i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jul 12, 2024 0:36:49 GMT
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🎼 Heavy Rainfall – Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Original Soundtrack

IN THE CITY, confronts his mountain of self-doubt. He too can make a difference no matter how small he may seem (though he is quite big, physically) in the grand tapestry of this world. The city streets break out in boisterous battles and evacuating crowds.[break][break]

As hears Gym Leader 's request for reinforcements to Mossdeep Space Center, he's stopped by who is determined to protect at all costs.


ATTACHED BELOW is a map of Mossdeep City. This map is not a direct 1:1 representation, nor is it final. However, hopefully, it provides some sense of direction for the involved writers.[break][break]

(click and drag to a separate tab).

This map will be updated with new or adjusted writing partners.


BELOW IS A POOL OF PROMPTS you can touch upon. Some prompts are particularly important, connected to other prelude threads happening concurrently with yours.[break][break]


[attr="class","prompt0"]🛰️ at a desperate moment, 's URSHIFU WILL ULTRA BURST to turn the tides. the technique can not be replicated again until future developments that involve him and may also involve , , and .

[attr="class","prompt0"]🛰️ feelings of ENVY spurred on by 's presence nearby may interrupt/accelerate/disrupt your conflict.

[attr="class","prompt0"]🛰️ a sudden explosion in mossdeep space center may distract who is worried about 's fate.

[attr="class","prompt0"]🛰️ at least one Pokemon from and must faint.

[attr="class","prompt0"]🛰️ at the end of the thread, everyone will hear a large bang that can be discerned as coming from sootopolis.





  • Keep track of your MERIT POINT GAIN in your post notes as best practice.
  • Please be diligent with your posting (48 hour turnaround is encouraged) in order to prevent rushing at the end.
  • Review general guidelines and PVP guidelines in the main thread: THE FIRST WAVE: PRELUDE SIGN-UPS.
  • If a thread begins to stagnate and show signs of stalling, please let know immediately.

The link to The First Wave MP Shop[break]by CLICKING HERE.




COMPLETING THE PRELUDE THREAD with five posts each will grant you the following reward:

[img src="" title="1X MEGA SHARD" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;float:none;"][break][break]

Please attempt to complete the Prelude Thread[break] by July 31st, 11:59PM PST.

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]

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[newclass=.prompt0]background: #2b2b2b; border: 1px #aaa solid; border-radius: 5px; padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.omgen blockquote]background-image: url(; position: relative; z-index: 1;[/newclass]
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April 1
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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2024 2:45:03 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

What was he even doing here?
Beau had been to Mossdeep maybe once, ever, and he was absolutely sure that it had not looked like this the last time he was here. He'd been on-site to support, as requested, but absolute hell had broken loose not long after. When the alarms had begun sounding, he joined a few other samaritans in guiding civilians in as orderly an evacuation as they could manage, moving to sequester deeper in the city.
When the Rockets started loosing both their pokemon and their fists, however, things got significantly out of hand.
He shouldn't have been the one here, not here or now. He was a ranger, and barely that, not a peacekeeper. He wasn't even high enough on the roster of League brass to be fully in the know of what was going on, only that Mossdeep was likely to be the site of a Rocket attack; now that that particular notification had proven prophetic, he found himself out of his depth. Where was the more seasoned veteran to tell him what to do, to lead by example in trying to quell this mess before it resulted in even worse chaos?
No such help was forthcoming, and in the crush of bodies swarming the street in retreat, he froze. He was out of his depth, and he knew it. Just another lunk that happened to have a couple of halfway-useful pokemon if needed.
What was he even doing here?
Then he heard the kid scream.
A young boy, trailing at the end of a cluster of civilians making for the nearest bunker, had been separated from his parents. More concerning than that was the Mightyena that snapped at the kid's ankle, clamping down and causing him to cry out as he fell to the ground.
Where were the cops? Where was the rescue?
Dammit, he was supposed to be the rescue. What the hell are you doing, you idiot? Get your shit together!
He had to move, now, because no one else was coming. The sounds of battle reached his ears from every direction, and if he didn't do something now, the kid would just be the start.
Lurching into motion, he called Atlas out, the Buzzwole materializing with a thrumming reverberation of wingbeats before LUNGING forward to skewer the Mightyena on one of his spiny legs, bodily hurling the Dark-type away from the boy. Beau crouched and lifted the child into his arms, glancing around and catching sight of the next group of people scrambling up the road.
"Here," he called, handing the boy off to a perplexed man, "Take him with you, think his parents are up ahead. Go, don't waste time!"
Whirling, he oriented on the Mightyena, who dissolved into a stream of light that darted back to a dark-clothed figure nearby. As the Rocket reached for his belt, Beau pounded forward, laying the trainer out with a vicious uppercut that lifted the man bodily from the ground before sending him crashing to the roadside. "You don't!" Kick. "Attack!" Kick. "Kids!"
The man groaned and fell still, and Beau turned to find the next threat, only to hear an emergency broadcast over his comms: Reinforcements to the Space Center.
Cursing under his breath, he beckoned to Atlas and turned to haul up the street toward the sprawling building in the distance. He didn't pretend to know what was going on, but he knew it was something big, and he just hoped he got there before things got worse.
He had to get there before things got worse.



+50 MP: have your character self-doubt. (Total: 50)




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march 21
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parker jones
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2024 4:29:37 GMT
parker jones Avatar
love. love in a house and love in a heart and love in a body and the last part is what scares her so bad. bodies are fragile little things and it's not fair that they hold shit that's so fucking important. 

she placed what protection she could against nomi's skin, every furtive kiss a small piece of the barrier warding her away from the all the bullshit that's coming. maybe karma'd be good to her, to the both of them, for once in their godsdamned lives. 

nomi's earned that much.

but in the grand scheme of things, her lips and her tongue ain't gonna do shit when the league, the drk triad, or literally anyone else in the universe ('cause it sure seems, at this point, that everyone out there hates them) comes knocking. nah, it won't protect her against the fires of war.

but that's what parker's here for. 

i'll hold the line. don't worry about the noise. get what you need and then i'll find you. i promise, cupcake.

there's spittle on the corner of her lip, blood on her knuckles. her hood is up, thick fabric cinched around the corners to hide her iconic pink hair. but fuck, hoenn's hot, and they really don't tell you about the discomforts you feel when you're in the in between parts, catching your breath, palms on your knees. 

she witnesses him. the guy and the kid. and if she hadn't punched the mirror in her gym's locker room as one last fuck you to her reflection, maybe she'd have felt worse, but right now all she can do is stare hard and hope her ceruledge hasn't cut down his fucking parents. 

"ew, gods, fuck," she snaps when said ceruledge sticks the fiery tip of one of her sword hands into the twitching shape of a sizzlipede. it stills, smoldering. 

her comms crackle.

'all nearby rocket agents currently not engaged, move in to mossdeep. the league has called reinforcements!'

"nomi," she murmurs and takes off running. in front of her is the beefcake and she swears under her breath, eyeing the pokemon!beefcake at his side. she has no idea what it is, but ceruledge looks more than happy to fight it. but homeboy is fast and parker's a stamina gal more than anything.

"get me in front of 'em."

ceruledge races forward, leaving embers trailing behind her, eyes burning with wily joy. her lithe form darts around them easily and then she twists, leaping, waving one arm in front of her before she's enveloped in psychic energy. her form blurs and by the time she's hit the ground, it's not her at all. 

mossdeep's glass dome glitters behind her. parker holds up her fists.

"heya, buddy. where ya goin'?"

+ 50 MP have your character reflect on why they're fighting/reflect on their loyalties.
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April 1
Dewford Town
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6'4" height
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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2024 2:28:18 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

What was bad enough at the Space Center that Gwyar was having to call in reinforcements already? Beau tried not to think about it as he ran, Atlas buzzing along behind him. Whatever it was, there were enough of them that they could take care of it; he just needed to bust through who- or whatever needed busting through. Working by himself was not a strong point, but in the mix with his friends and colleagues? He was at least comfortable, there.
Then, as if the universe itself had been reading his thoughts and decided he was in need of yet another in the series of painful lessons he'd been dealt over the past several months, a violet streak of flame surged past him from the side, causing him to skid to a halt. No, not flame - a pokemon? Then it wasn't even a pokemon at all, crashing to the ground and resolving as probably the scariest-looking woman Beau had seen in his life.
She raised her fists, and he hesitated; he never liked resorting to violence at first blush, even though not one of these Rocket creeps had seemed to have any sense of rationale or remorse for their goals.
"Left my refrigerator running, brah," he quipped back, twisting his mouth into a guileless smirk. "Figured I'd better go catch it."
His gaze darted over her as he took her in: She looked dangerous, like already-been-in-the-thick-of-fighting dangerous. Her knuckles were bloodied, her frame sturdy, and her stance one of familiarity and practice. Shit, he did not have time for this right now, even if she was a...she.
He could get past her, probably. Asking her to stand aside probably wouldn't work, not judging by the feral glint in her eye, but he reckoned he could outpace her if he needed to. But then what? Leave her out here to go after others? The kid?
The enormity of the situation creeped up on him, ice in his spine, just like the Penitentiary. If he dove past her and somehow made it to the Space Center, the city would burn. If he took her on here and now, the Space Center might go under, and he still had no idea what they were facing there. There was no winning this completely; which was the better path to take?
The big brass would probably want the Space Center safe, and whatever else was stored in there. That would be the on-paper call to make. He thought of the kid, though, and the dozens of people that were still trampling their way up the street and through the alleys around them. What good was saving stuff if it was the people who suffered, the ones they were supposed to protect?
The only redeeming factor about ice was that it was sturdy, and when he dropped into his favored boxing stance, bouncing lightly from one foot to the other, his spine - his core - was strong. This was his move to make, and he didn't even have to trust that he wasn't making the wrong choice.
He knew.
"Come at me, if you're comin'," he winked.
Atlas, for his part, turned his head one hundred-eighty degrees, proboscis twitching as he sighted the Ceruledge further down the street, after clever use of an ALLY SWITCH. Buzzing furiously, he wheeled around and took off with a burst of wind that blew dust from the pavement, lunging at his opponent with a POWER-UP PUNCH. The brawny attack slid right through the other pokemon as though it were made of mist, and Atlas buzzed in confusion.
Beau, his narrowed eyes never leaving the obstacle that Parker posed, had no idea how bad his position was.



+50 MP: have your character experience great fear, hatred, envy, or have a grudge worsen.




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[newclass=".beauf4 .credit a"]font-size:10px;font-weight:800;[/newclass]

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march 21
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parker jones
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2024 1:14:08 GMT
parker jones Avatar
parker bounces from heel to heel, snickering at the joke. and then after a beat, what he said really hits her and she barks out a full-blown laugh 'cause fuck, that's good. like, the world is falling apart around them and they're on the brink of (no, parker, not on the brink of - in the midst of) total warfare. 

he looks around her, assessing the environment, looking at the situation. yeah, yeah. i can't let ya pass. ya, you're bad news bears. he's big, but his buzzwole's even bigger - heh, there's a joke there somewhere - and ain't no way is she gonna let him get a pass and go wreck nomi's shit. 

"i'm always coming," she fires back with force, grinning like she'd just said The cleverest clapback in the world, but then her brain catches up and, "wait, no - " 

ceruledge, on the other hand, does not care much for witty banter, superhero one-liners ('cause they're the heroes of the story, right? that's what nomi always says?), or parker's whole shtick, which is fine, because she gets to tango while parker dukes it out old skool stylez. 

the sword-for-arms knight emerges from the buzzwole's shadow, blades raking against its hard red carapace. her eyes flicker, gaze darting to her trainer, wishing she cared more about training where it mattered. 

ceruledge is out of her depth against ultra beasts.

parker, blind to her pokemon's realization, holds a hand out palm first, turns it, and folds her fingers back in quick succession. 

"c'mon, bro. you wanna go? let's fucking go." despite her invitation, she's the first one to move, boots crunching against gravel as she closes the distance and hits him like a grease fire.

+ 50 MP have an antagonistic exchange of dialogue between your character and another writer's character or NPC.
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April 1
Dewford Town
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6'4" height
6'4" height
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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2024 2:26:32 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

He could win this fight. Her tenacity, he could tell by the set of her jaw, might match his, but he had size on her, and if it came down to it, he could leave her in the dust. He had a job to do - he had to get to the Space Center - and he wasn't about to let anything stop him. Granted, she did not come as sheerly well-equipped as had, but this woman had a fire that the other man had lacked, or at least kept simmering below the surface. He could do this, he would win this.
Maybe if he kept telling himself so, it might actually happen. He didn't have the greatest track record.
He had half-expected a response from her, maybe disparaging or dismissive, but not one that came so hastily and inexpertly that it might have been something he himself would have uttered in her situation. His face immediately flushed beet-red, and he nearly stumbled. "Wait, wh- d'you need a doct- OOF."
His babbled bewilderment, three thoughts trying to escape at the same time, was interrupted by a hard elbow to his stomach. He stumbled back a step, countering with a hard swing that was easily ducked under. He could parry her blows, or some of them, but he couldn't keep weathering them for long; she hit like she meant to put him down, and he didn't doubt that if he took her lightly, she would succeed. He wasn't an agility fighter - his attacks were strong and broad, but not fast or precise. Her mobility put him at a disadvantage, so he had to get lucky. Er, he had to count on luck.
The Buzzwole's confusion was broken by the harsh scrape of Ceruledge's blades across its chitinous exoskeleton. With a shriekingly high-pitched chirrup of pain and indignation the beast turned, surging into a powerful LUNGE forward that gouged at the Ghost-type with its proboscis. Its movements and motivations were alien, such that if Beau had even been free to supervise its battle, he wouldn't have the faintest idea how to empathize with this, the newest member of his team. Its compound eyes were expressionless, but its muscles bulged as it worked itself into a frenzy, radiating anger and retribution against its aggressor.



+50 MP: have your character directly or indirectly spotlight another writer's character's strengths. (Total: 150)




[newclass=.beauf4]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.3px;line-height:17px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".beauf4 .credit a"]font-size:10px;font-weight:800;[/newclass]

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march 21
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TAG WITH @parker
parker jones
POSTED ON Jul 19, 2024 0:48:19 GMT
parker jones Avatar
six times. six fuckin' times. six hits to the face and that's all she needs to mash your eyeballs into their little caves, tuck them into the spaces in your cranium where the sun don't shine. 

she hits him in the stomach and it's like her elbow cracks against a godsdamned brick wall. holy shit. but she's gone against bigger and stupider and worse odds than this animorphs of a man if the animal in question was a monster truck and not an animal at all.

or, now that she thinks about it, he's kinda like a bigass ursaring. 

one she can definitely not let get his meaty hands on her. one grab, one toss, and he'll throw her like a sack of bricks. a suplex could probably snap her spine in half, but that part she's not so worried about, 'cause his spirit's not in it. 

he's not in the kill or be killed that's plagued her every fucking waking moment since selling off her soul. he hasn't beaten someone so close to dead, they're probably better off dead, and that's a line people don't cross all too easy.

she knows. she knows, she knows.

ceruledge is having similar problems. that ridiculously long stinger-mouth-thing lunges towards her; the flames in her eyes spark in surprise and then pain as it digs into her armor, scraping with a screech along her shoulder. her other arm comes up in a quick guard, batting away with some difficulty the next snap that comes her way, but she's on the defensive now, flames billowing hotly in frustration.

"just go home," she snarls, trying for a one-two punch at his sides. "and take your big, red dog - hey! hey, put her down!" she snaps, blue eyes darting behind the leaguer and at the buzzwole that's got her struggling ceruledge in its boxing glove-sized hands.

+ 50 MP have your character's Pokemon symbolize or represent in some way, the condition of your character.
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April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
Stay the course
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6'4" height
6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 1:26:18 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

Damn it, he couldn't get any ground. The redhead was smaller than him, sure - most people were - but she hit with purpose, like she knew just where to aim her strikes to take him down. The elbow to his abdomen winded him, and he retaliated with a broad swing that she easily evaded, following up with a bruising strike to his side that sent him staggering, followed by another in exactly the same place, and dammit, if she kept that up he was going to be down a rib or three.
He was sick of being out of his depth, of his weaknesses being so glaring - and he had plenty of them, to be sure. He couldn't hit the ground, though, couldn't lose here, not when so much was at stake. He'd seen what Rocket was capable of throughout the past several years, and it seemed that the longer they were allowed to operate, the more bold and ruthless they became.
If they couldn't be stopped now, here, they never would be.
Dizzy from trying to keep up with his liquid spitfire of an opponent - or maybe he was just blaming it on the rush of blood to his head - he was half-bemused at the mental image of flickering across his mind's eye, looking entirely out of place with a kung fu master's long white beard and mustache. "Do not begrudge your weaknesses, young Fontaine, for they are your only opportunity to grow stronger." Kung-fu-Gunner's serene demeanor was broken as he cast a dry, deadpan look at Beau in his mind's eye, supplementing: "Shut up and be serious, you lummox, you have a job to do."
Chastised from his reverie, Beau dug his feet into the dusty pavement underfoot, shaking the disorientation from his head with a sharp movement before squaring up once more, offering Parker a mirthless, toothy grin. For once, when it counted, he wasn't going to back down.
The woman's sudden outburst at their pokemon was for good reason: Atlas had the Ceruledge in a firm grip, and though the smaller pokemon flared and writhed, smokelike, she could not escape the implacable grasp of the Ultra Beast. With a thrumming reverberation that buzzed Beau's teeth in his jaw, the larger pokemon lunged forward, burying its stinger-like proboscis in the Ghost-type's neck, and siphoned.
It was violet flame as much as it was brazen battle-lust and wild, untamed unpredictability. The energy transferred from one pokemon to the other, and as the movements of the smaller grew increasingly weaker, the larger stood taller, broader, surging with strength as its injuries mended.
Beau, for himself, settled on dashing forward with a powerful uppercut, roaring, "Where are you looking?!"



+50 MP: have your character reflect on why they're fighting/reflect on their loyalties.




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[newclass=".beauf4 b"]color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
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[newclass=".beauf4 h1"]font:18px Poppins;color:var(--accent);font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:.5px[/newclass]
[newclass=".beauf4 h2"]font:16px Poppins;color:var(--accent);font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:.5px[/newclass]
[newclass=".beauf4 .post b"]font-size:12px;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".beauf4 .credit"]width:125px;background-color:#1c1c1c;font-size:10px;margin-top:7px;padding:3px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".beauf4 .credit a"]font-size:10px;font-weight:800;[/newclass]

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march 21
debt collector
chaotic stupid, i'll get used to feeling useless
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TAG WITH @parker
parker jones
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 3:49:02 GMT
parker jones Avatar
parker's arms ache. hitting him is like hitting a concrete slab. maybe i shoulda fuckin' taken one outta 's book and beat on remus some more. she thought him crazy for sparring with his lucario, but she'd be damn well better prepared for this if she had. 

but that's why she can't back down. this guy could snap like a twig if he wanted to. he could stop her. and stopping her would piss her off, but worse, it would make her sad and parker can't stand it when nomi's got a reason not to smile. 

people are still running around them. the world is a dizzying array of movement and combat and in the midst of it are civilians running between cover, heading towards the docks. heading towards safehouses. heading anywhere but at the mossdeep space center, but she and beefcake are caught in the middle, parting the river like fuckin' rocks. 

pain radiates down her side as he gets a smack in and she struggles to hold her footing, arms crossing in front of her chest to block a follow-up. gravel skitters and she's put on the backfoot. ceruledge is turned into a pokemon blood bag and parker swears, one hand fumbling for her belt, the other rising in a half-hearted attempt at blocking his next strike.

her head rattles. all of her teeth quake in their sockets. pain splits under her jaw and blood gushes in her mouth as she bites her tongue. ceruledge isn't absorbed and neither is amulius released; by her side, instead, rises a terrifying machination of steel and whirling servos, digital eyes blinking at the scene in front of it. 

the biggest baby only understands violence.

"wai - fuhhh - " she starts and things move in slow motion.

two little girls break into a run between two cars. the biggest baby rears back its head. orange light snicks, superheated. ceruledge sags in the buzzwole's arms. parker feels pain in her elbow. a wordless scream makes spittle and blood fly. a blinding white light races forward.

the ground is rent in two, separating the buzzwole and ceruledge, but it continues onward.

this is how hope is killed.

she only wants safety. she can almost see it. ( this way, aves. this way. you still got those bobby pins? ) almost to the other side of the street, running from ruin. ( i got you. i got us. it's okay. we're okay, avery. ) always running from, never stopping, knowing in the end all roads led to bars, and debt, and the never-ending haze of anger. ( all that matters is we're okay. )

the light cleaves her right at the shoulder. her arm lay at her feet. she screams, and her sister shrieks, and parker howls. 

ceruledge faints!
iron boulder separates buzzwole & ceruledge; hits civilians in the process
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April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
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6'4" height
6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2024 23:03:24 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

For the second time in as many weeks, Beau found himself embroiled in a conflict with another person, so much so that he could not properly spare attention to the pokemon battle roaring down the street behind him. He was gaining ground against the woman, but it turned out she was as sturdy as she was scrappy, and this was taking way more time than he had to spare.
As her gaze slipped over his shoulder, he paused, turned his head - what the FUCK had Atlas done to that ghost thing? His attention snapped back to his opponent with a precision he rarely managed to muster, readying for her reaction.
What he had not expected was the manifestation of - what did call Telly? An Iron Boulder? One of those weird robot-looking things that Beau still felt would have been more appropriate to run across in an auto shop than in the wild. He threw his arm up, beckoning to Atlas, because fuck all if he was going to be able to make a dent in the thing, but the metallic monster moved faster than the Ultra Beast.
The light arced forward, tearing the earth beneath it.
The light blazed with white-hot intensity, and Atlas staggered backward, recoiling, dropping his fallen prize.
Beau gaped, following the trajectory of the attack as it kept going, and kept going, and suddenly there was a pair of girls in the way.
Then one of them was down, spreading crimson, and the other shrieked, and the woman screamed, and Beau roared, too little, too late.
This was his fault.
If he'd gone through five minutes earlier, it would have been alright. If he'd taken a different street to move into Mossdeep on, the girl wouldn't have lost her arm. Hell, if he'd been stronger, he could have ended this confrontation before it reached this point.
A thrumming buzz heralded Atlas charging forward at the Iron Boulder, a SUPERPOWER among insects.
It was enough to make him turn.
To stare at the woman.
To feel the hatred welling up from his gut, like fire, like arsenic. Poisonous, burning, and unstoppable. His eyes blazed as he stared at this woman, and for the first time in his life, he welcomed this hatred. The girls had nothing to do with this. Small miracle if one of them didn't die.
He couldn't save her, didn't have the skill for something that serious. But he could pay back her attacker in kind.
No witty quips. No questioning. No proselytizing.
He clenched his fists so hard his knuckles cracked on their own, and he charged her.



+50 MP: have your character experience great fear, hatred, envy, or have a grudge worsen.




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march 21
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chaotic stupid, i'll get used to feeling useless
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parker jones
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2024 2:42:57 GMT
parker jones Avatar
. just a flash of his face, a pained look in his eyes. that's all she sees and she's got no damn clue why, only that it's coupled with an aching numbness in her own left arm, one that leaves her gripping it with a scowl. staring forward at that little girl across the street, a chunk of her on the ground. 

her sister is standing over her, trying to get her to move, crying and screaming and giving up and going hysterical. 

and the biggest baby is charging up another attack.

her throat is sore. she realizes she's still screaming when the world claps back into focus. her eyes lock with the leaguer and she knows instantly she's in deep fucking shit. she's on the ground and her arm doesn't feel like it's working for some reason. 

at the very least, she manages to take the first couple of hits. not without blood of course. it sprays out of her mouth, slakes her throat, leaves any witticisms on the backburner. not that she'd have much to say anything.

except, maybe, while he's pummeling her. while her ribs are bruising and her skin is turning blue, while the biggest baby ignores her in lieu of fighting the alien freak, she manages a weak, "shthee's gonna die if we dun help."

parker is losing badly :(
biggest baby fighting buzzwole in the bg hi i hate pkmn battles
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April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
Stay the course
Whatever it takes
6'4" height
6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2024 3:35:50 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

The Buzzwole's energy flagged as the Iron Boulder moved on the offensive, its movements flagging from the exertion of the Superpower.
A TAUNT was halfhearted but necessary, if it didn't want the robot aiming for its trainer. Not yet, not yet, because Beau was occupied.
It was almost cathartic, in a way.
"What was he even doing here?" Beau had asked himself, only moments ago. "What can one person do against Rocket?"
He hadn't known. It seemed so pointless, so beyond him, to think about the ramifications of the large-scale moves that were being made, of whatever was going on in the Space Center, of any of the other region-shaking schemes the group had planned. Beau was just a Ranger, and if he wasn't being a Ranger, he was doing his best impression of a good soldier. Go where he's told to go, maybe find some people he can help along the way. Make sure nobody had to deal with what he had to deal with, or worse.
Now, though? Now, Rocket had a face. Rocket wasn't spouting grandiose declarations or using five-dollar words he had to pause and think about just to play some kind of superiority complex. Rocket wasn't fucking around with the next supernaturally cosmic threat that was going to abduct everyone and their mother out of their beds and somehow twist it into a shell game of economics and power.
Rocket was a crimson-haired woman who had just cut a kid's arm off. Rocket had taken the fight to the innocent, right in front of him, and somebody was going to die as a result.
Possibly more than one somebody, and it was hard to say who.
But if he thought about it, through the haze of red, he knew, he knew who he wanted to die alongside that girl.
It came in flashes. She stood across from him, awareness flickering into her eyes as she took in the set of his jaw.
Stubborn, tough, unyielding, as she blocked his blows to her abdomen, twisted away from them, tried to minimize the impact.
Red, stained red as her hair, painting her lips as she fell under him, coughing.
He was moving, his arms were moving, he knew they were because he saw himself grab her arm and twist, heard the clean snap of bone, heard her cries.
This wasn't what he had meant to use his strength for. He was supposed to protect, to support, to stand up for the people who couldn't.
He hit her again. She was still too clean for what she'd done. She was still moving.
It was like watching a film. Distant. Clinical. If he were in a thinking position, he'd think about the simulation where he'd been in her position and as a result bludgeoned someone to death.
But he wasn't in a thinking position, he was in a problem-solving position. She was the problem and she needed solving for good.
So he watched his arms move.



+50 MP: have your character "hit rock bottom" (their lowest point).




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march 21
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parker jones
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2024 3:57:55 GMT
parker jones Avatar
he doesn't take the bait. 

that's all it had been, in the end. some little girl bleeding out in the street and she's fucking bait. made to get his back turned so she can scoop herself up onto the biggest baby and make it to nomi. 

but one of her eyes is swollen shut now the other is blinking hard through blood from a cut above her brow. blood in her mouth and on the pavement and her sister's gone now - where did she go?

they must have been horrible little children, leaving each other like that. 

( i'll never leave ya, sis. i gotcha. s'long as we're together, we're invincible. )

off she went to fight a war at rocket's hands and here parker stayed, too chickenshit to get bloodied, to really and honestly fucking accept what they are. what they're meant to be. 

those joneses, yeah, they'll fuck ye right up. 

after a while, pain seems very far away. she's used to it, pulling her own punches and getting treated like a punching bag in return. always so she could leave her contacts without any permanent damage, always so she could tell herself she was a good person with shit luck.

she wishes he had taken the bait.

because he breaks her arm and then all the pain comes rushing in at once, making her scream. maybe it's something in her scream, maybe it's the biggest baby getting bored with its quarry, maybe it's the universe saying i'm not done with you yet, you fucking prick, but the iron boulder turns and its sensors turn red as though it can read the leaguer's rage, and then it charges.

and parker, parker, starts to laugh.
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April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
Stay the course
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6'4" height
6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 0:57:08 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

Atlas, for all the stolen vitality it had siphoned from Ceruledge, was on the back foot. Even when powered by extraplanar force, an insect could only survive so long against superheated steel. Driven backward and stumbling into the fissure left by the Iron Boulder's inciting attack, it landed on its back, its compound eyes flickering in sync and widening as the final blow came.
It did not rise.
She screamed. He snapped her arm like a twig and she screamed, and it was enough to bring him back to the controls. Beau's fist froze mid-strike as he blinked, surveying exactly what he was engaged in. No pokemon in sight, strange. Him having the upper hand? Also strange, given the circumstances.
A Rocket - a woman - that woman - bloodied beneath him, screaming, twisting, laughing. What was he doing? Why was he attacking her?
Oh, she'd taken that girl's arm. Probably her life. Still, wasn't the right course of action to detain her, to ensure she faced justice for her actions?
No, he frowned. Penitence wouldn't undo the damage that she'd done. If he had the time to think about it, this was fair. An eye for an eye. A life for a life.
Firmly in control of his own faculties once more, he hit her again, and this time the crunch of bone under his closed fist loosened the knot in his chest ever so slightly. A tiny dose of satisfaction. He could use more of that.
The flicker of red light behind him as the Iron Boulder reoriented was as lost on him as its subsequent revving, and it should have been a clean hit for the Paradox. An instant before impact, one of the pokeballs at his belt burst open, and Orson materialized to take and shift the brunt of the blow, forged steel carving into hardened muscle as the pair skidded to the side of Beau and Parker.
Breaking the stalemate, Orson shoved the metal pokemon back, slinging a streak of his own blood against the ground from the newly-opened wound in his forearm. He glanced to Beau, then offered a low growl as he saw his trainer's position against the otherwise defenseless woman. Beau continued laying into her, heedless of his ursine friend's concern.
Orson couldn't get Beau's attention without letting the Iron Boulder get an easy shot on them both. He couldn't retaliate against the Iron Boulder without leaving Beau to his one-track vengeance.
He had to do something, or Beau would be lost either way.
The bear's eyes flicked from one assault to the next. Back. Forth. Back. Forth.
He roared.
Focusing his energy inward, he adopted a sturdy stance, muscles bulging as a soundless wave swept over the area. He slid smoothly into a fluid pose, opening his hands as he surveyed the scene before him. Even Beau's mindless assault was disrupted as the Urshifu's power increased, as his focus shifted from the one to the many.
Moving gracefully into action, Orson flowed forward in the first of a series of SURGING STRIKES, pummeling the Iron Boulder once, then twice, driving the assailant back. The third strike was reserved for another: shifting gracefully, the last blow caught Beau himself in the side, breaking him from Parker and sending him sprawling against the ground in an ungainly fashion.
Beau blinked, staring up at his pokemon, and seemed only then to collect where he was and what had occurred to land him there. Orson, for his part, looked pointedly from Beau to Parker, and the man choked as he surveyed the other woman from his vantage point on the ground. "Wh...what?"
What had he done? That was him? He couldn't blame a toxic chain or a simulation this time. Only himself and his convictions.
His convictions which, he realized with a flip of his stomach, did not necessitate the conviction of others. Not by him alone.
Orson reached a hand down, and Beau stared at it plaintively. "I...yeah, no, we gotta go. We do this the right way."
He took the ursine's hand, and hauled himself to his feet with a low groan, his focus shifting to the opposing pokemon. "Let's finish it."
And now, with his Urshifu beside him, he felt he could. He'd worry about the cost later.



+50 MP: showcase a meaningful moment between your character and their Pokemon.[break]
Atlas FAINTS.[break]




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[newclass=".beauf4 .credit a"]font-size:10px;font-weight:800;[/newclass]

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parker jones
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 2:08:35 GMT
parker jones Avatar
no cryin', girl. what yer pop always tell ya, eh? gotta keep 'em guessin'. 

lips so wide they split, blood down her face and down her chest, and what radiates is a cruel joy. her laugh is a grating, awful sound, and she tastes mud in the back of her throat. liquor too. her skin burns. 

smoke and fire and ash. 

they were always so careful but avery wanted a toy and parker didn't know any better; all she knew is that she'd found where here parents squirreled away the cash. hell, she'd been the one to fill it some days when they had needles in their arms and she knew those heavy boots on the doorstep wouldn't leave 'til they got what they wanted. 

she put so much of it there; couldn't she take it back?

hunger, a constant companion, even before the laughing and the crumbling and watching the vultures stare down at the wreckage with their snickers, saying, 'eh, job's done. let's go home, boys.' 

home to the place where the powerful were, home to the place where people never starved, and where children could make themselves useful. afterwards, a belly full of sweets, some poor old sap finding 'em only when it was too late. she'd already sold her soul to save her other half.

blood pours down her front and pain lights up her skull.  

the first time she broke someone's nose, she thought she understood why her folks needed their highs. 

strength made the scum skitter like cockroaches, tremble like half-drowned rats. so she got bigger and she got louder and she put her whole ass self into all of it. shaders on, her only weakness in her heart, but that she kept in the hands of another. 

'til avery fuckin' left to sell her own self away, as though parker's martyrdom wasn't enough. 

"you're a nasty piece of work," she says, but really, it comes out more like "youack" because her lips aren't really working anymore and her body hurts so bad, she really just wants to die.

she'd take the magma over this, she thinks, but at least with this much blood, it ought to be over soon. 

her vision is a sea of red shapes. one of them is limp in the street. the others are bigger, with more movement. looks like a bull fighter, but he's not saying olé. in fact, he's not saying anything at all. which is a shame. if she was a badass dark shape fighting a big steel bull - why does it look so familiar? - she'd have a cool one liner to say.

yeah, yeah, yeah. 

speckles on the corner of her vision. the biggest shape in front of her with the too-pretty baby blue eyes is blasted away. she sways, no longer held up with his fist in what remains of her shirt, and looks woozily over at him, pitches forward. 

her hand catches her. the other drags limply forward. spit falls in a thick glob out from behind her teeth. her elbow clips one of her pokeballs and her lucario is there beside her, startled at the sight. 

cold eyes cut to beau and his urshifu, then quickly to the iron boulder, and he opts to crouch down beside his trainer, palms glowing pink to seal the wounds still shedding blood. she snarls and tries to shove him off, but he ignores her, deftly dodging a drunken swing. 

"i'hfuckin' done. done. i'm fucking done," she snaps, forgetting herself, forgetting it all, feeling only the pain, wanting all of it to stop.

that nameless girl's body is motionless in the street.

and then the ground shakes. she lifts her head, bats remus' paw away from her eyes, and cold recognition snaps her back to reality. the building on the hill billows smoke, a quarter of it completely gone. 

adrenaline slams through her, eviscerating her despair. quick, albeit slurred orders have remus slicing off her jacket and wrapping her broken arm tightly around her side. it takes everything in her not to scream. 

the biggest baby keeps them busy. when its foe is underfoot, it does not gloat in its victory. it simply turns, zeroing in on its newest prey, preparing battle simulations before charging and meeting the ursine warrior with a bastardization of a hero's sword. 

jet curls out of his ball at parker's beckoning. 

she hauls her good arm around remus; he hoists her with a grunt, and parker's smile is broad and wolfish and her eyes are cold with pain and sorrow and understanding as they lock with beau - 

right before the smokescreen goes up and they disappear, heading toward one of the only people in the world that really, truly matter. and she thinks, if you're dead nomes, i'm gonna kill ya, but i'll also fuckin' see ya soon.

70 - 7x IC posts
100 - completion
300 - bad times is bad this is a loss fs
25 - for knocking out another Pokemon in your prelude thread (beau's atlas)
50 - for getting your Pokemon knocked out in your prelude thread. (ceruledge)
50 - have an antagonistic exchange of dialogue between your character and another writer's character or NPC. (i'm always coming)[break]
50 - showcase your own character's strength(s) meaningfully. (her muscles are big)
50 - have your character directly or indirectly spotlight another writer's character's strengths. (beau is big and scary)[break]
50 - have your character "hit rock bottom" (their lowest point). (i think this definitely happened)
50 - have your character reflect on why they're fighting/reflect on their loyalties. (that's all nomi, baby)
50 - have your character become inspired or consoled by another writer's character (tag them). (nomi, baby!)
50 - have your character make a regrettable decision. (erm, killing a kid is regrettable methinks)
50 - have your character make a sacrifice of some kind. (her humanity is going away bye-bye!)
50 - have your character's Pokemon symbolize or represent in some way, the condition of your character. (ceruledge choking out n sputtering while parker does smile)
50 - showcase a meaningful moment between your character and their Pokemon. (lucario chooses to help her even when she orders him to let her die awww)
50 - have your character experience great fear, hatred, envy, or have a grudge worsen. (self-hatred is the best form of hatred)
1,095 TOTAL MP
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing