zippity zappity! [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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julie, heidi hemlock
february six
lilycove city
all i need are things i like!
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TAG WITH @julian
zippity zappity! [m]
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 19:12:14 GMT
one minute she's in civilization, the next minute she's... arceus even knows where. displaced, julian takes a step back, rubbing her eyes and pinching herself to make sure she's not dreaming. the surrealness of the situation gives her pause, at least until there's a bolt of lightning that strikes perilously close to her, and she shrieks and runs. where to, she doesn't know. except for the strikes of lightning that cause the electricity to flare up, the world is dark.

julian will just have to keep moving. terrified, they make their way through the valley, hugging themself tightly to try and keep calm. it doesn't work.

after a couple minutes of wandering, they see a dark shape closing in on them. instinctively, their hand grabs a pokeball at random and throws it out. "GO AWAY!" julian cries, not realizing it is, in fact, another lost human being in front of her. her salandit appears, arching its back and hissing at the intruder. "I-I'M WARNING YOU!"

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rat bastard
April 2nd
Kanto idk
fern's assistant / artist
I'm not much a poet, but a criminal and you never had a chance
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Anton Belov DOLLARS
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Anton Belov
zippity zappity! [m]
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 19:39:26 GMT
Anton Belov Avatar
[attr="class","mango rocketchar"]

Had he not left the sub feeling perfectly sober, he might have mistaken this to be some trippy intoxicated dream. It did cause for an unwarranted hangover effect, as static crackled across his skin and a headache needled between his temples. "Fuck, what did I do now?" It was not so unexpected that he had managed to screw up the literal universe. He didn't think reality often acted out of spite, but it wouldn't be the first time.
Anton could have done with out all the lightning and the shrieking. His fierce and loyal Mightyena, Dogbreath, was also terrified of thunder and had vanished into the mist and electrical vapor... so that was just great. "Damn it, where did you go?" What he found was not his eighty-pound snaggle-toothed dog, but a girl. A very colorful girl, which didn't seem quite right in this bleak landscape. A lizard hissed up at him. "You mind keeping your voice down? Of course, I get stuck in here with an e-girl." He rubbed at the headache. "Have you seen a really ugly mightyena, bout yay tall? Looks like she got hit by a truck." He motioned in the air around his hip level.

[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


[newclass=".rocketchar"] --accent:#7C6678!important [/newclass]
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played by


julie, heidi hemlock
february six
lilycove city
all i need are things i like!
37 posts
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TAG WITH @julian
zippity zappity! [m]
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 2:35:32 GMT
julian's too outraged to manage their usual stutter. "AN E-GIRL!?" their salandit looks back at them questioningly, now more confused than anything. julian folds their arms and turns away. "...it's true, but he shouldn't say it," they quote to themself. then they turn back to anton, scowling at him. "n-no, it's just... you, me, and-- and a whole bunch of..." lightning strikes again near her, and she can't help but let out another shriek, jumping.

she looks back at anton. an unknown factor, but she thinks she'll take the man over the lightning this time around. "f-fine... we'll..." now she can hardly get the words out. she rubs the hem of her sleeves between thumb and forefinger, looking down, unable to meet his gaze. "w-work... together..." julian mumbles, just barely audible. this is the worst! THE WORST! at least lightning won't treat me like a freak!

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rat bastard
April 2nd
Kanto idk
fern's assistant / artist
I'm not much a poet, but a criminal and you never had a chance
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Anton Belov DOLLARS
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Anton Belov
zippity zappity! [m]
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2024 17:06:07 GMT
Anton Belov Avatar
[attr="class","mango rocketchar"]

"A loud one too..." He muttered, none too careful to hide the insult. Anton had never once bothered to hide his opinion of things, even when assistance might have been necessary. Granted, more often than not, it was more snark than malice.
With Dogbreath missing, he didn't have time or energy to go making enemies willy nilly. Or at least, with actual effort. She didn't seem too bad, at least. Even if he were the last person in the world to go throwing around insults or judgments. An eyebrow twitched as she worked through what looked like a deeply troubled inner battle. "Right... great. Glad to hear we don't have to kill each other." A brief pause, before adding. "Although if we stay here any longer I might have to resort to cannibalism to survive." Okay, so a nasty game to play on her.
Even then he said nothing else before moving on. "Hey! Doofus, where are you?" He called for his mightyena, knowing the damn thing was probably hiding under something. "She doesn't like storms." She might have been the most worthless Mightyena in the world, but she was his worthless mutt.

[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


[newclass=".rocketchar"] --accent:#7C6678!important [/newclass]
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played by


julie, heidi hemlock
february six
lilycove city
all i need are things i like!
37 posts
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TAG WITH @julian
zippity zappity! [m]
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2024 18:40:15 GMT
"not if i eat you first," julian grumbles. she, too, remains silent until they've moved on, and anton is calling his dog once more. julian plays with her twintails, trying to avoid the random bouts of lightning that hit close to them. libra walks alongside them, not nearly as bothered by the environment. why are we even looking for his stupid mightyena? julian wonders. i guess we're more likely to get out of here alive if we stick together, but...

oh, hell. "wh-where does she usually hide when she's, uh, scared like this...?" they ask. their surroundings are so painfully alien, but maybe they can track her down if they try to think like her. where would julian go if she wanted to hide from a storm...? somewhere closer to the ground, probably. or indoors... "m-maybe she went into one of those power plants...?" they point across the horizon, at a decrepit building that looks like it's long been abandoned. it's worth a shot, right?

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played by


rat bastard
April 2nd
Kanto idk
fern's assistant / artist
I'm not much a poet, but a criminal and you never had a chance
17 posts
Anton Belov DOLLARS
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Anton Belov
zippity zappity! [m]
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2024 18:59:55 GMT
Anton Belov Avatar
[attr="class","mango rocketchar"]

Okay, admittedly that made him laugh. Really more of a snort, actually. Maybe a chortle. Not too impressed by her ability to snipe back. Not at all, but at least she could keep up with him.
He might have asked why she was deciding to stick with him, as he wouldn't have done the same with her. Strength in numbers wasn't a personal philosophy as Anton was often more the solitary sort.
"Well I can't imagine there are any coffee tables out here." She had demolished his last coffee table, being such a massive dolt. He noticed the building around the same time as the girl. "Looks about right." Dark and creepy were not among the list of things that scared his mightyena, but the lightning did. "Probably best to get out of the storm anyway."

[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


[newclass=".rocketchar"] --accent:#7C6678!important [/newclass]
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played by


julie, heidi hemlock
february six
lilycove city
all i need are things i like!
37 posts
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TAG WITH @julian
zippity zappity! [m]
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2024 1:31:32 GMT
she can only hope that building is safer than being out here. who knows what else is taking shelter from the lightning out here? still, they have nowhere else to go, so they'll just have to brave it, with julian trailing after anton, complaining that he's going too fast and her short legs can't keep up.

when they arrive, though, she seems less concerned with the fact that she's entering behind him. if something's going to jump out, better him than her, she figures. at least there's no electricity... something has to have built this place, though. that's what concerns julian most of all. so far this land has seemed impossibly alien, but here there's signs there once was life here.

something hits the ground with a 'clunk' off in the distance. julian jumps, squeaking. "w-w-was that her!?"

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rat bastard
April 2nd
Kanto idk
fern's assistant / artist
I'm not much a poet, but a criminal and you never had a chance
17 posts
Anton Belov DOLLARS
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Anton Belov
zippity zappity! [m]
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2024 18:29:50 GMT
Anton Belov Avatar
[attr="class","mango rocketchar"]

He wasn't scared.
No way, he wasn't a little scared bitch. Yet, admittedly, the last thing he wanted to do was enter the building. Getting shocked by lightning seemed even less of a good idea at the time. So, he was somewhat careful, stepping into the dilapidated darkness.
"Damn it, dogbreath." He muttered under his breath. Still, not scared. Not even a little bit.
"How the hell should I know??" He squawked, taking a step forward. Any moment, he expected something to leap out at him. Only it was, luckily, his flea-bitten mangy mightyena. She leapt up against him, foul breath in his face. "Ugh, get off. You're mouth reeks."
Something else clattered on the other end of the power plant. "That wasn't her..." Clearly, dumbass.

[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


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played by


julie, heidi hemlock
february six
lilycove city
all i need are things i like!
37 posts
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TAG WITH @julian
zippity zappity! [m]
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2024 4:12:24 GMT

"AUGH!" the mightyena surprises julian too, the girl leaping back in fright, shielding herself with her arms. it's only when anton's words sink in that she looks up, eyes wide. so they found her, which means they get to go home, right? RIGHT?[break][break]

but that doesn't explain the clang in the distance. it gets closer, and julian shivers. "it's... there's something coming..." she doesn't even want to imagine what it is. some sort of alien abomination? one of those megalopolans she's been hearing about, ready to kidnap them and do foul experiments on them? whatever it is, it gets closer, and closer...[break][break]

the fiend reveals itself. julian flinches, but when she looks again, her fear actually quells. it's a magnezone-- just a magnezone. it looks pissed as hell that its space is being invaded, but... "i-it's a pokemon," julian says in disbelief. "and if it's a pokemon... that means we can beat it!" there's relief in her voice.[break][break]

she looks at her salandit, who nods, already in a battle stance. julian points a finger. "toxic!"


[attr="class","bottom"]now i'm afraid of losing, so i shut myself in.[break]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cloud-moon"]

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it's a long life full of long nights

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP