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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jun 13, 2024 16:59:13 GMT
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Ameena stood from her desk as Gwen was escorted in. "Thanks for coming in," she greeted, walking to the front of her desk to lean against it and better look at the Ranger. Her movement also revealed the Rotom that had been behind her chair as it floated to follow her. [break][break]

"I hope you have not experienced any stress since our encounter with Regeleiki?" The experience was harrowing, even if they had made a quick getaway. The electric deity was intimidating to say the least. She had not expected anything like that in the Plant since even the Deep Sea hadn't revealed a hidden god, and that had been a horrific environment. [break][break]

The hallucinations and energy of the area had left her off-rhythm for weeks. "I got my hands on a Rotom after the encounter. It feels like the most similar pokemon to that guardian."

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Gwen, "Gwennie"
May 29
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Gwendolyn Conway
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POSTED ON Jun 15, 2024 3:20:12 GMT
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Gwendolyn had always found it weird that she had to be walked back to Ameena at this point, considering the adventures both had been through. She wasn't going to try and sneak away and find some classified documents, risking her entire ranger career in the process. Maybe it was just some company standard or something? Regardless, she didn't mind being escorted in.

On top of her head was her one and only Goomy, the little guy wobbling about as he was busy jiggling around as his trainer turned a sharp corner to enter the office of Ms. Abadi. The owner of the company greeted Gwen in her usual manner, but behind them, Gwen could spot a Rotom hovering. She had captured one several weeks back and been struggling to keep him out of her tech, lest he break something.

”It's nice to see you again, Ms. Abadi.” Gwen offered a small salute with two fingers tapping against the side of her head before rocketing off at the halfway mark. ”It was scary, but it's not every day you get to catch a glimpse of something like that. I haven't been able to really sit still ever since. This must be what feels like all the time.”

One post joke later, Gwen plucked the Goomy from her head and held him inside of her hands. The Pokémon looked over at Ameena and offered wobbly chitters from his perch inside of the hands of his trainer.

”Nice catch. I have one back at base myself. He gets into everything, which is borderline insanity if you're a tech geek like me. Is yours any better behaved? Oh, and this is Slushie.”

She motioned to the Goomy in her hands with a wide grin.

”She's the first Pokémon I ever caught. Back in my NEET phase, I was kind of a slob and left takeout everywhere in my room. Slushie got stuck in a soda cup and she's been with me ever since.”

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POSTED ON Jun 19, 2024 20:58:27 GMT
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She could only imagine how much chaos a Rotom could sow among machines. She rarely let her Rotom out unsupervised. They had a penchant for possession, and her data was too valuable to risk it. "They are a pesky species," she confirmed. Ameena cocked her head at the Ranger as she explained the Goomy. "Neet?" [break][break]

The goomy was docile. She knew it would become a fairly fearsome dragon - not so much in appearance, but definitely in prowess. Goomies could also grow into an unusual variant, giving them a lot of potential. But Ameena wasn't a huge proponent of dragons. "In a soda can? Quite interesting..." She fully intended to bring the conversation back to the wilds, but she was stuck on the goomy. "How long until it evolves, do you think?" In her opinion, base evolutions were just about worthless in dragon species.

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Gwen, "Gwennie"
May 29
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jun 20, 2024 20:00:49 GMT
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Oh, whoops. Sometimes Gwen did just forget that not everybody knew all the internet slang and lingo that most of the younger generation was a part of. She tried to think of a way to explain this to Ameena without sounding like a complete slob. It was a difficult job into itself, all things considered. So maybe she should gloss over a couple of things...

"Heh, sorry. When I graduated high school, I was kind of at a dead end with my life. I really didn't know what to do, and I usually only played games in my room all day. My parents were pretty busy with their business and rarely stopped by home. So I usually ordered food and just lived inside."

"But then one day, my friend said they were joining the Rangers. She was one of the few people I knew, but I also...She means a lot to me. So I left home with her to come here and be a Ranger. I promised myself that if I couldn't be something more for me, I could do it for her."

The Goomy jiggled alongside Gwen's movements. He looked over at Ameena and let out a pleased series of slime-filled noises and slithered down his trainer's arms. A trail of goo followed his path as Gwen watched him with such glee. At Ameena's question, she thought for a bit.

"I'm not sure, to be honest. He's just always been this cute little Goomy. I've never really tried battling with him so I'm sure's a bit rusty. What about you? What was your first Pokemon?"

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POSTED ON Jun 20, 2024 21:29:22 GMT
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Gwen couldn't have handed Ameena a better opportunity. Gwendolyn had thrived in such a short period of time because she was finally in the right opportunity for growth. No longer the wasting-away teenager, Gwen was a capable Ranger: intelligent, curious, brave. Imagine, then, what Gwendolyn could do if she wasn't held back by ethics. [break][break]

Ameena needed to take Gwen under her wing. Was it too soon? Perhaps, a near death experience in the wilds could cinch it. Oh, had the Ranger asked a question? "My first was a Flittle. Given to me as a joke, by my superior officer, as instructed by my father. I had been forbidden to have pokemon as, in my family, we do not receive any until we enlist. My father had never expected me to do so." He had punished for daring to seize power and freedom for herself. Simultaneously, he had told her she had to make up for the crime of being a woman, of being the sole heir to the Abadi name, by being better than everyone else. [break][break]

An unwinnable game for an unobtainable prize. [break][break]

"Espathra, she became, quickly in my training." Ameena turned from Gwen, thoughtful. "She gave her life for mine. I could not afford the risk of my father taking that as a representation of my skill. Every superior office I ever had had always reported back to him directly despite the vast distances in the chain of command. I lived in a Panopticon until I left Galar. I had poached an Espathra from some villager, to make up for my deceased one. The only other pokemon I had had was Munna.[break][break]

With my stolen Espathra in hand, I had Munna manipulate its mind to forget its owner, its prior life. Munna filled it with memories she had of me with my previous Espathra to make it act the same. Instead, we had corrupted its mind."
Softer, now, she continued. "Psychic moves have great impact on the psyche. My Espathra lives with a fragmented mind. She is bloodthirsty beyond belief, aggressive and sadistic, but she was not born that way." [break][break]

Something twisted in her chest. She hadn't thought of her first pokemon in a long, long time. The confession had come unbidden - Ameena was not a habitual liar - and here, now, she sat in the heavy silence following the revelation, unsure if this was going to create too vast a distance between them to be bridged by their experiences. The opportunity to forge Gwendolyn into a fine Rocket, a finer scientist, could have slipped through her fingers just now.

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Gwen, "Gwennie"
May 29
Twinleaf Town
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Gwendolyn Conway
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POSTED ON Jun 22, 2024 7:42:40 GMT
Gwendolyn Conway Avatar

Gwen really did enjoy her time spent with Ameena. The scientist and CEO of the company was quite the interesting person. She had learned a lot thanks to their little expeditions out, and she had felt more comfortable in her abilities for the time being. Those smiles and emotion she gave the other woman were so sincere, leaving her so vulnerable. Had the woman the desire to manipulate her, she would have a bright young mind to mold until given a reason otherwise.

The ginger haired Ranger listened to Ameena's tale with great intent. A Flittle was quite the cute first Pokemon for a person to have, and Gwen almost found herself growing envious of such an adorable bird. Maybe that was why her adoration turned into horror at what had really happened to that first Pokemon of hers.

"Oh, Arceus..."

But what had really cemented that concern in her was what ended up happening to the other Espartha. Her mind wandered over into trying to see what she could recall about psychics and something that Robin might have known about. But Gwen really was out of her element here. She did have to try and offer some way of trying to alleviate that look in Ameena's eyes.

"I'm sorry that happened. I don't really know much about psychic types, but I can try and find something that could help her. I'm sure one of us knows what they could do to bring her some peace of mind."

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POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 16:19:54 GMT
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Gwen's sympathy and offer was well-intentioned and genuine. It took Ameena a moment to find her words. She wouldn't describe her Rocket counterparts, largely, to be heartless, but this was the kind of response that felt very emblematic of who Gwendolyn was - and it wasn't even something she would attribute purely to Rangers who dedicate their lives to public service. Many of them had grown jaded, particularly in the last few months with the rising conflict. [break][break]

But Gwen was not one of them. [break][break]

"Thank you," she said as she turned to look at her earnestly, "but the damage has been done. Further interference would only be painful for her, and she would be highly resistant because of her own psychic prowess." Her current Espathra was a good partner for violence, which Ameena found herself engaging in more and more often. Edith often taught her to be less reserved in battle. [break][break]

Ameena absent-mindedly tucked a loose strand of hair behind Gwen's ear. "I did not mean to burden you with that. You are very easy to talk to. I can see why you are well-liked." The Rotom behind her levitated closer to Gwen, newly interested in the trainer that could evoke such a response from Ameena. Ameena, however, became more grim as she considered Gwendolyn's future. "You may find similar situations to my Espathra in your service for pokemon rehabilitation at that Draciary. Are you willing to see such broken pokemon?"

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Gwen, "Gwennie"
May 29
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Gwendolyn Conway
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POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 2:22:08 GMT
Gwendolyn Conway Avatar

It was painful for anybody to experience loss or even trauma, even Pokémon weren't spared from it. During the discussion, Gwen gave Ameena total attention, even furrowing her troubled brows while hearing about the poor Espartha that had suffered so much. But still, she couldn't just not allow the thing to suffer.

”I see…” She puffed her cheek out in a frustrated manner, but understood that it wasn't her place to be making calls on the behalf of Ameena. ”I wish I could help a little more, at least. But I'll leave it to…”

She froze at the tanned hand coming to her face. Her eyes followed it as Ameena tucked a loose strand of hair away. While the gesture was likely just making sure she looked presentable, it was anything but plain to Gwen.

The poor girl felt her cheeks flush haphazardly. It was the very same movement she had seen time and time again in her manga and online serials. But she felt her insides just…what was the right word? Squeeze out? Explode?

No, it was like something just clicked inside of her. Something that she knew was somewhere in her, but didn't really, like, know about?

Ameena was pretty, but like pretty pretty.

Like the pretty people who people wanted to be. It wasn't romantic, but sorta like a mutual respect thing?

Damn it, she was smart! Why couldn't she figure this out to put simply?

Like obviously, Ameena was way older than her, but fuck, she was pretty! So were some of the other women of the Rangers, but like respectfully! Freya, that cool new gym leader that had taken over for another. 

Tsumaki, was it?

They weren't as pretty pretty as Robin though. B-But they were just friends. Really good friends. There wasn't anything against admitting your friends were pretty, nope!

Even if you enjoyed spending time together and kind of wished they thought the same of you.

Was that stalkerish? That sounded way too stalkerish.

Whoa, her heart was beating super fast now. Maybe she should calm down a bit?...

It was a few seconds after Ameena had stopped talking that Gwen managed to snap back into reality again. Somewhere in the hazy maelstrom of thoughts going through her head was a response to her first statement.

”R-Really? I, ah, mean, I try to be friendly. I guess it's just kind of natural. I just like getting to know other people.”

Ameena did have a point about what would more than likely be in store for her at the Draciary. It wasn't always going to be full of happiness and Tauros steaks for everybody. Something was going to happen eventually that would affect her as it had when the ranger had learned about her Espartha. While she had normally been so happy to volunteer, it wasn't until now that the thought entered her mind.

Hesitation caught her words, only letting go after the younger of the two looked towards the Goomy on her arm.

”It's hard out there, like you said back in Ultra Space. Everything we've seen is fucked up, and I doubt with the war coming, it will get better.”

The Goomy let out a malleable “squee!” noise as Gwen dug into her bag and pulled out a water bottle. She uncorked the top and dunked her fingertips in, then held them above the Goomy. The slime producing dragon was pleased with the result, as Gwen smiled a little. She had learned so much under 's wings and put her utmost faith in the Councilwoman.

To some, it was blind loyalty, and Gwen couldn't blame them for it. But she wanted to be somebody anyone could rely on in this world, and Freya had given her a chance.

”But somebody has to be there for the Pokémon who we can help. I'm not the most experienced compared to every other Ranger or worker at the Draciary, but I want to leave the world a better place than it was when I was here. I think I owe it to the Pokémon anyway.”

Gwen looked up at Ameena again, all heroic like and as if she had finished giving an awesome little power up moment before snickering to herself.

”Or maybe I just don't know what else I would be good at. Professor Conway sounds nice, but I haven't even been to college yet…”

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POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 16:54:24 GMT
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The young woman seemed to go offline and reboot with Ameena's absent touch. It was cute, but Ameena didn't press the issue or embarrass her. After all, the researcher had had her suspicions when Gwen initially spoke of her best friend, Robin. It was always nice to have a theory confirmed. It was an affinity they both shared, though such a conversation didn't suit their relationship. If, later down the line, Gwen felt unsafe or doubted herself over it, then perhaps Ameena would offer her own experience. [break][break]

As it were... She swatted the Rotom back as it tried to reach for Gwen's hair also. "Leaving the world a better place is noble, but it is very broad. Continue to find your passions and ask your questions, as these will lead you to the path you are going to walk." If Gwen formed a strong scientific interest, Ameena could get her hands on resources to feed her opportunities. [break][break]

Giving Gwen what she needed to study and help others would be all it took to fully secure her into Ameena's corner, she was sure of it. But the youth had many interests currently. "Professor, researcher, Ranger. These are titles, little jobs; they do not have to define you completely. You do not have to only be one of them." She was a CEO and researcher, after all, and quite a talented criminal if she said so herself. [break][break]

"Please keep in touch whenever you need anything. Your scientific mind has a lot to offer the world. I just know it."

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Gwen, "Gwennie"
May 29
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Gwendolyn Conway
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POSTED ON Jun 27, 2024 0:12:02 GMT
Gwendolyn Conway Avatar

Gwen came back in time just for the Rotom to zip closer to her and investigate likely why she had frozen up for like half a second. The redness in her cheeks was still present though she did her best to shield herself from these accusations. Her eyes traveled all around Ameena's face while her body reeled in the aftermath of whatever had just happened to her.

Has her hair always looked so beautiful? I bet it feels so soft and...Well cared for! Yeah! Sh-She's a wealthy woman, so she probably has a lot of time to devote to it!

She did have a point though. Maybe she was railroading herself a little bit with her dreams to become a Professor? It seemed like a nice thing to have, position wise. A well educated, respected member of the community. Somebody who was super smart and knew how to help out a bunch! Why wouldn't anybody want to try and aspire to be something so great?

Well, y'know, because it was what she had read so, anyway.

"Thanks for the offer, I just, ah..."

Gwen shuffled in place, with her Goomy currently sliming his way up towards her head. It was hard admitting a weakness to anybody, even friends. Not like "intimidating" hard, but she wanted to feel like she was useful around Hoenn instead of just as some random civvie dishing out ice cream.

"I don't know anything about me when it comes to life stuff. What I wanna do, focus on, or really...anything. Everybody says to do what you enjoy and the rest will come, but I can't not stress about the future."

Her eyes went to Ameena's, vulnerable and malleable.

"What about you? Did you ever feel like you're just lost while figuring out what to do with your life?"

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POSTED ON Jun 27, 2024 15:15:46 GMT
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Worry furrowed Ameena's brow at Gwen's confession about doing what felt right. "What you do, the Ranger work and the expeditions into the unknown and the caretaking at the Draciary, it does not resonate with you?" Purpose was a feeling, contrary to what most people felt. It was not a goal or a consequence. Ameena's desire for vengeance was a consequence of losing the most important person in her life unjustly, but it being a purpose was her reaction to it. Her interest in the dream realm was a consequence of it being the most likely solution to her problems, but it being purpose was because of her feelings about it. [break][break]

"You will feel purpose, not accomplish it. If the things you do now do not feel like purpose, you must change the way you think about them or change your choices until you are aligned with purpose." Those were the only two options. "I feel our trips to ultra space are a good choice to serve my goals. As a scientist, few explorations evade that feeling."[break][break]

She saw now just how lost Gwen felt. "If you want to take the stress of decision away, then do not make decisions yourself. I would be happy to employ you as a lab aid, where what you do with your time is assigned to you - and you do not need to stress making the wrong choice." Such freedom by restrain was a common feeling in the military. Even Ameena had enjoyed temporarily taking a backseat to making big choices in her life, until it became clear that she could leverage it for revenge. [break][break]

She put a hand on Gwen's shoulder. "I do not feel lost because the destination will always be there, even if I do not know that is where I am heading." Additionally, she felt none of her time was wasted because she would get a second chance at everything once she figured out the dream realm. She would enter a different reality with her living, breathing mother. "Take some time to think what I have said over." Rotom buzzed behind her, growing irritable with the lack of technology in the room for it to invade.

TAGS [break]

NOTES – [break][break]


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Gwen, "Gwennie"
May 29
Twinleaf Town
Closeted Lesbian
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gwendolyn
Gwendolyn Conway
bridges [m]
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2024 5:10:13 GMT
Gwendolyn Conway Avatar

"They do, and rightfully so! The Draciary and Ranger work are nice, b-but I enjoy our adventures into Ultra Space too! Especially with you!"

The stray brash thoughts and more that were still possessing Gwendolyn from before had subsided somewhat, she couldn't help but feel some residual feelings for the woman in front of her to cloud her judgement. She enjoyed the trill of venturing into Ultra Space, or anywhere, and the thrill of being anywhere but behind a computer screen. The taste of adrenaline and wanderlust had prevented her from ever returning to how she was.

"You've shown me so much, and I don't even have anyway of repaying you, Ms. Abadi. But I don't know what I'm doing or if I even want to do this. It's been with me ever since I joined the Rangers. I just...I don't know where I'm wanted."

Ameena was patient and offered her an abundance of support. A job at the company, advice for what she should be looking for, it was enough for now. Gwen had already been put down by numerous choices about her future here. But opportunities were always welcome with her. She nodded quietly and then looked down at her Goomy again.

The sluggish dragon sqee'd back down onto her hand again while her fingers drummed on top of its head. The soft impacts of her fingers had caused the Goomy to jiggle at each soft thud of her fingers on its head. While troubled over her life thus far, Gwen still smiled at the antics and shook her head to clear her mind.

"Thank you, Ms. Abadi, for everything, but I think I need to reflect. That's not a no, but I would love to work here as a lab aid. I just need to think some things through first."

[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font: 800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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gremlin creature

the shadow mod
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
googoo gaga
spiral is my big poppa pump (positive)
600 foot tall baby height
600 foot tall baby height
sleeping in mod reqs
3,467 posts
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spiral and shiv's baby
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POSTED ON Jun 28, 2024 22:40:35 GMT
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