Close Encounters

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Violet Fairbanks
Close Encounters
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 21:24:09 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

“Hmm, maybe not, but a want, a desire, certainly,” she took the opportunity to purr in the other’s ear as she disengaged slightly. They could not exactly stay here and wait for the tide to rise. They had left the bike unattended up on the cliff, after all. It would have been kind of bad if something happened to it, and this was a place housing wild steel types. Best to not tempt fate too much.
Speaking of, Elaine was making assertion to that extent once more, prompting a bit of a coy laugh from Violet. “I do feel safer already,” she noted, while casually taking Elaine’s hand as she started to make her way up the slightly unsteady path. It was a bit more awkward that way, certainly, but she wanted to prove the point to them both, for them to give one another stability.
“In fact, I haven’t been able to feel this carefree in a long time. And it is thanks to you just being you, of course.” It did not even have anything to do with declarations of protection, really. There just was a casual ease that came with being around Elaine that was infectious. Which was kind of ironic, given both of their hang-ups in that regard. But simply being able to be mostly herself was giving her a lot of room to breathe.
Which, in turn gave her the strength to make it up the path without incident. “I guess we both handled these Pokemon incidents very well, so we have earned ourselves a brief snack and drink, wouldn’t you agree? I did bring grapes because I do want to try feeding them to you.” And yes, she said that completely unabashedly.



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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Elaine Highland
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POSTED ON Jul 25, 2024 3:20:46 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

She was overthinking this all. The more she had been thinking, the more she had let the worry build up in her head. They had already exchanged their affirmations, but there was always the nagging feeling that Elaine had been insufficient.

After all, the two of them had spent a week in the unrelenting torture that was their tenure on the prison ship. Moreover, there was always the unrelenting feeling of inadequacy that always continued to feel for what felt like forever.

But, Violet was right. As she took her hand and pulled her up that uneasy path, the words she had spoken had resonated with her. For those short moments, those worries, those thoughts, they all seemed to fade into the background.

Violet had accepted her. Strengths and weaknesses all.

And yet, she still was able to speak of levity in her presence. So what if her strength didn't warrant it. They had decided for themselves that that didn't matter in the slightest. "You're right. I feel the same."

In the end, she felt carefree in Violet's presence, too.

It was for that reason that she could say that her guard was completely down by the time the two of them had returned to where they had left the motorcycle.

"Yeah, a break is definitely well-earned. I definitely need to sit...Wait what?"

Elaine's head snapped back to Violet as she took a second to process what she had heard. There was not a single hint of reticence or hesitancy in her words. She had said them with a completely straight face.

Her face felt warm as she looked to Violet, flapped her mouth, and pointed at her own face.

Notes:Motorcycle, helmet, and outfit

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Violet Fairbanks
Close Encounters
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2024 21:31:24 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Was it cruel to laugh at someone’s embarrassment? Maybe. Just a little bit. But Vio did it anyway. Another of those weaknesses they had accepted about one another, in a way. She just could not help it when she saw this. And there was nothing malicious about that laugh at all, it was almost as if she was trying to laugh at the situation, not at the other.
But she still knew that it was probably still coming across as mean, so she forced it to ebb somewhat quickly. Hence, it remained simply a jovial thing, triggered by a sudden display of emotion that did not quite cross into being mean-spirited. Still, not good. “Sorry about that. But this reaction was just too cute, I could not help but be overjoyed by it,” she explained after catching herself and letting the other cool off a little.
“But that is something I love about you, too. How you can get so supremely flustered all of a sudden. It is strictly speaking adorable.” It probably was not helping at all that she was being so forward about everything. But once again, she did not bother too much in that regard. Here, she could be honest with them both. [break][break]
Though that also demanded that she was genuine and actually listened to the signals the other was giving her. “Of course, I wouldn’t want to do anything that would truly make you uncomfortable. I just figured you might enjoy it,” she hence explained, keeping the other’s hand a bit more tightly. “After all, once you get beyond the embarrassment of it, you would like that, would you not? Being able to relax, your head on my lap, as I feed you something nice. I certainly would not mind that in your position at least.”



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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Elaine Highland
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POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 5:01:52 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

To be blunt, Elaine actually liked the idea. It was one of those indulgent experiences that one seldom got to relish in. Hell, she could say she never had experienced it. The very act was something so specific and yet seemed quite relaxing the more she thought about it. That was hardly what caught her off guard.

The two of them had been together, even if only for a short time, spending every waking moment in each other's presence for the last few days. So that was not the issue either.

"It's not that I'm opposed to it in the slightest." She said as she finally found the words to say. It was a strange thing. Though she was not averse, she had still reacted so strongly. Perhaps that was why she was trying her best to calm down.

"Doing that is the kind of thing you see in movies. It just feels kinda unreal." The awkwardness had faded. She was simply smiling as she scratched at the back of her head for a moment. There was neither tension nor deception behind that smile. She held no need to mask anything as her embarrassment had returned to nothingness.

"It just kinda creates a short dissonance, you know? Between the real and the unreal. But..."

But she did not deny herself (nor Violet the simple pleasure). "It would definitely be nice. Under calm skies upon your lap like this."

Notes:Motorcycle, helmet, and outfit

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Violet Fairbanks
Close Encounters
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 21:00:44 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Violet was not sure. Naturally, she liked that Elaine calmed down and found herself in quite the agreement to what Vio had suggested. On the other hand, though, she would not have minded seeing that cute, flustered face a little more.
But then again, there likely would be many more opportunities for that. Her companion was a formidable, world-weary and potentially world-class detective, but she was still inexperienced in even fake love. Plus, those flustered moments were so special because she had to work for them at least a little, and because they did not last forever.
So, she just smiled, before moving on a little bit, towards the bike. “I know what you mean. But that’s precisely because I want to try it. I never did that with anyone either, after all. Making the unreal, well, real, sounds like a fun little proposition, doesn’t it?” Though Violet had to be careful not to overdo that particular thing.[break][break]
After all, she would never want Elaine to feel like some kind of prop to be used for her own gratification or anything like that. Hence Vio picking things that she thought might be fun for them both. “That being said, we probably should take the bike with us over to the other side of the road. There is grass over there. And even your trusty lap-pillow wants to be comfortable after all.” Flicking some hair over her shoulders as she said that, Vio grabbed her bag from the bike and trusted Elaine to push it herself. That just seemed right. After all, it was her vehicle, and she knew best how to treat it even in this menial a way.



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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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Elaine Highland
Close Encounters
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2024 23:52:13 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

The sky was picturesque. The clear blue up above was dotted with cottony fluff that would make a child spend hours trying to decide what they were shaped like. As gentle breezes flowed through pushing each of those clouds on their way, Elaine paid no mind to a single one of them. It was a whimsical scene above, but at the same time, there was some definite whimsy in what was going on on the ground for them.

After pushing the bike closer to the location Violet had pointed out, they had ended up exactly as Violet had said, with Elaine's head resting comfortably on Violet's lap as she lay down upon the soft grass.

Despite any reservations she had held before, this was a comfortable position. The rustling of the trees. The cool breeze that parted the spring warmth.

"Yeah. This is comfortable."

Although the proposed grape feeding had yet to start, Elaine could at least say that being like this with Violet was enough to distract her from the already quaint sight of the calm daytime sky.

It was enough to make a girl like her smile.

Notes:Motorcycle, helmet, and outfit
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Violet Fairbanks
Close Encounters
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2024 21:00:58 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

It was good to have confirmation about her own comfortability. Violet had been a bit worried, given the training of recent weeks and months. It was pretty good as a fitness plan and to lose weight, of course, but she had always been someone who rather struggled with gaining weight than losing it to begin with. And she feared that building up more muscles might make her less, well, comfortable in that kind of situation. It was part of her hangups about transitioning away from her rich girl persona towards an agent that aligned more with who she had once been. Plus, it would make posing as a harmless civilian harder if she got too well defined otherwise.
Granted, that was not really something of great import in this moment. Heck, Elaine was one of the few people that Violet was fairly open about when it came to her being stronger than she seemed, in a way. [break][break]
But still, she liked being comfortable for the one in her lap. Especially seeing her this happy about something so simple. It was enough for Vio to casually take one of the grapes and bop Elaine’s nose with it. “You truly are the first person for whom I would unironically choose the word ‘precious’,” she stated, before moving the grape down lower, seeking to nudge the detective’s mouth with it gently. “Which might be dangerous, you know? I do give off that kind of possessive vibe, don’t I?”



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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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Elaine Highland
Close Encounters
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2024 4:15:24 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

In a sense, she had gotten lost in Violet's words. Those sweet nothings and those tender compliments had their way of wrapping a person within their embrace. From the beginning of the day or perhaps beyond that, each whisper and each soft word the two of them had been speaking had been intertwining around each other. It was soft, yet calm.

Honeymoon phases were often fueled by lingering throes of passion and intensity, but what was happened to her was not that. At the very least, it was not what she would willingly call that.




It was something Elaine wished could last forever. Something she would make damn sure that she could let linger for as long as possible.

“You truly are the first person for whom I would unironically choose the word ‘precious.’”

It was why she could hear the words Violet said in earnest as she placed one of the grapes into Elaine's mouth. It was a simple statement of love. But at the same time, those words just as easily housed a noteable sadness.

She had already told her pieces of her own past, but even so, she felt as if something was wrapping at her heart as she heard those words.

“Which might be dangerous, you know? I do give off that kind of possessive vibe, don’t I?”

It was truly sweet. Not just the grape that she had eaten in that moment, but the way she chose to tease her. Whatever vice around her heart there was, Elaine could still chuckle in relief.

"Thine words belie thy actions, milady." Elaine chuckled and said before reaching her finger up to poke at the tips of Violet's nose.

"Though, unless you consider yourself more dangerous than all the insanity we've already seen and been through, I think we'll be fine."

Notes:Motorcycle, helmet, and outfit

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Violet Fairbanks
Close Encounters
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2024 21:39:21 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Ah, the tightrope she was walking here, it was still rather interesting. Though she was not actually going for the thrill of it in this instance. That had been part of the initial attraction, simply being like this near a great detective of all people had just been so interesting that she’d barely been able to keep herself from being even more daring in matters pertaining her past. And yet, the more she actually divulged, the more at ease she felt being honest, the more that had moved into the background.
Right then, just feeding another grape to this woman, she didn’t need any of that. Just feeling the gentle breeze, the sun’s rays and the other’s breathing was enough in those moments. It certainly would not last forever. Vio knew herself too well to believe that. But at least for now, this was nigh perfection. Especially when she was being treated this well. “Eh, are you sure it is wise to give me the royal treatment? Because I so definitely could get used to that,” she replied, doing her best impression of a noblewoman’s laughter in the process.
Which was not a terrible impression. She had practiced it, after all. Violet Fairbanks was an identity that was supposed to belong to an aristocrat of sorts, even though she had always kept that vague. Outright, detailed lies often did more harm in the long run, after all.
But she had cultivated what she wanted others to think of her. That charade had mostly dissipated around Elaine though, but not completely. What remained was simply who and what she wanted to be, without concerning herself too much with how it came across. “But don’t worry. I cannot hold a candle to all that craziness. I think right now I am a danger to your blood pressure at best, given how red your face got earlier~.”



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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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Elaine Highland
Close Encounters
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2024 4:21:03 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

"It'll all be fine. Princess treatment or not, we're together here." It was easy to say in that moment, but that was something she had truly believed.

The two of them, be it individually or together, had been through so much. Between the rampant chaos of their respective lives and the moments when those chaotic lives intersected, they had been through their fair share of tribulations.

She couldn't help but smile at this point. Be it the simplicity of the moment or the quite adorable imitation of a noblewoman, the world felt it was as it should have been.

"And it will continue to be fine. For a long, long time."

And no matter how much her trials got to her, Violet's presence would be there to ground her.

As another grape went down her throat, she couldn't help but grin a bit. "Blood pressure or perhaps blood sugar as well. Better hope it doesn't make my heart stop with all of the stimulation."

As she bantered, she gave a short wink.

Notes:Motorcycle, helmet, and outfit
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Violet Fairbanks
Close Encounters
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2024 22:37:01 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

“Oh, don’t worry, I am quite confident in my ability to make your heart race without stopping it~.” Granted, she did not fully disclose why she was so certain of it – that she had anatomical knowledge pursuant for rather dark endeavours in that regard would only sour the mood for sure. But it wasn’t even that. She had always been confident in those kinds of abilities. Although with Elaine, she was very much intent on not just teasing but also delivering. So, that was quite the positive change indeed.
Finishing up the grapes, she shuffled her own position a little. Just enough so that she could lean in, acquiring an upside-down look at the other in the process. Errant strands of pale hair would reach the other this way, those that were not currently bound into a ponytail for better riding, but those kinds of imperfections were fine in this scenario. One might even say they added to it all, in her opinion. “But if I am the princess, does that mean you are my knight in shining armour? That would be kind of fitting, wouldn’t you say?” After all, Elaine was a good person. The kind that would protect others selflessly. Or at least appear that way for selfish reasons. Which, to Violet, was basically the same thing, really.



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[newclass=.blboxfl .pokeclass img:hover]background:var(--accent); transition:1s all; box-shadow:2px 2px #232323 [/newclass]
[newclass=.blboxfl .credit]font:bold 15px poppins; transform:rotate(90deg); position:absolute; bottom:55px; right:45px; color:rgb(65,65,65); text-shadow: -1px -1px 0 #222, 1px -1px 0 #222, -1px 1px 0 #222, 1px 1px 0 #222;[/newclass]
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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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Elaine Highland
Close Encounters
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2024 4:01:00 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
Elaine smiled. There was nothing she could simply do nor was there anything else she would want to do was Violet continued to bounce back and forth with her words. Each exchange bringing them closer and closer together.

Stray strands of hair fell down from Violet's hair as she leaned. She had always seen her with the usual ponytail, but this felt different. Some hairs had even fell between their two faces, creating the visage of a steady gate keeping pairs of sapphire eyes from crossing paths with each other.

"I don't ever think I could have been called knightly." For a moment, she averted her eyes. But in the next moment, she reached up towards some of those errant strands and parted them enough.

They needed not let their eyes be obstructed.

"But I can gladly be your knight. The same way you'd become mine."

That declaration was something she would make with clarity again and again.

Notes:Motorcycle, helmet, and outfit
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Violet Fairbanks
Close Encounters
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2024 22:21:17 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

“Hm? That is actually surprising. You always seemed like someone who fights for justice and aids others. That’s plenty knightly to me,” she noted, though it was possibly more in order to contrast herself from that sort of thing. After all, she was…well, she did sometimes help others and protect them. Not on principle, but just because she felt like she simply couldn’t…not do it. Violet could not quite explain it. She was ready to hurt or even kill others for her work, but at times, even in war zones, she’d found herself protecting others even if she stood nothing to gain.
So far, she had just rationalized that with herself being callous but ‘not a jerk’, though she internally used more colourful language there. Yet, when talking about it like this, she always found herself wondering. [break][break]
“Though, saying that I can’t really turn around and say that I am not one to be a knight for you myself, now can I? Though, also admittedly, I never said I wasn’t a hypocrite.” That was one of those times when she found one of her jokes good enough to chuckle at it herself, so she did just that. “But it is true. Just as before, if I ever see you in danger, I will protect you no matter what.” And she did truly mean the last part. There was little she was unwilling to do if it meant protecting the one she cared about. Even against the latter’s wishes, if necessary.



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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
Close Encounters
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2024 3:14:04 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
"I've always done what comes kinda natural. In my position, you tend to not see things until they have reached past the point of no return." Elaine gave a wry smile. "It's nothing I could have ever considered knightly. I simply just..."

Elaine had, once upon a time, believed in absolute strength as a means to an end. At the end of the day, she sought power solely for one reason, with a simple, almost childlike logic.

But now, she could say that she had come to an understanding of it all.

The her of the past and the her of now were the same people, even if they walked different roads.

"I just don't want anymore tragedy."

At the end of the day, the girl hated it all. Tragedy poisoned reality and took many away. She had simply wished to do away with it all, but such a broad brush was beyond unfathomable.

But regardless of whether it was through breadth or though smaller acts, she would alleviate it all.

"For the two of us. We'll keep on protecting each other. It doesn't matter whether we're knights or not. Even if you or I are hypocrites. Just as two small human beings in a cruel world, we'll keep on doing that."

As she looked up to Violet and spoke those words, any wryness in her smile faded away and left behind a grin.

Notes:Motorcycle, helmet, and outfit
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September 7
Spectra Trainee
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
Close Encounters
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2024 21:11:47 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

A grin that was more than a little infectious, really. Vio could not help but reciprocate. Especially when someone was giving her a carte blanche to be a hypocrite. Those words would definitely be remembered, to be brought up if their paths ever crossed in the way she imagined it would eventually. But until then, she was going to enjoy this ephemeral dream of theirs. “Mhm, no more tragedy would be nice. Of course, that would mean that you’d be out of a job, sadly,” a slightly exaggerated shrug followed as she half joked about all that.
“But don’t worry, I certainly can find something to occupy your spare time if you find yourself with too much of it~.” Naturally, she had nothing right then. But that hypothetical world did not exist, so she did not have to come up with something. After all, she would find something. That did not mean she already had something.
Falling quiet for a moment, she thought about something that those words put on her mind. Ultimately, she decided to reach out and just bop the other’s nose. “You know, you have a habit to talk yourself down a bit. Maybe a lot. It is kind of cute. But, well, I always found you pretty amazing, in a way. I think you could be a little more proud of yourself. Because I certainly am proud of you.”
That declaration made, they would continue the talk a bit more until eventually getting up and trying to move on. While moving back with the bike, they came across the aftermath of a small battle that had taken place on the shore while they were occupied, between a Pupitar and a Finizen. At least the Finizen was still around, if knocked out by the other, leading to Violet trying to catch that one as well.



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it's a long life full of long nights

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP