i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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january nineteenth
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5'10'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
15 posts
sariel duong DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @sariel
sariel duong
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2024 7:24:34 GMT
sariel duong Avatar



EDEN is currently not a concrete group, but a set of ideas that revolves around the ABOLISHMENT OF AVATARSHIPS. this movement is mainly spearheaded by and , who were witnesses to the SOOTOPOLIS TAKEOVER and to its eventual capture. to them, avatarships are weapons of mass destruction, and individual humans should not be trusted with the extent of its power. legendaries meddling in human affairs is seen as an overstepping of their divine power. to resolve this, project eden seeks to disarm avatarships and perhaps if given the chance, to kill legendaries.

this group plot is open to development if there is enough interest, but is currently in EARLY FORMATION stages.

anyone is open to join, however they will need to prove that they share the same basic goal of ABOLISHING AVATARSHIPS. since this group is in early formation, there are no formal ranking systems or titles. however, this is very open to change. we will also be keeping track of interested characters, threads, and arcs through this thread.


currently, EDEN is in the process of evaluating the validity of their ideas, as well as potential early memberships as loose relationship builders for sariel and verona. the group will be researching legendaries, their motives, and ways to potentially neutralize their influence. other ideas discussed may include religion, separation of pokemon and human, and the death of legendaries. we are mainly looking to establish relationships, whether it be friendly, antagonistic, or even a mixture of both.

to keep narrative focus, arc i will mainly consist of SLEEPER AGENTS, whose goal is to amass power and knowledge, whether in rocket or league. this will ideally culminate into KILLING/MAIMING A LEGENDARY POKEMON, or if we want something milder, BREAKING AN AVATARSHIP.

the prophet and the sheep — sariel and verona's first meeting after the sootopolis raids. character-centric.


ANTAGONISMS of course, publicly hating legendaries and avatarships puts a target on your back. it also opens you up to interesting conversations: do you think pokemon are dangerous to society? why or why not? are you afraid of your pokemon? is there a possibility of a world in which you can imagine without them? have you been traumatized by an attack? tell them your thoughts.

RECRUITMENT anyone who is at least open to the core beliefs of the group is open to join. if you have ever resented or even questioned either league/rocket, it could be a good starting point. for civilians, the destruction that has come from conflict may have affected you in some way. for trainers, it could be that they know someone or they themselves have been adversely affected by an avatarship/legendary. to be recruited, you will probably need to go through either sariel or verona first. their methods of recruitment also vary by character, so please feel free to ask! not all recruitment need to be successful either.

QUESTIONING we've alluded to this thus far, but part of this group plot also seeks to examine the relationship between human and pokemon, gods and humans, etc. both verona and sariel approach their relationships to pokemon in a unique way. this certainly asks meta questions and goes very deep into philosophical nuances and how that might affect your characters.

POKEMON DEATH considering the upcoming war and the nature of pokemon, this will inevitably happen. both sariel and verona are capable of killing pokemon, as well as orchestrating it through your character if need be. they also have roots in religion, so they may very well explore different rituals, ceremonies, and spiritual beliefs when it comes to a pokemon dying.

for more in-depth information about sariel and verona, DM cila or aphelion on discord, or take a look at the following:
sariel's plotter


do you have to swear off avatarships forever?
a situation may come where the only way to kill a legendary is with the powers of another legendary. and in that case and if you do eventually attain an avatarship, you must swear to end it in a post-eden era. we will definitely want to see how it plays out IC and take it as an opportunity for potential conflict/character development!

will you actually kill legendaries?
in theory and with consent, yes.

what to expect?
this will be less of an action-based plot and more of a character-driven plot. this group, as well as the characters, can change due to IC-developments. not only is that expected, but encouraged as well!

we also may touch on dark and sensitive topics such as: abuse, religion, suicidal ideation, body/psychological horror, and death.


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