locking up [o]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 7, 2018 6:05:41 GMT
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she had moved out to slateport ages ago but the city never ceased to feel alien. to feel dangerous. it was like there was always someone at her back. it was why she liked to have hiro around. the arcanine almost always hovered at her side, looking in every direction she couldn't

but the studio had a rule against too-big pokemon being indoors. even when no one was around, she might as well follow through with the rule she'd created. briar found herself conspicuously alone as she began the routine of closing the studio for the night.

it was around ten in the evening and everyone had returned home. briar had just entered the lobby after having turned off the lights and locked up the second floor. she looked quizzically at the stranger standing in what had grown to be her second home.

"shop's closed for the night,"
she said dryly, holding the keys out and letting them clang against each other.

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[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 12, 2018 9:04:30 GMT
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leon mashed in the name of the local bar into his phone, 'baileys', and watched as it began routing him to his destination. tired, a bit out of touch with his own psyche, and in a rush, the cadet didn't even bother to notice it had auto corrected to... something else entirely.

there was a chill to the air. it clung to leon's skin, even beneath the coat he wore. wisps of breathes formed in front of chapped lips. still, he pressed on. he needed a drink. he craved it.

the phone in his pocket vibrated. pulling it out, he gazed upon the building coming up. it was large, though far from dominating of the buildings around it. an odd, out of place feeling for what was a simple bar.

walking in, he expected noises; commotion. the gentle track of a 50's solo artist, or even the beats of a trap-hop single. it was nothing of the sort. he stood there, a moment, taking it in. the sleeve of his coat folded up around the stump.

a voice pulls him from his absent thoughts. it lingers on familiarity. "i must have the wrong address, sorry. i guess this isn't the bar." he shifts a bit more into the light. leon, still looking like the man she knew from long ago, had drastically shifted. his face was thinner, eyes more tired, and noticeably, a whole arm less lighter.

his gaze lingers on the crimson mop a top of her head. "i'm sorry, i feel like we've met before." the recollection comes to him, slowly. always poor with names. always promising to do better. it remains on the tip of his tongue forever. finally, it dawns upon him. at least, he hopes it does.



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 14, 2018 2:44:28 GMT
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briar frowns but is unable to feel any sense of threat from the man before her. there is a sensation as though he was one gust of way from walking out of the door and never returning, as though him happening upon her little studio was miraculous in and of itself. it is a sense she cannot shake.

"no, it isn't," she says, but her voice lacks the sharpness of accusation. and then he steps into the light. briar's always been good with names. it's sort of mandatory when you live in a house with five kids that have the same red hair and pointed, green eyes, all constantly getting into trouble and doing anything to get out of it. plus, she isn't the most social- what little friends she keeps, she remembers.

she pauses and waits for him to recognize her. when he speaks her name, all hesitant and well-meaning, it takes a bit before she smiles at last. "good," she says finally making a move towards him and setting the keys on the table, locking up now a discarded priority. "arceus. i take my eyes off for one second and you've lost a whole limb." a half smile. she doesn't have his ease for expression.

she walks up to him without much regard for personal space and quietly, wordlessly begins poking at him: inspecting his face close up, looking at his attire, judging him overtly yet without a word. it's an old wound. she doesn't know what to make of it. she wonders what other wounds there are, in places she cannot see. she looks at leon straight in the eye. she has never known how to veil the uncut intensity of her stare; she has never tried.

"drink?" she asks.

notes • ;;;

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 14, 2018 10:00:13 GMT
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leon blushes immediately, embarrassed at his own lack of recall. she seemed to all but have been waiting for her name to fall from his lips. as if she knew the answer to a question he did not, and was eagerly waiting for him to put it together.

her candor throws him off, his eyes slightly widening, inherently taking a half-step back as she approaches. there were things people did not feel comfortable mentioning in front of leon, his arm, most of all. but briar shattered that boundary.

she always would.

"you know me," he begins, cracking a half smile; a half laugh. "never could quite tell my ass from my elbow. now i don't have too." his joke eases his tension a little. but still, he wasn't the same man she knew from back then. even if he wished he was.

he slumps back beneath her inspection- her touch. he feels the weight on his shoulders constantly, but it doesn't reflect in his normal posture. his back straight, head tall, and eyes pointed. he watches her, stealing a glance at his own disfigurement once or twice. when she stares, he stares back, though his eyes more a question than an answer.

she speaks up. a question he didn't expect. leon breathes out, smiling and doing his best to hide his relief. "i'd love to. do you have a place in mind?" he goes to turn and escort her out, but stops mid-stride. his hand holds the door open.

"don't forget your keys," he reminds.

he felt.. normal.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 23, 2018 3:20:11 GMT
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briar chuckles at his self-deprecation, unable to give him an encouraging response. the subtleties of flattery are too far beyond her mere mortal reach. "well that's one way to look at it," she says, looking at him with a arched eyebrow. jokes were easy to crack but hard to live by. but if she wanted to know if leon was still living by the sunlight, she'd need to dim the daylight with a bit of vodka.

briar grants herself a half-smile remembering what they had initially bonded over: posture. a dancer at heart, briar was too often dismayed by the lack of genuine interest anyone seemed to have in their physical well-being. leon had been a welcome exception. her question has an unexpected effect: does he think they're going to head out?

she snorts as he reaches the doorway. "no no no. my people hours end once the sun's down. i'm sure i have something in the pantry. come inside." they've been standing awkwardly at a reception-and-lobby, and briar snatches the keys up. she moves to open up the door and leads him inside, to the studio, and the tiny little single-counter kitchen fitted next to it.

"put on something you like," she said, referring to the giant sound system at the end of the studio. there were some perks to living in the city, after all.

notes • ;;;

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 23, 2018 11:13:24 GMT
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the ice seemed to thin between them. a silver so thin he could see the other side. her chuckle a guiding light. perhaps there was hope for him yet.

hand rested on the handle of the door expectantly, half turning to allow her to pass. for the second time tonight she took him by surprise. "oh." was all he managed to squeeze out. double-taking the door in his grip, he allows it to close, making his back across the room and towards briar.

he smiled as he passed. "i hope you have some rum."

breaking the plane, he looks around. it seemed like a quaint place; comfortable. what's more, a dance studio just with-in reach. leon remembered her love of dancing fondly. "it looks like you really made this city your home," he notes, speaking up as he wanders towards the sound station, inspecting it. figuring it out.

pondering a moment, he plays a particular favorite.

the urge to remove his coat lingers in forefront of his mind. he remembers the deformity that is his arm. the embarrassment. the shame. he shrugs the idea away and begins to make his way back. "you look good, bri." quickly the words come to him, along with the nickname he used so long ago. a pink hue dots his cheeks.

"i mean in general. healthy. well."



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