And What Does This One Do?

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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May 1st
6'3" height
6'3" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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balor sen DOLLARS
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balor sen
And What Does This One Do?
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2024 18:50:47 GMT
balor sen Avatar
Rubble, glass shards, possibly hazardous liquids lies a clean up crew dedicated to restoring all the damage that Regice has wrought upon Dewford. The hustle and bustle of the workers are what you would expect of a crew under Balor's watch. They follow all regulations, all instruction, all the proper procedures in accordance to Balor's expectations. The work is slow, but it is not without its purpose as the work is seemingly perfect. Balor takes a sip from his mug, some ginger tea to awaken himself from the grogginess of the morning.

As he looks around at the work being done, he looks at some of the pokemon that follow in some of his worker's steps. They help break up rubble into various pieces for the workers to clean up, they are able to dispel some hazardous material, plus they can provide a bit of protection from any wild pokemon running around through the debris.

Balor, at the beginning of his business once declined the use of pokemon in the workforce, saying that working with your own hands provides a greater reward and self-accomplishment, but even he cannot deny the efficiency of pokemon in the workforce, when properly trained. He had come around to obtaining his own Pokemon, although not on purpose. His Tinkaton and Maushold were once Tinkatot and a Tandemaus in Pokeballs abandoned in the trash. A younger Balor felt bad and took care of the pokemon, but was surprised when they evolved just by working with him for years.

Now? Tinkaton's own hammer and strength proved to be a great boon when dealing with heavy trash and equipment, and Maushold has learned from Balor about cleaning strategies... although that plan could be called barely a success.

Going back to the present, he realized that there are a lot of pokemon he has always seen his workers with, but had never actually inquired about their names and what they could do. To combat this, he had kept a log with his worker's information that had the information of their pokemon, which he had only written through mere observation during work. Although even he knew that his notes were crude at best, looking through them, he had to admit, he had no understanding of Pokemon in the slightest. The information he did know was just enough to take care of his Tinkaton and Maushold, but moves? Abilities? He never had the time to learn any of that.

Balor sighs, placing down his mug and putting his hand to his face, seemingly distraught by this lack of knowledge.

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Roze, Rosie
March 28
Hulbury, Galar
5'9 height
5'9 height
I would give anything, just to thank you.
117 posts
Roze Falkner DOLLARS
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Roze Falkner
And What Does This One Do?
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2024 21:25:18 GMT
Roze Falkner Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #333333; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #b0bfdd;[/newclass]

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I stumble many times,
[break]I might just get hurt,


Despite the early morning, and her current situation with a broken right arm resting in a cast and sling, Roze had been rather active, a light backpack slung over her left, a Pikachu-themed thermos full of warm coffee slotted in it, she'd been aware of the damage wrought upon Granite cave and Dewford, though much like most, she hadn't been quite aware of what this 'Regice' that had caused it could even be, simply some catastrophic being that had destroyed an important habitat not too long before Roze had even moved to Hoenn.[break][break]

She could only really think of one other such destructive being, the steel colossus she'd struggled against in the deserts. She'd peered at her bracelet, the odd crystal embedded in it almost feeling misplaced and odd, did it really hold such extraordinary powers? Roze had sighed, she still hadn't been sure if was still alive after all that had happened, but she'd have to hope that if he was, he'd be on a better path.[break][break]

Roze had hoped to try and push for an effort to help restore Granite Cave, though that was a goal a little too out of her reach just yet, having not quite met a particular handful of people just yet who'd be able to push her in the right direction. Though she'd been surprised to find that Dewford itself had been rather extensively damaged, despite knowing its decently close proximity to the caverns. She'd noticed a cleanup crew of some sorts working nearby, much of them far too busy to bother yet, she'd noticed an old man—assumedly working as a foreman, though he'd seemed rather puzzled and distraught for some particular reason.[break][break]

The raven-haired Galarian slowly approached with a soft wave and a gentle smile, "is everything alright?" she'd asked, "thank you for the effort you're putting into taking care of the damage, ah, yes! Right, my name's Roze, it's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance," she'd almost offered her right arm, before quickly correcting her mistake with her left in as amicable fashion as she could.



But I keep on running.
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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May 1st
6'3" height
6'3" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
15 posts
balor sen DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @balorsen
balor sen
And What Does This One Do?
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2024 8:27:37 GMT
balor sen Avatar
He would look at the young lady approaching him, at first thinking that it was one of his workers that needed guidance or maybe some tools because they broke or something of that sort. But then he saw the sling on her arm and then realized that she was walking into the area without any safety equipment on, and the broken arm of course. The girl came closer, seemingly wanting to talk with him? Perhaps she was looking for work, after she properly healed from that injury, more than likely though she's probably lost something or someone, as many people would ask him if they had found a pokeball with their name on it, or if anything 'valuable' was found so that they could start some claim about how they deserve it first.

Balor was pleasantly surprised when all she said was a "thanks" for helping clean up all of the debris. Despite all of this, he had to maintain a professional air around him, he put down the notes of pokemon to his side and started to look more, imposing. "Hello Roze, my name is Balor, the supervisor of this cleaning crew. Thank you for the concern, but I do have everything under control, I assure you." He would say, almost reaching out his hand to shake hers before taking it back, noticing the amount of dust and grime on his gloves. In the same action, he would try to hide the notes, but seems to make more of a mess... something he would attempt to promptly and properly clean up.

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Roze, Rosie
March 28
Hulbury, Galar
5'9 height
5'9 height
I would give anything, just to thank you.
117 posts
Roze Falkner DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @roze
Roze Falkner
And What Does This One Do?
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2024 8:11:30 GMT
Roze Falkner Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #333333; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #b0bfdd;[/newclass]

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I stumble many times,
[break]I might just get hurt,


Roze hadn't been quite aware she'd technically been trespassing on an work site, well, some part of her was aware enough to not get in the way of the workers, yet, with the entire town a bit of a dilapidated mess from the recent terror, she'd figured there wasn't much of a spot she could idle anywhere around town admittedly. "Oh, of course, I'd certainly trust a professional far more than my own hands, honestly," she'd said with a smile, she'd been rather truthful about this, no doubt they'd handle this environ better than her, her focus was more on pokémon habitats and ecology than that of people, even if the two overlapped rather often.[break][break]

She'd smiled further at the man's attempt to avoid dirtying her hand, "oh you don't have to mind me too much, I often get my hands dirty out in the field anyway," she'd explained, though a small little oop had escaped her mouth as he'd seemed to make a mess of his notes and scatter them, she'd hurried to help him recollect and sort them, though in the process had of course, given them a glance over to try and best maintain their order.[break][break]

The conservationist had handed what she'd collected back to Balor of course, though she'd puzzled over what exactly they were for, "Mister Balor, do you like pokémon?" she'd simply asked, cocking her head to the side, curious and trying to make a guess as to what he'd had such a collection of notes for.



But I keep on running.
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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May 1st
6'3" height
6'3" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
15 posts
balor sen DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @balorsen
balor sen
And What Does This One Do?
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2024 16:21:10 GMT
balor sen Avatar
Balor would grab the notes that Roze picked up, letting out a 'thank you'before hearing her question. Balor had not really thought about Pokemon on how interested he were in them personally, but... "Pokemon are entities we have to live with every day. I treat them like how I treat my family..." Balor would say, a bit of a more indifferent look on his face would appear. "I usually avoid them if they don't interrupt my work." His mother and father did not participate in the 'Sen-D Cleaning Crew' business, being old and living in a comfortable home with their own pokemon, although relocated to another part of town as their home was somewhat affected by Regice. And his brother Liber, hm, well, Balor would try to actively avoid needing him until he really, really needed it.

"But it looks like you were looking at my notes. Yes... my employees have their own and I was taking notes on them while on my lunch break. They definitely have their uses..." Balor would look over as a Galar Wheezing would attempt to purify the dust around the worksite as a Machamp picked up rubble by the armloads and would deposit them in a wheelbarrow. Balor would look a little concerned, thinking about the implications of, 'Do Pokemon have worker's rights?' and 'Should I pay them extra for having Pokemon expediate the work?'.

"But in terms of... personal taste. I have no qualms either way, mostly because most pokemon tend to stay away from me." Balor would say, remembering multiple times in his childhood where he would approach some pokemon before they looked at him, looked scared and ran away. Those sad memories would quickly be washed away into the present, where all Balor did was work all day, especially with this disaster cleanup job.

"And what about you? Do you like pokemon?" Balor would ask, formulating a guess in his head that she would probably agree. She has some similarities to his brother, kind of. At least in terms of Pokemon anyway.

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Roze, Rosie
March 28
Hulbury, Galar
5'9 height
5'9 height
I would give anything, just to thank you.
117 posts
Roze Falkner DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @roze
Roze Falkner
And What Does This One Do?
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 8:35:48 GMT
Roze Falkner Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #333333; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #b0bfdd;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightimage"]background: url('https://i.imgur.com/Mx5GNkx.png'); height: 200px; background-position: center; background-size: cover; overflow: hidden;[/newclass]

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I stumble many times,
[break]I might just get hurt,


Roze hadn't actually picked up on the subtlety of Balor's statement, in that it might unfortunately be inferred that he tends to shy away from interacting with family as well as pokémon, she wasn't exactly the most street-wise individual, after all, her head far too high up in the clouds, and eager to learn more about the wonderful creatures that fill this world more than anything else.[break][break]

"Oh, my apologies, I was hoping to sort it out as best as I could while I was helping gather them up, and well, I couldn't help but notice," she'd apologised with a quaint smile, she was sincere but she was certainly curious. She'd practically lit up like a Tadbulb as the older gentleman had admitted that the worker's pokémon had their uses, taking it as a sign that he'd seen them in a nicer light.[break][break]

She'd almost flailed about, her one capable arm ready to swing about like that of a maestro at a performance, yet as she'd opened her mouth to speak, ready to relay the wonderful reliability of some of the pokémon she'd spotted, she'd been stopped by the man's comment that most pokémon tend to shy away from him. Almost deflating as quickly as she'd perked up.[break][break]

"Oh, well, I find pokémon to be wonderful, I'm a Pokémon Ranger here, mainly working on conservation of environs, and hoping to become a professor with expertise in that field," she'd smiled, "I've practically memorised the pokédex," she'd added further, her cheeriness returning, "there's many a pokémon out there though, Mister Balor, even if most might be startled, I'm sure there's just as many who'd love your company," she'd offered a word of encouragement. "Though it's certainly wonderful seeing the synergy of your workers and their pokémon, and it's wonderfully efficient how well you're utilising their strengths and habits!" She'd further complimented, unaware of Balor's situation.



But I keep on running.
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki


it's a long life full of long nights

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