"Mystique" Infamy File

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Phoebe Myst DOLLARS
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Phoebe Myst
"Mystique" Infamy File
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2024 20:08:15 GMT
Phoebe Myst Avatar

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[attr="class","spaceInfo"]applicationtwenty-sevenhoenn[break]fortune tellerthiefTeam Rocket

about A soothsayer, fortune teller, thief, and a member of Team Rocket. A young woman who grew up in foster care-- no longer shackled by the ties of fate. Taking destiny into her own hands and seeking a life of freedom, she's become a woman of mystery and mysticism. A woman of glowing confidence, an enchanting demeanor, and a scheming mind. Though the cards may be on the table-- she keeps her ace always close to her heart. For nothing in this world is what it seems...
history Phoebe parents died when she was young, leaving her in the care of her aunt at an early age. After she passed, she was put into foster care-- where her interest and personality left her lonely growing up. Growing up, proved to her that life was unfair and cruel. If it was meant to be this way, why would she play by the rules? She had tried, failed-- and then refused to accept this fate. It was then in her loneliness, she came to meet her pokemon companion she called "Medea". The two together took control of their lives. As her foster home became the victim of corporate greed-- she choose to even the odds by stealing from them. Thus began the young woman's life of crime... in the most unusual way possible. [break][break]
Public Knowledge A seemingly idle and mysterious fortune teller, who would often 'set up shop' in strange places. Carrying an air of mystery. No one knows her real name, but rumor was a woman matching her description and mysterious vail-- seemed to be centered around unsolved heists involving thefts of value from wealthy and prominent figures all over hoenn. She always leaves the scene with a mysterious Tarot Card as a calling card of her heists.
friends Friends, or those Phoebe considers allies. Not always in the best of light-- perhaps they are loyal rocket members who watch her back. Perhaps they are pesky people who won't leave her alone. Perhaps they are people who are of use to her till their time meets their inevitable end. Either way, she will hold a sense of gratitude and regard for those she has felt wise enough to trust. [break] @tag - Details here
rivals Rivals to Phoebe, are more valuable than friends. The people who challenge you-- the ones who make your life interesting. The threads of fate that tie two souls together be they friends and enemies as you both are compelled to the same goal. So lets the cards fall where they may, and see what story unfolds in this reading. [break] @tag - Details here
enemies Enemies, like Rivals make life interesting. Where is the fun if everything happened as you predicted? Some may be a thrown in your side. An annoyance. A true threat to your way of life. But some, are just one card in the reading of your destiny. What is life without challenges, after all? [break] @tag - Details here
lovers All is fair in love and war, as they say. Lovers for phoebe are a myriad of feelings. A fun someone to make a cold night more 'interesting'. The thrill of a kindred spirit that sparks between them. The warm embrace of a soul who understands you. Or the chain of the dance of seduction and sensation that can lead one astray. While she is a open lover, should the 'right one' come along-- it will be one who embraces her belief of freedom, and the unwillingness to play by the rules. [break] @tag - Details here

[attr="class","spaceFoot"]destiny is the narrative we write-- not the other way around.


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