Surprise [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
In this and every life
I choose us every time
1m62 / 5'3 height
1m62 / 5'3 height
Through my rise and fall, you've been my only friend
150 posts
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TAG WITH @aura
Brynnhildr Erling
Surprise [M]
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2024 23:46:39 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
She'd timed her arrival just right, hoping to catch on a free moment. It had been a while since she'd managed to visit him; his work as Mossdeep's newest gymleader kept him busy, while Brynn had found herself swamped with classes now she'd decided to resume her medical studies. A few too many at once, she had realised when the deadline of her papers all seemed to coincide in the same few weeks. They were coming along quite well, but trying to stay on top of things had mercilessly cut into her free time.
Nothing daily calls and texts couldn't rectify, but it just wasn't the same. She missed Gwyar's presence, his strong arms around her, the scent of his aftershave, his everything.
So she'd decided that after her submitting her final paper of the week to allow herself a break. A weekend away, city-tripping to Mossdeep City; though she'd be there for anything but the city. A certain Galarian Knight, however...
On her shoulder, Elfagar is having the time of his life as they make their way through the city. The gym's already in sight, but the Space Center towering above them does make one stop and stare, especially outsiders. And that's what the blue-hued Zorua does before yipping in her ear.
"Yes yes," she shushes the little fox, patting its head. "But you can't catch it, no matter how hard you try." she shakes her head softly as he tries to gnaw on a strand of her hair. When they reach the gym Brynn carefully makes her way over to the building, where a handful of people are just packing up after what seems to have been another successful defense seminar.
Sneaking past the crowd she makes her way into the arena and leans against a nearby wall, watching him quietly as he finishes up.




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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
Surprise [M]
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2024 18:58:18 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar


He hadn't been informed of any visits. Thus, he remained methodical as the seminar ended, taking a few extra moments to engage with members of the local community.

Older men and women, the sort that tended to have grand children, often remained for several minutes to exchange words with him. Occasionally, gift him something for his work.

Sometimes it was younger trainers, tweens and teens with a few doubts still left.

Nonetheless, he took his time going through them all patiently, until eventually, they all filtered out of the stadium, a few giving a curious look as they exited.

Eventually, the gym leader's own curious gaze found her, his brow creasing slightly as he realized how long he might've made her wait.

"Brynnhildr." He breathed gently, approaching her. He look around briefly, noting the floodlights were still on. It meant there were still gym trainers inside.

He smiled at her.

"You should've called. I would've rushed."


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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
In this and every life
I choose us every time
1m62 / 5'3 height
1m62 / 5'3 height
Through my rise and fall, you've been my only friend
150 posts
part of
TAG WITH @aura
Brynnhildr Erling
Surprise [M]
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2024 18:36:34 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
Brynn gives the curious onlookers a gentle smile, nodding as they pass her. They might know why she's here, or conjure up fantasies of why; it's not that hard when you see someone watching from the sidelines with such a pining look in their eyes. It's where her focus always laid. Her mind always wandered to whenever she could. Especially now he'd noticed her, too.

"Mmmm, I could have," she pushes herself off the wall and saunters over to her beloved blonde. "But that would've spoiled the surprise."

She lets her words linger, waiting till she's close enough to keep her words a little more private. "And the delightful sight I just bore witness to, too."

A wink, ever teasing, now she stands in front of him. The way her face melts into something far more loving almost instantly makes the tease but fleeting. It's probably the way her heartbeat has quickened that has her feeling like this.

All giddy. She can't help it.

I'm sorry I took so long. Things got busy. How've you been. All things she'd love to say, but stumble in her throat. Except one.

"I missed you so much, Gwyar."




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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
Surprise [M]
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2024 18:43:25 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar


"Fair enough." He mutters, amused as he observes her approach, slowly tilting his head as his eyes raked down her form.

Her teasing dragged a smile over his lips.

"And I you." He said, closing the rest of the gap between them with a step, his arms coming gently to wrap around her, firm around her waist.

Things in Hoenn were never slow, and the pace of things oft kept one busy, focused. But now that she was there, present, it was difficult to ignore how much he had missed her.

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played by


September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
In this and every life
I choose us every time
1m62 / 5'3 height
1m62 / 5'3 height
Through my rise and fall, you've been my only friend
150 posts
part of
TAG WITH @aura
Brynnhildr Erling
Surprise [M]
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2024 0:20:55 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
Brynn settles into Gwyar's embrace the moment his arms lock around her, her head leaning against his chest as her arms mimic his own, fingers gripping at the back of his shirt.

With every moment that passes she sinks deeper and deeper into him, and with it her embrace tightens. It's been too long. And every time they part ways she forgets how much she actually needs him until he's right in front of her again. When he's within the grasp of her fingertips; and it always hits home hard.

How starved she is for him.

When she peers up at her lover she finds herself already tiptoeing, steadily dragging him down to meet her lips.

Elfagar, having been upon her shoulder until now, hops off, darting out into the arena to give them some space.




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