Daphnée's Plotter

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Daph, Effie
December 15th
Lumiose City, Kalos
Exec. Admin. Assistant
Case Officer (HBIC)
Strategy requires thought, tactics require observation.
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Daphnée Marseille
Daphnée's Plotter
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2024 2:21:12 GMT
Daphnée Marseille Avatar



- Max Euwe



Kalosian - Retired Special Agent - Single-Mother - Tactician

Daphnée Marseille is a woman of great intellect and adaptability. She served her country faithfully as a special agent of espionage and intelligence but before that she was the top of her class at the Academy*. As the granddaughter of famous bureau director, Antoine Marseille, it was inevitable that she would grow up following in his footsteps. Her mother passed away at an early age and her father was never in the picture. So, she was raised by her grandparents. Growing up she witnessed first hand her grandfather's integrity and justice and found herself wanting to be just like him. So she worked hard, studied even harder, and proceeded to make a name for herself in this world of counterintelligence.

Now she turns her services to a new region, Hoenn. Aiming to help secure the region against domestic threats such as Team Rocket, Daphnée looks to support the League with all the available tools in her arsenal. Allying herself with the HBIC specifically, she hopes that with war on the horizon she'll be able to do her part to bring justice and hope to the region.

* = DST, the equivalent of the FBI but in France.



Daphnée has always had big dreams for herself ever since she was young. She had the grit and willpower to take those dreams and make it a reality too. Life wasn't easy growing up without her parents but with the support that she did have, she made sure that her background wouldn't be a hinderance to her plans.

When it came to school Daphnée was the type to make everything look easy. Her grades were excellent, she was apart of numerous extra curriculars, her popularity was consistently favorable, and she knew how to have fun and let loose. Daphnée was the whole package. But her life was anything but easy. There were plenty of times when she felt like she just couldn't continue on in the capacity that she was exercising in. But whenever she felt like that she would grit her teeth and plant her feet. Determination was in her blood.

Once she put her mind to something she would accomplish that goal, no matter what it took. That's why she performed so well in her schooling and her profession. Life changed and was flipped upside down for her the moment she realized she was pregnant. Suddenly she had someone she had to look after and protect. Instead of fighting for a life of excellence for herself she was determined to supply a comfortable life for her baby.

Her perspective shifted with the birth of her daughter, Chloé, but despite the beautiful new addition, she was still the same Daphnée.


If Daphnée's excellent school records weren't enough to get her noticed then it was certainly her connections and real life experience that allowed her to get selected and pulled into the intelligence field. Despite her grandfather being something of a small legend within the scene, she made sure that her contributions were her own, not the shadows of her grandfather's glory.

Daphnée slowly but methodically worked her way up through the ranks from the bottom. By the time she was a Special Agent she'd already laid great foundational groundwork for herself. Her track record for successful missions was at an all time high. She was known for being quite adaptable. In fact, she preferred dealing with unplanned variables.

However due to an unfortunate accident Daphnée had to lay low for a while. During this downtime she ended up getting pregnant and decided to retire as a special field agent overall. Instead settling for office work in the meantime. Many viewed it as her unfortunate 'fall from fame' right when she was at the peak of her career, but Daphnée didn't see it that way. It was a new opportunity.

* = DGSE is the French equivalent to America's CIA and the British MI6. Consider this when regarding the Kalosian Intelligence Agency.


While during Daphnée's downtime in Kalos, she worked hard to develop additional skillsets outside of what was required on field. Still maintaining a hard work ethic to support the other agents out in the field.

It was quickly shown that even if she wasn't an active field agent she could still make a name for herself as a capable overall agent. During diplomatic talks between Kalos and Hoenn it was decided that Daphnée would be sent over to help secure the region from domestic attacks as war was said to be on the horizon.



Daphnée always seems to know just the right thing to say at any given moment. Ever the popular one growing up, she learned the art of finesse and made it her staple technique. Daphnée is easy to get along with and she wears her heart on her sleeve. She has this 'air' about her that invites everyone else in. Usually the life of the party, she knows how to have fun and shares that with others.


  • : Friend(?) - Daphnée and Penny knew each other back during their University days. Daphnée being the third addition to the friend group consisting of Penny, Evelyn, and Daphnée. She wasn't that particularly close to Penny, having been brought in and introduced through their mutual friend Evelyn. Still, when they all got together they got along. At least that's what Daphnée believed. All was going well up until they lost Evelyn. Unfortunately, as part of her curriculum and internship within the Kalosian Intelligence, she was constantly traveling around. So when the tragedy befell her friend group she wasn't around to support Penny in her time of need. That's one of Daphnée's biggest regrets to this day.
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Daphnée isn't a hopeless romantic by any means but she is quite the passionate lover. Daphnée is a level-headed woman that knows what she exactly what she wants. She'll accept nothing less and that can be a point of contention in her relationships. Especially now that she has a daughter to take care of. She'll always prioritize her family above all else. Where she used to be a bit of a party animal she has since toned down and matured, if only for her young daughter's sake.


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  • Chloe's Father: Ex - A former 'rival' of sorts back during her days of being with the Kalosian Intelligence. They often were pitted against one another for sport which of course aggravated tensions between them. In Daphnée's eyes she never really cared about the competition. She was always focused on doing her best and making a name for herself. In his eyes, he was always second best, a bitter pill to swallow. Somehow between all this bickering and competition there was this underlying...attraction between them. They both indulged each other until they couldn't anymore. Daphnée should've known better, of course his insecurities would get the better of him. But hindsight is 20/20.
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Daphnée is sure to have quite a steep list of enemies, not that she minds. Whenever someone's in the spotlight it's inevitable that it would also increase the darkness around them. Whether it be past individuals who were jealous of her success or the enemies she's bested on the field, Daphnée treats them all the same. She doesn't really care. The way Daphnée views it is that she has plenty of other things to focus on than to be wasting time worrying about people that hate her. That's just life, people aren't always going to like you and that's just the way it is. She's fine with that, she'll roll with the punches but she won't be a doormat.


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Daphnée has just come to Hoenn due to a diplomatic exchange between regions. Her job is to supply assistance and support to the League as they prep for the inevitable war on the horizon. Daphnée was specifically recruited into the HBIC by , the HBIC director. Filling in the position of executive administrative assistant in addition to assisting with field cases as a Case Officer. Daphnée's also extends her services to the council members should they need it. She's a capable assistant, and while she might prioritize the HBIC's endeavors, she can manage a few other clients as well to help everything run smoothly.

I'm looking to have Daphnée interact with the council and HBIC members specifically so that she can quickly get integrated into the team and assist with wartime preparations. As a foreigner she needs to understand the state of the region as soon as possible and get caught up to speed on everything she's missed so that she can be a better asset to the League.

Daphnée has recently returned to working after taking maternity leave. During that time she packed her small family of two up and moved them halfway across the world to take on another job with better opportunities for them in a foreign land. Her daughter is but a few months old so Daphnée is still struggling in her day to day being separated from her daughter while she works to provide for them and keep her safe. She's doing this all on her own due to a messy past relationship with the babies father, which is additional stress on top of everything else. But Daphnée is no quitter. She's staying strong because that's truly the only option available to her.

Any parents out there in Hoenn? Single moms & dads? How about someone who's good with kids? I'd love to have Daphnée get to know your characters! Daphnée is new to the region and she definitely needs more friends. Especially the ones that can understand her on a fundumental level with the struggles she's facing. She'd love to take advice from those who have been around the block before. This whole parenting thing is very new for her. New and scary. She also needs someone to look after her kid, a full-time nanny of sorts. I'm fine with having them be an NPC but if that fits the bill of any character feel free to talk to me too xD



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