Eddie, The Stalwart
MAY 18th
Soldier, PV2
the closer you get to something, the tougher it is to see it.
TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
inmediasres' Garden
POSTED ON Mar 30, 2024 0:48:21 GMT
[nospaces] [attr="class","minimal eddieh"] [attr="class","top"] The kitchen garden had been growing a little better than Eddie had originally expected. He'd been ecstatic when the first little green shoots of rosemary had begun to emerge from the loamy soil of the garden pot, and he'd probably posted half a dozen pictures to social media when the thyme and basil followed after. For now, they sat inside in the full light of the large windows of his apartment until the last bit of frost finally subsided, where they would be safe from anything that might want to do them harm. [break][break]
Well, almost anything. Eddie practically screamed when he woke up to an almost man-sized bug sitting on his balcony, staring curiously into the apartment and at the soon-to-be herbs, [break][break]
“Can I fuckin' help you?!” [break][break]
He'd thrown open the door leading out with a mixture of fear and indignation, but the Heracross just peered up at him quizzically. Eddie yelped for a second time on this early morning when the Appletun that had been previously dozing next to Blanche squeezed past his ankle to greet their new guest, [break][break]
“Lendall, get back here!” [break][break]
The Heracross perked up as the dragon waddled over, the beetle sniffing at the perpetually apple pie-scented Pokemon as it lifted it's head to regard the other. Eddie watched with some disbelief, looking between the two of them with a mixture of bewilderment and exasperation. They were sizing each other up in a truly strange way; Eddie knew that the Appletun ate bugs, but surely the Heracross would be too big to try and chomp on, right? And the Heracross was probably drawn in by the scent of the dragon's nectar, but what was it gonna do, just heft up the almost thirty pound creature and take a bite out of it like they were eating a pastry? [break][break]
But that seemed to be exactly what the Heracross was set on doing as it leaned over to pick up Lendall. Eddie scrambled back into his apartment to try and find something to stop the bug before it turned his buddy into breakfast. He needed something, anything; without thinking, Eddie snagged an empty Poke Ball from a bag by the door from his most recent trip to the mart. It was just in time, too, because the Heracross had begun to lift Lendall to it's mouth by the time he managed to fling the capsule at the bug. The Appletun, nubby legs flailing helplessly in the air, landed softly as the Heracross was beamed away, and Eddie breathed a sigh of relief. With a sigh, he stooped down to scoop up the Poke ball and nudge the Appletun gently with the side of his foot,[break][break]
“Get back inside, we still don't gotta be up for another couple'a hours.” [break][break]
As easily as he ambled out, Lendall sauntered back in to the apartment as though he hadn't almost been made a meal of just moments prior. Eddie sighed and closed the door behind him; maybe some citronella candles would help keep any other pests away in the future. [break][break]
[attr="class","ooc"] capturing heracross!
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