Bedlam [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Beau Fontaine
Bedlam [M]
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2024 22:56:44 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

Beau had been a resident of Dewford most of his life, and he'd seen a number of things that - at the time - he'd assumed to be once-in-a-lifetime events for the sleepy little island town. A huge pod of migrating Wailmer off the coast, for instance, or the year a comet had streaked through the sky, something a child like Beau didn't think he'd ever witness again.
Now, he could add a pirate ship shooting electrical cannons indiscriminately at his home to the list.
Chunks had been taken out of the beach, out of buildings, and in some cases even fused the sand into sparkling patches of glass that glittered brilliantly in the morning sun. Most of the town's residents had already made for the bunkers when the emergency warning went out, and good for them, because the small island was crawling with black-clothed figures.
He should be joining the civilians - that was his directive, at least. Still, though...if he were in the bunker and it was breached anyway, wouldn't they just be shooting fish in a barrel? He had been a gym leader, for Arceus' sake. He knew was dealing with whoever was on that ship, and was positive and were somewhere in the melee.
Three against dozens wasn't a fair fight, and while four wouldn't even the odds, he had to think it would tip the scales in their favor just a bit more.
"Screw it."
He slammed the heavy metal door on the bunker with a thunderous CLANG, whirling and releasing Torben with a flash of crimson light. As they rounded the front of the row of buildings protecting the entrance to the shelter, the Pangoro pounded forward with a roar, dispatching a Seviper with a BULLET PUNCH.
"Get the FUCK off my island!" Beau roared at the flabbergasted Grunt, who fumbled for another pokeball at his belt. Before he could release a second threat, Beau was on him, laying him out on the sand with a haymaker that sent him sprawling.
"Who's next?!"



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Grigori Sokolov
Bedlam [M]
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2024 4:12:48 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Grigori marched alongside the other grunts, his Kantonian armor heavy against his frame. Lesser men would’ve been crushed by its protective metal, trapped in a steely red prison. Yet he marched on, as if he was unburdened by its weight. His pure metal hammer clinked against it with each step, and his half-broken mask painted a terrible picture.

Tonight was going to be bloody, brutal, and necessary. must achieve his goal if Hoenn was to stand a chance– if Eternatus was truly the threat he made it out to be.

He better be right. He had to be. Otherwise, this was for naught and numerous families would be broken apart for table scraps. A power squabble that meant nothing for one side and everything for the other.

But grunts did not question their orders. They completed them. And right now, his goal was to sow chaos. A good place to start was the newcomer, Pangoro in tow. The Seviper flew across the sand, and the grunt underneath the man’s blow followed.

Stand down, stranger,” he called to the man. From his side erupted a Grimmsnarl, who clapped his fists together with a wicked grin. His limbs bulged, and he grew several inches outward. Bulked Up for the fight to come.

Grigori raised his hammer, “Or I will make you.

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Beau Fontaine
Bedlam [M]
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2024 0:21:44 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

Were Beau not already well in the grip of adrenaline, he might have been taken aback at the appearance of the figure who approached him. The armor and hammer were surprises; the Grimmsnarl was not.
He straightened, a frown pulling down the corners of his mouth in an unfamiliar expression. His eyes raked over the figure, both no different and impossibly different from the countless other troops storming Dewford. "Can't do that, brah," he returned, offering a shrug that should have been apologetic.
Torben tensed at his side as the Grimmsnarl Bulked Up, but Beau lifted a hand to forestall his ursine companion. "Would you?" he inquired, addressing the other man. "If this was your town, your house, your friends - would you?"
He took in the man's stoic, determined stance, and barked a rueful chuckle. "Did you already have to?"
He stood firm, his demeanor placid but his eyes furious, his pulse pounding with indignation. He could feel it in his head, in his throat, in his hands, itching to curl into fists and see how exactly they'd fare against metal.
Torben uttered a low growl, muscles bulging outward as he mirrored his counterpart's move, and Beau, ever succinct, offered: "No."



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Grigori Sokolov
Bedlam [M]
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2024 6:38:04 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Wrong answer.

Of course, Grigori agreed with his foe. In almost every sense of the idea, they were aligned. To fight for something one cared about was paramount. To not stand down in the face of trouble was crucial. Especially if it meant to help the lives of those innocent or otherwise uninvolved with the affairs at hand.

The only way they differed was the color of their faction. The most important way to differ.

That’s why he answered how he did. It’s why he regripped the hammer, to better swing with. It’s why the Grimmsnarl, with a grin so wide and teeth so sharp it rivaled the monsters in children's nightmares, was the first to engage.

It immediately went for the Pangoro, ready to Play Rough with the fellow that matched its energy, its strength. Meanwhile, Grigori walked calmly forward. He had no reason to rush to conflict. No desire.

But, perhaps in the increased time to fight, he could find the willpower to strike a fellow human with the intent to maim. Kill, if necessary. “Your fate was determined the moment you set foot out of safety. If you’d stayed hidden, your odds of survival were one hundred percent.

His heart sank as the hammer raised. Pointed straight to Beau. “Now, they rest next to zero.

Only then did he charge, ready to cripple a leg in one fell swoop. He was back in Kanto, back in the armor. A monster, nothing more. Only monsters spoke as he, and acted likewise.

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Beau Fontaine
Bedlam [M]
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 18:20:09 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

Ah crap, one of those.
He didn't expect revelation from the other man, and wasn't overly surprised to see that the reaction in question was to instead point his weapon at Beau. The rest? He couldn't help but bark out a laugh. "Math nerds," he quipped humorlessly, "Can't ever accept when they're wrong."
He couldn't say that he'd ever gone up against somebody swinging a hammer before, but he reasoned that the closer he was to his assailant, the less likely the heavy mallet of the implement would be able to actually hit him. Course, that raised other potential problems, but when was he ever one for forethought? He'd deal with 'em when he got to 'em.
The hammer guy moved, and so did he, feet pounding as he charged forward to meet his opponent - the hammer was a concern, but the other man was angling it low, and while most feats of dexterity were beyond a man of Beau's size, he had it in him to jump at the last possible moment and throw his weight toward Grigori. The hammer would hurt any way it hit him, but if he pulled off a flying tackle? Gave him a few more seconds, anyway.
Torben, meanwhile, was in his own stalemate; he couldn't get to the trainer menacing Beau because of the Grimmsnarl striking him with a series of blows that sent him skidding back in the sand, his back thudding painfully against the earth. With a low growl, the Pangoro lurched upward, coming ponderously to his feet and spitting out the ever-present stalk from between his teeth before retaliating with a BULLET PUNCH - less quick than it might have been from his injury, but fast enough.



Make It Double




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Grigori Sokolov
Bedlam [M]
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2024 4:47:01 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Even as Imp sent the Pangoro back into the sand, it wasn’t slow to retaliate. And sure enough, its mighty muscles put a hefty dent into the Grimmsnarl. He went reeling backwards, his hands aflutter in the air to maintain a semblance of balance. Thankfully, it did not fall into the sand. That’d spell defeat.

But a scowl formed on his lips, and he raised his arms high. Torment struck the Pangoro before it could hope to do anything else, as Imp was a Prankster at heart. It was safe from another steely strike– for the moment.

But unfortunately for Grigori, he had no such reprieve against his foe. After all, a straight flying-tackle was an uncommon strategy. Most chose to either cower behind their Pokémon or use a firearm. For that, he held respect for his foe. Especially since he was in full armor.

It meant the worst that happened was the wind was forced from his lungs as his back slammed into the ground below. The hammer escaped his hands, head buried into the sand. On one hand, that left him weaponless.

On the other, it gave him two full hands to grasp his foe. He tried to grapple him off to the side and reverse their positions. Anything to get a leg up. Because if he could– then things would go poorly fast for Beau.

Give. Up,” he gasped. Muscles bulged and wills fought against each other with all their strength. “Your bravery will be forgotten, and your skeleton naught but a reminder of this scuffle.

Grigori never lied. He could not. The black line etched into his skin served as a daily reminder of his promise. What would Beau ask of him, as he gave his final breaths?

He did not want to know. But yet again, he hadn’t desired the other tattoos likewise.

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Beau Fontaine
Bedlam [M]
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2024 2:13:37 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

Subjected to the Grimmsnarl's TORMENT, the bear could only utter a snarl as his foe's attack derailed his only path to victory. Ragged and panting, Torben lurched forward to launch a spray of sand toward the imp in a PARTING SHOT that saw him dissolve into a spray of red light, zipping toward his trainer's belt. An answering light rebounded almost immediately, resolving in the ursine's former space as a Tinkaton, hefting her hammer with a surprised blink that slid into a stern glare.
Beau, for his part, had succeeded in his initial plan, but had given no thought in the slightest to what followed. His arms strained, his whole body strained as he grappled with his opponent, and he cursed mentally. The armor wasn't simply a tool to supplant a deficient wearer; this man meant business, meant to kill him, and if he lost his only upper hand, Beau had no doubt that the other would not hesitate.
Five minutes ago, Beau would have hesitated. Would have looked toward a more peaceful resolution, would have appealed to the basic reason that all humans possessed. He'd seen and dealt with what initially appeared to be worse than this.
It was only now, struggling to keep this tank of a man pinned to the sand while he worked out how to *actually* incapacitate him that he realized peace was never an option. The conflict was bigger than him, bigger than all of them, and if he blinked, this man or someone worse than him would lay waste to Beau and all he'd worked for without so much as blinking.
The other's grim diatribe might have caused Beau to waver, once. Now, though, he had himself to fight for, and not just his hometown. He wasn't fool enough to break his knuckles against the man's armor - not only would that hurt, it would hasten his loss of grip on the man. He could only hope to hold him down while Millie took out the Grimmsnarl.
So, he hoped.



Make It Double




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Grigori Sokolov
Bedlam [M]
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2024 6:53:17 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Grimmsnarl wiped the sand from his eyes with a snarl, yet it quickly turned to a grumble as the small pink creature appeared in the wake of the Pangoro. Its giant hammer looked menacing, and it had the smile of a serial killer. All signs pointed to a swift defeat, and the writing was in the sand.

So, it didn’t try. It turned tail and ran straight for Grigori. The motion distracted the grunt, but he assessed the situation carefully. Quickly. One leg rose up and his knee slammed into Beau. The reversal of roles was discarded, and he recalled Imp before it could get crushed beneath the hammer.

Or himself. Another ball was clicked, and the flash bang morphed into a second Pokémon. Now, a blade arched high into the sky. Attached to the forehead of an honorable yet viscous Kingambit. Pumpkin had come out to play, and she played to win.

Kneel before your master, whelp! Or face my furious– er, fury!

Of course, she also knew Tinkaton wouldn’t. Thus, she wasted no time and waved the blade around in several circles. It glowed beneath the moonlight, and the light transferred throughout her whole body. Whatever was to happen next, her Swords Dance ensured that her foe would surely be worse off than her.

Unfortunately, all it did was ensure he was still locked into the same game as before. They were too equal, strength of the same caliber. One young and full of desperate energy, yet the other with thirty years of experience and hardened muscle. Ground never shifted far from the center.

In the end, it’d likely come down to whomever’s Pokémon claimed the upper hand. Or could join in on their impromptu wrestling match. Either way, it’d be a quick and decisive victory.

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Beau Fontaine
Bedlam [M]
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2024 1:41:34 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

For all he expected to be cast aside like a piece of particularly heavy garbage, Beau found himself almost surprised that he wasn't losing ground to his armored foe. Weight and leverage, it turned out, did count for something, and if he couldn't lay a fist on the other, at least he could keep him from reaching for that scary-looking hammer until Millie held out and tipped the scales.
If she held out.
A rush of motion caught his attention much sooner than he would have expected, and - oh, dang it, it was the Grimmsnarl. He tensed, bracing for an attack, and was utterly blindsided by the knee that slammed into his solar plexus, causing him to see stars as he choked out a low groan.
Fumbling to keep his assailant from gaining any ground, he rolled back atop him, drawing his fist back this time and laying a hard punch into the side of the Rocket's head. Yeah, no, his knuckles didn't enjoy that, judging by the sudden and profuse rivulets of crimson dribbling down his wrist. He did it again, anyway, and it only hurt a little less than the knee.
The Tinkaton canted her head to the side inquisitively as the Kingambit appeared across from her and called out boisterously. In response, she offered a quiet coo: "@$!* your @#%@ing @#%^, hee!" She dashed forward with surprising speed, wielding her hammer with expertly-honed viciousness to PLAY ROUGH with her opponent.
Beau groaned again; he could feel himself giving out, but he couldn't, and so he grappled with the other man still. Giving up would mean death, and more than likely not just his. He had to hold out, because words weren't the solution and he couldn't do this by himself.
Yet here he was. By himself. Again.



Make It Double




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Grigori Sokolov
Bedlam [M]
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2024 2:37:31 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Beau’s hits hurt himself more than Grigori, but it meant that he couldn’t have capitalized on the distraction created by Imp. The two men continued their deadlock, unable to break one another. One would have to bend before the other, though. That is how these things worked. Either you gave your all or died trying.

And Grigori had someone to take care of. ’s face flashed in his mind, and his strength renewed.

The same could not be said for Pumpkin. “Now is not the time for such–

WHAT THE @$!*--

Together, they rolled around in the sand and muck of the combat zone. Hammer met blade, and fists met fists. Her steely body kept the physical pain at bay, but it was the mental fairy pain against her cool, dark frame that averaged it out. By the end of their short tussle, Pumpkin breathed deep and pulled herself off of the Tinkaton.

Argh, forget it! You are not worthy of an honorable duel!

Think fast, chuckle-fuck!” Pumpkin rushed forward, ready to strike the stupid little gremlin in her stupid awful face with a monstrous Sucker Punch. Except…

Wh-what is this?!

Grigori glanced over to the commotion and rolled his eyes. This was getting nowhere, and battle demanded they get anywhere at all. “You will not best me. I refuse!

Grrrrrraaaa!” His legs rose again. A knee planted into Beau’s chest to push him away, and a foot planted itself into his chest. With all his strength, the grunt pushed the muscular man off with incredible force. Aching shoulders pushed him to the side, and he quickly rose afterward.

Straight for the hammer.

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Beau Fontaine
Bedlam [M]
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2024 21:16:58 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

Though Beau himself was occupied in a physical struggle that he was unable to achieve the upper hand on, his Tinkaton had no such compunctions. Blow after blow was traded with the sharp clang of steel on steel, the dull impact of fists and legs and, underlying it all, the telltale rose-hued film that hung in the air punctuating her attacks.
When the Kingambit pulled backward to unleash another attack, Millie giggled and twirled her hammer, curtseying coquettishly. "You're pretty strong for a total moron!" Imitation, it was said, was the sincerest form of FLATTERY, and while the Tinkaton's attempt was anything but sincere, it did manage to avoid putting her in harm's way of the stymied Sucker Punch.
Beau, momentarily distracted as he chanced a look at the dueling pokemon, was summarily removed from his position as the other man delivered a vicious kick that sent him sprawling, the armored leg extending to hold him at bay and block him as the other reached for the weapon that would determine the outcome of this confrontation in mere moments.
"No way, brah," Beau panted, "Get the hell back here." He gripped the man's ankle and tried to shove the booted foot from his chest, but the other was already rising. Fuck.
He didn't have a hammer, or a weapon, or really anything that could stand up to a man in full armor with an implement he could easily cave Beau's head in with. He was desperate - and at least he could reason that desperation might forgive a little rule-bending, because certainly Rocket wasn't liable to play by the same.
His arm whipped out, and the Swampert appeared in another flare of light. "The hammer!" he hollered.
Nemo cast a bewildered glance around before setting eyes on Grigori's prize. With a low cry of acknowledgement, he slammed his front legs into the ground, creating a crazily zig-zagging series of cracks that emanated forward, spreading and growing larger as they raced forward. He only had time on his hands, and Beau, so far from being able to reach the stoic man in time, had to hope that the hammer would drop into the abyss before it dropped on him.



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December 26
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TAG WITH @grigorisokolov
Grigori Sokolov
Bedlam [M]
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2024 3:46:37 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
...” Pumpkin stared in awe at the Tinkaton. How silly it looked. How cute. How could she ever hope to hurt or harm such an innocent creature? Despite their differences, they were not anything that time could not fix. She waddled closer to the gremlin, her previously violent ideas forgotten.

She reached out a hand in friendship. “I’m sorry for my previous actions…

They were not nearly violent enough.

Her head flashed steel, and she tried to send it straight into Millie’s skull. If she managed to crack her skull and see the peanut-sized brain that rattled inside, then it would be a perfectly acceptable start.

Unlike the one Grigori didn’t have. His boots sunk into the sand awkwardly and gave the Swampert ample time to start its strategy. Cracks formed in the earth, and sand quickly raced to fill them in as it traveled along the surface. It was a desperate race, one he could not afford to lose.

So why leave it up to chance? Grigori reached down and deployed another of his own poke balls. White light, equivalent of a flashbang on the dark beach, revealed a dangerous tentacle monster. Xurkitree raced forward and reached out thick black wires. They raced the Earthquake, closer, closer, until–

The hammer disappeared.

Then re-emerged from the earth. Supported by a singular wire. He stretched out his arm, “The hammer!

It circled, then arced through the air. Straight into his hand, and he turned back on his foe.

You had your chance.

Xurkitree watched with its invisible gaze. It knew better than to act out on its own– that, and it had no reason to. There were no foes to fight, so long as Swampert stayed its hand. Grigori closed the distance once more. And this time, he would not lose the upper hand.

Make your deathbed promise. I’ll record it and keep your desire alive.

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