against the damp sand.
Callum ducked forward as well, slicing through the air with an AQUA CUTTER that hissed into the enemy Houndoom before neatly twisting away from the Absol, who sharpened its claws with a SWORDS DANCE.
Beau flashed an unpleasant smile at the other Rocket. If he didn't look past the end of the beach at the bulk of the forces that had yet to land, he'd figure they weren't doing all that badly.




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played by


MAY 18th
i don't like change
but i'm not afraid
500000+ infamy height
500000+ infamy height
when everything is in disarray, i think we'll be okay!
735 posts
part of
TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
Dolo, Dolor, Dolorum [M]
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 10:11:55 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb eddietemptest"]

even when the sun has set [break]
hanging in your heart, i'm always there




Eddie's concerns quickly abated when he saw that familiar smile. Beau wasn't some helpless civilian, he quickly reminded himself; this guy was the real deal, and Eddie realized that he was quite fortunate that his one-time cellmate was here to help him crack some skulls. So he mirrored Beau's motion, flashing a thumbs-up of his own, and called back, [break][break]

“Hell yeah buddy; we got this! [break][break]

And so the battle began in earnest. As Beau and his Gallade squared off against their own pair of goons some distance away, Eddie warily eyed another pair of grunts advancing on him and his Iron Boulder, [break][break]

“Telly, run Self-Defense Protocol Beta!” [break][break]

Eddie could practically hear the servos whirring as the paradox Pokemon processed the command, and the faint, mechanical noise would serve as the only warning the grunts would have before Telemachus lunged into the fray. [break][break]

With a shout and two flashes of red light, an Arbok and a Ceruledge took to the field. A BITTER BLADE was easily parried by a MIGHTY CLEAVE; with mechanical precision, the Iron Boulder whirled around to strike the lunging snake's sneak attack with a fearsome PSYCHO CUT. [break][break]

And though the Iron Boulder seemed to be having little trouble contending with two lesser creatures, Eddie found himself distracted as he rushed forward to strike one of the Rocket grunts. Beau could handle himself just fine, he was sure, but that didn't stop Eddie from stealing glances back at the younger man and the grunts he was squaring off with. Would he really be okay? What if one of those bastards got a cheap shot in? What if they hurt the poor kid? Maimed him? Killed him? [break][break]

Splitting his attention in this way proved to be a grave mistake, even as Eddie readily dispatched the first of his two assailants with a jaw-shattering rear hand punch. The other grunt was able to slip behind him, unnoticed, until Eddie felt an arm wrap tightly around his throat.

mission | hyperborea


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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played by


April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
Stay the course
Whatever it takes
6'4" height
6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
343 posts
part of
TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
Dolo, Dolor, Dolorum [M]
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 14:41:07 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

While Beau was in no position to appreciate the circumstances leading to the fight, he had to admit that, as opportunities to blow off steam went, there weren't much better than this. He approached the remaining Grunt with maiming intent, only to flinch backward as the claw-sharpened Absol lunged directly for him instead of his pokemon.
A SACRED SWORD whipped through the air with a speed that made his ear pop, sending the Absol skidding into the surf mid-attack, and Callum offered a satisfied - if indignant - grunt. Beau, for his part, glared at his opponent, who fumbled at his belt for another pokeball. "Not cool, brah. Let me show you how this is s'posed to work."
Before the other man could release another pokemon, Beau closed the distance, delivering a right hook that cut off the other's babbling protestations, knocking him out cold in one shot.
More rafts were coming, though, and Beau chanced a glance down the beach to see how Eddie was faring. Much the same as Beau, thankfully - they weren't doing too badly yet - but no, one of the goons was going for Eddie's back while it was turned, no no no-
"Callum! Get us over there NOW!"
The Gallade placed a blunt hand at Beau's elbow, and with a blink of energy they TELEPORTED to the space behind Eddie. Beau lunged, thought absent, and wrapped a hand around the Rocket's throat, squeezing. The man sputtered and choked, abandoning his grip on Eddie to scrabble and claw at his own neck, trying to dislodge Beau's grip.
Shoving the other man backward, Beau followed up with a ramming shoulder that sent the man sprawling, and as Callum moved forward to menace the fallen man, Beau turned to Eddie, features taut with concern.
"You okay, brah? These assholes ain't fightin' fair. We're gonna need help, you seen Navy?"




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[newclass=".beauf4 .credit a"]font-size:10px;font-weight:800;[/newclass]

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played by


MAY 18th
i don't like change
but i'm not afraid
500000+ infamy height
500000+ infamy height
when everything is in disarray, i think we'll be okay!
735 posts
part of
TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
Dolo, Dolor, Dolorum [M]
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 12:55:57 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb eddietemptest"]

even when the sun has set [break]
hanging in your heart, i'm always there




Eddie could only force a half-step back against the brute force of the grunt holding him. He sputtered indignantly as he grasped at the arms locked around his neck, but his strength was fading fast as the force applied to his airway increased. No, Arceus, please, no. He couldn't go down like this; not when his friends were out here fighting for their home, not when he still had so much left to do to help them. [break][break]

Suddenly, the arms around his neck relinquished their hold, and Eddie was sent stumbling forward onto the sand and gasping for air. After taking a moment to catch his breath, Eddie turned, only just then realizing who had come to his rescue, [break][break]

“Never better, bud. Don't know what I'd do without ya.” [break][break]

His eyes briefly darted to his assailant, now sprawled nearby, but Eddie spared him little thought as he scrambled to his feet, [break][break]

“He left for the cave – I figure Rocket's prob'bly cookin' up somethin' nasty in there. Told us to hold the line up topside.” [break][break]

Eddie glanced over his shoulder and watched more of the grunts start to make their way towards the shore. He turned back to Beau, his own face a mirror of his friend's concern, [break][break]

“Shit's gettin' real dicey, ain't it?” [break][break]

Eddie moved to reach for Beau's arm, [break][break]

“C'mon, we gotta get you to one'a the bunkers.” [break][break]

Because even if Beau could fend off a handful of grunts on his own, their numbers were increasing at an alarming rate. There was only so much that the two of them could do, and for as much as Eddie worried about his own safety, his concern for his friend was tenfold.

mission | hyperborea


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
Stay the course
Whatever it takes
6'4" height
6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
343 posts
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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
Dolo, Dolor, Dolorum [M]
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2024 1:17:38 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

Beau offered a relieved grin at his friend, clapping him on the shoulder as a bit of the tension eased out of him. "Lucky you don't have to wonder what you'd do without me, brah. I'm always there for you."
He kept a weather eye out as Eddie got to his feet, but no immediate threats were forthcoming, and the man he'd just put down seemed content to stay down, unconscious. Beau followed Eddie's gaze to the shoreline, and bore witness to the same sight: they'd managed to take out a couple, but dozens more of the opposing force were fast closing in on the beach.
"Yeah, you said it," he quipped faintly, turning back to face his friend. Shit was indeed getting dicey, and they'd have to change their tactics or fall back to higher ground if they wanted to stand a chance of making a dent in the invaders.
Eddie's next comment had him freeze, however, and his pensive expression slid into full annoyance. He regarded the other man with a stubborn glare, and if he paused to think about it, he might recognize it as the first time he'd laid eyes on Eddie with anything less than a smile.
"No," he responded shortly, accompanied with a frustrated exhale. "That's bullshit and you know it, Eddie. I know I'm not the strongest or the smartest, but I can fight." He balled his fists, teeth gritted as he scowled through his tirade. "If I can get hurt, you can - we all can. You want my resume? I was an Arceus-damn Gym Leader, one time, I'm not gonna break like some china doll."
He took a step forward, jabbing the other man in the chest with his extended finger, heat in his cheeks. "I'm not hiding in some bunker when you refuse to take your own fuckin' advice. I'm with you - I mean it - and I'll be damned if something happens to you if there was something I could do about it."
He stepped back, loosing another sigh, and turned his head to glance out over the increasingly volatile waters.
"So figure out another plan, asshole. You can't get rid of me."




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MAY 18th
i don't like change
but i'm not afraid
500000+ infamy height
500000+ infamy height
when everything is in disarray, i think we'll be okay!
735 posts
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TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
Dolo, Dolor, Dolorum [M]
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2024 12:41:45 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb eddietemptest"]

even when the sun has set [break]
hanging in your heart, i'm always there




Eddie wasn't typically an angry man, but he also wasn't in the business of backing down when he set his mind to something. His stance shifted just barely, shoulders squared and eyes narrowed, as that flare of anger from his friend stoked some stubborn irritation in him. Why the hell wasn't Beau listening to him? [break][break]

“Look, I ain't sayin' that yer lacking for brains or brawn. You don't hafta prove shit to me.” [break][break]

The only acknowledgment Eddie gave of the finger jabbing his chest was a half-step forward in challenge, [break][break]

“But I ain't about to let you get hurt, either.” Eddie swept an arm back out toward Dewford proper, to crushed buildings and to the rush of fleeing civvies, “For fucks sake, Beau, you got all kinds'a friends and family out here, dontcha? The hell are they gonna do if somethin' happened to you? [break][break]

And, more selfishly, what would Eddie do if Beau got hurt again, like he had back in that prismatic penitentiary? [break][break]

Suddenly, a loud boom! echoed through the air, like a peal of thunder, and Eddie caught a glimpse of sparks crashing somewhere further down the beach. The Iron Boulder swiveled its metallic head toward the calamity as well, clinically assessing whatever new weapon was being employed by Rocket against them.

mission | hyperborea


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
Stay the course
Whatever it takes
6'4" height
6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
343 posts
part of
TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
Dolo, Dolor, Dolorum [M]
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2024 0:14:39 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

Contrary to popular opinion, arguing out of sheer stubbornness was something so far out of Beau's wheelhouse it might as well have been nonexistent to him. Most often, he hated rocking the boat; he'd made several decisions in his past - and allowed loved ones to make decisions - that they would collectively come to regret, simply because he hadn't had the nerve to speak up, to challenge what had been presented.
Eddie fired back with the same passion Beau himself felt, staring at the older man on the sandy beach of his hometown in the final moments before the golden sands would surely see the crimson stains of war. In the face of that stoic righteousness, the utter conviction that laced through the man's retort, Beau would have ducked his head, agreed, and done what he was being told.
Unfortunately for Eddie, Beau felt too strongly about the subject matter this time.
He frowned, his features softening as he took in the man before him. "What am I gonna do if something happens to y-" he murmured, biting off the last syllable with effort as though speaking the thought aloud would manifest it. He wasn't going to run and hide. He wasn't going to quietly hope that disaster would take a light hand to Dewford while others were risking life and limb to stand against the intruders, to make sure that they would turn back.
The explosion broke him from his thoughts, and he squinted down the beach at the sight of the impact. The sounds of panic from the far side of town swelled, distantly reaching the beach, and Beau pinched the bridge of his nose, attempting to stave off the headache that had begun to settle at his temples. Eddie wasn't going to be moved, but he wasn't going to be, either.
"Compromise," he allowed. That was a thing people did when they refused to yield, right? "I'll go round up the last few and get them into a bunker. I'll stay out of your way up here," he grunted, eyeing Telly appraisingly, and communicating with his expression as much as he dared that the metallic tank of a beast had better keep his friend from harm.
He beckoned Callum to his side, the Gallade obeying silently. "After that, though, I'm coming to get you. Whether we're fighting or finding the nearest hole in the ground." He punched Eddie's shoulder lightly, though he was looking at the ground as he did so; this wasn't a goodbye, after all, it wasn't.
"I'm with you. I meant it. I mean it."
Callum touched his elbow, and the pair disappeared in a flash of light.




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MAY 18th
i don't like change
but i'm not afraid
500000+ infamy height
500000+ infamy height
when everything is in disarray, i think we'll be okay!
735 posts
part of
TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
Dolo, Dolor, Dolorum [M]
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2024 12:26:54 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb eddietemptest"]

even when the sun has set [break]
hanging in your heart, i'm always there




When Eddie's attention returned to Beau, those angry features had softened into something like worry, and a pang of guilt lanced the older man's heart. Maybe that was what made the idea of a compromise sound far more acceptable than it would have been just a moment prior, [break][break]

“Yeah, but –” [break][break]

But fuck, if Eddie wasn't still worried out of his goddamn mind. He clenched and unclenched his fists at his sides, caught by some indecisive tension. He should have stood his ground, insisted on ensuring Beau's safety, but – [break][break]

The brush of knuckles against his shoulder, reassuring and firm, brought Eddie back down to where he needed to be. Even if Beau's eyes were trained on the sand beneath their feet, Eddie couldn't help but flash him a tired smile, [break][break]

“Yeah, bud. I know ya are.” And Eddie returned the gesture, lifting an arm a little unsteadily and gently tapping a fist against Beau's shoulder, “I'm with you, too.”[break][break]

And then he was gone, TELEPORTED away by the Gallade at his side, and Eddie stood alone on the beach as another round of distant cannon-fire sounded through the air. He turned to Telemachus, whose digital eyes were now trained on the town, and cleared his throat, [break][break]

“So, you up for a little more cleanup duty?” [break][break]

The Iron Boulder's reaction seemed delayed, somehow, as if the entirety of his attention was focused on something beyond Eddie's awareness, but with one more whirring noise, Telemachus turned back to his trainer with affirmation. [break][break]

Eddie wasn't sure when exactly he'd see Beau again, nor did he know what the defense of this place would eventually entail, but one thing was for certain; wherever they were, whoever they were fighting, Eddie was glad to have a friend by his side.

mission | hyperborea


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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gremlin creature

the shadow mod
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
googoo gaga
spiral is my big poppa pump (positive)
600 foot tall baby height
600 foot tall baby height
sleeping in mod reqs
3,486 posts
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spiral and shiv's baby
Dolo, Dolor, Dolorum [M]
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 1:34:52 GMT
spiral and shiv's baby Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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