duong, sariel

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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sariel duong
duong, sariel
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 7:20:01 GMT
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[attr="class","freiwantttop1"]- □ x



namesariel (xuan) duong
played bycila

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER FACTION league

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER RANK civilian

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]FACE CLAIM raiden ei from genshin impact

[attr="class","freiwantttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER



o our dear gods,
in land and sea and sky. [break]
hallowed grounds,[break]
the tempest oceans,[break]
and in the gates of heaven[break]
bless us with your holy protection[break]
from the temptations of evil[break]
and lead us into our enlightenment[break]
for the earth is yours[break]
and i am of the earth[break]
may we seek eternal verity in our souls[break]
blessed may the powers be[break]
and glory for the ages[break]



entry #163[break]

today i went to the market, and the fruit vendor to whom i usually go to was missing. he was a rather elderly man, who used to work in the league. i asked about his whereabouts to his colleagues, and none could give me a straight answer. i am not ignorant to the rumours in this city, and it does not take a genius to realize what is happening. this was in part, due to the influence of foreign forces.
many of my neighbors are sympathizers to their cause, though i am wary. i trust no one, not rocket nor league. if this world has taught me anything, it is that nothing is free, and we will always have to fend for ourselves. i have not asked the gods for much, all i want is a peaceful life. i was a troubled and angry child, and know that the gods have tested me for my worth.
i pray that the gods protect us. i pray that we can live an idle and peaceful life that i always wanted. i have always trusted the gods and their plan. thus far, they have never failed me. my family and i have been faithful to the temple for generations, and i do not intend to leave.
i will go to the temple tonight to pray once again.
and by the gods, may hoenn survive what is to come.


the end of the world looks like this.
first, the harbinger appears. you've seen her before; she is a priestess from your temple. she is a strange woman, but kind. sometimes, you and her talk about the state of sootopolis, your common home. she comes to you in the morning, and she tells you to prepare for the reckoning. you think she is joking. she is not.
you go about your day, not thinking much of what she had said.
and then when the reckoning comes, it comes like a supernova; in an instant, and with a fantastical explosion. it is so quick that your mind almost cannot comprehend it. the soldiers swarm the city like locusts from both sides, and you are caught in the crossfire. they come with weapons and mythical pokemon that you have never seen or heard the likes of. you cannot believe your eyes—the world is ending. gods, the world is ending. will it hurt when you die?
but then you remember you can't die. in fact, you must live. not for yourself but for your child. where is your child? your daughter? you run. you try to find her, but she's nowhere to be found. you can't get in touch with her. you are running, desperately running away from the gods.
you mutter a prayer under your breath as fire and lightning and poison blast past you. you have always been a mother, a young one. you never had the chance to go to school really, or learn the ways of a trainer. you are afraid of the ferocity of these pokemon, these beasts that are so strong their trainers can barely control them.
please, let me at least live for my child. you pray. you are begging the gods, you do not know if they're listening. they must be. you finally find her at the market, hidden behind a table. you thank the gods; you want to cry out to them and praise them. you want to collapse. but you cannot, you think, for her.
and now the most pressing thought in your mind is this: leave, or stay?
the syndicate had promised you that you would stay safe. this is your home after all, and your connection to the city cannot be severed so easily. but this is rapture; this is the end of the world. as you look into the distance, you see that the holy spire has been damaged—no, it is actively being demolished, one by one, by beasts that can kill you and your family.
"we need to leave." you say. your daughter doesn't want to. you would lose everything. but what worth is your belongings with no life to enjoy them?[break][break]
and so you take her with you. you take what belongings can fit into your bags, and you lock the doors to your house, taking your key with you. you run to the rangers who are attempting to evacuate civilians like you.
and while you both are at sea, boarding pokemon take you away from sootopolis.
here, you see god.
your god that has never cared for you.
because your god raises a pillar of water so large that you dip in its missing space. your god, the leviathan, the ancient deity, summons sky-felling rains and falls into the ocean like an errant shooting star. the currents have always been so strong around the island, and you had treaded around them so carefully growing up.
but you are swimming in the riptides now.
you are drowning.
and so is your child.
later, you wake up alone. you think you died. perhaps you should have.
because the gods took your daughter.
and one day, they will pay.


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duong, sariel
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 21:54:20 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]WELCOME TO HOENN!


congratulations on being accepted! ensure that you have read the site rules and view the getting started page should you require some guidance for the beginning of your journey. we hope you enjoy your stay in hoenn![break][break]

your character will begin with 50 pokedollars & 5 pokeballs,[break]which you can add to your personal computer (PC).


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