[WOPS] - Genny and Rex

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Althus Rex
[WOPS] - Genny and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2024 18:56:50 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
After much contemplation, Rex had come to the conclusion that Metronome was a sham, his luck was terrible, and that all this time, Togepi was the lucky one. No, it wasn't just any luck. It was Super Luck.

Somehow, that made the young trainer feel worse. He was going to get throttled because in a cosmological throw of the dice, his Togepi had teleported him into the bowels of Sea Mauville. The nature preserve was already sinking, but to get teleported into the den of a raging, Terastallized Crawdaunt?

Forgetting rolling ones on the dice, he was rolling zeroes.

"You wanna go? I'll kick your ass! C'mere! Come at me!" The door behind him was locked. It meant that Rex and the only Pokémon that Togepi hadn't spared from teleportation was his Kirlia, bless his heart. "Go, Kirlia! Disarming Voice!"

With a weary glance and a sigh, Kirlia took a deep breath. He hated using this move. It was unbecoming of warrior, yet if Rex demanded it...

Another deep breath.


09. Use signaling methods to call for additional support.
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Genevieve Cromwell
[WOPS] - Genny and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2024 17:08:19 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

Just behind Rex, the locked door would quickly begin dissolving, as a grayish mercury-like metal began to chew away at the door itself. With each chomp away, it gave Genny a hole to look through. The signal for additional support have been followed to a T, and Genny, now able to see the young Trainer inside, responded with a smile.[break][break]

"I got you! Go, Keanu!" The little Pikachu hopped through the hole, the Pikachu yelling out with the threat to electrocute, confidence in the little sunglasses-wearing mouse.[break][break]

Genny was glad she had her vacation. The workaholic brain wasn't letting her rest, and Sea Mauville was no different. In fact, when gives her speech to show resilience in these trying times, and with his speech to stick together, it lifted her mood entirely. Two capable people in the League, that she could trust still.[break][break]

Her team had been a small group of five; three Water types, Keanu, and the Meltan that continued to make a bigger hole still, eating away.[break][break]

"Thunder Wave, Keanu! Lock the Crawdaunts down!" Without a second's delay, the Pikachu hops onto his tail, throwing out a shaka with his tiny hands, and releases a wave of electricity, to keep them at bay.



- SWIMSUIT[break]
- PROMPTS COMPLETE: 43. Force open a locked or barricaded door to access a critical area.[break]
- Genny's at the door after hearing the signal for escape, has Balmung the Meltan eat the metal, and gets Keanu through.[break]
- Keanu locks the Crawdaunt threat with some tasty THUNDER WAVE shennanigannery.



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March 13
Littleroot Town
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Althus Rex
[WOPS] - Genny and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2024 7:22:30 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
Holy shit. A cute girl with a Pikachu was rescuing him.

This was the best day of his life.

With the door blasted open and Meltan feasting upon it like a king dining at a banquet, Rex and his rescuer get to turn and dance with the crabs that desire feasting on bone and marrow. They're ugly buggers, but that's fine.

It just means that it's better practice.

"Eh? I didn't need the help, y'know! I can take them with my hands tied behind my back." Rex mimed throwing hands at the Crawdaunts, before grinning at the ranger. "But I appreciate the help! I'll try to leave you with some glory!"

Kirlia rolled his eyes to the heavens, as if wondering how Rex could be so shameless and arrogant. They had been together for years, and the young trainer was all talk. Whenever there was a yapping contest, Althus Rex came second to none. Still, the Littleroot survivor was his trainer.

That meant he had to try.

Another Disarming Voice erupted from the Kirlia's mouth with a screech, causing the Crawdaunts to cringe and collapse under Keanu's Thunder Wave. They did not rise, and Rex turned to face the ranger on the other side of the melting door.

"See? Easy!" Rex beamed at Genny with a grin. "I didn't-"

A Crawdaunt loomed over him, swinging its claw down in a Crabhammer.

02. Locate and free any trapped individuals.
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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
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Genevieve Cromwell
[WOPS] - Genny and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2024 15:45:45 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

Ah. The arrogant type. Genny had seen it before, but when she rolls her eyes in time with the Kirlia, the redhead continues to do her job while the door between her and the younger Trainer continues to open via metal-eating.[break][break]

While Keanu and the Kirlia seem to work together nice enough, the DISARMING VOICE and THUNDER WAVE providing a powerful combo, it's when the door opens, and Rex beams at Genny, that the redhead acts without thinking.[break][break]


The CRABHAMMER collides into the floor, where Genny had tackled into Rex to get him out of the water. In a split second after getting Rex away from the powerful hammer, Genny turns her head.[break][break]

"Cover me, Keanu! Everything you got!"[break][break]

Keanu engulfs in lightning, and speeds forth, moving to faint the Crawdaunt in one strike: VOLT TACKLE. The Crawdaunt didn't even stand a chance, even Terastillized, Keanu overpowered it with electrical Pikapower. As soon as Keanu lands, the Crawdaunt does too. On their face.[break][break]

Genny turns down towards Rex. "You okay?" She was on top of him, basically keeping him from getting hit again. Without self-awareness, she smiles down to him. "Elite Ranger Cromwell, at your service. And that-"[break][break]

The door falls open, as Balmung appears in the former frame, flexing its tiny mercury body.[break][break]

"-is our escape."



- SWIMSUIT[break]
- PROMPTS COMPLETE: 43. Force open a locked or barricaded door to access a critical area. | 47. Provide cover fire to protect team members from hostile pokemon or other threats.[break]
- Without thinking, Genny tackles into Rex to get him away from the CRABHAMMER. Genny calls for cover fire from Keanu. No limits. VOLT TACKLE.[break]
- From atop Rex, Genny asks if he's okay, introduces herself, and Balmung's handiwork; the door is now open, and they can make their way out.



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March 13
Littleroot Town
Wandering Trainer
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Althus Rex
[WOPS] - Genny and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2024 6:00:55 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
Meltan, devourer of doors and destroyer of handles, is a powerful entity. His strength is unrivaled by anyone in the world. Doors kneel before his unquenchable thirst and insatiable hunger.

Unfortunately, crabs are not metal. They consist of crab. That fact placed Genny and Rex in an unfortunate pickle. Without Meltan's might, they'd have to defeat the Crawdaunts in more traditional ways. Not a problem, given Rex was the best trainer in the world and Genny was the best sidekick in the world.

"Elite Ranger? They sent the big guns to help me! I appreciate the help and the save, but..." Rex squirmed from beneath Genny as the Crabhammer passed their heads by. If it weren't for Genny's quick thinking, Rex would've been crab food. "You're in my personal space!"

Not that he'd complain. Much, anyway.

"We can't escape. You don't get it, Cromwell. I'm not here to run." His eyes swam with fervor, the adrenaline of battle and war rushing through his veins. If he was an addict, then this was his fix. "We're gonna win."

He rolled the Elite Ranger to his side as the Crabhammer swung another strike over them. It struck Rex's Kirlia, who slammed into the wall with a moan.

-thanking Genny for the same, waxing introspection
-yapping about personal space
-refuses to escape, needs to fight
-Kirlia gets clapped
27. Handle encounters with hostile individuals or pokemon.
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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
[WOPS] - Genny and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2024 9:47:57 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

In his personal space? Rex would squirm beneath her, and while Genny's eyes blink wide, before she's pushed to the side as another CRABHAMMER comes to slap that Kirlia into the wall. Rex's mind was on victory, not on escape. The redhead stares. She can't deny that's not familiar. One Gym Battle, and a horde of tournament matches has her smile.[break][break]

"Sorry about the space. But understood!" She pulls herself to her feet, and eyes Keanu and Balmung, and nods. "Then win." She gives him a side glance, and points forward.[break][break]

"Balmung, armor up! Keanu, defense on the Kirlia!" Moments later, the Meltan is waving and blowing mercury raspberries at the big crab, melting with some ACID ARMOR, while Keanu flips onto his tail, providing the Kirlia a LIGHT SCREEN.[break][break]

It's her job to ensure more trainers like him succeed, no? That's what a future Champ should do.[break][break]

"Knock'em out."[break][break]

Stage is set for Rex now.



- SWIMSUIT, Track: Number One[break]
- PROMPTS COMPLETE: 43. Force open a locked or barricaded door to access a critical area. | 47. Provide cover fire to protect team members from hostile pokemon or other threats.[break]
- Rex keeps her from getting hammered too, and Genny thanks him. If he wants to win, she'll oblige. She knows the feeling.[break]
- One ACID ARMOR and taunting motion from Balmung, and a LIGHT SCREEN to help defend Kirlia. Genny sets up the field for Rex to succeed.



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March 13
Littleroot Town
Wandering Trainer
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Althus Rex DOLLARS
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Althus Rex
[WOPS] - Genny and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2024 18:18:29 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
The familiar sensation of armor wraps around Kirlia's form. It's a comforting feeling, garbing one's self in armor in an attempt to slay a dragon. Crabs do not compare, but it is a small step for a small Pokémon. Eventually, the dragons will fall.

It's not about tournaments. It's not about the Gym Challenge, though the distraction is momentary. It's about the thrill of waging war. The need to stand at the pinnacle.

Thus Kirlia rushes forward, plated from head to toe in ephemeral light.

The basement in Littleroot trembled under the weight of the war waged outside. There's a small crawl space hidden between the floorboards where other survivors had huddled with their Pokémon.

There were only two left, now. The rest had disappeared when the blue dragon outside had roared, lost to time forevermore.

"It's fine, I've got you. You're fine. We're fine. We're fine."

The young man wrapped his hands around his Kirlia and trembled, his eyes wide and alert. Even then, his Pokémon was clothed in armor. It just happened to be the body of another instead of screens made of light.

How long had they been down there? Hours? Days? Weeks?

"This is fine. When we get out, this'll never happen again. I'll make sure of it." Even then, the young man was defective. Lacking. Something important was vacant, and it was buried under cheerful smiles and bright eyes. "I'll make sure of it. Trust me."

The basement door creaked open as light shined in. Althus Rex looked down at his Kirlia, his eyes brimming with manic light.

"So help me out and be my knight, okay? That way we can live as we want."

"Do it! WIN!" Win. Spare them if needed, but win. "GO!"

The Light Screen melded with the Kirlia's body as limbs lengthened and elongated. As the Crawdaunt blinked, the fight ended as a Leaf Blade descended.


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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
[WOPS] - Genny and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 2:13:36 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

All that Kirlia needed was a little push. The Crawdaunt falls, the knight has made its impact, and all Genny can do is wipe her brow. This was what it must have been like for . This is probably how it is for any Champion. To help. To assist. To nurture and grow. If Genny stopped the Crawdaunt herself, sure it would be dealt with.[break][break]

But it wouldn't be enough. Letting him get the drive to win, letting him emerge victorious, was its own reward.[break][break]

A hand to her hip, she bends a bit as she whistles. "Nice work! I'm impressed!" she calls out, and with the relaxation of the meddlesome Crawdaunt threat, they could get to the most important thing. "Now that you've won though, we need to get moving. Come on." She walks by the Gallade, a hand outstretched to pat the Gallade on the shoulder. A new knight, born.[break][break]

"Don't be too slow. Kay?" Balmung and Keanu were now on her shoulders, and Genny didn't bother turning back. Rex could easily defend himself now.



- SWIMSUIT, Track: Number One[break]
- PROMPTS COMPLETE: 43. Force open a locked or barricaded door to access a critical area. | 47. Provide cover fire to protect team members from hostile pokemon or other threats.[break]
- With the battle's conclusion, Genny isn't needed. But, still. He needs to get moving before the room gets even more swarmed. The Crawdaunt would surely be fine.[break]
- Happy to teach a man to fish kinda scenario. Genny walks on, patting the Gallade on the back as she goes.



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Althus Rex
[WOPS] - Genny and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 23:53:20 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
He stared at the defeated Pokémon on the ground. It was not dead, merely unconscious. But there was nothing stopping him from finishing the deed. It had attacked him. It had hurt him.

It had pushed him and Gallade to greater heights.

The ultimate display of gratitude would be to offer it a warrior's death, unlike those that had disappeared from existence in the cellar he had hid in, waiting for the apocolypse to end.

Yet it is the sunny Genevieve that rouses him from his stupor. Her faith and her pride and her good spirit are what turned the young trainer to the die. As he did so, the impassive, apathetic face turned bright and smiling.

"Thank you, Cromwell! It was a hard fight, thanks for giving me the chance. Kir- Gallade thanks you too." The Gallade bowed to Genny in a mirror of a certain sheriff's Iron Valiant. Rex grinned, his eyes sparkling. He followed the ranger from the room. ""I could've taken them, though."

He was silent for a spell.

"It would've been too easy for you though, huh?"

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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
[WOPS] - Genny and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2024 1:41:48 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

The smile Rex gives her is mirrored back, and with the bow of the Iron Valiant, Balmung and Keanu do the same from their perk on her shoulders as Genny walks, and when Rex follows suit, commenting he could take the Crawdaunt, Genny responds.[break][break]

"I knew you could," she turns her head to look him over. No doubt, no lie, nothing to give Rex the wrong impression. She truly did believe it. He had the same look she did. He could've taken them out.[break][break]

"Maybe. But I believe that everyone needs a helping hand every now and then. They might've gotten the best of me, and then you would've come in."[break][break]

She doesn't have to look at him as she walks. She knew it was true. Inevitably, Hoenn should be able helping one another. A person in trouble could be saved by one hero, but a group of people can do so much more. Divided they cannot stand, but in unity, they can change the world. They can see the future they want to see.[break][break]

"And please. Just call me Genny." She turns her head, and gives him the biggest grin she can, as she tucks a strand of hair behind her left ear.



- SWIMSUIT, Track: Number One[break]
- PROMPTS COMPLETE: 43. Force open a locked or barricaded door to access a critical area. | 47. Provide cover fire to protect team members from hostile pokemon or other threats.[break]
- While Althus is probably correct in that Genny COULD have taken the Crawdaunt, she knew that Althus could do it. Sometimes people need a helping hand. Even her.[break]
- Ending the thread, Genny turns on her heel, and tells Althus to call her Genny. BIG smile.



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[WOPS] - Genny and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2024 21:30:28 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]WOPS COMPLETE!



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